Literature Review Ikmal

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Individual Assignment

Article Review:

Web Content Management Systems as a Support Service in Academic

Library Websites: An Investigation of the World-class Universities in 2012-2022

Prepared by:

Muhamad Ikmal Aizzat bin Mohd Aseri (2022786027)



Prepared for:

Ts. Dr. Khalid Abdul Wahid


31st October 2023

ARTICLE TITLE: Web Content Management Systems as a Support Service in Academic

Library Websites: An Investigation of the World-class Universities in 2012-2022.

He, X., & Huo, Y. (2023). Web Content Management Systems as a Support Service in

Academic Library Websites: An Investigation of the World-class Universities in 2012–

2022. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(3), 102716–102716.

1.0 Introduction

In the dynamic landscape of higher education, academic libraries play a

pivotal role as custodians of knowledge. Academic libraries play a crucial role in supporting
the teaching, learning, and research missions of universities. In recent years, academic
libraries have increasingly relied on Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) to deliver
their services and resources to users. This article review explores the part of WCMS in
academic libraries, with a focus on their use in world-class universities from 2012 to 2022.

2.0 Problem Statement

Over the past decade, the proliferation of digital resources and the ever-
increasing demand for online accessibility have underscored the need for academic libraries
to evolve continuously. However, academic libraries webmaster has been limited while
WCMS offers numerous advantages. Also, academic libraries face challenges that include
selecting the appropriate WCMS, training staff, ensuring accessibility and usability, and
managing ongoing maintenance and upgrades. Security and data privacy are critical concerns
when handling user data and digital resources. They offer numerous benefits, but also come
with challenges related to selection, training, security, and accessibility. The past decade has
witnessed significant developments in the use of WCMS, and future directions suggest even
more integration of advanced technologies to enhance user experience and library services.

3.0 Objectives

A Web Content Management System is a software platform that allows

organizations to create, manage, and publish digital content on the web. The overarching
objective of this study is to scrutinize the role of WCMS in shaping the virtual landscape of
academic libraries and the extent to which they have contributed to the success of world-class
universities in the past decade. By examining the evolution of these systems, the adoption of
emerging technologies, and the impact on user engagement and satisfaction, we aim to gain
valuable insights into the state of academic library websites within the world's top institutions
of higher learning.

4.0 Literature Review

Through an in-depth analysis of selected world-class universities and their

utilization of WCMS, this research seeks to identify best practices, challenges, and
opportunities in the quest to improve library services. By synthesizing this knowledge, we
can shed light on the ways in which academic libraries can remain at the forefront of
information dissemination, research support, and user interaction. World-class universities
are attentive to user experience and accessibility standards. They invest in design, navigation,
and mobile responsiveness to ensure that students, faculty, and researchers can access library
services and resources seamlessly. As we delve into the nuances of WCMS implementation
and innovation, we also contribute to the broader conversation about the evolving role of
libraries in the digital age. This literature review seeks to provide valuable insights into the
evolution and impact of Web Content Management Systems on academic library websites,
specifically those within world-class universities. By analysing user-friendliness, website
usability, web page responsiveness, accessibility, and other variables, this study aims to
contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of WCMS in optimizing the performance and
user experience of academic library websites.

5.0 Research Methodology

A Web Content Management System is a software platform that allows

organizations to create, manage, and publish digital content on the web. This research uses
quantitative method by questionnaire and survey using software to analyse relationship
between Web Content Management Systems and academic libraries in the context of world-
class universities. The decade spanning 2012 to 2022 has witnessed a substantial
transformation in how universities engage with their stakeholders, with a particular emphasis
on digital platforms.

6.0 Findings

Questions: What is the application status of WCMS software in global

academic libraries revealed that world-class universities in the 2012–2022 period employed a
diverse range of WCMS software for their academic library websites. These institutions used
a mix of open-source and proprietary WCMS, each tailored to their specific needs.
Qualitative analysis indicated that universities prioritized WCMS customization to enhance
the user experience. Custom templates, content personalization, and user-friendly interfaces
were common strategies used to engage students and researchers effectively. The study found
that universities were proactive in ensuring the accessibility and usability of their academic
library websites. WCMS software was configured to comply with accessibility standards such
as BuiltWith Tool to make the websites more inclusive and user-friendly.

7.0 Recommendations

WCMS provides an effective platform for managing and publishing

information material in academic libraries, allowing academics to collaborate on the
production, editing, publication, and management of digital content while adhering to
rigorous administrative guidelines. Then, encourage world-class universities to explore and
implement content personalization features within their Web Content Management Systems.
Tailoring content to individual user preferences can enhance user engagement and
satisfaction. Furthermore, encourage world-class universities to collaborate and share their
experiences, findings, and best practices with the wider academic library community to foster
a culture of continuous improvement.

8.0 Significance of study

This research holds great significance in the realm of academic libraries by

delving into the dynamic world of Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) and their
pivotal role in academic library websites at world-class universities. By focusing on this elite
group of institutions over a decade, the study offers a unique opportunity to uncover essential
insights that can shape the future of academic library services. Understanding how WCMS
contributes to the inclusivity and accessibility of these websites is of particular significance.
The findings could propel academic libraries toward setting new accessibility standards and
ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can fully access and benefit from
their digital resources. As a result, this study will have a significant impact on the adoption of
technology, accessibility, user-cantered design, and the general quality of services provided
by academic libraries. In the end, this will help educational institutions all over the world in
their endeavours to provide better support services via Web Content Management Systems.

9.0 Limitation of study

A potential drawback of this study is that it focuses exclusively on world-class

universities, which may not fully represent the experiences of institutions in nations that are
underdeveloped. on adopting and implementing Web Content Management Systems
(WCMS) on academic library websites. These less developed areas may face unique
problems and resource limits, and their specialized demands and experiences may differ
dramatically from those of world-class universities.


Last but not least, Web Content Management Systems have become an
indispensable tool for academic libraries, especially in world-class universities, in delivering
services and resources to users. The research, which spans a decade, explores the multifaceted
role of Web Content Management Systems (WCMS) within the web services of prestigious
universities, shedding light on their impact and potential for improvement. Nonetheless, this
study serves as a beacon for academic libraries worldwide, guiding them toward best
practices, improved service delivery, and knowledge sharing. It sets the stage for future
research, encouraging a deeper understanding of WCMS's role and potential in academic
libraries Ultimately, it reinforces the idea that through diligent research towards commitment
to excellence. An academic library can continue to evolve and thrive in an increasingly digital
and interconnected world.


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