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da rules:

Most circles have riddles reward and punishment vary

Get to da pienk secrield at the end who ever has gone to it will win
You move via dice

Le map:

what da circles do
grey circle= shop
Blue circle= +10 gold if right answer -10 gold if not
Red circle= -15 gold
Purple circle = 1v1 whoever says the right answer wins and gets 20 gold
from the loser
Purple road = can cross if the player hasn't crossed it for the past 5 turns
if they have then they can’t cross it
Lavender circle (the one next to the jail) = +10 gold if right answer if not then
they get forced into the nearest grey
Red road = one way
Green circle = starting area
Dark green circle = double if correct, you get nothing if wrong
Dark red circle = free for all same whoever says the right answer wins and gets (60/N) gold
from the losers
N = the amount of players that are playing
Pink circle = costs 50 gold for 1 flamingo

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