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Student Name: David Culloty

ID: G00380167

Subject: Graphics Topic(s): Pictorial drawing (isometric)

Pupil Year Group: Second year No. of Pupils: 9
Lesson Number: 16 Length of lesson: 80 mins
Date: 28/11/23 Time of Lesson: 9 am


Previous Knowledge

• Constructed models.
• Students have completed drawing board exercises and have created isometric drawings.

Previous Skills

• Students have very good skills developed in the use of graphical equipment including the set
square and T-square.
• Have constructed models, questions, and completed activity sheets.
• Their neatness and presentation are of a good standard.

Teacher Observations (previous lesson)

• The students have created and rendered isometric drawings.


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson, and why these teaching KEY*
methodologies were selected- a justification.

• The students will apply their understanding of geometric principles to solve RL

drawing board exercises and activity sheets that will help them visualize the
manipulation of 3D objects.
• The students will communicate the progression of ideas and thinking during NL
the course of an activity using a variety of media.
• Assessment - Drawing board exercises, Models, Revision activity and activity
*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning

*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.6 Apply their understanding of geometric principles to solve problems

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will .
be enabled to: Self-assessment –
o Create isometric drawings of observation. Process and give form to the
objects. Teacher assessment - objects.

2.4 Appreciate the role of 3D graphics in the creation of solutions

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will
be enabled to: Self-assessment – Enhance the drawing with

o Apply a variety of rendering observation. either pencil or colour

techniques to enhance the Teacher assessment - shading.

communication of the solution. observation.

1.8 Communicate the progression of ideas and thinking during the course of an activity using a
variety of media

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s KEY
At the end of this lesson the students will
be enabled to:
Self-assessment – Solutions completed neatly
o Construct 3D solutions accurately observation. and accurately in a
in accordance with graphical Teacher assessment - diagrammatic form.
conventions. observation.



The teacher informs students that Routine - Students enter the room MA
0 - 5 min
they will continue on with in an orderly fashion, they take up
isometric drawing. their assigned seats. They sit quietly CL
and wait for the teacher.
Students realize that they will
continue on with isometric


Recap on previous Lesson MA

5 - 10 min
1. Create an isometric drawing of CL
an object (crows foot).
2. Apply rendering. The students will answer… GI
3. Construct 3D solutions neat and
Reinforced learning – isometric
The students are watching
Question – use the subtracting presentation on board and get
10 – 20 min parts from an isometric drawing involved….
method to create an isometric
drawing of the objects.

Key questions: (LO and HO)

1. Why do we draw lines in both

directions left and right
(crows Foot). MA
2. What is the height of the
isometric. CL
3. Explain why we subtract a
part from the isometric. The students will answer… GI
4. Explain why we darken in the
finished detail.
5. What if we leave in the light G
6. What did you learn today?
20 – 35 min Students are doing……. MA

The teacher walks around the room Students construct solutions CL

observing and monitoring students. accurately in accordance with
graphical conventions. GI

The students complete the G

question …

Positive comment – well done.

35 – 45 min Reinforced learning – rendering.

The students are watching
Key questions: (LO and HO) presentation on rendering and get
involved…. CL
1. Why does rendering make an
object more realistic. Explain GI
2. Why do we choose a direction
for the light when rendering, O
Explain. The students will answer… G
3. What would happen if you did
not choose a direction of light.
4. Which method of rendering did
you apply? Explain.
5. What approach to rendering
worked best today. Explain.
6. What did you learn today? Students are doing……. MA
45 – 55 min
Students construct/render 3D CL
solutions accurately in accordance
The teacher walks around the room with graphical conventions. GI
observing and monitoring students.
The students complete the G
rendering …
Positive comment – well done.

Question/s – use the subtracting Students are doing…….

55 – 70 min MA
parts from an isometric drawing
method to create an isometric Students construct/render 3D
solutions accurately in accordance CL
drawing of the objects.
with graphical conventions.
The students complete the
The teacher walks around the room G
observing and monitoring students.

Positive comment – well done.

70 – 75 min Recap
The teacher recaps on the lesson
by reinforcing the learning Students listen to recap, and
intentions and having a question answer teachers’ questions and get
and answering session. involved in the discussion.
The teacher encourages students to
get involved in the discussion. CL
The teacher will ask the quieter
students questions. GI

1. Create an isometric drawing
of the object. G
The students will answer…
2. Apply rendering.
3. Construct 3D solutions neat
and accurate.

The teacher will have a positive

comment. Well done class, looking Thanks sir…………
forward to the next lesson.


75 - 80 min Teacher signposts that we continue

on with pictorial drawing in the
next lesson.
Students are doing……. MA
Tidy up - quick and snappy.
Students tidy up. CL
The teacher informs students to
start tidying up. Students finish tidying up. GI

Positive comment - great tidy up. O

The teacher organizes an orderly
exit from the classroom.
Students exit class in an orderly

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability, CL=
Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.

Pictorial Drawing

Outline opening, learning and closure activities


School Visits OR Live Streamed Assessments

Module: SP3 Repeat / SP4 (please highlight)

Programme BSc (Hons) in Education (Design, Graphics and Construction)

Tutor’s Name: Lloyd SCOTT

Student’s Name: David Culloty

School: Rathmore Community School

Observation Type In-person visit / Live-streamed / Professional Dialogical Review (please highlight)

Reviewed lesson: NO. PUPILS: 09 (3 female) 16 present SUBJECT: Wood Tech 2nd A(S):

Date: 28/11/23

REVIEWED LESSON(S): FEEDBACK ON CORE SKILLS (please tick or highlight)

Core Skills (as evidenced by the type of observation) Poor Fair Good Very Excellent

Preparation & Planning: Knows pupils’ names; seating plan; SP files are fully X
up to date, detailed lesson plan, variety of professional original lesson resources
that are source referenced (author’s name).
Lesson Structure: 1. Set induction (orderly start, recap, learning intentions & X
plan for the lesson), 2. A planned series of new active learning activities & 3.
Closure (reinforcement of learning, active recap, homework, tidy, orderly exit).

Teacher Presence & Communication Skills: Respectful command of the X

learning; demonstrates competence and confidence, clearly breaks down the
new learning, reinforces learning throughout the lesson, clear instructions and
explanations; examples.

Classroom Management: Clear rules & routines, clear instructions, orderly X

transitions, positive working climate, applies code of behaviour. Positive
approach to health and safety.

Numeracy, Literacy, Oracy & Graphicacy: plans for N, L, O & G strategies X

which are visibly and explicitly promoted in ALL lessons.

Active Teaching Strategies: Uses a variety of active teaching strategies for X

recaps and new learning – introduces new strategies weekly.

Differentiated Learning – Planning for difference. Mixed Ability, GLD (General X

Learning Difficulties), SEN (Special Education Needs)- research signs and
symptoms & strategies for the classroom.

Universal Design for Learning - UDL-friendly resources, selected UDL X

strategies and reflection on effectiveness.

Inclusion - Gender & Intercultural Inclusion observations and strategies. X

Technical Competence: Best practice skills demonstrated and promoted; no X

subject-specialist errors; design-led teaching & learning.

Assessment Strategies: Assessment FOR Learning- monitoring/formative X

feedback/exit cards/self & peer assessment rubrics; Assessment OF Learning-
summative grading/class exams & exam paper questions /criterion-based
assessment, etc.

Creativity & Innovation: Skilled use of various educational technologies; X

creative and innovative approaches to teaching and assessment.

Health & Safety: Posters; Reinforcing practical classroom safety; COVID X

procedures aligned with school policy. As highlighted above, good reference to
health and safety in class.

Reflective Practice- lessons: End-of-lesson appraisals, for each lesson, X

bringing reflections into the next lesson plan (in the prior observations and
rationale boxes);

Reflective Practice- weekly: weekly critical reflections show dialogue with X

teachers/tutors and literature research. Demonstrating UDL, i.e., exploring a
variety of reflection modalities: guiding questions, podcast, video, dialogical
reflection with peers, etc. Progressively more experimental from years 2 to 4,
and creative approaches distinguish year 4.

e-Portfolio: Linked to the Master Excel and showcasing best weekly X

examples of SP4 work; professional, aesthetics excellent, variety,
innovation: grids, lessons, resources, activities, reflections. Appropriate
school consent, where required.

SP4 ONLY: Action Research Project. Achieved appropriate school X

consents; 3 data gathering processes-rigour and ethics; reflection on the
challenges and benefits of AR in teaching; understanding of the ‘teacher-
as-researcher'; a link in the folder to the data gathered- as evidence.


(ATU SP Tutors add headings of their choice: 3-5 ideally)

A very professional encounter, you are doing exceptionally well and I really enjoyed my visit to see a final
year student who has fleshed out their work and appears to have the learner at the centre of the
experience. A really solid portfolio, backed up with evidence of reflection and detailed planning.

I like that you had samples of the classwork you were doing ready at the back of the room for me to cast
my eye over.

Planning and preparation are the cornerstone to significant learning experiences for our learners, you did
this extremely and the evidence in your portfolio are many. I really like your work around building the
technical difficulty for your learners. Graphic Communication lends itself to structure and you have a
depth of knowledge in the subject but you also have the capacity to bring the students along the road
from basic principles to expanding on to do more technical problems. This is a special quality to be
developing at this stage of your journey.

It was such a pleasure to witness how David has integrated the feedback from the previous SP tutor. David
has reflected fully on that feedback and it was heartening to experience at the 40 minute point, students
being offered a comfort break as per the recommendations in the previous SP visit. Attention to detail was
ever present.

David has really begun well on his journey as an educator and his calm but confident presence will stand
him in good stead as he progress through his professional life.


(ATU SP Tutors add headings of their choice: 3-5 ideally)

Keep doing what you are doing – maybe clearly map out some of the links to other aspects in the subject
areas. For example, we discussed bringing in the use of orthographic projection
Your reflective practice is very good, you have the potential to delve deeper into this rewarding and
productive practice. As discussed, maybe reflect deeper on how you do/can make within the school, thus
addressing the more holistic role of the educator. An aside to this might be focusing on the UDL learner
and how you might impact on them.


(For the attention of ALL - please read carefully)

1. FORMATIVE FEEDBACK: The school placement evaluation is formative and intended for your
improvement during SP. It will also form the basis of SP Tutor Reviews, post-lesson. Student teachers
must take detailed notes during the post lesson review and implement suggestions.
2. SP ASSESSMENT REPORT: Tutors to upload the SP Assessment report to the student’s One Drive
reports folder, within three working days, and are to email the students, informing them that the
report is uploaded, and asking them to hyperlink to the Excel administration page.
3. SUMMATIVE GRADE: For equity, ALL students will be summatively graded by SP tutors AFTER
placement, in the same manner, with a particular focus on: 1) SP PLANNING FILES, 2) CLASSROOM
4. GENERAL PERFORMANCE INDICATOTOR. Following the SP lesson assessment, a general indicator of
performance is provided, to be seen as a tentative guide only:

Potential FAIL Potential PASS Potential HONS Potential HIGHER HONS


Definite high honours capability, it was a pleasure to visit David and watch how he has implemented his

*NOTE: The above indicator of performance may be revised. This is merely an initial impression of
performance. In line with reflective practice, supervisors are subsequently required to reflect more deeply
upon the experience, analyse its components more thoroughly, and dialogue with other supervisors before
coming to a final assessment, which may or may not differ from the original.

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