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obesity reviews doi: 10.1111/obr.


Pediatric Obesity

Parenting styles and body mass index: a systematic

review of prospective studies among children

R. L. Sokol,1 B. Qin2 and J. M. Poti3

Department of Health Behavior, University of Summary
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Background: Parenting style may be an important determinant of an individual’s
USA, 2 Population Science, Rutgers Cancer future weight status. However, reviews that evaluate the relationship between par-
Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, enting style and weight-related outcomes have not focused on prospective studies.
USA, and 3 Department of Nutrition, University Methods: We systematically searched PubMed, Embase and PsychInfo for stud-
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, ies published between 1995 and 2016 that evaluated the prospective relationship
NC, USA between parenting style experienced in childhood and subsequent weight
Received 5 September 2016; revised 28 Results: We identified 11 prospective cohort studies. Among the eight studies that
November 2016; accepted 29 November 2016 categorized parenting style into distinct groups (i.e. authoritative, authoritarian,
permissive and neglectful), five provided evidence that authoritative parenting
Address for correspondence: Dr. JM Poti, was associated with lower body mass index gains. Among the six highest quality
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 137 studies, four suggested a protective role of authoritative parenting style against ad-
East Franklin Street, Carolina Population verse weight-related outcomes. However, only one study controlled for a compre-
Center, CB #8120, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA. hensive set of confounders, and the small number of studies conducted within
E-mail: certain age groups precluded our ability to ascertain critical periods when parenting
style is most strongly related to child weight.
Conclusions: The present literature supports the idea that authoritative parent-
ing may be protective against later overweight and obesity, although findings are
mixed. More prospective cohort studies of longer durations, with more sophisti-
cated methods that examine age-varying relationships, and that control for a
comprehensive set of confounders, are needed.
Keywords: Children, dietary intake, obesity, parenting style.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; LSAC, Longitudinal Study of Australian

Children; SECCYD, Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development.

Introduction during childhood, these individuals are more likely to remain

obese in adulthood and suffer associated health complica-
Obesity among children has negative mental and physical tions (3). Considering approximately 17% of US children
repercussions, which are both immediate and delayed. are obese (4), these costs are substantial.
Obesity is associated with concurrent low self-esteem, The family environment influences the formation of
depression, stigma and decreased quality of life (1). health practices that persist throughout life (5–8). There-
However, obesity’s most significant impacts may not be fore, we need to further understand the evidence regarding
realized until after an individual exits youth. The onset of how the family context influences weight-related outcomes –
physical disorders – such as type 2 diabetes – in obese and parenting styles are part of this context (9). Parenting
children results in an acceleration of disease later in style describes the general interactions between a parent
life (2,3). Even when such conditions do not emerge and child. Initially defined by Baumrind in 1966 and

© 2017 World Obesity Federation Obesity Reviews

2 Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al. obesity reviews

expanded upon by Maccoby and Martin, four parenting neglectful parenting and higher rates of depression and
styles occur along two dimensions: responsiveness and de- poorer psychosocial development (15,22). The psychologi-
mandingness, sometimes also referred to as warmth and cal outcomes of self-control, depression and psychosocial
control (10,11). Responsiveness entails nurturing and development are each associated with physical activity and
warmth, whereas demandingness is characterized by estab- eating habits (12–14). Thus, parenting style may have a role
lishing and enforcing boundaries. The four general parental in establishing life-long healthy diet and activity habits that
styles include the responsive but demanding authoritative influence later weight status.
parents, the unresponsive and demanding authoritarian However, reviews that evaluate the relationship between
parents, the responsive and undemanding permissive par- parenting styles and weight-related outcomes have not
ents and the neither responsive nor demanding neglectful focused on prospective cohort studies; rather, they have
parents (Fig. 1) (10,11). largely evaluated cross-sectional evidence (23,24). In 2011,
Parenting styles are important to study in the context of Sleddens and colleagues published a systematic review
childhood obesity because: (i) parenting styles are correlated regarding the relationship between parenting style and
with outcomes that impact eating behaviors and physical weight-related behaviors and outcomes. Of the 36 studies
activity; and (ii) their classification schema provides a clear included in this review, only seven were prospective cohort
intervention target. Although not all, some prospective studies (23). In another review, Vollmer and colleagues iden-
and cross-sectional studies have demonstrated associations tified 40 studies regarding the influence of parenting style
between experienced parenting style and various psycholog- on childhood obesogenic behaviors and body weight, of
ical outcomes that influence physical activity and eating be- which eight were prospective (14). Based on primarily
haviors (12–14), including self-control, depression and risk- cross-sectional evidence, both reviews suggested that chil-
taking behaviors (15–17). Our hypotheses regarding how dren raised in authoritative homes had lower body mass in-
parenting style influences weight status are best understood dex (BMI) levels compared to children raised with other
through the influence of parenting style on self-regulation. styles (14,23). These reviews also concluded that a focus
According to the resource model of self-control (18), when on prospective studies is needed to better understand these
a child’s innate self-regulatory responses are over-ridden relationships (14,23,25). Cross-sectional data bear several
by parental constraints, the child depletes her or his capacity limitations, including the inability to establish temporality.
to exercise self-control; this depletion carries into various Scholars suggest that the relationships between parenting
self-control domains, including eating behaviors and physi- and child weight are bi-directional (25–28), and thus a ma-
cal activity patterns. Applying Baumrind’s and Maccoby jor limitation of this literature is its inability to describe the
and Martin’s definition of parenting styles (10,11), con- interplay between parenting styles and obesity risk.
straints could include: (i) insufficient opportunities to exert Additional prospective cohort studies have been con-
self-regulation as characterized by the low demandingness ducted in this area since Sleddens’ and Vollmer’s reviews
of neglectful or permissive parents; and (ii) too many expec- were published. Moreover, reviews in this area have focused
tations that override child self-control as characterized by on weight-related behaviors in general rather than weight
the unresponsive demandingness of authoritarian parents. outcomes specifically. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to
Indeed, observational studies have supported this resource provide a comprehensive review of the existing prospective
model of self-control and demonstrated the associations of cohort studies that examine the relationship between par-
permissive, neglectful and authoritarian parenting with enting styles and subsequent weight-related outcomes.
low self-control (19–21), as well as the relationship between Through this aim, we seek to answer two questions: (i) is
authoritative parenting and high self-control (15–17,22). authoritative parenting associated with less BMI gains and
Studies have also demonstrated an association between lower likelihood of later overweight/obesity compared to

Figure 1 Parenting style matrix.

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obesity reviews Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al. 3

authoritarian, permissive and neglectful parenting styles; exclude the study, all three reviewers discussed the article
and (ii) are there critical ages where parenting style has a and came to a consensus.
more pronounced association with later weight outcomes? After reviewing the full texts of studies, the research team
developed a data extraction tool to capture the necessary in-
formation, and extraction fields included: study and partic-
Methods ipants’ characteristics, assessment methods of parenting
style and weight-related outcome, statistical methods and
Search strategy findings. To answer our first research question – Is authori-
Studies in this review evaluated the prospective relationship tative parenting associated with less BMI gains and lower
between parenting style experienced in childhood and sub- likelihood of overweight/obesity? – we extracted data re-
sequent weight outcomes. We systematically reviewed the garding weight-related outcomes. To answer our second re-
literature using a protocol informed by the Preferred search question – Are there critical ages where parenting
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis style has a more pronounced association with later weight
(PRISMA) guidelines to search research databases, screen outcomes? – we stratified studies into three timeframes
published studies, apply inclusion and exclusion criteria based on the baseline/follow-up age of included studies
and select relevant literature for review (29). We searched and cohort duration: (i) early childhood to early/mid-
for articles published in English, peer-reviewed journals childhood (cohorts spanning 2 to 3 years between the ages
from 1 January 1995 to 7 March 2016 in PubMed, Embase of birth and 10 years); (ii) early childhood to adolescence
and PsychInfo databases. We developed the search syntax in (cohorts spanning 9 or more years between the ages of birth
collaboration with a reference librarian (Table S1). Briefly, and 16 years); and (iii) adolescence to young adulthood (co-
our queries included the following terms, their cognates horts spanning 5 years between the ages of 15 and 22). One
and synonyms: children AND parenting style AND weight reviewer (RLS) extracted data from all studies that passed
AND prospective. We also reviewed the reference lists of the research team’s full-text review, and two reviewers
included texts for relevant studies to include. (BQ and JMP) confirmed the extraction to ensure that the
first author recorded proper and accurate information.
The team resolved any discrepancies through discussion
Inclusion/exclusion criteria and consensus.

We included cohort studies which appraised both the ‘de-

mandingness’ and ‘responsiveness’ dimensions of parenting Quality assessment
style at baseline and reported a weight-related outcome (e.g. After extracting data from the included full texts, the re-
BMI, obesity, weight change) during follow-up. To maintain search team developed a quality assessment tool, modified
comparability across studies, we restricted our analysis to from the Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale for
studies that measured general parenting style according to Cohort Studies (31). This tool assesses the quality of obser-
Baumrind’s classification (30), which requires studies to as- vational studies with regards to: (i) selection of participants
sess both demandingness and responsiveness. Parenting and generalizability of findings; (ii) accounting for potential
style experienced in childhood needed to be measured when confounders; (iii) measurement of the exposure; and (iv)
the child was less than 18 years of age or prior to the end of measurement of the outcome. We assessed each reviewed ar-
high school. To be included in this review, articles also had ticle on 15 yes/no questions that spanned these four do-
to be peer-reviewed full report and be published in English. mains. We allotted articles one point for each respective
Following these inclusion criteria, we excluded studies that question it addressed, for 15 possible points per article.
were book chapters, reviews, letters, abstracts or disserta- Two reviewers (RLS and BQ) independently applied the
tions; or any cross-sectional or retrospective analyses. quality assessment checklist to each individual study, and
a third reviewer (JMP) resolved discrepancies.

Study selection and data extraction

We used Covidence, an online platform, to manage screen-
ing and selections of studies. Two reviewers (RLS and BQ)
Study selection
completed an initial independent screen of all titles and
abstracts retrieved from the database searches, and indepen- The electronic search of databases returned 1,277 references –
dently reviewed the full texts of studies. A third reviewer of which 167 were duplicates – resulting in 1,110 studies. In
(JMP) resolved any conflicts at both stages. In an effort to the initial title and abstract screen, the research team
prevent the false exclusion of a relevant study, among any deemed 1,042 studies irrelevant, leaving 68 full texts to re-
conflicted decisions in which the third reviewer moved to view. We retained and abstracted nine studies. From

© 2017 World Obesity Federation Obesity Reviews

4 Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al. obesity reviews

searching the reference lists of these nine included instruments across the 11 studies, and conceptualized par-
studies, we found two additional studies to include, enting style as either: (i) four (or three) distinct categories
yielding a total of 11 studies in this systematic review. (n = 7); (ii) scores on a responsiveness and demandingness
We present exclusion reasons along with the inclusion dimension (n = 3); or (iii) a combination of the two ap-
flow diagram in Fig. 2. proaches (n = 1) (Table 2). The majority of studies assessed
maternal parenting style (n = 7), followed by maternal and
paternal parenting style (n = 4); no studies exclusively
Study characteristics assessed paternal parenting style. Six studies assessed par-
Table 1 depicts various study characteristics from 11 studies enting style via parent self-report, three studies via a combi-
that span seven unique cohorts. Study populations consisted nation of parent self-report and researcher observation and
of children from the United States (n = 7) and Australia two studies via adolescent report.
(n = 4). Sample sizes from these populations ranged from
69 to 12,550 participants. At baseline, the majority of stud- Association between parenting style and weight
ies comprised preschool-aged children age 2 to 5 years
(n = 6), followed by school-age children age 6 and older Table 2 presents the findings of each study regarding
(n = 3), and infants and toddlers age 0 to 2 years (n = 2). whether certain parenting style categories and/or dimen-
Length of follow-up ranged from 1 to 11 years, with a me- sions were risk factors for, protective against, or exhibited
dian of 3 years. With regards to our predictor of interest, re- no relationship with adverse weight-related outcomes. The
searchers measured parenting style via six different table also includes the studies’ statistical approaches and
methods for operationalizing parenting style.

Parenting style categories

Among the eight studies that categorized parenting style
into distinct groups (i.e. authoritative, authoritarian, per-
missive, and neglectful), five studies provided evidence that
maternal and/or paternal authoritative parenting was asso-
ciated with lower BMI gains and risk of obesity among boys
and/or girls in comparison to at least one other parenting
style (32–36). Two studies found no association between
authoritative parenting and weight-related outcomes
(37,38), while one study found evidence that authoritative
parenting was associated with higher gains in overweight/
obesity compared to neglectful parenting (39).
While five studies found evidence that authoritative
parenting was protective against adverse weight-related out-
comes, this was usually in comparison to certain parenting
styles, not all other parenting styles (e.g. authoritative par-
enting was protective compared to authoritarian parenting,
but not compared to permissive parenting). Only one, 2-
year study among 872 children in the United States found
evidence that authoritative parenting was associated with
smaller gains in overweight/obesity prevalence compared
to all other parenting styles (36). In Fuemmeler and
colleagues analysis of 12,550 adolescents over 7 years, they
found that authoritarian and neglectful – but not permis-
sive – parenting styles were associated with less leveling
off of BMI compared to authoritative parenting style
(32). In a 9-year prospective cohort study of 1,238 children
in the United States, Lane and colleagues demonstrated
that maternal authoritative parenting style was associated
with a lower likelihood of being in an elevated BMI
Figure 2 PRISMA tree of search for studies that evaluate the prospective
percentile class than a stable class compared to permissive
relationship between parenting style experienced in youth and subse- parenting, but not compared to authoritarian or neglectful
quent weight outcomes. parenting (35).

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Table 1 Characteristics of 11 prospective cohort studies included in the systematic review

Authors, Study Country Sample Girls %* Age * † Follow- Parent Parenting style assessment
year name size* up, y measured/
Reported by

Taylor et al. LSAC Australia 4,934 49.1 4 2 Both/Both Dichotomized on: responsiveness (6 items adapted from
(39) and 5 the Warmth subscale of the Child Rearing Questionnaire)
and demandingness (1 item adapted from the Control
subscale of the parenting style questionnaire from the LSAC)
Bergmeier (Not Australia 79 54.4 3.1 1 Mother/ Individual scores on: responsiveness and demandingness
et al. (41) presented) (0.8) Mother subscales of the parenting style questionnaire from the LSAC
Bergmeier (Not Australia 201 57.7 2.9 1 Mother/ Individual scores on: responsiveness and demandingness
et al. (40) presented) (0.8) Mother subscales of the parenting style questionnaire from the LSAC
McPhie (Not Australia 117 53.9 2.8 1 Mother/ Individual scores on: responsiveness and demandingness
et al. (42) presented) (0.7) Mother subscales of the parenting style questionnaire from the LSAC
Fuemmeler Add USA 12 550 49.0 15.7 7 Both/ Factor analysis on: 6 items measuring familial and parental
et al. (32) Health (1.8) Adolescent acceptance and 7 items measuring parental control or
Olvera and Al Bienstar USA 69 52.2 6.8 3 Mother/ Dichotomized on: responsiveness and demandingness
Power (33) del Nino (1.4) Mother subscales of the Parenting Dimension Inventory
Connell NICHD USA 778 52.0 4.5 11 Mother/ Dichotomized on: maternal responsiveness (composite of 3
and Francis SECCYD Researcher scales of supportive presence, respect for autonomy and
(34) and mother reversed reflected hostility) during behavioral interaction
tasks, and maternal demandingness (11 items)
Lane et al. NICHD USA 1,238 48.9 2‡ 9 Mother/ Dichotomized on: maternal responsiveness (composite of 3
(35) SECCYD Researcher scales of supportive presence, respect for autonomy and
and mother reversed reflected hostility) during behavioral interaction
tasks, and maternal demandingness (11 items)
Rhee et al. NICHD USA 872 51.0 4.5 2 Mother/ Dichotomized on: maternal responsiveness (composite of 3
(36) SECCYD Researcher scales of supportive presence, respect for autonomy and
and mother reversed reflected hostility) during behavioral interaction
tasks, and maternal demandingness (11 items)
Berge et al. Project USA 2,516 55.1 14.8 5 Both/ Dichotomized on: responsiveness (2 items measuring caring
(38) EAT (0.8) Adolescent and communication) and demandingness (1 item)
Agras et al. (Not USA 150 50.7 0 9.5 Both/Both Individual scores on: permissive, authoritarian and
(37) presented) authoritative parenting from the Parental Authority
Questionnaire (30 items per parent)

EAT, Eating Among Teens; IOTF, International Obesity Task Force; LSAC, Longitudinal Study of Australian Children; NICHD, National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development; SD, standard deviation; SECCYD, Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development.
*Reported for baseline sample.

Age at baseline for age-homogenous sample or mean (SD) for age-heterogeneous sample.

Parenting style was measured at age 4.5.

Moreover, authoritative parenting was not the only par- (defined as warmth and nurturance; a characteristic of both
enting style associated with lower risk for overweight/ authoritative and permissive parenting) and demandingness
obesity. In a study of 69 low-income Mexican American (defined as boundary-setting; a characteristic of both
children followed over three years, maternal authoritative authoritative and authoritarian parenting) dimensions, but
and authoritarian parenting were associated with decreases the evidence was less consistent than studies using the four
in the prevalence of child overweight/obesity compared to parenting-style dimensions. Two of these studies were small
permissive parenting (33). In an 11-year study of 778 (n = 201 and 79) and found that neither responsiveness nor
United States children, Connell and colleagues demon- demandingness was associated with child BMI z-score one
strated that maternal permissive or authoritative parenting year later (p > 0.05) (40,41). Two other studies were able
styles were associated with lower gains in BMI compared to detect associations between parenting and weight out-
to neglectful or authoritarian parenting for boys, but there comes for mothers or fathers, yet these associations differed
was no association for girls (34). across the studies (39,42). Taylor and colleagues found
among 4,934 children followed over two years that paternal
Parenting style dimensions responsiveness was positively associated with the risk of
Four studies conducted among Australian children being in a higher weight category (OR =1.54; 95% CI:
conceptualized parenting style along the responsiveness 1.16–2.06), but paternal demandingness and maternal

© 2017 World Obesity Federation Obesity Reviews


Table 2 Results of 11 prospective cohort studies for the association between parenting style and weight-related outcome

Authors, study name (if available) Parenting style method Outcome* Statistical method: adjustment Findings

Taylor et al., LSAC (39) Responsiveness score (6–30 points); Weight status: under/normal Ordinal regression: gender, Paternal responsiveness was associated with

Obesity Reviews
Demandingness score (5–25 points) weight, overweight, obese Socioeconomic Index for Areas, increased risk of being in a higher weight
Authoritative (high responsiveness/high using IOTF age- and parental weight status, parental category (OR = 1.54; 95% CI: 1.16–2.06).
demandingness); gender-specific cutoffs education, presence of two Paternal demandingness and maternal
Authoritarian (low responsiveness/high parents in the household, number of demandingness/responsiveness were not
demandingness); siblings, other parent’s parenting style, associated with weight category (p > 0.05)
Permissive (high responsiveness/low baseline weight status, parent irritability, Paternal disengaged parenting style was
demandingness); non-English spoken at home, associated with a decreased risk (OR =0.51;
Disengaged (low responsiveness/low 95% CI: 0.27–0.96) compared to authoritative
demandingness) parenting style, while paternal authoritarian or
permissive parenting style or maternal
parenting styles were not associated with the
risk for overweight or obesity (p > 0.05).
Bergmeier et al. (41) Responsiveness score (6–30 points); BMI Z score Linear regression: baseline BMI Z score, Maternal responsiveness (warmth) and
Demandingness score (5–25 points) maternal concern about child weight demandingness (control) were not associated
with child BMI Z score (p > 0.05).
Bergmeier et al. (40) Responsiveness score (6–30 points); BMI Z score Linear regression: family income, maternal Maternal responsiveness (warmth) and
Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al.

Demandingness score (5–25 points) education, maternal BMI, baseline child demandingness (control) were not associated
BMI Z score, child temperament, and with child BMI Z score (p > 0.05).
mother–child dysfunctional interaction
McPhie et al. (42) Responsiveness score (6–30 points); BMI Z score Path analyses: family income, maternal Low maternal demandingness was associated
Demandingness score (5–25 points) education, maternal BMI, baseline child with greater increase in BMI Z score
BMI Z score, maternal child-feeding (β = 0.20; p < 0.05); responsiveness was not
practices, mother–child dysfunctional associated with change in child BMI Z score.
interaction, child food habits and change
in child eating behaviors
Fuemmeler et al., Add Health (32) Authoritarian (high demandingness); BMI Latent growth models: gender, race, Parental authoritarian (β = 0.23, p < 0.05) and
Disengaged (low responsiveness); parental education and family structure disengaged (β = 0.33, p < 0.05) parenting styles
Permissive (low demandingness); were associated with a less steep average BMI
Balanced (mean levels of increase (linear), but less leveling off (quadratic)
demandingness and responsiveness) of BMI compared to the balanced parenting style;
permissive parenting style was not associated with
BMI trajectories (p > 0.05).
Olvera and Power,Al Bienstar Authoritative (high responsiveness/high Weight status: normal weight, Analysis of covariance: gender and Maternal indulgent parenting style was associated
del Nino (33) demandingness); overweight, obese baseline weight status with increases in the prevalence of child
Authoritarian (low responsiveness/high overweight/obesity compared to authoritative
demandingness); (p < 0.05) and authoritarian (p < 0.05) parenting
Indulgent (high responsiveness/low styles, but not compared to uninvolved parenting
demandingness); (p > 0.05).
Uninvolved (low responsiveness/low

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© 2017 World Obesity Federation

Table 2 (Continued)

Authors, study name (if available) Parenting style method Outcome* Statistical method: adjustment Findings

Connell and Francis, NICHD Authoritative (high responsiveness/high BMI Mixed effects models, gender stratified: For boys, maternal neglectful or authoritarian
SECCYD (34) demandingness); family income-to-needs ratio, mother’s parenting styles were associated with higher gains
obesity reviews

Authoritarian (low responsiveness/high education, pubertal status, time (age), in BMI compared to permissive or authoritative

© 2017 World Obesity Federation

demandingness); self-regulation and interactions of styles (p < 0.05); for girls, maternal parenting style
Permissive (high responsiveness/low parenting style, time and self-regulation was not associated with the rate of growth in BMI
demandingness); (p > 0.05).
Neglectful (low responsiveness/low
Lane et al., NICHD SECCYD (35) Authoritative (high responsiveness/high BMI percentile Growth mixture models: family income, Maternal permissive parenting style was associated
demandingness); maternal depression, positive parenting with higher likelihood of being in the elevated BMI
Authoritarian (low responsiveness/high and prenatal smoking percentile class than the stable class (OR = 2.85;
demandingness); 95% CI: 1.20, 6.78; p = 0.009) compared to
Permissive (high responsiveness/low authoritative style, while authoritarian and neglectful
demandingness); parenting styles were not.
Neglectful (low responsiveness/low
Rhee et al., NICHD SECCYD (36) Authoritative (high responsiveness/high Weight status: non-obese, Logistic regression: race and Authoritarian, permissive and neglectful parenting
demandingness); obese† income/needs ratio, and sensitivity styles were associated with greater risk of being
Authoritarian (low responsiveness/high analysis adjusted for baseline BMI obese (authoritarian OR: 4.88; 95% CI: 2.15–11.10;
demandingness); p = 0.001; permissive OR: 2.84; 95% CI: 1.10–7.35;
Permissive (high responsiveness/low p = 0.03; neglectful: OR: 2.67; 95% CI: 1.12–6.38;
demandingness); p = 0.03) compared to authoritative parenting style.
Neglectful (low responsiveness/low
Berge et al., Project EAT (38) Authoritative (high responsiveness/high BMI Linear regression, gender stratified: Authoritarian, permissive and neglectful parenting
demandingness); age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, styles were not associated with a higher BMI
Authoritarian (low responsiveness/high baseline BMI and other parent’s compared to authoritative parenting
demandingness); parenting style (p = 0.361–0.626).
Permissive (high responsiveness/low
Neglectful (low responsiveness/low
Agras et al. (37) Authoritarian score (10–50); Weight status: under/normal Logistic regression: (Not presented) Parenting style was not associated with the risk of
Authoritative score (10–50); weight, overweight/obesity being overweight/obese.
Permissive score (10–50)

*BMI Z score, BMI percentile, weight status used CDC sex-specific BMI-for-age growth charts unless otherwise specified.
† th
Present authors revised the designation of BMI ≥95 percentile for age and gender from ‘overweight’ used by Rhee and colleagues to ‘obesity’ to match current obesity criteria.
Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al.

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8 Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al. obesity reviews

responsiveness and demandingness were not (39). However, (Table 2), yet all found that authoritative parenting was as-
a smaller study (n = 117) found that maternal demanding- sociated with lower BMI gains or risk of obesity compared
ness, but not responsiveness, was negatively associated with to at least one other parenting style. If we only consider
BMI Z score one year later (β = 0.20; p < 0.05) (42). one article per unique cohort, three out of six studies which
categorized parenting style into distinct groups found au-
thoritative parenting protective against obesity-related out-
Findings stratified by age categories comes compared to other parenting styles.
Table 3 stratifies findings of the studies that categorized par-
enting styles by timeframe. Among the three short-term
studies that followed children from early childhood to Quality assessment
early/middle childhood and measured parenting style cate-
As illustrated in Table 4, the quality of studies varied across
gorically, two studies found evidence for the protective role
this review. Three studies scored 12 out of 15 points on our
of authoritative parenting (33,36), and one found evidence
quality assessment tool (35,36,39). When we consider the
for its risk factor role (39). Similarly, among three long-term
six studies that scored an eight or higher out of 15 on the
studies that followed children from infancy/early childhood
quality assessment (32,34–36,38,39), four suggest a protec-
to early adolescence, two found evidence for the protective
tive role of authoritative parenting style against adverse
role of authoritative parenting (34,35), and the other found
weight-related outcomes (32,34–36).
no association between authoritative parenting and later
While the overall scores on the quality assessment varied,
weight outcomes (37). Last, among the studies that followed
reviewed studies were similar in their scoring on several
children from adolescence to early adulthood (n = 2), one
items. Loss to follow-up was high (>30%) in seven out of
study found evidence for the protective role of authoritative
these 11 prospective studies, and it was unclear in all but
parenting (32), and another study found no significant ef-
two studies (34,41) if characteristics of lost participants
fect of authoritative parenting on later overweight/obesity
were independent of parenting styles. Ten out of the 11
risk (38). This same pattern of evidence exists for permis-
studies controlled for the weight outcome at baseline as well
sive, neglectful and authoritarian parenting styles.
as clearly described the analytic sample’s characteristics
(32–36,38–42). Nine of the studies also used either a previ-
ously validated method for assessing parenting style, or re-
Findings among the seven unique cohorts
ported psychometric properties of their assessment method
Among the 11 included studies, there were seven unique co- (33–38,40–42).
horts. Studies that observed the same cohort each evaluated However, only four out of the 11 studies adjusted for all
weight at different stages of child development and so mea- key confounders (age, sex, race/ethnicity and socioeconomic
sured a unique relationship. For instance, among the studies status) (32,36,38,39), and only one study considered a
that employed data from the Study of Early Child Care and comprehensive list of potential confounders which included
Youth Development (SECCYD), the age of the cohorts other parent’s parenting style, maternal or paternal weight
spanned 4.5–6.5 years (36), 2.0–11.0 years (35) and status, and family structure (39). Three of the four studies
4.5–15.5 (34). For these different age spans within the same that assessed both maternal and paternal parenting style
cohort, different findings emerged regarding the relation- found no association for maternal parenting style after
ship between parenting style and future weight outcomes adjusting for paternal parenting style (37–39). Moreover,

Table 3 Findings of eight prospective cohort studies for the risk or protective nature of parenting style categories, by participant age timeframe

Age timeframe Authors, study name Age span, Authoritative Permissive Neglectful Authoritarian
in years

Early Childhood to Early/Mid- Taylor et al., LSAC (39) 4.5–6.5 Risk NS Protective NS
Childhood Rhee et al., NICHD SECCYD (36) 4.5–6.5 Protective Risk Risk Risk
Olvera and Power, Al Bienstar del Nino (33) 6.8–9.8 Protective Risk NS Protective
Early Childhood to Adolescence Agras et al. (37) 0–9.5 NS NS NS NS
Lane et al., NICHD SECCYD (35) 2.0–11.0 Protective Risk NS NS
Connell and Francis, NICHD SECCYD (34)a 4.5–15.5 Protective/ Protective/ Risk/NS NS/NS
Adolescence to Young Adulthood Fuemmeler et al., Add Health (32) 15.7–22.0 Protective NS Risk Risk
Berge et al., Project EAT (38) 14.8–19.8 NS NS NS NS

NS indicates no significant relationship between parenting style category and weight-related outcome.
Results presented for boys/girls.

Obesity Reviews © 2017 World Obesity Federation

Table 4 Quality assessment

Bergmeier Bergmeier McPhie Taylor Olvera & Berge Connell Fuemmeller Lane Rhee Agras
obesity reviews

et al. (41) et al. (40) et al. (42) et al. (39) Power (33) et al. (38) & Francis (34) et al. (32) et al. (35) et al. (36) et al. (37)

© 2017 World Obesity Federation

Were the analytic sample’s characteristics clearly described? X X X X X X X X X X
Was the analytic sample representative of the population from X X X X X
which it was recruited?
Is the sample generalizable to the region from which it was X X X X X
Was there demonstration that the weight-related outcome was not X X X X X X X X X X
present at the start of the study? OR Was baseline ‘weight-related
outcome’ controlled for?
Were key important confounders (age, SES, sex and race if X X X X
US-based) controlled for or strategies for covariate selection
Were other important confounders (other parent’s parenting X
style, parent weight status and family structure) controlled for
or strategies for covariates selection presented?
Was the parenting style assessment validated? X X X X X X X X X
Was parenting style assessed for more than one caregiver X X X X X X X
(e.g. mother and father) or measured by study staff observation?
Was weight/height measured by study staff? X X X X X X
Was the number of participants at each stage/wave specified? X X X X X X X X X
Was the number of participants lost to follow-up <30%? X X X X
Were characteristics of lost participants independent of X X
parenting styles/or the major reasons why they dropped out were
not due to parenting styles?
Was missingness accounted for? X X X X X X
Were effect estimates reported? X X X X X X X X X
Was the number in the analytical sample greater than 200? X X X X X X
Total 7 5 6 12 7 9 11 9 12 12 3
Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al.

Obesity Reviews
10 Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al. obesity reviews

for the five studies that found that authoritative parent- Although the relationship between parenting style and
ing style was significantly associated with more favorable weight outcomes appears strong in reviews that have fo-
weight outcomes (32–36), four examined only maternal cused on cross-sectional studies (14,23), our focus on longi-
parenting style (33–36) and one assessed parenting style tudinal studies shows that findings are more inconsistent
for both parents, but represented this as a single and mixed. Even with a prospective study design, studies in-
measure (32). cluded in this review may suffer from uncontrolled con-
founding. Only one included study considered a
comprehensive list of potential confounders which included
other parent’s parenting style, maternal or paternal weight
Exploring the relationship between general parenting style status, and family structure (39). The omission of these po-
and weight-related outcomes has been a popular line of in- tentially important confounders may explain some of the
quiry (23,25,43). However, the vast majority of this work observed heterogeneity between study findings. Four of the
has been cross sectional (43), which inhibits the ability to es- six highest quality studies suggested a protective role of au-
tablish temporality and explore potential critical periods of thoritative parenting style against adverse weight outcomes
development during which parenting style might have dif- (32,34–36), and five of the eight studies that categorized
ferential influence on weight status (25–28). The present re- parenting style into distinct groups provided evidence that
view is the first review to exclusively collate the prospective authoritative parenting was negatively associated with ad-
evidence of the relationship between general parenting style verse weight outcomes (32–36). However, all but one of
and weight-related outcomes in order to address the short- these studies examined maternal parenting style exclusively
comings of cross-sectional data. (33–36). Among all 11 studies included in the review, four
With regard to our first research question, although there assessed both maternal and paternal parenting style, and
is a suggestion that authoritative parenting is associated three of these four studies found no association for maternal
with smaller gains in BMI and a lower likelihood of parenting style after adjusting for paternal parenting style
overweight/obesity, the findings of 11 prospective studies (37–39). Therefore, failing to assess all parents’ parenting
were heterogeneous. Moreover, these associations between styles may bias results, as evidenced by the finding that
parenting styles and obesogenic behaviors and environ- among the highest quality study that measured both mater-
ments are based largely on observational evidence; a causal nal and paternal parenting styles, paternal parenting had a
mechanism – if it exists – remains to be elucidated. Yet, different relationship with child weight compared to mater-
there are various mechanisms that may explain this poten- nal parenting (39). No studies reported the relationship be-
tial relationship, including the associations between parent- tween maternal and paternal parenting styles, so the
ing styles and healthy eating (44–46), physical activity interplay of parenting by the mother and the father remains
(47,48) and screen time (49,50). unclear. More work needs to be done that considers pater-
Previous work has demonstrated the negative association nal styles both independently and in combination with ma-
between authoritative parenting and obesogenic home envi- ternal parenting style and considers confounding factors
ronments (51). Authoritative parents are both responsive more carefully.
and demanding, which may elicit self-control behaviors in The evidence surrounding our second research question is
children that subsequently foster healthy eating behaviors, inconclusive. There may be critical ages where parenting
physical activity patterns, and weight status (15–17). In style has a more pronounced association with later weight
their study of first-grade children, Rhee and colleagues pos- outcomes (52), but this was not discernable from the pres-
ited several explanations for this relationship (36). With re- ent studies. When we stratified findings by age categories,
gard to diet, parents with responsive demandingness (i.e. we found no apparent pattern for the risk or protective na-
authoritative parents) may foster a capacity in the child ture of specific parenting style categories within different
for regulating eating behavior by considering the child’s de- age cohorts, but this may be because there were only a cou-
velopmental abilities. In juxtaposition, parents with high ple of studies in each age range. Moreover, many of the
levels of unresponsive demandingness (i.e. authoritarian studies only assessed parenting style at baseline and out-
parents) may establish defined rules regarding eating – such come at the end of follow-up; for these analyses, we might
as requiring the child to clean his or her plate – which may not see the differences in the relationship that occur at dif-
thwart a child’s exercise of self-control over eating. With re- ferent ages during follow-up. More prospective cohort stud-
spect to physical activity patterns, parents with high levels ies of greater durations and with more sophisticated
of demandingness may create high expectations that their methods that examine the time-varying or age-varying na-
child exercises – resulting in the child losing the desire to ex- ture of the relationships are likely needed to ascertain such
ercise. However, parents with high levels of responsiveness critical periods. However, of note is that for different age
understand their child’s interests and are able to encourage spans within the same cohort, different findings emerged re-
physical activity naturally without strict rules (36). garding the relationship between parenting style and future

Obesity Reviews © 2017 World Obesity Federation

obesity reviews Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al. 11

weight outcomes. This suggests that obesity and weight gain confounding factors, and account for the nuances in
are dynamic, and the relationship between parenting style family make-up and structure.
experienced in childhood and later weight status may
change over time. Acknowledgements
There were a number of strengths and limitations to this
review. Comparability across studies is limited by differ- The authors would like to thank Rachael Posey, the
ences in the assessment methods and measures of parenting librarian who assisted the team in developing the database
style across different studies, particularly in terms of the use searches for articles.
of self-report versus direct observation and reporting by ei-
ther the parent or the child. Further, different analytic Conflict of interest statement
methods and adjustment variables make comparisons of
The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to report.
findings difficult. Inconsistencies across studies might be re-
lated to differences in study populations and characteristics
or to limited power among smaller cohorts. Because of Funding sources
variation in the referent parenting style for comparisons, Funding for this study comes from the National Institutes of
variable ways of measuring the weight outcome (i.e. Health (R01DK098072; DK56350) and the Carolina
categorical values of weight status vs. change in BMI), and Population Center (P2C HD050924).
inconsistent statistical methods and reporting of results
(i.e. three studies reported odds ratios, three beta coeffi- Supporting information
cients and the remainder reported only p-values), we were
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
unable to conduct a meta-analysis. Based on the observa-
online version of this article,
tional nature of the included studies, we are unable to make
conclusions regarding the causal relationship between
experienced parenting styles and weight-related outcomes. Table S1. Search queries
Yet, our focus on prospective studies provides insight into
this relationship and an establishment of temporality that
reviews of cross-sectional studies lack. Moreover, our
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12 Parenting styles and body mass index R. L. Sokol et al. obesity reviews

13. Teixeira PJ, Silva MN, Mata J, Palmeira AL, Markland D. 33. Olvera N, Power TG. Brief report: parenting styles and obesity
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14. Vollmer RL, Mobley AR. Parenting styles, feeding styles, and 34. Connell LE, Francis LA. Positive parenting mitigates the effects
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Obesity Reviews © 2017 World Obesity Federation

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