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Assignment On

Environmental Consequences of Fossil Fuel Use

Course Title: Energy and Environment
Course Code: ESE 3107
Date of submission: 11/01/2024

Submitted To Submitted By

F. K. Sayema Tanzia Mozakkir Azad

Assistant Professor Roll No: 20103429

Department of Year: 3rd , Semester: 1st

Environmental Science and Engineering Department of

Environmental Science and Engineering

Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University

Trishal, Mymensingh-2224, Bangladesh.
Fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, have long been the backbone of global energy
systems, but their environmental toll is increasingly evident. The study navigates through various
dimensions of this issue, shedding light on critical aspects such as greenhouse gas emissions,
climate change, air pollution, deforestation, oil spills, water pollution, land degradation, and
resource depletion. Air pollution, resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels, is scrutinized for
its impact on air quality, respiratory health, and the formation of acid rain. Furthermore, it explores
the environmental consequences of fossil fuel extraction, revealing the interconnected issues of
deforestation, habitat destruction, and biodiversity loss. The catastrophic effects of oil spills on
marine life, coastal ecosystems, and long-term recovery efforts are also scrutinized. The
contribution of fossil fuel activities to water pollution, affecting both surface and groundwater
quality, is dissected along with the broader implications of land degradation and resource

Fossil Fuels; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Air Pollution; Climate Change; Particulate Matter.

Table of Contents
Title Page No.

Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 1

Keywords ....................................................................................................................................... 1

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5

2. Fossil Fuels ................................................................................................................................. 6

2.1) Coal...................................................................................................................................... 9

2.2) Oil and Gas ....................................................................................................................... 10

2.3) Oil Shale ............................................................................................................................ 11

2.4) Tight Oil and Natural Gas .............................................................................................. 11

2.5) Tar Sands .......................................................................................................................... 12

2.6) Coalbed Methane ............................................................................................................. 12

3. Environmental Consequences of Fossil Fuel Use ................................................................. 12

3.1) Climate Externalities ....................................................................................................... 13

3.1.1) Ocean acidification .................................................................................................... 13

3.1.2) Extreme weather ....................................................................................................... 13

3.1.3) Sea level rise ............................................................................................................... 14

3.2) Environmental Externalities ........................................................................................... 15

3.2.1) Air pollution: ............................................................................................................. 15

3.2.2) Carbon monoxide (CO): ........................................................................................... 15

3.2.3) Carbon dioxide (CO2 )............................................................................................... 15

3.2.4) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) ..................................................................................... 15

3.2.5) Ozone (O3 ) ................................................................................................................. 15

3.2.6) Nitrogen oxide (NOx) ................................................................................................ 15

3.2.7) Suspended particulate matter (SPM) ...................................................................... 16

3.2.8) Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) ................................................................................................. 16

3.3) Water pollution ................................................................................................................ 16

3.4) Plastic pollution ................................................................................................................ 16

3.5) Oil spills............................................................................................................................. 16

3.6) Acid Rain .......................................................................................................................... 17

3.7) Depletion of Ozone Layer................................................................................................ 17

3.8) Health Externalities ......................................................................................................... 17

3.9) Illness and Deaths ............................................................................................................ 18

4. Policy Mechanisms to Reduce Fossil Fuel Externalities ...................................................... 19

5. Solutions ................................................................................................................................... 20

6. Benefits of Using Fossil Fuels ................................................................................................. 21

7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 23

8. Reference ................................................................................................................................. 24

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global Energy Consumption by Fossil Fuel. ............................................................. 6

Figure 2: Formation of Coal. ......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3: Petroleum and Natural Gas Formation. .................................................................. 10
Figure 4: Schematic Geology of Natural Gas Resources. ........................................................ 11
Figure 5: Tar sandstone from the Miocene Monterrey Formation of California. ......... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Figure 6: Impacts of Fossil Fuel Use. ........................................................................................ 13
Figure 7: The Global Carbon Project shows how additions to CO2 since 1880 have been
caused by different sources ramping up one after another..................................................... 14
Figure 8: The Concept of Geologic Carbon Sequestration. .................................................... 20
Figure 9: The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for various energy sources. .................... 22

1. Introduction
The conversion of energy from one form to another generally affects the environment. Hence,
without considering the impact of energy on the environment, the study of energy is not complete.
Fossil fuels have been used since 1700s which has helped the industrial growth and the amenities
of modern life. Fossil fuel consumption has played a pivotal role in powering the industrial and
technological advancements of the modern era. However, this convenience comes at a
considerable cost to the environment, as the repercussions of widespread fossil fuel use have
become increasingly apparent. The global reliance on fossil fuels, encompassing coal, oil, and
natural gas, has undeniably fueled economic growth and technological progress. However, the
environmental toll of this dependence has emerged as a critical concern. With rising awareness of
climate change, air pollution, and ecosystem degradation, understanding the intricate web of
environmental consequences linked to fossil fuel use is imperative. This assignment
comprehensively investigates various facets of the environmental impact of fossil fuel use. From
the moment fossil fuels are extracted from the Earth to their combustion and eventual
environmental fallout, each stage contributes to a complex set of challenges. The scope includes
examining greenhouse gas emissions, climate change implications, air pollution effects,
deforestation, habitat destruction, oil spills, water pollution, land degradation, and the depletion of
finite resources. During the combustion of fossil fuels the emitted pollutants are strongly
responsible for smog, acid rain, global warming and climate change. As the world grapples with
the effects of climate change and seeks a more sustainable future, understanding the environmental
consequences of fossil fuel use is crucial. By illuminating the challenges posed by fossil fuel
consumption, it seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the urgency and necessity of adopting
cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions. Policy approaches must align energy and
environmental issues to ensure that economic growth and environmental protection are achieved
together. The Administration is reinventing environmental protection, creating regulatory systems
that are more flexible and accountable, emphasizing pollution prevention over “end-of-pipe”
clean-up, and fostering the development of new energy-efficient technologies to meet both
economic and environmental goals.
2. Fossil Fuels
The substances which act as energy sources are known as fuels. The buried organic matters which
can be converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or any heavy oils by applying pressure and heat to
the earth’s crust over hundreds of years are known as fossil fuels. Fossil fuel, any of a class of
hydrocarbon-containing materials of biological origin occurring within Earth’s crust that can be
used as a source of energy. Fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shales, bitumens,
tar sands, and heavy oils. All contain carbon and were formed as a result of geologic processes
acting on the remains of organic matter produced by photosynthesis, a process that began in the
Archean Eon (4.0 billion to 2.5 billion years ago). Most carbonaceous material occurring before
the Devonian Period (419.2 million to 358.9 million years ago) was derived from algae and
bacteria, whereas most carbonaceous material occurring during and after that interval was derived
from plants.

Figure 1: Global Energy Consumption by Fossil Fuel.

For decades fossil fuels satisfy most of the human energy requirements. Fossil fuels are carbon-
based and their combustion results in the release of carbon into the Earth's atmosphere (carbon that

was stored hundreds of millions of years ago). It is estimated that roughly 80% of all manmade
CO2 and green-house gas emissions originate from fossil fuels combustion.

In energy statistics, fossil fuels cover:

Solid fossil fuels (aka coal)

Hard coal

o Anthracite

o Coking coal

o Other Bituminous coal

Brown coal

o Sub-bituminous coal

o Lignite

Coal products

o Patent fuel

o Coke oven coke

o Gas coke

o Coal tar

o Brown coal briquettes

Manufactured gases

o Coke oven gas

o Blast furnace gas

o Gas works gas

o Other recovered gases

Peat and peat products

o Peat

o Peat products

• Oil shale and oil sands

• Oil and petroleum products (excluding biofuel portion)

Crude oil, NGL, refinery feedstocks, additives and oxygenates and other hydrocarbons
(excluding biofuel portion)

• Crude oil

• Natural gas liquids

• Refinery feedstocks

• Additives and oxygenates (excluding biofuel portion)

• Other hydrocarbons

Oil products (excluding biofuel portion)

• Refinery gas
• Ethane
• Liquefied petroleum gases
• Motor gasoline (excluding biofuel portion)
• Aviation gasoline
• Gasoline-type jet fuel
• Kerosene-type jet fuel (excluding biofuel portion)
• Other kerosene
• Naphtha
• Gas oil and diesel oil (excluding biofuel portion)

• Fuel oil
• White spirit and special boiling point industrial spirits
• Lubricants
• Bitumen
• Petroleum coke
• Paraffin waxes
• Other oil products
• Natural gas

Non-renewable waste

• Industrial waste (non-renewable)

• Non-renewable municipal waste

2.1) Coal
Coal is the product of fossilized swamps, although some older coal deposits that
predate terrestrial plants are presumed to come from algal buildups. Coal was formed when plant
material is buried, heated, and compressed in oxygen-poor conditions over a long period of time.
(Millions of years ago, continents were in different locations with different climates, and swamp-
like vegetation covered many regions. When the vegetation died, it could not fully decompose due

Figure 2: Formation of Coal.

to oxygen-poor conditions. Instead, it formed peat (a brown substance high in organic content).
The peat was buried and formed coal after millions of years of high pressure and temperature. The
pressure was from the weight of sediments as well as from continental collisions.

2.2) Oil and Gas

Oil and natural gas formed from ancient marine microorganism (plankton). When plankton died,
they were buried in sediments. As with coal, oxygen-poor conditions limited decomposition. As
sediments continued to accumulate, the dead organisms were further buried. High temperature and
pressure over millions of years ultimately produced oil and natural gas from these dead organisms.

Figure 3: Petroleum and Natural Gas Formation.

As the rock forms from the sediments that originally trapped the plankton, the oil and gas leak out
of the source rock due to the increased pressure and temperature, and migrate to a different rock
unit higher in the rock column. If the rock is porous and permeable rock, then that rock can act as
a reservoir for the oil and gas. Petroleum is usually found one to two miles (1.6 – 3.2 km) below
the Earth’s surface, whether that is on land or ocean.

A trap is a combination of a subsurface geologic structure and an impervious layer that helps block
the movement of oil and gas and concentrates it for later human extraction. Traps pool the fluid
fossil fuels into a configuration in which extraction is more likely to be profitable, and such fossil
fuels are called conventional oil and natural gas. Extraction of oil or gas outside of a trap
(unconventional oil and natural gas) is less efficient and more expensive; sometimes it is not
economically viable at all (does not produce a profit). Examples of unconventional fossil fuels
include oil shale, tight oil and gas, tar sands (oil sands), and coalbed methane.

Figure 4: Schematic Geology of Natural Gas Resources.

2.3) Oil Shale

Oil shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock that sometimes contains kerogen, a solid material from
which petroleum products can ultimately be manufactured. In order extract the fossil fuels, the
material has to be mined and heated, which is expensive and typically has a negative impact on
the environment.

2.4) Tight Oil and Natural Gas

Tight oil and natural gas are also trapped in shale rock, fine-grained sedimentary rocks with
relatively high porosity and low permeability. They differ from oil shale in that they can be
extracted through a process called hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Similarly, fracking can be used
to extract natural gas from tight sands, which are gas-bearing, fine-grained sandstones or
carbonates (rocks made of minerals containing carbonate, CO32-) with a low permeability.

2.5) Tar Sands

Tar sands, or oil sands, are sandstones that contain petroleum products that are highly viscous (like
tar), and thus, can not be drilled and pumped out of the ground, unlike conventional oil. The fossil
fuel in question is bitumen, which can be pumped as a fluid only at very low rates of recovery and
only when heated or mixed with solvents. Thus, injections of steam and solvent or mining of the
tar sands for later processing can be used to extract the tar from the sands. (See related information
about strip mining with respect to coal in Mining, Processing, and Generating Electricity.) Alberta,
Canada is known to have the largest reserves of tar sands in the world.

Figure 5:Tar Sand.

2.6) Coalbed Methane

Some natural gas is also found associated with coal deposits (coalbed methane), consisting of
methane produced during coal formation.

3. Environmental Consequences of Fossil Fuel Use

The use of fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—results in significant climate, environmental,
and health costs that are not reflected in market prices. These costs are known as externalities.
Each stage of the fossil fuel supply chain, from extraction and transportation to refining and
burning, generates externalities.

Figure 6: Impacts of Fossil Fuel Use.

The burning of fossil fuels has a number of negative externalities – harmful environmental impacts
where the effects extend beyond the people using the fuel. These effects vary between different
fuels. All fossil fuels release CO2 when they burn, thus accelerating climate change. Burning coal,
and to a lesser extent oil and its derivatives, contributes to atmospheric particulate matter, smog
and acid rain.

3.1) Climate Externalities

When fossil fuels are burned, they emit greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that trap heat in the
earth’s atmosphere and contribute to climate change. In 2019, fossil fuels accounted for 74 percent
of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Nearly 25 percent of emissions in the United States come from
fossil fuels extracted from public lands. Some of the climate externalities of fossil fuels include:

3.1.1) Ocean acidification: At least a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels is
absorbed by the ocean, changing its chemistry (pH). The increased acidity makes it harder for
marine organisms to build shells and coral skeletons. Over the last 150 years, ocean acidity has
increased by 30 percent, posing threats to coral reefs, fishing, tourism, and the economy.

3.1.2) Extreme weather: According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
climate change, brought upon by burning fossil fuels, is contributing to more frequent and severe
extreme weather events that lead to disasters costing at least a billion dollars each. The cost of

extreme weather events, including wildfires, hurricanes, wind storms, flooding, and droughts,
between 2016 and 2020 in the United States has been estimated at $606.9 billion.

3.1.3) Sea level rise: Oceanic and atmospheric warming due to climate change is melting glaciers
and land-based ice sheets, resulting in global sea level rise. Sea levels have risen about 9 inches
since the late 1800s, causing more frequent flooding, destructive storm surges, and saltwater
intrusion. With 40 percent of the U.S. population living along the coasts, it is estimated that
defending coastal communities from sea level rise could cost $400 billion over the next 20 years.

Climate change is largely driven by the release of greenhouse gases like CO2, and the burning of
fossil fuels is the main source of these emissions. In most parts of the world climate change is
negatively impacting ecosystems. This includes contributing to the extinction of species and
reducing people's ability to produce food, thus adding to the problem of world hunger. Continued
rises in global temperatures will lead to further adverse effects on both ecosystems and people; the
World Health Organization has said that climate change is the greatest threat to human health in
the 21st century.

Figure 7: The Global Carbon Project shows how additions to CO2 since 1880 have been
caused by different sources ramping up one after another.

3.2) Environmental Externalities
Fossil fuels have significant environmental externalities including:

3.2.1) Air pollution: Fossil fuels produce hazardous air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide,
nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and mercury, all of which are harmful to the
environment and human health (as discussed in the health section below). Air pollution from fossil
fuels can cause acid rain, eutrophication (excessive nutrients that can harm aquatic ecosystems by
lowering oxygen levels), damage to crops and forests, and harm to wildlife.

3.2.2) Carbon monoxide (CO): This is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced by the
incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels including petrol, diesel and wood. It is also produced
from the combustion of natural and synthetic products such as cigarettes. It lowers the amount of
oxygen that enters our blood. It can slow our reflexes and make us confused and sleepy.

3.2.3) Carbon dioxide (CO2 ): This is the principle greenhouse gas emitted as a result of human
activities such as the burning of coal, oil, and natural gases.

3.2.4) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC): These are gases that are released mainly from air
conditioning systems and refrigeration. When released into the air, CFCs rise to the stratosphere,
where they come in contact with other gases, which lead to a reduction of the ozone layer that
protects the Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun. Lead: This is present in petrol,
diesel, lead batteries, paints, hair dye products, etc. Lead affects children in particular. It can cause
nervous system damage and digestive problems and, in some cases, cause cancer.

3.2.5) Ozone (O3 ): This occurs naturally in the upper layers of the atmosphere. This important
gas shields the Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun. However, at the ground level, it
is a pollutant with highly toxic effects. Vehicles and industries are the major source of ground level
ozone emissions. Ozone makes our eyes itch, burn, and water. It lowers our resistance to colds and

3.2.6) Nitrogen oxide (NOx) : This causes smog and acid rain. It is produced from burning fuels
including petrol, diesel, and coal. Nitrogen oxides can make children susceptible to respiratory
diseases in winters.
3.2.7) Suspended particulate matter (SPM) : This consists of solids in the air in the form of
smoke, dust, and vapour that can remain suspended for extended periods and is also the main
source of haze, which reduces visibility. The finer of these particles, when breathed in can lodge
in our lungs and cause lung damage and respiratory problems.

3.2.8) Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) : This is a gas produced from burning coal, mainly in thermal power
plants. Some industrial processes, such as production of paper and smelting of metals, produce
sulfur dioxide. It is a major contributor to smog and acid rain. Sulfur dioxide can lead to lung

3.3) Water pollution

From oil spills to fracking fluids, fossil fuels cause water pollution. Each fracking well uses
between 1.5 million to 16 million gallons of water, and the resulting wastewater can be toxic, often
containing substances like arsenic, lead, chlorine, and mercury that can contaminate groundwater
and drinking water.

3.4) Plastic pollution

Over 99 percent of plastics are made from fossil fuels. Globally, 300 million tons of plastic waste
are produced each year, 14 million tons of which end up in the ocean, killing wildlife and polluting
the food chain. Plastics also have climate consequences: the U.S. plastic industry produces 232
million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year, and the industry’s greenhouse gas emissions
are expected to surpass those of coal-fired power plants by 2030.

3.5) Oil spills

Fossil fuel extraction, transportation, and refining can lead to oil spills that harm communities and
wildlife, destroy habitats, erode shorelines, and result in beach, park, and fishery closures. The
largest oil spill in history, the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon spill, released 134 million gallons of
oil into the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 people and countless birds, turtles, fish, marine mammals,
and plants—and cost BP $65 billion in penalties and cleanup costs.

3.6) Acid Rain
Acid rain is a widespread term used to describe all forms of acid precipitation (rain, snow, hail,
fog, etc.) Atmospheric pollutants, particularly oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, can cause
precipitation to become more acidic when converted to sulfuric and nitric acids, hence the term
acid rain. Motor vehicles also contribute to SO2 emissions since petrol and diesel fuel also contains
small amounts of sulfur. The sulfur oxides (SO2 ) and nitric oxides (NO) react with water vapors
(H2O) and other chemicals in the atmosphere in the presence of sunlight to form sulfuric acid
(H2SO4 ) and nitric acid (HNO3 ).

3.7) Depletion of Ozone Layer

A global environmental problem is the distortion and regional depletion of the stratospheric ozone
layer. This effect due to the emissions of NOx and CFCs, etc. Ozone depletion in the stratosphere
can lead to increased levels of damaging ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground. This increases
rates of skin cancer, eye damage and other harm to many biological species. Chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) and NOx emissions are produced by fossil fuel and biomass combustion processes and
play the most significant role in ozone depletion. Hence, the major pollutant, NOx emissions,
needs to be minimized to prevent stratospheric ozone depletion.

3.8) Health Externalities

Air pollution from burning fossil fuels can cause multiple health issues, including asthma, cancer,
heart disease, and premature death. Combusting the additives found in gasoline—benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene, xylene—produces cancer-causing ultra-fine particles and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Globally, fossil fuel pollution is responsible for one in five deaths. In the United States, 350,000
premature deaths in 2018 were attributed to fossil fuel-related pollution, with the highest number
of deaths per capita in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. The annual cost of the
health impacts of fossil fuel-generated electricity in the United States is estimated to be up to
$886.5 billion. The environmental and health impacts of fossil fuels disproportionately harm
communities of color and low-income communities. Black and Hispanic Americans are exposed
to 56 and 63 percent more particulate matter pollution, respectively, than they produce. In a
predominantly Black and low-income area of Louisiana known as “Cancer Alley,” the cancer risk

is nearly 50 times higher than the national average due to 150 nearby chemical plants and oil

3.9) Illness and Deaths

Environmental pollution from fossil fuels impacts humans because particulates and other air
pollution from fossil fuel combustion cause illness and death when inhaled. These health effects
include premature death, acute respiratory illness, aggravated asthma, chronic bronchitis and
decreased lung function. The poor, undernourished, very young and very old, and people with
preexisting respiratory disease and other ill health are more at risk. Global air pollution deaths due
to fossil fuels have been estimated at over 8 million people (2018, nearly 1 in 5 deaths worldwide)
at 10.2 million (2019), and 5.13 million excess deaths from ambient air pollution from fossil fuel
use (2023).

While all energy sources inherently have adverse effects, the data show that fossil fuels cause the
highest levels of greenhouse gas emissions and are the most dangerous for human health. In
contrast, modern renewable energy sources appear to be safer for human health and cleaner. The
death rates from accidents and air pollution in the EU are as follows per terawatt-hour (TWh):

Energy source Nos. of deaths Greenhouse gas

per TWh emissions

Coal 24.6 820

Oil 18.4 720

Natural gas 2.8 490

Biomass 4.6 78–230

Hydropower 0.02 34

Nuclear energy 0.07 3

Wind 0.04 4

Solar 0.02 5

As the data shows, coal, oil, natural gas, and biomass cause higher death rates and higher levels of
greenhouse gas emissions than hydropower, nuclear energy, wind, and solar power. Scientists
propose that 1.8 million lives have been saved by replacing fossil fuel sources with nuclear power.

4. Policy Mechanisms to Reduce Fossil Fuel Externalities

Several policy mechanisms have been proposed to reduce fossil fuel externalities, including:

• Eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, which could generate $35 billion in taxpayer savings
over the next ten years. To learn more about policy mechanisms to phase out fossil fuel
subsidies, check out EESI’s fact sheet.

• Increasing the social cost of carbon (SCC), which estimates the often-uncounted
economic damages that result from carbon dioxide emissions. The federal government uses
SCC to evaluate the climate impacts of policies.

• A federal clean electricity standard, which would require a percentage of the electricity
sold by utilities to come from clean electricity sources. Such standards already exist
in several states and usually require the share of clean energy on the electric grid to increase
over time.

• A carbon price, which sets a price on carbon dioxide emissions that is paid by emitters.
Carbon price policies can be structured in different ways, including as a carbon tax. Cap-
and-trade programs like the Northeast's Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, in which the
market determines a carbon price, have existed at the subnational level for many years,
reducing emissions and creating new revenue streams for clean energy investments.

5. Solutions
Reclamation can mitigate the habitat damage that results from mining or extracting fossil fuels. It
involves restoring the land to an extent after mining or extraction is complete. This can entail
returning displaced land and covering with top soil, which protects organisms from heavy metals,
radioactive materials, and other underground toxins. Additionally, acids, which often form from
the leaching of sulfates from underground rocks, may be neutralized. Vegetation is then planted,
and water flow if disrupted is somewhat restored. Of course, the intricate topography, network of
streams, and mature vegetation (such as large trees in forest) that may have been present prior to
mining cannot be recreated, but reclamation makes it easier for native species to begin recolonizing
the area. Clean coal technologies can limit the air pollution released when burning coal. Some of
these technologies remove toxins from coal before burning it while others capture toxins that are
released while burning coal. For example, smokestack scrubbers in power plants clean sulfur
dioxide, nitrous oxide, particulate matter, and mercury from the smoke before it is released. Carbon

Figure 8: The Concept of Geologic Carbon Sequestration.

capture and sequestration involves capturing carbon dioxide released and storing it, but it requires
25-40% more energy, reducing the efficiency of coal. In this process, smoke from a coal power
plant is passed through a solvent to trap carbon dioxide, but other waste gases are still released in
the smoke. Carbon dioxide is then separated from the solvent. Some can be used in industry (such
as for carbonated beverages or to tertiary recovery of oil), and the rest is sequestered (stored)
underground. Note that clean coal technologies can reduce coal's contribution to climate change
and reduce the amount of toxins that are released, but it does not fully prevent coal-generated air

Because fossil fuels are nonrenewable, reserves will eventually be depleted, and the world will
need to fully rely on other energy sources. Those concerned about the environmental and health
consequences of fossil fuels advocate for making this transition as soon as possible. This is because
the technologies and practices discussed above do not fully prevent fossil fuels from causing
environmental damage and causing health hazards for workers and the general public. The next
two chapters discuss nuclear energy and renewable energy, which are alternatives to fossil fuels.
As even these alternatives have their disadvantages, energy conservation (using energy more
efficiently and limiting unnecessary energy use) is also critical.

6. Benefits of Using Fossil Fuels

The world is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, and existing infrastructure and technologies
facilitate their continued use. An advantage of using coal for electricity is that it plentiful and
inexpensive, especially in the United States, which has larger coal reserves than any other country.
Furthermore, coal mining is a source of jobs and tax income. Coal's economic advantage is
dwindling, however, as technologies associated with renewable sources of energy, such as solar
and wind, become more efficient and inexpensive. The U.S. Energy Information Administration
compared the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for technologies that will begin use in 2023, and
the cost of coal-generated electricity exceeded that of many renewable sources. The LCOE
accounts for the building and operation costs of power plants, solar panels, wind turbines, etc.

Figure 9: The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for various energy sources.

Oil and natural gas continue to meet global energy needs. Despite expansions in renewable energy
use, no alternative energy source is currently sufficient to replace oil and natural gas. (A
combination of different renewable sources could be possible in the future.) While the United
States does rely on imported oil, it continues to produce some oil and natural gas (mostly through
fracking), bolstering U.S. energy independence. Local and state economics in regions rich in oil
and natural reserves depend on continued extraction of these fossil fuels.

While all fossil fuels harm cause some degree of environmental harm, natural gas is a preferred
fossil fuel for electricity generation when considering its environmental impacts. When burned,
coal emits nearly double the carbon dioxide that natural gas does. Additionally, much less nitrogen
oxides and sulfur dioxide (both air pollutants) are emitted from burning natural gas. It also does
not produce ash as coal does

7. Conclusion
In conclusion, the exploration of the environmental consequences of fossil fuel use underscores
the urgent need for a paradigm shift in our energy systems. Fossil fuels, while undeniably
providing the backbone of our industrialized societies, exact a considerable toll on the environment
across multiple fronts. This comprehensive examination has delved into the interconnected issues
of greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, air pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, oil
spills, water pollution, and land degradation associated with the life cycle of fossil fuels. The
evidence presented leaves little room for doubt – the environmental consequences of fossil fuel
use are far-reaching and profound. The mounting levels of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon
dioxide, are accelerating climate change, manifesting in rising temperatures, extreme weather
events, and disruptions to ecosystems. Air pollution, a byproduct of combustion, adversely affects
both human health and the environment, contributing to respiratory issues and acid rain formation.
The extraction and processing of fossil fuels exacerbate environmental degradation, leading to
deforestation, habitat destruction, and loss of biodiversity. Oil spills pose immediate threats to
marine life and coastal ecosystems, with long-lasting consequences that transcend geographical
boundaries. Water pollution and land degradation further compound the intricate web of
environmental challenges. Moreover, the recognition of environmental justice issues emphasizes
the disproportionate impact of fossil fuel activities on marginalized communities, highlighting the
need for equitable and sustainable energy transitions. As we confront these challenges, it is
imperative to consider viable solutions. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing
energy efficiency measures, and reevaluating policy frameworks are critical steps in mitigating the
environmental impact of fossil fuel use. The integration of sustainable practices is not merely an
option but a necessity for ensuring the well-being of our planet and future generations. In essence,
this research serves as a clarion call for a collective commitment to a more sustainable energy
future. By acknowledging the environmental consequences of fossil fuel use, we pave the way for
informed decision-making, policy reform, and technological innovations that can steer us toward
a cleaner, more resilient, and environmentally responsible global energy landscape. The time for
action is now, and the imperative for change is unequivocal.

8. Reference

i. Fossil Fuels from An Introduction to Geology by Johnson et al. (licensed under CC-BY-


ii. Challenges and Impacts of Energy Use, Non-Renewable Energy Sources, and Water

Pollution from Environmental Biology by Matthew R. Fisher (licensed under CC-BY)

iii. Chapter 4: Non-Renewable Energy from Introduction to Environmental Science: 2nd

Edition (2018) Biological Sciences Open Textbooks by Zehnder, Caralyn; Manoylov,

Kalina; Mutiti, Samuel; Mutiti, Christine; VandeVoort, Allison; and Bennett, Donna

(licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA).

iv. Shale Gas 101. Office of Fossil Energy. U.S. Department of Energy. Accessed 01-12-2021.

(public domain)

v. The Process of Unconventional Natural Gas Production. 2021. United States

Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed 01-12-2021. (public domain)


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