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Quarter 2-Week 7-8

Name of Learner: _______________________________________ Section: ___________ Date:_________

MELC #14 Week 7-8
Make and deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches with ease and confidence.
Techniques in Public Speaking
Public speaking usually involves having to deliver or communicate information in front of a
live audience. The most common forms of public speaking include delivering a prepared speech and
an impromptu speech. In a prepared speech, the speaker is given the topic beforehand, has time to
research about the topic, and is able to rehearse or practice prior to delivering the speech. An
impromptu speech, on the other hand, is one where the speaker is given with little or no time to
prepare. Here are some techniques which may work best when speaking before a large audience.
1. Know your purpose. Being sure on the purpose of your speech is synonymous to knowing where to
focus your discussion. Is it to inform, persuade, inspire, or entertain? When you are certain about the
things you want to speak about, you will most likely avoid sidetracked or confusing your audience with
lengthy discussions that lead nowhere.
2. Be familiar with your topic. The best way to do this is to research. When you are very sure about
the information you are presenting, you will be more confident, and your audience will also notice and
feel it.
3. Consider your audience. It is essential to be sure of the kind of people you will be speaking to.
Knowing your audience will help you to plan appropriate content, language, and techniques to use.
4. Plan ahead of time. Cramming will reflect in the way you speak and behave in front of an audience.
This is something any speaker would not want to happen. That is why planning everything is a key to a
successful speaking engagement.
5. Use non-verbal cues. Use right amount of gestures at the right time to help convey ideas more
clearly. There is, however, danger in overusing these gestures as they can be distracting. Establishing
eye contact with the audience helps maintain confidence and establish sincerity.
6. Remain calm. Whether you deliver an impromptu or prepared speech, maintaining composure can
always be an issue. Your preparation will be useless if you can’t control your nervousness. Taking deep
breaths and having a focused mindset can help you stay relaxed.
7. Practice. Being a good and compelling speaker takes a lot of practice and experience. Through
constant practice, you can identify areas that you still need to improve. Practice is a major component
of planning.
8. Watch your words. Your choice of words greatly affects how the audience perceives your speech.
You must be careful enough not to use words that might put your reliability and reputation into
9. Speak with clarity. Observe proper pronunciation, stress, intonation, juncture, diction, tone, and
pacing when delivering a speech. These elements should work together to ensure that the ideas in the
speech are clearly conveyed. Consistent practice is very necessary.
10. Know the essential etiquettes. As a public speaker, one should know the different do’s and don’ts
when speaking before an audience.
11. Use visuals when necessary. When possible and appropriate, visuals like PowerPoint slides can
help support the speech being delivered. This should be done in a way that visual aids will not
overpower the speech or distract the audience.
12. Dress comfortably, but appropriately. Sometimes, speaking with ease comes with feeling
comfortable with what you wear. A speaker, however, should dress in a way that exudes respect and
13. Be open to questions and comments. Always bear in mind that you cannot please everybody. It is
essential to open to questions, comments, and even criticisms. This will help you improve what is
needed to be improved and continuously refine your style and craft.

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DIRECTIONS: Identify whether the following scenario/ examples use a prepared or
impromptu speech. Write PREPARED or IMPROMPTU on the space provided before each
_____________1. You were invited to speak before a commencement ceremony.
_____________2. You were asked to speak in an ambush interview.
_____________3. You were assigned to give a talk before a group of students.
_____________4. You were chosen to represent the school in an oratorical contest.
_____________5. You were called to deliver a message during a wedding ceremony.
_____________6. You were invited to give a reflection for the upcoming Holy Week mass.
____________7. A youth group requested you to serve as a resource person
_____________8. While attending a meeting, you were unexpectedly requested to share your
experiences in your job.
_____________9. You were assigned by your boss to present the company’s accomplishments
in a conference.
_____________10. You were asked to share your knowledge about a topic on- the-spot.

DIRECTIONS: Examine the statements below. Use sad face ☹ to mark the ones
which should NOT be followed when asked to speak before a specific group of
people/ audience.
_____1. Consider the main purpose of your research.
_____2. If possible, gather enough information about the topic or theme of your speech.
_____3. Avoid questions from the audience.
_____4. Never look at your audience. Look somewhere without distractions.
_____5. Practice as many times as you need to.
_____6. While practicing is important, remember to act and sound naturally.
_____7. If you have a copy of the speech, just read and finish it as fast as you can.
_____8. Use gestures to complement the meaning of what you say.
_____9. Leave the stage or podium as soon as you finish your speech to avoid questions or
clarifications from your audience.
_____10. Make an outline to make sure you do not miss out any important detail in your
DIRECTIONS: Create and record a maximum of 5-minute video presentation of your self-
introductory speech. Use the guide questions below. Send your video to your teacher via
FB Messenger or email.
1. Tell something about yourself.
2. What are your special interests?
3. What are your academic plans after finishing JHS?
4. Relate one interesting or unusual experience in your life.
DIRECTIONS: Prepare and deliver an extemporaneous speech on a familiar issue. You are
free to decide on what issue to discuss. Record your speech delivery and limit your video to
maximum of 5 minutes only. Employ the different techniques in public speaking you
learned from this lesson. Send your video to your teacher via FB Messenger or email.
Be guided with extemporaneous evaluation rubrics, LM 161-162:

Excellent Very Good Good Fair

(4 pts) (3 pts) (2 pts) (1 pt) Points
Subject knowledge and

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