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Risk Analysis of Hostage Situations 1

Response Paper - Risk Analysis of Hostage Situations

Sylvana Majooja

Los Angeles Pacific University

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Risk Analysis of Hostage Situations 2

Hostage circumstances, similar to some other remedial organization crises, can be extremely

intricate, drawn-out, and perilous. The main thing a negotiator or a law enforcement officer can

do is be readied. The prisoners and representatives should realize that the superintendent is

responsible for the complex, yet additionally that he focuses on the government assistance of

everybody included, regardless of whether it's workers or detainees. What's more, it is

conceivable that the hostage- taker has an unstable character since his casualties are firmly

identified with him. In light of the hostage's circumstance, my job is straightforwardly to draw

in the hostage-taker in dealings to tackle the circumstance and direct mental profiling of the

people in question and the host taker. The hostage's circumstance is typically sensitive and

basic during three key periods. The underlying time of the exchange which ranges between 15

to 45 minutes is normally described by tension. They are likewise sensitive because, during the

acquiescence of the hostage-taker, inner conflict and forceful passionate reactions are almost

certain from the hostage-taker.

Strategic salvage activities by individuals from the salvage group may represent the most serious

threat since the chance of the hostages being hurt in the process is high. In the absolute first

minutes, my principal job would fundamentally be to set up the requests of the hostage-taker and

decide his psychological expression, the current circumstance of the hostages, and all the more

significantly, to quiet down the circumstance. The point here is to utilize interruption as a

strategy to move the hostage-taker from zeroing in on his requests and direct him towards a self-

assessment of his activities by convincing him to evaluate the idea of his actions. With quiet and

persevering examining, the hostage-taker will before long begin to be judicious and start seeing

the silly idea of his activities, and this will at that point open a road for the moderator to convince

the hostage-taker to consider a more reasonable and tranquil method of settling the matter. In the

current situation, the utilization of fundamental necessities as negotiating tools isn't plausible
Risk Analysis of Hostage Situations 3
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Risk Analysis of Hostage Situations 4

since the episode of hostage has happened in the home of the host taker and thus, the only other

need the host taker appears to have is secondary. On the other hand, if the fundamental

requirements are inaccessible, the host taker will start to interest in something very similar to be

brought to him. Assuming this is the case, there could be the likelihood that a few or one of the

hostages will be delivered. Notwithstanding, the focal spotlight ought to stay on the hostage-

taker. The entire quintessence is to ensure that the hostage-taker feels he is the exceptionally

notable individual and that the moderator couldn't care less about the hostages.

In my situation, I'm set in a hostage circumstance in my neighborhood bank, and on account of

me being the trough of the nearby bank, the robber realizes I will bring a ton of consideration

whenever executed. The robber feeling constrained from the police encompassing the structure

has put a firearm in my grasp and one to my head saying he will slaughter me except if I murder

two different hostages. Before I sort out what I ought to do I need to sort out what my situations

are. Assuming I shoot the two individuals, there is a decent possibility I will endure because the

police will understand that move should be made and will ideally come in and kill the robber.

Anyway, I will at that point need to live with myself having murdered two individuals, also if

there are any legitimate repercussions from that. I could likewise attempt to execute the robber

which could bring about the robber biting the dust and the hostage circumstance over. Or

undoubtedly I will be shot in the head by the robber. Since I ignored the robber this may outrage

him driving him to murder more hostages before the police get an opportunity to get him. I could

simply permit the robber to execute me which implies the hostage emergency proceeds and I'm


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Risk Analysis of Hostage Situations 5

Anyway, the police will make a move exceptionally soon particularly after the administrator

understands his trough has been murdered. In a request to sort out what to do I'll utilize a

Utilitarian estimation as John Stuart Factory proposes to figure out which situation will convey

the best result. Since I'm searching for the best result it should initially be resolved what the best

result is as per Factory. Factory says the utilitarian guideline is to look for the best joy for the

best number of individuals while keeping away from hurt. Each police office ought to investigate

the prospects of enlisting police officials that will deliberately be prepared to address the

difficulty that hostage-takers posture to the security of guiltless people. Even before instances of

grab happen, police therapists can effectively be engaged with preparing individuals from the

police division on the most proficient method to react to such touchy and sensitive operations.

These sorts of preparing projects would outfit the police officials with significant information

and abilities on the best way to deal with disturbed wrongdoers particularly in risky tasks, for

example, a hostage crisis. The policy analyst is additionally effectively engaged with evaluating

the results of such an emergency long after they have been closed to find significant exercises for

the police officers and offer guidance on remedial estimates that ought to be taken in future

engagements. The significance pretended by a police clinician will keep on developing as more

intricate wrongdoings keep on coming to fruition in the public.

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Risk Analysis of Hostage Situations 6


Crisis (hostage) negotiation: Current strategies and issues in high-risk conflict resolution.

Retrieved April 10, 2021, from

Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2021, from

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