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Case Study Scenario:


As a recruitment manager for 12thWonder, here is a recruitment strategy to attract and hire top
talent in India for the company's growth plan:

1. Define the Job Requirements: The first step is to identify the key requirements for the
job. This includes the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications. We will also need
to identify the personality traits that will make an individual successful in the job.

2. Develop a Recruitment Plan: Once the job requirements are defined, we will develop a
recruitment plan to attract the right candidates. We will advertise the job on the
company's website, social media platforms, and job portals. We will also leverage our
employee referral program, where we incentivize employees to refer potential

3. Target Passive Candidates: We will reach out to passive candidates who may not be
actively looking for a new job but have the necessary skills and experience. We will use
LinkedIn to identify potential candidates and reach out to them with personalized
messages highlighting the opportunity.

4. Attend Job Fairs and Networking Events: We will participate in job fairs and
networking events to meet potential candidates and promote the company as an
employer of choice.

5. Conduct Pre-Screening Interviews: We will conduct pre-screening interviews to

assess the candidate's skills, experience, and qualifications. This will help us identify the
most qualified candidates for the job.

6. Coordinate Interviews with Hiring Panel: Once we have identified the most qualified
candidates, we will coordinate interviews with the hiring managers. We will provide the
hiring managers with detailed information about the candidates to help them make
informed decisions.

7. Follow-Up with Candidates: We will follow up with the candidates after the interviews
to provide feedback and keep them engaged throughout the hiring process.

8. Offer Competitive Compensation Packages: We will offer competitive compensation

packages to attract and retain top talent. We will also provide opportunities for
professional development and career growth.
What is Recruitment Process:
The recruitment process is designed to attract and hire the most qualified candidates for the job
while ensuring a positive candidate experience.

1. Job Analysis: The first step in the recruitment process is to conduct a job analysis to
determine the job requirements. This includes identifying the skills, experience, and
qualifications needed for the job.

2. Job Posting: Once the job requirements are identified, the job is posted on various
platforms, including the company's website, job portals, social media platforms, and
other relevant channels.

3. Screening Resumes: Resumes and cover letters are screened to determine if the
candidate meets the job requirements. The most qualified candidates are shortlisted for
the next stage of the recruitment process.

4. Pre-Screening Interviews: The shortlisted candidates are contacted for a pre-screening

interview. This is a brief phone or video interview designed to assess the candidate's fit
for the job.

5. In-Person or Virtual Interviews: Candidates who pass the pre-screening interview are
invited for an in-person or virtual interview. This interview is typically conducted by the
hiring panel and may involve additional members of the team.

6. Candidate Assessment: Depending on the job requirements, candidates may be asked

to complete additional assessments, such as skills tests or personality assessments.

7. Reference Checks: Once a candidate has been identified as a potential hire, reference
checks are conducted to verify the candidate's work history and skills.

8. Job Offer: If the candidate passes all the stages of the recruitment process, a job offer
is extended. This includes details about the job, compensation, and benefits.

9. Onboarding: The final stage of the recruitment process is onboarding. This is the
process of integrating the new hire into the company, including orientation, training, and
introduction to team members and company culture.
Which Candidates to target?

The target candidate profile for each position will depend on the specific job requirements and
the company's needs. The profile should identify the necessary skills, experience, and
personality traits required for success in the role

1. Entry-Level Positions: For entry-level positions, the focus is on identifying candidates

with the right attitude and willingness to learn. The target candidate should have some
relevant skills or experience, such as a degree or certification in a related field, but may
not have extensive work experience.

2. Mid-Level Positions: For mid-level positions, the target candidate should have a
combination of relevant work experience and skills. The candidate should have a track
record of success in similar roles and be able to take on more complex responsibilities.

3. Senior-Level Positions: For senior-level positions, the target candidate should have
extensive experience in the industry or related field. The candidate should have a proven
track record of success in leadership roles and be able to guide the team and make
strategic decisions.

4. Sales Positions: For sales positions, the target candidate should have excellent
communication skills and a proven track record of success in sales. The candidate
should be able to build strong relationships with customers and have a deep
understanding of the sales process.

Which Recruitment channels and messaging to use?

1. Job Portals: Job portals such as Naukri, Monster, and Indeed are usedwidely. Posting
job ads on these portals can help reach a large pool of candidates.

2. Employee Referrals: Employee referrals are a cost-effective way to attract top talent.

3. Social Media: Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can be
used to reach candidates.

4. Company Website: The company website should have a dedicated careers page that
showcases job openings and provides information on the company culture and benefits.
The messaging should be consistent with the company's branding and values.

5. Recruitment Vendors: Recruitment Vendors can help reach passive candidates and
provide a pool of pre-screened candidates.
Candidate evaluation and selection process:

It's important to evaluate candidates based on the job requirements and the
company's needs. The evaluation process should be objective, fair, and based on
1. Initial Screening: The initial screening process involves reviewing the
resumes of the candidate who meets the job requirements.

2. Interview Process: The interview process can involve one or more rounds
of interviews with different stakeholders, such as the hiring manager, team
members, and HR. The interview questions should be designed to assess the
candidate's skills, experience, and cultural fitment round.

3. Assessment Tests: Depending on the job requirements, candidates may be

asked to complete assessment tests, such as skills tests, personality tests, or
cognitive ability tests.

4. Reference Checks: Once a candidate is identified as a potential hire,

reference checks are conducted to verify the candidate's work history and

5. Decision-making: Based on the information gathered from the interview,

assessment tests, and reference checks, the hiring manager makes a
decision on whether to extend a job offer.

6. Job Offer: If the hiring manager decides to extend a job offer, the candidate
is informed of the job offer, including the details of the job, compensation,
and benefits.

7. Onboarding: The final stage of the recruitment process is onboarding,

where the new hire is integrated into the company's culture, processes, and
Interview process and candidate experience:

By creating a positive interview process and candidate experience, companies can

attract and retain top talent.

1. Provide Clear Information: Provide clear and detailed information about

the interview process, including the format, duration, and expectations.

2. Schedule Interviews Effectively: Schedule interviews in a timely manner

and avoid last-minute changes.

3. Create a Welcoming Environment: Create a welcoming environment for

candidates, whether they are attending the interview in person or virtually.

4. Give Feedback: Provide feedback to candidates throughout the interview

process. Let candidates know where they stand in the process and provide
constructive feedback to help them improve.

5. Follow Up Promptly: Follow up promptly after the interview to let

candidates know whether they have been selected to move forward in the
process or not.

6. Create a Positive Candidate Experience: Ensure that the interview

process is a positive experience for candidates, regardless of the outcome.
Provide candidates with a clear understanding of the company culture,
values, and expectations. Be respectful and responsive to their questions and
Reference checks and background screenings

By conducting effective reference checks and background screenings, companies

can ensure that they are hiring candidates who have the necessary skills,
experience, and qualifications for the job. This can help reduce the risk of hiring
mistakes and enhance the company's reputation and brand.

1. Acquire Consent: Obtain the candidate's consent before conducting

reference checks and background screenings.

2. Check Relevant Information: Conduct reference checks and background

screenings that are relevant to the job requirements and the company's
needs. Check employment history, education, criminal records, and any other
relevant information.

3. Verify Information: Verify the information provided by the candidate,

including job titles, dates of employment, and educational qualifications.
Contact the candidate's references and ask relevant questions about their
work history and performance.

4. Use a Professional Service: Consider using a professional service to

conduct background screenings.

5. Be Consistent: Ensure that reference checks and background screenings are

conducted consistently for all candidates. Use the same process and criteria
for each candidate, and avoid any bias or discrimination.

6. Protect Confidential Information: Protect the confidentiality of the

candidate's information. Ensure that the information obtained is used only for
the purpose of evaluating the candidate's suitability for the job and that it is
kept confidential and secure.

7. Follow Legal Requirements: Follow legal requirements for conducting

reference checks and background screenings. Ensure that the checks are
conducted in accordance with local laws and regulations and that the
candidate's rights are protected.
Job offers and onboarding process:

The job offer and onboarding process is critical to ensuring a smooth and successful
transition for new employees into an organization.

1. Job offer: Once the employer has selected a candidate for the job, they will
make a job offer to the candidate. The job offer usually includes details such
as the job title, start date, salary, benefits, and other terms of employment.

2. Acceptance: If the candidate accepts the job offer, they will usually sign an
acceptance letter or agreement to indicate their acceptance of the job.

3. Pre-employment checks: Before the new employee can start working, the
employer will usually conduct pre-employment checks such as a background
check, reference check, and drug test.

4. Paperwork: The new employee will be required to fill out paperwork related
to their employment, such as tax forms, benefits enrollment forms, and other
employment-related documents.

5. Orientation: The new employee will be given an orientation to the company,

including an introduction to the company's mission, values, culture, policies,
and procedures.

6. Training: Depending on the job, the new employee may receive job-specific
training to prepare them for their new role.

7. Integration: The employer will work to integrate the new employee into the
organization, providing support and guidance as needed to ensure a
successful transition into their new role.

Recruitment metrics and evaluation criteria:

By tracking these recruitment metrics and evaluation criteria, companies can

evaluate the effectiveness of their recruitment processes and identify areas for
1. Time-to-fill: This metric measures the time it takes to fill a job vacancy
from the time the job is posted to the time the offer is accepted. A shorter
time-to-fill indicates a more efficient recruitment process.

2. Cost-per-hire: This metric measures the total cost of recruiting a new

employee, including job posting fees, recruiter fees, and other
recruitment-related expenses. A lower cost-per-hire indicates a more
cost-effective recruitment process.

3. Quality-of-hire: This metric measures the effectiveness of the recruitment

process by assessing the performance and longevity of new hires. It can be
measured through performance reviews, turnover rates, and other factors
that indicate the success of the new hire.

4. Candidate experience: This metric measures the satisfaction of job

candidates with the recruitment process, including their experience with the
application process, communication with recruiters, and overall impression of
the company. A positive candidate experience can help attract top talent.

5. Diversity and inclusion: This metric measures the effectiveness of the

recruitment process in attracting and hiring candidates from diverse
backgrounds. It can be measured by analyzing the diversity of the candidate
pool and the demographics of new hires.

6. Source of hire: This metric measures the effectiveness of different

recruitment channels in attracting quality candidates, such as job boards,
social media, and employee referrals.


1. Job posting: Determine when the job posting will be published, and for how
long it will remain open.

2. Candidate screening: Establish a timeline for screening candidates and

shortlisting them for interviews.

3. Interview process: Set a timeline for conducting interviews and making job

4. Onboarding: Determine when the new employee will start and how long the
onboarding process will take.

1. Job posting fees: Determine the cost of posting the job advertisement on
various job boards or other recruitment channels.

2. Recruitment fees: Consider the cost of using a recruiter or recruitment

agency to help with the search.

3. Advertising and marketing: Consider the cost of any additional advertising

or marketing efforts to promote the job posting.

4. Technology and software: Consider the cost of any applicant tracking

software or other technology tools that will be used to manage the
recruitment process.


1. Limited pool of candidates: Depending on the role or industry, there may

be a limited pool of qualified candidates, which can make it challenging to fill
the position.

2. High competition for top talent: If other companies are also looking for
candidates with similar skills and experience, there may be a high level of
competition for top talent.

3. Timing: If the recruitment process takes too long, top candidates may
accept another job offer before an offer can be extended.

4. Employer brand and reputation: If the company has a poor reputation or

negative reviews from past employees, it may be more challenging to attract
top talent.

5. Budget constraints: If the recruitment budget is limited, it may be more

challenging to attract top talent or use high-cost recruitment channels.

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