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University of Macau - Registration Form


課程 FST 科 技 學 院 主修 CPS19 計 算 機 科 學

學號 Student No.: D-C2-2669-6 學年/學期 Academic Year/Semester: 2022/1

姓名 Name: 陳 顯 揚 就讀年級 UF1 一 年 級
住址 澳門 通訊地址 澳門
Home Address: 巴波沙大馬路80號 Postal Address: 巴波沙大馬路80號
利達新邨第一期24樓O 利達新邨第一期24樓O

電話 Tel. No.: 63439033 聯絡電話 Contact No.: 63439033

手提電話 Mobile Phone No.: 66707528 電郵 E-mail:
出生日期 Date of Birth: 28-JUL-2004 身份證/護照號碼 ID/Passport No.: I - 1387710(5)
出生地點 Place of Birth: MACAO, CHINA 性別 Sex: M
國籍 Nationality: CHINESE 簽發地點 Place of Issue: MACAO, CHINA
父親姓名 陳 世 鋒 母親姓名 黃 秋 媚
Father's Name: CHAN SAI FONG Mother's Name: WONG CHAO MEI

q 本人得悉註冊入讀澳門大學的學生,不得同時在其他高等院校註冊及選科。
I acknowledge that students should not enrol/register in any other universities upon registration at UM.

• 澳門大學根據第1/2006號法律作為一所公立高等教育機構,要求新生填寫註冊表作進行教育活動、提供教育輔助及與學生及其父母和監護
• 所有由本人提供及登記的個人資料、用作印制校園證的相片及其後在澳門大學完成的相關教育活動資料將成為本校的學生記錄。這些個人
• 如欲修改存於大學的個人資料或申請相關學歷證明,本科生可向註冊處提出申請,而研究生則可聯絡研究生院。
I declare that the information provided in this registration form is correct and I have acknowledged and understood the <Personal Data Collection
Statement of the University of Macau> stated below:
• The University of Macau being a public institution of higher education as set in Law No. 1/ 2006, in accord to the purposes of carrying out
educational activities, providing educational support and contacting with students, parents or guardians, requires new students to fill in the
Registration Form. The University of Macau undertakes to observe the spirit of the data protection principles and will make every effort to ensure the
confidentiality and integrity of the personal information being collected and held by the University. The transmission of personal information over
the Internet may lack protection and security. There is a risk that your information may be accessed or used by an unauthorized third party.
• The personal data collected and registered, the photo taken for campus card production as well as all education-related records I have completed in
the University of Macau will be transferred to my student file established by the University. Those personal data may also be transferred within the
University and to entities that are in accordance with legal provision or with my prior consent, for the purposes of University administration and
• To make correction of personal data held by the University or to apply for related testimonials, undergraduate students can submit the request to the
Registry while postgraduate students should contact the Graduate School.

Signature of Student/Date ____________________________________/___________________________________
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian/Date _____________________________/______________________________

Handled by __________________________________
Signature of Registration Officer/Date

DC226696, APC202311

30-JUN-2022 12:40
學生姓名 陳顯揚 學生證號碼 D-C2-2669-6
Student Name CHAN HIN IEONG Student Number
Nome de Estudante____________________________________ Número de Estudante _________________________________

• 任何類型的離校(包括保留學位、正式或非正式退學、勒令退學等)
• 台端的父母或法定監護人主動向澳門大學要求索取台端存於澳門大學內相關的教育活動資料

As you have not reached 18 at the time of filling in this emergency contact form, the contact person(s) has/have to be your
parent(s) or any statutory guardian(s). Please provide their contact information below for the University of Macau (UM) to reach
them in case any emergency happens to you during your studies at UM or to release your education-related data stored at UM to
them upon the below circumstances.
• Any kinds of withdrawal from the University (including deferment of study, official/unofficial withdrawal from study,
discontinuation of study etc.)
• Upon the request from your parent(s) or statutory guardian(s) for obtaining your education-related data stored at UM

Preencha por favor os contactos de emergência na tabela abaixo. Para os estudantes menores de 18 anos, os contactos de
emergência devem ser os contactos dos pais ou tutor(a) legal. Para além dos casos de emergências, a UM irá contactar as pessoas
indicadas ou permitir-lhes o acesso aos dados dos estudantes, relativos às actividades educativas, conservados na UM, nas
seguintes situações:
• Quando haja qualquer forma de suspensão ou terminação de estudos na UM, na qual se inclui o adiamento de estudos, a
desistência oficial / não oficial de estudos e a expulsão da UM.
• Quando as pessoas de contacto de emergência requeiram o acesso aos dados acima referidos.

When you are 18 years of age and are still studying at the university, you may opt for change of contact person with their contact
information to be supplied. The above said disclosure of your education-related data will thereupon, with your authorization, be
re-directed to them.
Atingindo a idade de 18 anos, durante o período de estudo na UM, o estudante pode alterar as pessoas de contacto de emergência
e alterar a autorização do acesso aos dados acima mencionados.

緊急聯絡人 / Emergency Contact /Contactos de Emergência

關係 / Relationship / Relação 姓名/ Name / Nome 陳世鋒
電話 (至少提供一個) / Tel. (At least one) / Número de telefone (Pelo menos um)
父母 / Parent / Pais
(1) 63439033 (2) (3)
電郵 (如適用) / E-mail (If applicable) / E-mail (Se aplicável)

聯絡地址 / Address / Endereço


是否監護人?/ Is guardian? / É Tutor? q 是 / Yes / Sim

 q 否 / No / Não
姓名 / Name / Nome 黃秋媚
關係 / Relationship / Relação
電話 (至少提供一個) / Tel. (At least one) / Número de telefone (Pelo menos um)
父母 / Parent / Pais
(1) 63439031 (2) (3)
電郵 (如適用) / E-mail (If applicable) / E-mail (Se aplicável)

聯絡地址 / Address / Endereço


是否監護人? / Is guardian? / É Tutor? q 是 / Yes / Sim

 q 否/ No / Não


30-JUN-2022 12:40
電話 Tel.: 8822 8833 傳真 Fax.: 8822 8822
DC226696, APC202311
In addition, please indicate which hospital you prefer to be delivered to in case any medical emergency happens to you during
your studies at UM. Please consult your parent(s) or any statutory guardian(s) about your preference, as you and your family shall
be responsible for all the medical expenses involved. However, please note that the paramedics may determine which hospital to
deliver you to based on the actual situation and their professional judgement.

Por favor indique o hospital para o qual deseja ser transportado em caso de emergência médica, durante o período de estudo.
Alerta-se para o facto de que todas as despesas daí decorrentes serão por conta própria, pelo que se sugere que consulte a sua
família antes de indicar o hospital da sua preferência. Mais se avisa que a equipa de socorro pré-hospitalar pode decidir
transportá-lo para um hospital diferente, conforme achar mais apropriado, no momento, tendo em conta a situação do local onde
ocorre a emergência e com base na sua avaliação profissional.

 仁伯爵綜合醫院 Hospital Conde S. Januário (公立醫院 Public Hospital Hospital público)

q 鏡湖醫院 Kiang Wu Hospital (私立醫院 Private Hospital Hospital privado)

I understand that UM will handle the personal data herein and use it for emergency contact purposes, and that I have the right to
access, correct or update my personal data stored at UM in accordance with the law.
Declaro tomar conhecimento de que a UM tratará os dados pessoais fornecidos no presente formulário e utilizará os mesmos para
fins de contacto, em caso de emergência, e que tenho o direito de consultar, corrigir e actualizar os meus dados pessoais
conservados na UM, nos termos legais.

學生簽署 日期
Signature of student Date
Assinatura de estudante Data

父 / 母 / 監護人簽署 日期
Signature of father / mother / guardian Date
Assinatura do(a) pai / mãe / tutor(a) Data
本校專用 / For office use only/ Para uso exclusivo da UM

Handled by Date


DC226696, APC202311 電話 Tel.: 8822 8833 傳真 Fax.: 8822 8822

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