31 Talks Topic Survey (Singapore)

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1 Dr. Lynn Tan’s 7-Day Detoxification and Rejuvenation Program (2 hr)

2 Are you a victim of your own toxic colon? - GI guard - The basis of everything (1 hr)
3 Essential 6 – Basic Nutritions(1.5 hr)
4 Rebound for Health - Your Wonderful Lymphatic System (45 min)

5 Juicing & Eating for Health Workshop (Food that Feeds / Whole Foods – Plant Based) (1.5 -2 hr)
6 Children’s Diet and Superimmunity Kids (2 hr)
7 Natural Weight Management for Health - Losing weight without losing your life (1.5hr)
8 Water for New Life - Distilled water (40 min)
9 Anti-Aging (1 hr)
10 Estrogen Overload (Hormonal Imbalance) (1.5 hr)
11 Hair Loss (1.5 hr)
12 Hidden Poisons in your home (1.5 hr)
13 Your Liver Health and You (1 hr)
14 Bone Health (1.5 hr)
15 Yoghurt making workshop (1 hr)
16 Your Heart Matters (1 .5 hr)
17 Preventing Chronic Diseases (1.5 hr)
18 Take Charge of Your Lifestyle (1.5 hr)
19 Overcoming Skin Diseases (1.5 hr)
20 Prevention & Management of Diabetes (1.5 hr)
21 Beating Gout (1.5 hr)
22 Love your Kidneys – The Unsung Heroes (1.5 hr)
23 Natural Remedies for common ailments (1.5 hr)

24 Nutrition for Athletes (1.5 hr)

25 DIY Beauty Secrets (1.5 hr)
26 Overcoming Pain/ Inflammation (1.5hr)

27 Cholesterol Confusion Clarified (1.5 hr)

28 Intermittent Fasting (1.5 hr)

29 Preparing for Healthy Conception (Part 1 of 2) (1 hr 15 min)

30 Optimum Nutrition during Pregnancy (Part 2 of 2) (1 hr 15 min)

31 Liver Stones & Gallbladder Stones Flush (1.5 hr)

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