AJ Maturita

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Long formal letter

Hello, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm writing you this e-mail because I ordered speaker from you
last week. the little one with gray color and red stripes. The package came fine without any
damage if I don't count don't little dent in the box. Speaker looked fine at first sight, but when
I turn it on, then it just makes grunting noise with and even without any music. So, I want to
ask you a few questions first one is, if there is possibility to return or change the speaker for
new one? It will be really great, and I wouldn't mind pay for the post office again. The second
one is, if the first one didn't work out can I return it and get back my money? Thank you and
have a great day.

Hi Tom, I just want to tell you That I'm going back to my family for one week. So, I want You
to take care of my cat, because I can’t take her with me, my sister is allergic. Don't let her eat
my plants, I don't know why she is doing that. Also don't forget that on Saturday there is
coming repairman about the washing machine. Like I mentioned at the start, I will be back
after one week.
PS don't forget to water my plants thank you.


Zadání: V zahraničním e-shopu s elektronikou jste si objednal/a zboží. Po obdržení zásilky

jste zjistil/a, že zboží nesplňuje vaše očekávání. Napište e-mailem stížnost v rozsahu 120-
150 slov. V e-mail sdělíte: 1. proč píšete, 2. popíšete, v čem je problém (např. zboží
nefunguje, je poškozené atd.), 3. navrhněte, jak si přejete situaci vyřešit.


Odjíždíte na víkend pryč. Napište svému anglicky mluvícímu spolubydlícímu vzkaz v

rozsahu 60-70 slov, ve kterém: 1. oznámíte, kam a proč odjíždíte, 2. požádáte svého
spolubydlícího, aby se postaral/a o vaši kočku, 3. připomenete mu/ji, že v sobotu má přijít
opravář na opravu pračky, 4. uvedete, kdy se asi vrátíte domů.

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