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enalapril maleate

(e nal' a pril)

Vasotec I.V.

Pregnancy Category D

Drug classes
ACE inhibitor

Therapeutic actions
Renin, synthesized by the kidneys, is released into the circulation where it acts on a
plasma precursor to produce angiotensin I, which is converted by angiotensin-converting
enzyme to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor that also causes release of aldosterone
from the adrenals; both of these actions increase BP. Enalapril blocks the conversion of
angiotensin I to angiotensin II, decreasing BP, decreasing aldosterone secretion, slightly
increasing serum K+ levels, and causing Na+ and fluid loss; increased prostaglandin
synthesis also may be involved in the antihypertensive action. In patients with heart
failure, peripheral resistance, afterload, preload, and heart size are decreased.

• Treatment of hypertension alone or in combination with other antihypertensives,
especially thiazide-type diuretics
• Treatment of acute and chronic CHF
• Treatment of asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction (LVD)
• Unlabeled use: Diabetic nephropathy

Contraindications and cautions

• Contraindicated with allergy to enalapril.
• Use cautiously with impaired renal function; salt or volume depletion
(hypotension may occur); lactation, pregnancy.

Available forms
Tablets—2.5, 5, 10, 20 mg; injection—1.25 mg/mL

• Hypertension:
Patients not taking diuretics: Initial dose is 5 mg/day PO. Adjust dosage based on
patient response. Usual range is 10–40 mg/day as a single dose or in two divided
Patients taking diuretics: Discontinue diuretic for 2–3 days if possible. If it is not
possible to discontinue diuretic, give initial dose of 2.5 mg, and monitor for
excessive hypotension.
Converting to oral therapy from IV therapy: 5 mg daily with subsequent doses
based on patient response.
• Heart failure: 2.5 mg PO daily or bid in conjunction with diuretics and digitalis.
Maintenance dose is 5–20 mg/day given in 2 divided doses. Maximum daily dose
is 40 mg.
• Asymptomatic LVD: 2.5 mg PO bid; target maintenance dose 20 mg/day in 2
divided doses.
Give IV only. 1.25 mg q 6 hr given IV over 5 min. A response is usually seen within 15
min, but peak effects may not occur for 4 hr.
• Hypertension:
Converting to IV therapy from oral therapy: 1.25 mg q 6 hr; monitor patient
• Patients taking diuretics: 0.625 mg IV over 5 min. If adequate response is not
seen after 1 hr, repeat the 0.625-mg dose. Give additional doses of 1.25 mg q 6 hr.
• Hypertension: Initial dose is 0.08 mg/kg PO once daily; maximum dose is 5 mg.
Excretion is reduced in renal failure; use smaller initial dose, and adjust upward to a
maximum of 40 mg/day PO. For patients on dialysis, use 2.5 mg on dialysis days.
Creatinine Serum Initial Dose
Clearance (mL/min) Creatinine
> 80 Not applicable 5 mg/day
< 80– > 30 < 3 mg/dL 5 mg/day
< 30 > 3 mg/dL 2.5 mg/day
If creatinine clearance 30 mL/min, the initial dose is 0.625 mg, which may be repeated.
Additional doses of 1.25 mg q 6 hr may be given with careful patient monitoring; if
creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min, drug is not recommended.

Route Onset Peak Duration
Oral 60 min 4–6 hr 24 hr
IV 15 min 3–4 hr 6 hr
Metabolism: T1/2 hr
Distribution: Crosses placenta; enters breast milk
Excretion: Urine

IV facts
Preparation: Enalaprilat can be given as supplied or mixed with up to 50 mL of 5%
dextrose injection, 0.9% sodium chloride injection, 0.9% sodium chloride injection in 5%
dextrose, 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer's, Isolyte E. Stable at room temperature for 24
Infusion: Give by slow IV infusion over at least 5 min.

Adverse effects
• CNS: Headache, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, paresthesias
• CV: Syncope, chest pain, palpitations, hypotension in salt- or volume-depleted
• GI: Gastric irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia,
elevated liver enzymes
• GU: Proteinuria, renal insufficiency, renal failure, polyuria, oliguria, urinary
frequency, impotence
• Hematologic: Decreased hematocrit and hemoglobin
• Other: Cough, muscle cramps, hyperhidrosis

• Decreased hypotensive effect if taken concurrently with indomethacin, rifampin

Nursing considerations
• History: Allergy to enalapril, impaired renal function, salt or volume depletion,
lactation, pregnancy
• Physical: Skin color, lesions, turgor; T; orientation, reflexes, affect, peripheral
sensation; P, BP, peripheral perfusion; mucous membranes, bowel sounds, liver
evaluation; urinalysis, renal and liver function tests, CBC, and differential

• Alert surgeon, and mark patient's chart with notice that enalapril is being taken;
the angiotensin II formation subsequent to compensatory renin release during
surgery will be blocked; hypotension may be reversed with volume expansion.
• Monitor patients on diuretic therapy for excessive hypotension after the first few
doses of enalapril.
• Monitor patient closely in any situation that may lead to a drop in BP secondary to
reduced fluid volume (excessive perspiration and dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea)
because excessive hypotension may occur.
• Arrange for reduced dosage in patients with impaired renal function.
• Monitor patient carefully because peak effect may not be seen for 4 hr. Do not
administer second dose until BP has been checked.

Teaching points
• Do not stop taking the medication without consulting your health care provider.
• Be careful in any situation that may lead to a drop in blood pressure (diarrhea,
sweating, vomiting, dehydration).
• Avoid over-the-counter medications, especially cough, cold, and allergy
medications that may interact with this drug.
• These side effects may occur: GI upset, loss of appetite, change in taste perception
(will pass with time); mouth sores (use frequent mouth care); rash; fast heart rate;
dizziness, light-headedness (usually passes in a few days; change position slowly,
limit activities to those not requiring alertness and precision).
• Report mouth sores; sore throat, fever, chills; swelling of the hands, feet; irregular
heartbeat, chest pains; swelling of the face, eyes, lips, tongue, difficulty breathing.

Adverse effects in Italic are most common; those in Bold are life-threatening.

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