Prečaci U Excelu 2013

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e2r017 Pretac u Exes 2013 "fname Sor itn a setae Sreveien soi eee veda Selec ses te sgt ee SOE oinmtoa seeoe, eet see ts ate Space Resor sno nee seoeertace nein aes “Ener aeketycane as oS nape source 0 see eam refaci u Excelu 2013 Search Ctr! combination shortcut keys Key Description Cestetgon—_Swteres been worksheet tbs fom log Ccspaup _Swtches been workaheet tbs fem right to-e CGotesniesa Applies ne outine Dora ote selected cal etesnnt~ Applies te Genera number oma. Ccaesnineg Applies the Currency format with two decimal laces (epi number in parentheses). Cvs Applies te Percentage format ih no decal paces existe applies te Scere number format wt wo decimal lacs Cceesniter —ppalieste Date format wih the ay, mont, and yer CGetesnite@ Applies tne Time format wth the hor and minute, and AM a Cciesnine! Applies the Number format with two decimal laces, tnousanes spar, and mis sgn (fr neglve values Selects he current regen around the active all (he data ara encased by lank rows and blank column) ctwsnicee Ina Potable, Kase the etre Peele report esis Enters the curenttme Cctesnite Copies the value om te cell above the active alt inthe cl or he Forma Ba. CEISNLPL oouys the Inert dae Boe ons lank cl CeteMinus Displays the Delete dialog box ode the selected cle Cote Enters the curene date rit" aternates between dpayng cl vals and plying formulas inthe worksheet. cae Copies formula tom te al above the active cal ft the calor the Formula. Geist Displys the Rormat calle so bo Cris2 Applies or removes bold formating Gev3——_ Apple or removes fate formating Cotte Applies or removes underining als Apples or ramoves trketrough, Gries Atenas between hing and dlplayngcbect Geiea Displays or nies the outine sym. Geiss Hides the slated rows Ceo Hides the sles clue. Sect the entre moran AF the worksheet contin data, Cr selects the cuent replon. Pressing C+. second tne selects the entre worse ole When the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula, displays the Function Arguments dialog cuss inserts he argument names and sarentheses when the Insrton pont Ito the ot ofa uncon name cats Apples or removes bol ermatth. Grive Copies the selected cele ' User the Fl Down commanc to copy te contents and format of he topmost clot sla range note celle ete ‘below. Cese Ade more vlus to the active eur by sing dat suroundng that cob one Displays the Find and Replace dlalog box, wih the Find tab selected, hitpimwwe-ims convexcel-2019/excol-2013.4, htm [—Patagodeno potaavarie sd) 18 eere017 “41 Zabta roan ensaeu 42 Grothe u Beets 2019 a 5 1s tere FS also splays tis dito box * Exec! 2003 aig. aay te Create Table day box eimgert Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file. VVORUEXCELY — cav0 =e SETA, uohytne nt a Mos ee ace CllsShts? opens the Format Calle log bx th the Font tab lee coer ht ° cutss —__Soves he ate le hs cer te name, can, and fle oma Cuts closes the sled wortook won Guise cue seleced el. Tip The Cut combinations C+) and Cti+m are curently unassigned shortcuts Function keys key Pretac|u Exealu 2013 Ccul+ShinsF opans the Format Celle dislog box wits the Font tab selected Displays the Go To diatog box Description (Cuter splays or hides the ribbon |AtceEa creates an embedded char of ata in the current rang, Eats the active cell and postions the insertion point at te end ofthe eal eantents. I also moves the insertion point inte the Formula Bor when edingn acl ture of (cu1+#2 aspays the print previw area onthe Print tab inthe Backstage view Displays the Paste Name cal box. Avalable only f names have been defines inthe workbook (Formulas to, Defin ‘Names group, Define Name} ‘Shit cispays the Insert Funetion dialog box. Repeats 7 last command or ation, If possi When a cl reerence or range is selectes ina formula, F eyels through al the various eambinatons of absolute an relative references Displys the Go To dialog box CI4ES restores the window site ofthe selected workbook window. hip iwwwic-ms convexcel-2018/excol-2013-44, html 215 eere017 Pretac|u Exealu 2013 ‘Switenes between the worksheet, nbbon, task pane and Zoom contr. In a worksheet that has been spi (Vlew menu, Manage This Window, Freeze Panes, Spit Window command), °6 indldes te split panes when switching Between panes ‘ne the ribbon ea, CCuI4F6 switches tothe next workbook window when mare than one werkbook window i open. Displays the Spe Ing cialog box to check speling in the acove workshest or selected range, C1467 performs the Mave command an the workbook window when i isnot maximized. Use the arrow Keys to move the window, ana when fished press Ener, or Esc to cance. ‘urns extend mode on or of In extend mode, Extended Selection appears inthe status Ine, anc the arow keys extend the selection, fa SHRCHFB enables you to add a nonacjacent calor range toa selection of ells by using the arrow Keys CGl+F8 pertrms the Stze command (onthe Control menu fr the workback window) when # workbooks not inmized. [ALES displays the Macro dates box to cea, run, et, or delete 2 mac, Calelates all worksheets in all open workbooks ‘Shit +9 calculates the actve worksheet. Ceteaiter9 calculates ell worksheets in al open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the lst cleltion Cols Alte shit +9 recneces depandert formulas, and then calultes all ells in all open workbooks, including calls not marked as Turns key tips on or of. Pressing Alt does the same thing.) ‘Shit +10 eeploys the shortcut menu fora seletes tem. [NeeShfe+FLo deplays the manu oF message for an Ear Checking button, Cols t0 maximizes or restores the selected workbook window Creates» chart of the data inthe current range in separate Chart sheet [AHELL opens tne Mlcrosont Visual Basle Fr Applatlons Eaton which you ean create @ macro by using Visual Base for ‘pptcations (VER. F12 Displays the Save As claog box. Other useful shortcut keys Displays the Key Tips (new shortcuts) onthe ron. Nt All, Ws Pawtehes tne workehest to Page Layout view [A WL sitehes the worksheet t Normal ven Ccurtsarcow Key moves to the edie of the current data rgion (data reson: A range of cls that contains data and that Bounded by erty cals or detasheet borders) i @ workshee ‘Shits-Rrow Key extends the selection of ells by one cel. iL+Shiftt Arrow Key extangs te selection of call tothe lst nonblank cal nthe same column or row as the active call Keys Left Arrow or Right Arrow selects the tab tothe lef or right when the ribbon i selected. When a submenu is open or Select, se avon keys saltch Between the mln manu ond the submenu. Wes a Hobon tab selected, Case Keys ovigats the tab buttons Ssclocte, these kaye navigate Up or down the tab group. Down Arrow ar Alt+Down Arrow opens 2 Selected drop-down Ist Deletes one character tothe lettin te Formula Bar hip iwwwic-ms convexcel-2018/excol-2013-44, html a5 eere017 rage Pretac|u Exealu 2013 {Incl eng mode, deltes the enaracter to the let of tne insertion point Removes the call contents (data and formulas) fom salected calls without affecting cll formats or comments. In call eting mode, it deletes the character to 12 ght ofthe insertion poh ‘column or row as the active cell. End mode turns off automatically after pressing the arrow key. Make sure to press End ‘gain before pressing the next aerow Key. End made Is shown Inthe statusbar when Ison 1f the calls are blank, aessing End followed by an arrow key moves to the las calm the row or ealuma, End also selects the lest command on the menu when a menu or submeny i visible. fhe formula bar, CrsEnd moves the cursor the end of the tot CGtiteshintnd extends the selection of cls to the last used cll on the worksheet (lomerright corner) I the cursor in ‘the formula bar, Ctrl Shit End slats all text nthe formula bar from the cursor pesto t tha endthis does noe affect the height of he formu ‘Completes a call entry fram the cal or the Formula Bar and selects the cell below (by deau}. ‘Opens 2 selected menu (press F10 to etvate the menu bar) oF performs the action for @ Selected commana Ina dialog bo, performs the acon for the default command button inthe dalg box (the button with the bol outing, [NeEnterstarte a neu lin nthe same ca (CvEstr fils the slectod call range withthe currant etry. ‘Cancels an entry inthe cll of Formula Ba ‘closes an open menu or submenu, dal box, or message window. Ttalso closes fullscreen mode when this mode has been apolied, and ratums to normal screen mode to eplay the ribbon fd statue ba agen Moves tothe beginning of a row in a workshect. Cctrtome moves to the beginning of @ worksheet. Ccirl+shitHome extends the selection of els tothe beginning of the worksheet [N+ Page Down moves one screen to the rit ina worksheet ‘cage Down moves tothe next shet in» workbook Moves one Screen up in a worksheet [At+Fage Up moves one sewen tothe lft ina worksheet. Clrt+Page Up moves tothe previous sheet n 8 workbook, Ccusshiteebage Up selects the cutrant and previous sheet na workbook, ‘In dialog box, performs the action forthe selected button, or selects or clears check Box CcrSpacebar selects an entire calm ina worksheet, CculsshitsSpacebar slets the entre worsheet + fhe worasnect contains data, Ctr Shit-Spacabar soles the currnt region. Presing Cul-ShittSpacebar a secind tne sects te cre gin anda surety roms, resaingCoeshftespacste a ie setts the + Wnen an bjoc is selectad, Cols Shits Spacsbar selects al objects ona worksheet Als} Spacebordsrays the Control mens forthe Excel window. hip wwwic-ms convexcel-2018/excol-2013-44, html 45 eere017 Pretac|u Exealu 2013 Moves one cll tothe right in 8 worksheet Moves te the next option a option group in 2 clalog box. ‘Shino moves to the previous callin a worksheet or the previous option in dialog bos, sites to the next tab in log box Lever: Microsoft web stranice itp wwwic-ims convexcel-2018/excol-2019-44, htm 515

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