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Test trouvé sur - le site pour apprendre l'anglais (test


Choisissez la bonne réponse

Questions :

1. Her desk was covered _____________________________ books.

2. Most young people care _____________________________ the environment.
3. My friend always comments _____________________________ what I'm wearing.
4. She's finally succeeded _____________________________ passing her driving test.
5. The police searched _____________________________ clues
6. This music reminds me _____________________________ the holidays.
7. How much did you pay _____________________________ your boat?
8. Her eyes filled _____________________________ tears
9. Are you looking _____________________________ a house?
10. Could you translate this letter _____________________________ French
11. You always think _____________________________ everything!
12. I rely _____________________________ you for good advice.
13. The exam is divided _____________________________ two parts
14. We look _____________________________ the neighbours' dog while they're away.
15. You can't always depend _____________________________ the bus arriving on time.
16. Her grandmother suffers _____________________________ depression


1. with
2. about
3. on
4. in
5. for
6. of
7. for
8. with
9. for
10. into
11. of
12. on
13. into
14. after
15. on
16. from
Test trouvé sur - le site pour apprendre l'anglais (test
n°25741) - Copyright - All rights reserved - Reproduction et
traduction interdites sur tout support.

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