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"Harmony in Rhyme: Decoding TUPT's Academic Ode"

In the halls of TUPT academia, where knowledge takes its stand,

A set of rules to guide us, like a firm and steady hand.
Let this poetic tale unfold, a mnemonic key,
To help you recall minor offenses in our university.

1. Loitering's dance disrupts the class's flow,

Respect the quiet, let the learning grow.
2. Uniforms and IDs, a uniformity plea,
Wear them proud, identity decree.

3. Cross-dress not on uniform days' sway,

Adhere to codes, let traditions stay.
4. Dress and footwear, a wash day grace,
Follow the rules, maintain the proper pace.

5. Male faces beware, inappropriate hair,

As deemed by officials, maintain the air.
6. Earrings' jingle and multiple gleam,
Within these walls, let moderation beam.

7. Caps and hats, a classroom shield,

Keep them off, let learning be revealed.
8. Permission seek before you roam,
Respect the class, make the classroom your home.

9. Cutting classes, a forbidden flight,

Seek permission first, do it right.
10. Fraternities and groups, accreditation seek,
Join the recognized, let your choices speak.

11. Post not where you're not allowed,

Materials' posting, keep it proud.
12. Facilities' use, seek permission clear,
Before you step, let the written word adhere.

13. Notices on the board, a bulletin's tale,

Leave them be, don't let them fail.
14. Gambling's tools, keep them away,
Within these walls, don't let them sway.

15. Cellphones silent, gadgets still,

In class, let quiet minds fulfill.
16. Water and electricity, treasures untold,
Use them wise, let responsibility unfold.

17. Gestures lewd, words to offend,

Respect your peers, let kindness blend.

18. Accidental damage, a regretful toll,

Treat all with care, let goodwill control.

19. Intimacy's display, a private affair,

Keep it discreet, let respect declare.

20. Cigarettes, tobacco and the like, a campus ban,

Breathe clean air, follow the university plan.

In this poetic code, let offenses be known,

Memorize them well, as seeds of respect are sown.
Within these walls, let wisdom be your guide,
A TUPT-university journey with rules side by side.

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