Formates For Correspondence

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Cha ptter 12


Forms of correspondence of documentation, forms for issue of
certificates to be identified

The Government of Andhra Pradesh have issued ctear instructions through

their G.O. Ms. No. 599, dt. 5.9.94 regaiding forms to be maintained for the
maintenance of accounts in panchayati Raj lnstitutions.
Formats which are retevant to the functionaries of pR & RD Engineering
department have been identified and furnished in the format given betow.

sl. Name of the functionary

Name of the register
1 Abstract of Monthly Account No No No Yes No No
2 Agreement Forms No No Yes Yes Yes No
3 Challan Yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Completion Report No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Contingent Bills Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 Transfer Entry order No No No Yes Yes Yes
7 Estimates (l) Detailed measurement
sheet (ii) .
Abstract of Estimate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I lncrement certificates Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
a Pay Bills Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
10 T.A. Bills Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
t1 Appl ication for pension/Gratuity Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
12 Application for Family pension Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
13 Daily log sheet No No No No Yes Yes
14 Nominal Muster Rolls No No No No Yes Yes
15 Return showing the receipt, issues and
Balances, material at site No No No Yes Yes Yes
16 Running account bill No No No Yes Yes Yes

Dr. M.C.RH.RD. Institute of Andhra pradesh _ 145

Formats fctr c orre sp ondenc e/certifi c ate s
Functionory Manual

sl. Name of the functionary

Name of the register
No. JD SG JG Chemist A. Chemist JWA

17 Segment wise Field Observations &

Analysis No Yes Yes
18 Well inventory schedule No Yes Yes
19 Vertical electrical soundi4gs No Yes Yes
20 Report on chemical analysis of water No Yes Yes
21 Report on Bacteriological analysis
of water No Yes Yes
22 lnformation to accompany with
water sample No Yes Yes

146 nr. M.C.R.H.R D. Institute of Andhra Pradesh

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