Stating The Obvious

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Stating the Obvious.

Stating the obvious.

Some of you apparently didn’t get the memo.

This is a Binary Matterium. That is the design pattern,

everything arises from a binary condition. Even the
Matterium itself arises from a binary condition.

There is Consciousness.

There is the Universe within Consciousness.

There is the Matterium within Universe.

All of this is binary.

The goal of Consciousness is to find That Which It is

Not. Consciousness, and not-Consciousness. This is

And thus was created Novelty (not known to

Consciousness), as Concept, and Manifestation, and

So Consciousness had something to do. The Hunt for

To have some place to hunt, Consciousness created the
Universe, the Matterium, and You.

You are within the Matterium.

You are alive; thus you are not dead.

Humanity has both the Living, and the Dead; thus we

have Both.

So each, individually, and both, in combination. Thus

there are always Three, where Two are visible, and
always there are Two, where One is visible. Thus does
Complexity arise from Simplicity. The method that we
use with our neural net software machine ‘learning’ is
but an analog of how universe operates. At this larger
level, you are the monad in the Matterium’s ‘human
learning software’.

The design pattern of binary is everywhere we look. It is

self-demonstrating. Seeing, not seeing. On, off. Light,
dark. Dead, alive.

Everywhere there is quality differentiation, the quality

will always, and inevitably reduce to the binary.

It is only when we get into quantification that anything

other than binary manifests.
So thus all of the ‘non-binary’, and ‘blended gender’ talk
is but that, talk. No substance as it is not supported
within this Matterium, and while it is momentarily novel,
it will wither and disappear in the time allotted to it by

Anytime you find attempts to ‘quantify’ humans, or any

Life Quality in this Matterium in general, you are in the
presence of evil thinking. This statement is binary as it
resolves down to humans being a quality in this
Matterium, and not a quantity of the Matterium.

We find such evil thinking in the mother WEFfers. They

want to ‘trans-human’ the humans. They are attempting
to quantify humans as though we are machines. They do
it in their understanding of biology, and project that
understanding onto the reality. Thus their evil thinking
that ‘trans-human’ can exist.

The plans of the WEF are evil, as we see them constantly

trying to quantify everything about humans, and
humanity. With absolutely NO regard to human quality.
These are all evil plans by definition. These plans fail.
That is a binary state. They fail due to totally ignoring
human quality. They will continue to fail until the WEF
changes. If they did that, change their thinking, then it
would be the non-WEF, and again, binary design pattern
would be self demonstrating.
We get Peak ‘Trans’, both as the climax (pun intended)
of the pan-sexual wave, and as the WEF entre into trans-
human at this Time, and of course it is the proximate
cause for the next large social wave of ‘settling into
normal normality’ in which Masculine and Feminine will
be seen for their true worth; Masculinity creates and
maintains Civilization, while Femininity creates and
maintains Life. These are qualities. They reduce to

This currently emerging period will frustrate the WEF

very deeply. The only ‘trans’ in a few years, will be
references to the ‘transition’ from WEF World, over to
Human World.

No ‘trans’ about it.

The people in the WEF are starting to appreciate that

they are losing the 5th Generation Unrestricted War that
they launched against Humanity. They have worked for
centuries only to fail now. Their failure was forecast
hundreds of years ago, when the ancestors of today’s
[KM] /WEF, lost the lesson of binary. They are obsessed
with quantity, as they demonstrate with their lives
devoted to gathering excess in quantity where ever they
may. Judge men and works by their qualities, not their
The Matterium Lesson of Binary, the Design Pattern:
Novelty does not arise from Quantity, but ONLY from
Quality. And even that is Binary. This Matterium is
designed to support Binary that Novelty may arise.

We live in a binary design patterned Matterium. Life,

within it, can harmonize with that design pattern, or fight
it. That choice, as are all choices, is binary. Choose
wrong, and that Life will fail. And that is binary as well.

Choose Quality. Don’t worry so much about quantity.

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