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Ecuadorian Economy

Term Definition Example Sentence

economy the system of production, distribution, and The economy of Ecuador relies heavily on
(noun) consumption of goods and services in a country industries such as oil, bananas, shrimp, and gold.
or region.

corruption dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in Corruption in Ecuador has hindered economic
(noun) power, typically involving bribery. growth and development.

protests public demonstrations expressing strong The protests in Ecuador were sparked by rising
(noun) objection or disapproval towards something. fuel and food prices.

poverty (noun) the state of being extremely poor, lacking the Many people in Ecuador live in poverty due to
resources or means to meet basic needs. economic challenges.

emergency a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous The lack of savings for emergencies in Ecuador
(noun) situation requiring immediate action. has left many vulnerable during times of crisis.

Ecuadorian Economy

Ecuador is a country in South America with a big economy. The economy is based on things like oil,
bananas, shrimp, and gold. People from Ecuador who work in other countries also send money back home,
which helps the economy. But the economy has some problems too. The country depends too much on oil
and doesn't have enough money saved up for emergencies. There are also issues with corruption and crime
that make it hard for businesses to succeed. The government is trying to make changes to fix these
problems, but it's not easy.

The economy of Ecuador is important because it affects everyone in the country. When the economy is
doing well, people have jobs and can afford things they need. But when the economy is bad, people can
lose their jobs and have a hard time making money. This can lead to poverty and other problems. The
government is working to make the economy better by reducing the country's debt and making it easier
for businesses to succeed. They also want to create more jobs and reduce poverty. It's a big challenge, but
they are trying their best.

There have been protests in Ecuador because of the economic problems. People are angry about things like
high fuel and food prices. They want the government to do more to help them. The protests have
sometimes turned violent, with people getting hurt and arrested. The government has declared a state of
emergency in some parts of the country to try to stop the protests. It's a difficult situation, but the
government is working to find a solution. They want to make the economy better for everyone in

In conclusion, the economy of Ecuador is important for the country and its people. There are challenges and
problems that need to be fixed, but the government is working on it. The protests
show that people are unhappy with the current situation, but they also want things to get better. It's a
tough time for Ecuador, but there is hope for a brighter future.

Reading Summary
- Ecuador's economy is based on oil, bananas, shrimp, and gold.
- The country depends too much on oil and lacks savings for emergencies.
- There are issues with corruption and crime that hinder business success.

Multiple Choice Questions

Question #1 Question #2 Question #3
What are some of the main Why are people protesting in What steps is the government
industries that contribute to Ecuador? taking to improve Ecuador's
Ecuador's economy? economy?
A. Tourism, agriculture, and A. They want lower taxes A. Increasing fuel and food
manufacturing and more government prices
B. Oil, bananas, shrimp, services B. Reducing the country's
and gold B. They are unhappy with debt and supporting
C. Technology, finance, and the high cost of living businesses
construction C. They are demanding C. Declaring a state of
D. Education, healthcare, better education and emergency and
and transportation healthcare suppressing protests
D. They want stricter laws D. Creating more job
against corruption and opportunities for the
crime people

Short Answer Questions

Question #1 What are some of the main industries that contribute to Ecuador's economy?

The economy is based on things like oil, bananas, shrimp, and gold.

Question #2 What are some of the challenges faced by Ecuador's economy?

The economy of Ecuador is important because it affects everyone in the country. When the economy

is doing well, people have jobs and can afford things they need. But when the economy is bad, people can

lose their jobs and have a hard time making money. This can lead to poverty and other problems. The

government is working to make the economy better by reducing the country's debt and making it easier for

businesses to succeed. They also want to create more jobs and reduce poverty.

Question #3 Why have there been protests in Ecuador?

There have been protests in Ecuador because of the economic problems. People are angry about things like

high fuel and food prices.

Open Ended Questions

How does the economy of Ecuador compare to the economy in your own country? Reflect
Question #1 on the similarities and differences.

In what ways do you think the economic problems faced by Ecuador could impact
Question #2 individuals and communities? Reflect on the potential effects.
What actions do you think individuals can take to help improve the economy in their own
Question #3 country? Reflect on the role of individuals in shaping the economy.

This Diffit resource was created by Wil Sares

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