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[This ques question paper contains 12 printed pages.] Your Roll NoO.....cree0%" Sr. No. of Question Paper: 1546 G Unique Paper Code : 2342011101 Name of the Paper : Programming using Python (DSC-1) Name of the Course + B.Sc. (H) Computer Science Semester ak Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 90 Instructions for Candidates 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any 4 questions from Section B. 4. Parts of a question must be answered together. > PEO. 1546 2 1. @) Give the pseudocode or largest of three numbers, @ x/z (i) x+y Gi) [3] (cz Determine the output of following code, State the values of mand sum for all iterations, (3) | n, sum = 371, 0 i while n > 0: sum = sum + (n % 10) ** 3 n=n//10 print(sum) lain 3 Ss vailable for o access modes ® ailable ny two a e ia) Explain anY ae - S ng in python. Use S le examples. file handling P : the following code snippet QB) ne output o} {¢) Determil 2 = ‘ihleD fo ytisrevinU! mysir myStr = myStr(: :-1] print(myStr + “+ '110007') print(len(mySt)) ( Write a function studentData(n), that returns a dictionary with keys as the student roll number and value as student name. The function should accept roll number and name, for m students, as input from the user, Example, the returned dictionary should look like : {101:'Sahir’, 192: 'Sam’,...} (S) PTO; iS uf 1546 4 5 (B) In the iven code snippet, state ont 1546 eo ae Value Qe after execution of each statement a a @o-tey LI = [10, 20, 30,20) = asymmetric_difference(b) L1.append(s0) Gi) © set of Bond) (p, Write a function factors(nt) that returns a set iy, Write a “ L1.remove(20) ‘all the factors of the number nl. print(L1) | ! 1 SECTION B + (L1.extend(‘aroma') ] ene paar) 2. (a) Write a python program which contains the following functions : ” (B) Consider sets a and b: @) @ readflle(file1) that prints the total number a= (5, 12, 33, 14, 55} of lines present in file file. b = {101, 13, 14, 55, 16} Gi) copy(filet, file2) that copies even lines of ‘ t! - Find the value of ¢ for each of the following the file filel in file file2, statements : P.T.O. | Lhe & | RIF he 3. (@) Fi Find the output of the fol following code, d= {RED':4, ‘GREEN’; 14, "BLUE. 24} dkeys = list(d.keys()) % print(dkeys[(0}) print("blue’ in d) d['ORANGE'] = 12 d['GREEN’] += 10 print(d) process(stri) that performs the (10) following @ Calculates the frequency of each character ne eee type. print this dictionary. i) Function should return the string which has | the words in the reverse order. Example: if strl = ‘Best of luck Savital’, the function should return the string 'Savita! luck of Best’. 4 ‘ (@) State the value of y after each step: oO ¥ += x{9] + x[-9] P.T.O 1546 8 9. Ace 6 7 y <= x[-5] + x13] + 154! y(listh) po =< PP — += x15} + x12] + x2] opy(tist!) es as = e097 OPP ypartition(’ ) we Be a 1ist3(0) = in _§ + “join(y12] split’) 2 Sal 2 yestt2) (0) = 75 5 ns i 1 ind ond justify the values OF listl, list2 a1 =e (Describe the following string functions wi ist es examples = a a @ (b) Generate a list containing the cube of the odd Eo © capitalized) | a | numbers from 1 to m, using = (8) GO isdigitO ( 2 user-defined function myCube(m) be (Gi) upper) (i list comprehension _ Gv) isalpha() B 6. (a) Determine the output of the followi lowing code: = 5. (gf Consider the following set of statements : Se wy=45 oe import copy pos. So um = listl =[ 1, 2, [ 3, 4 - £3, while (y > 0); § P.T.0. fore Z 2) Oves [[ 3) tee 1546 10 : if (y & 1) 1546 grays) sum = sum + x print 133) rax<<1 prin(t-count(7) yry>t ; s2iytol- § prin, 9 [ae miata) 13 = tl + tuple(India’) (®) Write a program that does the following checks | on the age entered by the user: ® © age should not contain alphabets or speci characters (i) age should not be Jess than 21 Raise and handle appropriate exception(s). (@ Compute the output of the following code: th= d, 2, 3.7, 9, 05,7) 12 = (23, [24, 25]) print(t3) (©) Define a class Drone that contains following data (8) members : Instance variables: droneld - id of drone Class variable: totalCount - for keeping count of all the drones manufactured ‘The class should contain the following methods: @ i '—O ~ initialize data members and increment totalCount (i) getldO ~ returns droneld P.T.o. 1546 12 (iii) getTotalCount() - returns ‘to (iv) _del_() - to destroy ne decrement the totalCount

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