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Thank You Omor Faruk. I am Pranto Dutta ID 201002109 . Here is joining Operation .

we join the tables

of our project by ID.

join operation is used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between
them. Joins are fundamental to retrieving meaningful and comprehensive data from multiple tables.

These join operations help in creating meaningful relationships between tables and are essential for
complex queries where data from multiple tables needs to be retrieved and analyzed. The specific join
type to use depends on the relationship between the tables and the desired result set.

Now, let's delve into the challenges we encountered during the development process.

1. Understanding Requirements: The initial hurdle was gaining a clear understanding of what our
car shop truly needed. We overcame this by engaging in thorough discussions with stakeholders.

2. Scope Management: We recognized the importance of defining and sticking to our project
scope. Using project management tools, we tracked changes and communicated regularly with
stakeholders to avoid scope creep.

3. Data Modeling: Designing a robust database schema that efficiently handles complex
relationships was a challenge. We addressed this by investing time in a normalized database
schema and utilizing visualization tools.

 We are committed to enhancing user experience through mobile applications.

 Customers can schedule appointments, track repairs, and receive real-time updates at their

 Our vision includes partnering with digital payment platforms to facilitate secure and convenient

 Embrace the power of data with our analytics tools.

 Optimize pricing strategies, inventory levels, and resource allocation based on real-time insights.

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