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Assignment - 14

Name : ……………………..........

Class : XII - AFD

Date : ……………………

Work : Assignment

Topic : Fashion Cycle

Aim : Draw fashion cycle for Normal Fashion,

Fad Style & Classic Style.
Fashion always remains in motion. The

changes in fashion depend on economic, social, and psychological

factors. The acceptance and rejection of a particular style is

indicated through the fashion cycle. It is usually depicted as a

bell-shaped curve. The five stages of a fashion cycle are:

 Introduction - It is the introduction of a style.

 Rise in popularity - Fashion followers pick up the trend

thus increasing the appeal and popularity of the style.

 Peak of popularity - This stage represents the peak of


 Decline in popularity - The style has over-exposed or

become monotonous at this stage

 Rejection – The style is considered to be outdated and

is therefore rejected.
1) Standard Fashion Cycle: - Standard product life cycle has
a bell shape and goes through the stages of introduction,
growth, maturity, decline and rejection.

2) Style Fashion Cycle: - A style is the manner in which a

product is presented and certain styles come and go. So the
shape of a style product life cycle is like a wave, as one
style fades out, another appears.
3) Fad Fashion Cycle: - A fad is a product that is popular for
a short period of time. For a fad product sales peak very

4) Classic Fashion Cycle: - It is an everlasting fashion, hence

the shape of the graph is a straight line.

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