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Daily Editorial Summary

02nd January 2024

Topics To be Covered:
✓ On ISRO's PSLV C58 Mission
✓ Reigniting the Flame of India-Korea Defence Cooperation
✓ Responding To The New COVID-19 Sub-Variants, Now And
In Future

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On ISRO's PSLV C58 Mission
Recently, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully launched the X-ray Polarimeter
Satellite (XPoSat) Mission to study polarized X-rays emitted in astrophysical phenomena.
❖ Relevancy for Prelims: XPoSat Mission.
❖ Relevancy for Mains: XPoSat Mission and its Significance.
About the Mission:
❖ A two-part Mission: ISRO launched the XPoSat, in a two-part mission, onboard a Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicle (PSLV) on its C58 flight.
➢ After injection of XPoSatThe PSLV Orbital Experimental Module-3 (POEM-3) experiment will be
executed with 10 identified payloads from ISRO and IN-SPACe.
❖ India became 2nd Country: It is the second space-based experiment to study X-ray polarization, and at higher
X-ray energies than the other, NASA’s Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer.
❖ Payloads: It carries two payloads, which
About Polarization:
are expected to shed light on intense X-ray
❖ It refers to the orientation of oscillation of electromagnetic
sources such as pulsars and black holes.
➢ POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in
❖ For X-rays, it describes the direction in which the electric
X-rays): Realized by the Raman
field associated with the X-ray wave oscillates.
Research Institute, it will track X-rays
in the 8-30 kilo-electron-volt (keV) About Polarimeter:
energy range and observe emissions ❖ An important diagnostic tool to detect and measure the
from around 50 sources in five years. polarization state.
➢ XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and ❖ They typically use devices such as gratings, analyzers, or
Timing): Realized by ISRO’s U.R. other technologies capable of discerning the polarization
Rao Satellite Centre, it will study X- of X-rays.
rays of energy 0.8-15 keV and changes
in continuous X-ray emissions.
❖ Objectives:
➢ To measure polarization of X-rays in the energy band 8-30keV emanating from about 50 potential
cosmic sources through Thomson Scattering by POLIX payload.
➢ To carry out long term spectral and temporal studies of cosmic X-ray sources in the energy band 0.8-
15keV by XSPECT payload.
➢ To carry out polarization and spectroscopic measurements of X-ray emissions from cosmic sources
by POLIX and XSPECT payloads respectively in the common energy band.

❖ Testing: After launching XPoSat in a

650-km circular orbit around the earth,
the fourth stage of the rocket lowered
itself into a 350-km-high orbit and
unfurled solar panels, becoming a
mini-satellite and orbital testbed for
the 10 payloads it carried.
❖ Significance:
➢ Use of PSLV: This is only the
third time ISRO has operated the
PSLV fourth stage in this way.
➢ Collaboration: This C58
mission represents a union of the
aspirations of professional
scientists, aspiring students of science, and India’s private spaceflight sector.
➢ Multiple Functioning: It comprises a radio payload, a device to measure ultraviolet radiation, a ‘green’
cubesat propulsion unit, a ‘green’ monopropellant thruster, a tantalum-based radiation shield, a heater-
less hollow cathode, a nanosatellite platform, an interplanetary dust counter, a fuel-cell power system,
and a high-energy cell.
It is a significant step towards the understanding and exploring of high-energy astrophysical phenomena and in
India's space research and exploration vision for humankind’s knowledge of the universe.
News Source: The Hindu

Reigniting the Flame of India-Korea Defence Cooperation

In November 2023, General Manoj Pande was on a visit to the Republic of Korea, marking a crucial moment
in the course of India-Korea defense relations.
❖ Relevancy for Prelims: Location of South Korea.
❖ Relevancy for Mains: India-South Korea Relations- Challenges and Opportunities.
Challenges in Relations:
❖ Absence of a Shared Vision: For a new comprehensive defense framework.
❖ Regional Perception: The challenge is the resistance of Korea to reassess India’s role in the region.
❖ Strategic Consideration: The prevailing overemphasis by India on weapons acquisition and technology
transfer from Korea has overshadowed the strategic considerations.
➢ Also, the Korean defense establishment on profit-driven weapons sales to India, devoid of strategic
❖ Coalition: The emerging coalition of North Korea, China, and Russia poses a new serious challenge to
collaborative efforts between the two nations.

Need To Do:
❖ Reassessment of Role: Korea needs to reassess India's
regional role beyond largest defense product
consumption, fostering a deeper, more meaningful
partnership with India.
❖ Collaboration on Advanced Defense Systems &
Equipment: It can also lead to a mutually beneficial
defense technology and industry partnership, significant
for both countries in areas of innovation and self-reliance.
➢ Powerful arms lobbies in India and Korea pose a
potential roadblock, emphasizing the necessity to
prioritize long-term strategic goals over short-term
❖ Partnership for Security: There is a huge opportunity
for collaboration against space warfare, information
warfare, and cybersecurity to ensure the security of
critical infrastructure and information.
❖ To Counter Terrorism: There is potential for collaboration in maritime security, including joint patrolling
and information sharing, also both countries have maritime interests in the Indian Ocean.
❖ In Peacekeeping: Sharing insights and resources in peacekeeping operations can enhance regional and global
stability, underscoring their joint commitment to peace and security.
❖ Exercises for Welfare: Mutual growth is found in enhancing joint army exercises, fostering interoperability,
and strengthening the capabilities of both armies for effective collaboration in diverse scenarios.
➢ Also, the joint exercises and the exchange of best practices in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster
Relief (HADR) demonstrate the shared responsibility of both nations in addressing vulnerabilities to
natural disasters.
The time has come for India and South Korea to counter the challenges and go ahead with opportunities, which
requires a strategic and balanced approach, coupled with adaptability to the evolving geopolitical landscape.
India and Korea need to transcend the confines of bilateral cooperation, and embrace a paradigm shift that
cultivates a more profound understanding of their roles in the swiftly evolving global scenario.
News Source: The Hindu

Responding To The New COVID-19 Sub-Variants, Now And In Future

Recently, the JN.1 sub-variant of Omicron has been reported from multiple countries and designated as a variant
of interest (VoI) by the World Health Organization, which has raised concerns.
❖ Relevancy for Prelims: Variants of Interest (VoI) or Variants of Concern (VoC).
❖ Relevancy for Mains: SARS-CoV2 & its Variants- Associated Challenges and the Way Forward

About SARS-CoV2 & its Variants:

❖ The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, later renamed as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 or
SARS-CoV2) was first reported on December 31, 2019 from China.
❖ Few Famous Variants: Alpha Variant (B.1.1.7), Beta Variant (B.1.351), Gamma Variant (P.1), Delta Variant
(B.1.617.2) and Omicron Variant (BA.1.1.529) and a new subvariant of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-
2, the JN.1.
About Variants of Interest (VoI) or Variants of Concern (VoC):
❖ There is a change observed in the genome of organisms and the international agencies and subject experts
are on task to assess the risk.
❖ If mutations or genetic changes result in an alternation in the characteristics of the virus (such as higher
transmission, more severe disease or immune escape from vaccine induced or natural immunity), then variants
are termed as VoI or VoC.
❖ Designating a variant as VoI always does not automatically mean there is a reason to worry.
About JN.1:
❖ A subvariant of the Omicron Variant: Since the reporting of the novel virus in 2019, more than 1,000 sub-
variants and recombinant sub-lineages have been reported. Hence, the emergence of JN.1 is not surprising.
JN.1 is not a new virus but a sub-variant of BA.2.86, which itself is a subvariant of the Omicron variant of
❖ Variants of Interest (VoI): JN.1 has been designated a VoI, which is a call to step up genomic sequencing
scientific work and use data to track the virus.
❖ No Need to Worry: Till now, there is no evidence that JN.1 causes more severe disease, thus, is not a reason
for worry.
➢ As per current scientific evidence, vaccines and natural infection continue to provide protection,
though there is some possibility of a decline in protection, as time has lapsed since the last vaccination.
Therefore, there is no immediate reason to worry.
Need To Do:
❖ Careful Interpretation of COVID-19 Cases: The spike in COVID-19 cases in India could be more artificial
than real due to the increase of COVID-19 testing.
❖ Provide Correct Reason of Death: Some deaths are being attributed to COVID-19. However, there is no
evidence that those deaths are causally linked to SARS-CoV-2. These appear to be in the individuals who were
already sick and had COVID-19, as an incidental finding.
➢ We need to shift attention to preventable deaths due to many other reasons.
❖ Act Responsibly:
➢ Citizens: Not to share unverified social media messages.
➢ Government: Science communication from the government needs to be more interactive, and public
communication messaging should be more routine and easy to understand.
➢ Clinical Management: They should focus on a syndromic approach to respiratory illnesses.

➢ Education Management: It is proven that the risk to children is the lowest among any age group and
thus, school closure should never be considered in response to a COVID-19 case surge
❖ Follow Good Respiratory Etiquettes: People with cough and cold must follow good respiratory etiquette
such as wearing masks in public places, covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing and frequent
handwashing, irrespective of whether it is a type of SARS-CoV-2, seasonal flu or any other respiratory illness.
It is time we handle SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 just like any other respiratory illness. It is more of an
individual health concern than a public health concern. COVID-19 is not a novel virus any more and is here to
stay. But it is not a reason to worry.
News Source: The Hindu

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