DNS - 13 Mark

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2 DNS defines how the

application layer protool Systems,

* An on ifferent
prcesses tubning
lapplcahon other
messCe to eoch
pass the Domain Name System
stands for thet provides a
directoy sernce netwsk and
? DNS is a cn the
nane of a
moppin betwcer
its nmental oddres the bttret.
furctisneg cf
fos the
DNS is reqeured odonauó rame an
’ has a
t) c tree symbols
>och node Sequene of
hame IS a
a futl
Specfiecl by dots . the cdoman hame
sevce that
’DNS is a
into TP add tworks to ctilize
the users of ne other hosts
This allous lookihg for
nanes when
Uses fnerdly Ip oddresses
rnbenng the
insteac of reme 132-l49- I6550
JP aadress

cwww. googleom.
dornauñ name
wheh 3
Client reques contcuin e nme
Coverted to Tp addres S knan s forard
DNS lbokup.
Contrininq an TP address whic bb
cohile request Conta ining kroun as Reyerse
is coerted int
into a nome

DNS loKup. database to

cdistri buted
DNS idenents a hosts availabe
the namno of all the
on the mtene.
browser Sencde a
>If a ctent like a hostnome
then a pece
request Centtining DNS resolver. sendls a
of sutware Such as
to Obtauh the
DNS Server
nequest to the
address of a hostname
Tp Centen the
DNS server cdeesnot then it forcads
assciated coith host nasse
DNS Seover
to anothar
its vequest to resopo , which
at the nternet
address avedl request bVer the
Tf I comletes the
rtoco| Hlierarachy of Nare
y Reot sesve
Donaui name
NOrne Sesvese Secorlary Seyey

Domaio Nome Syst em :
h System that con map a nama to an adores& (@)

DNS Method
amcunt of cntomalen nte Snalles nt
" Divi ce hug
Storc each pat brn a diltcenl Conpttea
. Hot that neccds mappng contact th eloeit cenpt
hotdung te cdcd vcimaton
Space : Maps each addeSs to uniquc na
* Name
Tuoo ways chaclos wnthout
seqLcncc ct
name space: A
( Plat (Iotenct)
stouuctue. be co Aag systm
isacvantuge: t cant he uscd
nono Space: kach
) HieaNchal
pst natune cf an ergewigation
a) Finst pant de}ie
he nane t an
b) Second pert dctere dcptments
)Thid pat natue
authoity - Lnamne nm
’ Cental pefre) to tihc
- Adct sulti /souCs
> Oganigato delone ib ht

Domas Nane Space

* sthucta wthto
Desiccl.To hove a tvesttod taee
Narnes cdetned th (n tevel 2
ct the top. oorot) to
128 levels
t deleqates autkoaihy to ctnc sesves
ypes of Sewens: DNS de<one too typs hvg?s
senves --
ASeeves trat sthcs åe abt tie 3e to


G) Geonday ves -
eves tat tiante tie ompleke uitoamaton
To icae icdnclantyo tc
Z0ne tsantes:
lacs tl
Scociy piniy.

s aþaotool. din cdad
IoS Intcrct Soa e Ctao)t
Pomain Name
three dttewnt

) County doma
) Cavesse dona
* dabel:Astsurg tn Kerbl t 63 chasat¬s
Lach node a tsc
tse has a lapl.
Root tabel - null stsung (enpty t9oy
Domai Name : ASequanca oß labels nepesatcd by
olots. (o)
Demn nÔncS Kcd tiom node Up to tio oot
0 FADN- tully Guobtd Dornaus Names
th bost
’ I containS Full name ot
A (cbel teimiated by null ste9
G: Chall enger. atc · fhda.-
() paDN - Partally Elual hid Dorai Nane
tabel nad tsmited hyy a null nang aing
chatlerges. att fhdaedu. challeng -at.fhda. edu
es hmme
Cs hmnme com
www fnny int
Sbtsec c thc Domaus nam spic

Hietchy of mame seSves :

Dstibte jesalon anong many
DNS &esves:
cotled DNS Sives
Sresponsble te1 o has
Zone: A Seess
mates data base callet a zoC
Zene tile node
le and kstp.
(nclei bat clomcui
protocol Useod on
’ DNS Is a TcP/IP
dfferent platfomc h
Space is chvidod
The domatn hamename space
3different sessions !
) G1enen omair
(i) Coentry
dii) Iaverse domai

Iverse 1enene Doncu
Dona Dornen 2 choracter
index DNS datakae
* Bcharacteslabels US- U tedtt
* address te
y organizales type tn- indà

"Corn "edu, .bz,

"Qov, 'mil

WORKIN cOmmunatu
cliort Seover net wosk
DNS is a
cient Send equest tu the ses
DNS ciend
ohle DNS
server respords to the
pictured as an inverted hierarchical tree structure with
U DNS can be maximum of 128 levels. one root at
top and a
the domain name.
tree has a
Each node in the
as any subtree of the
domain name space.
J Adomain is defined
The name space information is distributed among DNS servers. Each server has
jurisdiction over its zone.
zone is theentire DNStree.
root server's
AAprimary server creates, maintains. and updates information. about its ZOne.

gets its information

from a primary server.
Asecondary server
space is divided into three sections: generic domains,
The domain name domain.
domains, and inverse country
organization type
OThere are 14 generic domains, each specitying an
country domain specifies a country.
OThe domain finds a domain name for a given IP address Thi. is
address-to-name resolution.
D Name servers, computers that run the DNS Server program, are
The DNS client, called a resolver. maps a name to an address or an address to a name
D In recursive resolution. the client sends its request to a server that eventuall
returns a response.
In iterative resolution, the client may send its request to multiple servers before
getting an anSwer.
UCaching is a method whereby an answer to a query is stored in memory (for a limited
time) for easy access to future requests.
Afully qualified domain name (FQDN) is a domain name consisting of labels begin
ning with the host and going back through each level to the root node.
JA partially qualified domain name (PQDN) is a domain name that does not include
all the levels between the host and the root node.
There are two types of DNS messages: queries and responses.
There are two types of DNS records: question records and resource records.
U Dynamic DNS (DDNS) automatically updates the DNS
DNS uses the services of UDP for messages of less than 512 bytes; otherwise. TC?
is used.

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