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Studiotraffic Workflow & Time Management

Barcode Scanning System

By: Ernie Arias

How does it work?

Filemaker Kiosk @ SO5

Project managers come to the studio and fill out a job request via a Filemaker kiosk. This will generate a job ticket/work order and a barcode label. These 2 items will travel with the job throughout its circulation in the studio.

Studio Manager receives job request

Project managers will bring work order and barcode label to Studio Manager. Studio manager receives the job request from PM.

Studio Manager assessing request

Studio manager will assess the request to ensure everything is OK (directory to pick up files, supplied disks, or files sent via dropbox or e-mail, etc.) After ensuring everything is in order, Studio manager will proceed to prepare a job jacket.

Preparing job jacket

Studio manager will assess the request to ensure everything is OK (specs from requestor and instructions are clear enough for anyone to understand, verification of supplied disks and directories, etc.) Studio manager will then proceed to open a studio number, prepare a job jacket and give the assignment to an operator.

Operator Station
Stations will be equipped with scanning guns. Before starting the assigned job, operator will scan the label [clock-in]. When job is finished, operator will scan again [clock-out]. This process will write data into Filemaker, directly affecting operators timesheet as well as posting charges to Filemaker in real-time. The same process is done when job goes to Proofreading, Retouching, etc.

What are the benefits?

The system will create accurate historical data in real-time. It will definitely improve our accountability. The system will micro-manage for us while we can take care of more important tasks!! The fun part is that all studio artists will love it since they wont have to spend between half-an-hour to an hour doing an FMP timesheet.

Job-timing accuracy has never been more efficient. It will generate a job log, allowing managers to track status of any job in the Studio at any given moment. It will also allow us to retrieve cost on a job at any given moment without having to ask our biller (favorite request from account team and project managers).

Q. How to quantify time worked on units (TWU)?
A. Operators will have a barcode for this category, so when they are waiting for a file from the client, instead of billing all that time, they will scan the TWU label and the clock will stop charging the billable code and will then start clocking the TWU.

Q. Stopping one job to prioritize another

A. A manager can approach an operator and intervene a job that is not that urgent for another one that is really hot. As soon as the operator scans the new job the clock will stop for the current job and start clocking-in the urgent task.

Q. System failure [server crash, computer crash, etc.]

A. In any crash (either server, system or computer) situation, once the system is re-established the manager will be able to overwrite or fix any wrong data or any mistake we might have in our logs using Administrator Rights (i.e., if the wrong label was scanned or data was lost in a system crash).

Q. How to quantify multiple task in one single scan?

A. We need to do some adjustments to our codes in order to get the system working properly, (i.e., when doing a CFO and upload to a vendor it is understood that it will include: a printout, a PDF, FTP, and CFO, so these tasks should be bundle-up into one)

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