Peime Minister Hun Manet Is Exploring The Potential Establishment of A Cambodian

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Peime Minister Hun manet is exploring the potential establishment of a Cambodian-Japan industrial park to

secure Japan’s business and investment climate sustainability in the Kingdom.

This proposal emerged during his meeting withYouswhihassa Kainuma, chairman and CEO of Minebea
Mitsumi, oqn December 18, on the sideline of the ASEAN- Japan frienship And Cooperation
commentmorative summit in the Japanese Capital Toyo.

Katima stated his company growth and expansion plans, promting Manet to highlight Cambodia’s
comitment to fostering a conducive enviroment for business and investment, according to a press release.

In response, Manet said the Cambodian government has implemented new policies, frameworks and
infrasrutural development supports both domestic and foreign investor focusing on highways, railways and

“ We’re exploring the potential for a Cambodia-Japan industrail garden and formalating a logical master
plan to position Shihanoukville Autonomous Port as a regional core. Moreover, our commimnent ectend to
exchancing the Kingdom’s investment environment with greater flexibility, ease and favourability,” he was
qouted as saying.

On December 19, prior to return to Cambodia, Manet chaired a 2023 investment conference addressing the
kingdom’s invetsment climate and business potential.

“ This conference holds a crucial role in fostering trade and investment flow, business cooperation,
innovation, mutual mutual understanding and frienships between Cambodia and Japan,” Manet said.

The event welcomed nearly 700 investors, including over 600 Japanese investors participating bnoth in
person and online, a long with more than 80 Cambodian investors.

Lim heng, vice president of The Cambodia chamber of commerce ( CCC), mention on december 19 that,
following the workshop, neumerous companies expressed interesting in Cambodia.

“ We have seen efforts to attract Japanese investors to Cambodia, particularly encourage them to establish a
special economic zone and a Cambodia Japan industrial garden. This involve both public private investment,
“ he said.

While accompanying Manet to the ASEAN- Japan commemorative summit, Minister of Commerce Cham
NImul met with Japnese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Ken Saito to discuss collaboration,
strengthen frienships and enchance trade cooperation between the two nations.

According to the Ministry, during the bilateral meeting, both parties acknowledged the success of trade
between Cambodia and Japan. They discussed strategies to enhance business activity and trade flow, nothing
their commitment to implementing the ASEAN- Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership ( AJCEP) and
the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership ( RCEP) to bolster economic collaboration and

Nimul said the participation of the Japanese private sector hold greats important in developing Cambodia’s
economy, particularly in creating job opportunities and diversifying industry and trade.

“ I urged the Japanese business community and investors increase

Their involvement in business and investment in Cambodia. The government priorities the agricultural and
the processing industry, textitle and manufacturing, tourism and creative sectors, research and development,
transport and logistics, technology and digital, financial and educational services.This focus includes the
establishment of SEZS AND industrial parks,” she added.

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