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CONNECTION TO OLYMPUS: Aljeda is one of the powerful goddesses among the child
of Poseidon. She is a daughter of Poseidon and Cymopoleia, the goddess of the waves,
violent sea storm and earthquakes in Greek roman goddesses while Poseidon married
to Amphitrite, the goddess of the sea Poseidon had a secret affair into one of the
powerful goddess of the sea Cymopoleia. She didn’t even know that Poseidon had
already married and already have a children to his wife reason why Cymopoleia fell in
love to Poseidon because of his strength and power that could control over the sea.
Poseidon promised to Cymopoleia mother of Aljeda that he could marry the goddess
once he already back coming from Olympus because Zeus called all of the Goddess
to joined in one big dinner together all of the powerful gods in Olympus but while
Poseidon enjoying the celebration in Olympus, Cymopoleia found out that she
expected a child from Poseidon she decided to hid her child to Poseidon because she
wanted to surprised the god once his back coming from Olympus along of the
happiness that Cymopoleia felt; Amphitrite found out the affair of his husband into one
of the known goddess in sea the queen of the sea Amphitrite was very mad when she
found out about the affair of his husband she went into the kingdom of Cymopoleia
and ruin all the things that she could see in the kingdom because of her anger
Amphitrite cursed Cymopoleia to changed her physical figure so that Poseidon would
never recognized her from being a very beautiful and sweet goddess Cymopoleia
would become a giant and very violent sea creature. While she was fighting to
Amphitrite’ Cymopoleia wouldn’t notice that her child Aljeda went to the deepest part
of the ocean because of the force unleashed by the goddesses cause destroyed the
whole kingdom of Cymopoleia. All of her life she was looking to her daughter reason
why every time she remembered her anger to Amphitrite because of the cursed and
lost of her child Cymopoleia make a violent sea storm to felt her anger into the whole
oceania. Aljeda adopted by two ordinary sea creatures in the deepest part of oceania
and Aljeda grew up into a very beautiful and powerful sea deities that she didn’t even
know that she would from into two powerful god and goddesses in the sea. She didn’t
know about her real parents despite of her difference among in the other sea deities
Aljeda grew up as a kind and good hearted sea deities and she used her powers to
help the ordinary sea deities and the kingdom where she grew up.

POWER: Aljeda is a heart of the oceania the whole kingdom of Poseidon like her father she
can controlled the sea and even the storm power that she would get to her mother Cymopoleia.
Her voice is one of unique powers that she had because of her voice she had an ability to
destroy anything and be subject to her desires by anyone who heard her powerful voice but
despite of her power she used all of this to help and protect herself and other innocent sea
Symbols: Turtle
Personality traits: A kind-hearted goddess of the sea who grew up into a kingdom for the
ordinary deities. A long lost daughter of Poseidon and Cymopoleia. A goddess who love singing
and her voice was very powerful. She is a heart of oceania once she died all of the kingdom of
oceania would destroy.

Friends and Families: Most of the friends of Aljeda is an ordinary sea deities because she
grew up into a normal life like other sea deities she didn’t have any idea that her parents are
one of the most powerful god and goddesses Poseidon and Cymopoleia because when she
was a baby she lost her from Cymopoleia.

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