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JKA04 I Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & I Sem LL.

B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Priya A Jagadish) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define Consideration. ‘Stranger to consideration can sue but stranger to a contract cannot 08/07
sue’. Elucidate.
2 ‘Mere silence is no fraud’- Discuss this statement with its exceptions. Distinguish between 08/07
Fraud and Misrepresentation.
3 What is Public Policy? Explain the different heads of public policy. 08/07
4 Mention the different types of Breach of Contract. Examine the remedies available for 08/07
breach of contract.
5 Discuss the circumstances under which the contracts can be specifically enforceable and not 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A goes to a departmental store and picks an article with price tag. When he goes to the 03
counter to pay the price, the shopkeeper declined to sell the article. Can A bring an
action against the shopkeeper? Decide.
(b) Highlight different kinds of Offer. 03/02
(c) What is Counter Proposal? Decide whether counter proposal amounts to proper 03/02

7. (a) Z is a spiritual advisor. X, an old Hindu man is a disciple of Z. Z advises X to gift his whole 03
property to him to secure benefits to his soul in the next world. X gifted his entire
property to Z. Later X wants to cancel this gift. Can he do so? Advise X.
(b) Cite three instances for Mistake of Fact. 03/02
(c) State the effect of agreement with persons of unsound mind. 03/02

8. (a) S promises to drop a prosecution which he has instituted against R for robbery and R 03
promises to restore the value of things taken. Is this a valid agreement? Give reasons.
(b) ‘Agreement in restraint of trade is void’ – State its exceptions. 03/02
(c) What is Maintenance and Champerty? 03/02
9. (a) X agreed to let out musical hall to Y on a certain day for the purpose of holding a 03
concert. But before that day, the musical hall was destroyed by fire without the fault of
either party. Y wants to claim from X. Decide with reasons.
(b) Write a note on Doctrine of Novation. 03/02
(c) What is Quasi Contract? Illustrate. 03/02

10. (a) X pollutes the air with pollutant so as to interfere materially with the physical comfort of 03
Y and Z who carry business in a neighboring house. Can Y and Z bring an injunction to
restrain the pollution? Decide.
(b) Write a note on Government Contracts. 03/02
(c) What are Declaratory Decrees? 03/02

JKA05 I Sem B.A/B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & I Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Vasudeva) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Discuss Injuria Sine Damno and Damnum Sine Injuria. 08/07
2 Discuss the essentials to prove vicarious liability. 08/07
3 Explain the concept of ‘Damages’ and its kinds. 08/07
4 Bring out the distinct features of COPRA, 2019 in comparison with COPRA, 1986. 08/07
5 Discuss the salient features of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) R is living in Mysuru city for 30 years. R had voted in many State Assembly and 03
Parliamentary elections. In a Parliamentary election R was not allowed to cast her vote
because her name was missing in the voters list. Advice R.
(b) Is Mistake of fact excusable? Why? 03/02
(c) State the principle laid down in Rylands V. Fletcher. 03/02

7. (a) X, an engineer constructed a house for Y. Y along with his wife and two children started 03
living in the house. After two years, the wall of that building fell down for 2.66 mm rain
and killed his wife. Is it an Act of God? Decide.
(b) How ‘Assault’ is different from ‘Battery’? 03/02
(c) Mention the remedies for ‘Trespass to Land’. 03/02

8. (a) The conductor allowed C and other passengers to travel on top of the overcrowded bus. 03
The overhanging branch struck the people sitting on the top of the bus during the
journey and C fell from the bus and succumbed to death due to serious injury. Decide
the liability.
(b) Write a note on ‘Res Ipsa Loquitor’. 03/02
(c) Mention the specific defences available to Nuisance. 03/02

9. (a) G booked a Water Heater online. The company delivered the product after a week. 03
When G opened the box and found that the power (on/off) switch was missing. Advice
(b) Define Deficiency. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Restrictive Trade Practices. 03/02
10. (a) Due to Covid-19, K, a software engineer returned to his village and started working from 03
home. He was unable to work efficiently due to unscheduled power cuts. Can K sue the
electricity department? Advice.
(b) Enumerate the benefits of Compulsory Insurance. 03/02
(c) Specify the functions of Claims Tribunal. 03/02

JKA01 I Semester B.A./B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.) & I Sem LL.B Examination

February/ March -2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Nandini M S ) Max Marks : 70

Instructions: Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question.
I 1 Punctuate the following sentences: 03
a. i will meet you said lysander in the wood a few miles away from the city
b. what hope shall we gather what dreams shall we sow
c. some say it was this some said it was that but his neighbours called him the good old
mr quixana and no doubt his work was correct

2 Correct the following sentences: 03

a. I’m worried as neither of my brothers have returned back from the picnic.
b. My sister is annoying today, but usually she is nice.
c. My office is near to the airport.

3 Differentiate between homonyms and homophones along with examples. Specify the 04
meanings of the stated examples and frame sentences for the same.

4 Rewrite as directed: 04
a. She did not cheat in the test, for it was a wrong thing to do. (Transform into Complex
b. What is an Imperative Sentence? Give an example for ‘entreaty’.
c. Use the word ‘whereas’ and link two sentences.
d. Give an example for a positive sentence and change the same into negative sentence.

II 1 Frame sentences along with the meaning for the following idioms and phrases: 02
a. Hit the road b. Put down

2 Explain the parts of a formal letter (application). 03

3 Frame sentences for the following word-pairs and specify their meanings: 02
a. Body and soul b. Trial and error

4 Frame sentences along with the meaning for the following expressions: 02
a. Act –Action b. Affect – Effect

5 Mention any two expressive expressions and state the emotions associated with them. 01

6 Draft a report to be published in the newspaper on ‘Unscientific disposal of waste’ in your 04

III Answer any two of the following: 7x2=14
1. Explain the role of Law and Language in society.
2. Prepare a note on:
a. Precedents b. Secondary sources of Law
3. Discuss the problems of Legal Language.

IV 1 Match the following: 0.5x8=04

a. Port obitum Accidentally
b. Pro rata Mode of operating
c. Jure humano An insolvable difficulty
d. Modus operandi On the way
e. Ex accidenti In proportion
f. Impasse By human law
g. In medias res After death
h. En route Into the midst of things
Before death
By divine law

2 Explain any two Legal Maxims: 3x2=6

a. Qui facit per alium facit per se
b. Ex turpi causa non oritur actio.
c. Delegatus non potest delegare

3 Clarify any two of the following: 2x2=4

a. Prayer b. Sentence c. Appeal

V Answer any two of the following: 7x2=14

a. “Milton’s words‘… ‘unmoved, unseduced, unterrified…’ would truthfully apply to
Palkhivala both as a man and lawyer.” Elucidate.
b. Justice H. R. Khanna is one such person who was ‘greater than his deeds and truer
than his surroundings.’ Comment.
c. Bring out the contributions of Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar to the Indian Legal System.

JKA02 I Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Nagendra S) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘The study of Political Science is indispensible and more relevant in the present world to 08/07
evaluate the role of various organs of the Government’- Analyse.
2 ‘The Government of India Act of 1935 is the root of Constitutional Development in India’- 08/07
3 Evaluate the features of Parliamentary system in India. 08/07
4 Examine the composition, powers and functions of Election Commission in India. 08/07
5 ‘E-Governance is the need of the hour to strengthen Democracy’- Elucidate. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A 21 year old boy molested a girl. When the molester was produced before the court he 03
tied Rakhi to the girl and made an attempt to dilute and deviate the offence of sexual
harassment. Can the court acquit him? Clarify.
(b) Define State. Specify the elements of the State. 03/02
(c) Identify the Intellectual Triumvirates and Contractualists. 03/02

7. (a) A journalist was arrested under UAPA, being an under trail accused, he has been 03
subjected to prolonged imprisonment for more than 5 years. The accused applied for
bail and pleaded to sanction bail under Article 21 of the constitution. Can the court
grant bail on the ground of fundamental rights? Clarify.

(b) List out the features of Presidential form of Government. 03/02

(c) State Aristotle’s classification of Government. 03/02

8. (a) An RTI activist intends to obtain copies of pleading, judgment, documents, decree, and 03
order deposition of the witness from the High Court of a State. Advice him.
(b) Prepare a note on Right to Information Act, 2005. 03/02
(c) Determine the essentials of New Education Policy. 03/02
9. (a) X who is suffering from neurological disorder with over 40 percent visual/hearing 03
impairment wanted to appear for civil service examination with the support of a scribe.
Can X be allowed to appear for the examination? Decide.
(b) Prepare a note on Integrated Judicial System. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Constitutional and Non Constitutional Bodies. 03/02

10. (a) X party in a State formed the Government with the support of elected members of the 03
scheduled areas who belong to Y party. The Government sanctioned 100 percent
reservation to the scheduled tribe candidates for the post of teachers in the schools
located in scheduled areas. Do you think that the Governments decision is
unconstitutional? Comment.
(b) Identify the challenges to E-Judiciary. 03/02
(c) Point out the problems and prospects of E-Governance. 03/02

JKA03 I Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Pushparaj K) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define Public Administration. Explain its scope. 08/07
2 Discuss the reasons for the growth of Administrative Adjudication. 08/07
3 ‘Bureaucracy is the offshoot of good governance’ – Evaluate. 08/07
4 Define Leadership. Examine the qualities of a good leader. 08/07
5 Specify the meaning of Planning and examine its relevance. 08/07

Answer ‘a’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) In the hierarchical system, the employee of a lower cadre presents a new and innovative 03
idea to his immediate senior. But the senior rejects it. Can the employee approach the
top management with his idea? Does it violate the principle of hierarchy?
(b) Distinguish between public and private administration. 03/02
(c) State the features of Unity of Command. 03/02

7. (a) Under delegated legislation, there are possibilities of misusing the power for political 03
gain. The executive makes the law as per the expectations of his political party. This is
against democratic norms. How can delegated legislation be made more democratic?
(b) Specify the functions of Auxiliary Agencies. 03/02
(c) Highlight the administrative functions of Chief Executive. 03/02

8. (a) It is said that morale is closely connected to leadership. Suppose in a company if the 03
leader is not boosting the morale of his subordinates the company suffers loss. Who
should be made responsible for the loss? Leader or subordinates? Give reasons.
(b) State the problems of recruitment. 03/02
(c) Mention the types of training. 03/02

9. (a) It is said that the institutional and personal factors play a crucial role in decision making. 03
In case of a conflict between the institutional values and personal interest of the
decision maker, organization is the first causality. How can decision makers balance
this? Decide.
(b) State the significance of Democratic style of decision making. 03/02
(c) ‘Discipline is indispensible to strengthen the organization’ – Justify. 03/02
10. (a) In a town planning department of a municipal corporation, an innovative and visionary 03
engineer launches a new project. Unfortunately the engineer gets transferred and his
position gets replaced by an inefficient person without any innovative thinking. Thus
the project remains pending causing unnecessary burden on the corporation. Suggest
suitable measures to overcome such problems.
(b) Highlight the importance of Budget. 03/02
(c) Specify the principles of Communication. 03/02

JKA07 I Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Rajitha V ) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Explain the factors effecting E-Commerce. 08/07
2 Discuss the concepts of Security and Encryption. 08/07
3 What do you mean by E-Marketing? Explain the steps involved in on-line Marketing Process. 08/07
4 Define Digital Signature. Explain its importance in E-Payment System. 08/07
5 Explicate the role of E-commerce in banking and insurance. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Assume that you run a company where you have an automated mechanism to collect 03
data. What are the consequences you face when the system fails to collect the right
(b) Bring out the technologies used in E-Commerce. 03/02
(c) Differentiate E-Commerce and E- Business. 03/02

7. (a) A customer faces problem at ATM centre due to technical error and at the same time, 03
the customer’s amount got debited from his account but did not receive cash from the
ATM machine. Advice him.
(b) State the concept of E-Security. 03/02
(c) Identify the security threats in the E-Commerce environment. 03/02

8. (a) Fraudsters are targeting confidential data of a company due to lack of security up- 03
gradation. How will the company protect the data without up gradation?
(b) Point out the advantages of B2C. 03/02
(c) List out the various marketing concepts. 03/02

9. (a) In a market there is a huge competition in the field of e-marketing, e-business, online 03
shopping. Will it paralyse the traditional/conventional competitors against the emerging
trend? Clarify.
(b) State the meaning of Payment Gateways. Give an example. 03/02
(c) Write the differences between traditional payment system and electronic payment 03/02
10. (a) X, a villager wants to obtain RTC from the taluk office which is available through e- 03
service at minimal cost but the Village Accountant demanded bribe from X. Advice X.
(b) Identify the challenges in online-specific payment during online payments. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on e-tailing. 03/02

JKA06 I Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Sunitha N) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Enumerate the contributions of Henry Fayol to Management Thought. 08/07
2 Planning is the essence of Management. Elucidate. 08/07
3 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Line organisational structure. 08/07
4 Define Management Audit. Point out its need for an Organisation. 08/07
5 Discuss the different styles of Leadership highlighting merits and demerits of each. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A, a superior, has three subordinates B, C and D. If A wants to communicate to D it 03

should pass via B and C. Likewise, if D wants to communicate to A, it should pass via C
and B. Identify and explain the principle of Fayol which is been followed.
(b) Give a brief account of the findings of Hawthorne experiments. 03/02
(c) State the importance of Management. 03/02

7. (a) An organisation intending to maintain discipline in the campus, displays a sign board 03
stating ‘No smoking’. Which approach to planning is discussed above and mention its
(b) Identify the areas of forecasting. 03/02
(c) Trace the characteristics of decision making. 03/02

8. (a) The nature of work in a company is repetitive in nature and does not require any extra- 03
ordinary talent to perform. Hence, a single supervisor is appointed. Justify the above
decision of the management stating the principle followed.
(b) Specify the meaning of delegation and decentralisation. 03/02
(c) Mention the advantages of formal organization. 03/02

9. (a) A Chartered Accountant is performing the function of Management Auditor too in a 03

company. Analyse the effectiveness of the work.
(b) Indicate the factors affecting Business Ethics. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Operation Research. 03/02
10. (a) R, a sales manager achieved his sales targets one month in advance. This achievement 03
was displayed on the notice board and a certificate for the best performance was
awarded to him by the CEO of the company.

i. Identify the type of incentive provided.

ii. What is the benefit to the company?

(b) Which theory by Mc Gregor is said to be positive and optimistic? Why? 03/02
(c) Justify the need for Control in an organization. 03/02

20KB03 II Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. S. Nagendra) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 What is meant by Political Obligations? Discuss the grounds of Political Obligations. 08/07
2 Examine the views of Marx Webber and Karl Marx on Legitimacy of Power. 08/07
3 Define Utilitarianism. Examine the views of Jeremy Bentham on Greatest Happiness of the 08/07
Greatest number.
4 ‘Sapthanga theory advocated by Kautilya is more relevant in the present political scenario’ - 08/07
5 ‘Independent and Impartial Judiciary is the need of the hour’- Evaluate. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Constitution can be amended only by the procedure provided in Article 368. If the Union 03
government brings amendments to the State subjects without binding to the provisions
of the constitution, then can the High court strike down the amendment on the grounds
of procedural lacuna? Clarify.
(b) Specify the obligations of individuals towards the State. 03/02
(c) State the limitations of Political Obligations. 03/02

7. (a) Recently A was appointed by the Ministry of Home Affairs as a Delhi Police 03
Commissioner, when A was left with six months of his service. The decision of MHA was
challenged by the Delhi Assembly. Can the Court take action on the concerned ministers
on the grounds of violation of Supreme Court Judgement? Justify.
(b) State the kinds and sources of authority. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Power and Authority. 03/02

8. (a) During lockdown, a large number of youth were addicted to internet access. The 03
traffickers are taking the advantage of loss of livelihood, increasing amount of time
spent online to entrap victims, including advertising false job on social media and an
increased demand for child exploitation. Government is focusing to draft anti-trafficking
bill. Is it required or is the existing Anti Human Trafficking Units can be ensured with
more power? Decide.
(b) Write a note on J.S. Mills views on ‘On Liberty’. 03/02
(c) Identify the safeguards against Unjust laws. 03/02
9. (a) X was elected to the Rajyasabha, but later a PIL was filed in Delhi High court questioning 03
the office of profit, and X was disqualified. Can the aggrieved party appeal to the
Supreme Court? Decide.
(b) State the techniques of Sathyagraha. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Islamic Concept of State. 03/02

10. (a) X challenged the appointment of Y for the post of CJI, and made some allegation against 03
the CJI. Can X be sued on contempt of court? Clarify.
(b) Define Bureaucracy and state its significance. 03/02
(c) Specify the role of P M O. 03/02

20KB04 II Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. A. R. Sushma) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Examine the composition, powers and functions of British Parliament. 08/07

2 Discuss the features of US Constitution. 08/07
3 Analyse the uniqueness of the Federal Legislature in Switzerland. 08/07
4 Evaluate the features of V Republic of France. 08/07
5 ‘The recent judgments of the Supreme Court on various national and constitutional issues 08/07
proved that Judiciary in India is active and impartial’. Elucidate with a few important recent

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) Queen in UK drives a car herself without licence, and the car does not bear the number 03
plate. Can the Crown enjoy this privilege? Is it not the violation of equality before law?
(b) Prepare a note on Rule of Law in U.K. 03/02
(c) State the importance of the party system in U.K. 03/02

7. (a) A thirty years old mentally challenged woman undergoing treatment in the destitute 03
ward was raped by an unidentified person in the state run hospital. Can the state
government be sued? Decide.
(b) Specify the composition of US Congress. 03/02
(c) Identify the process of Impeachment in US. 03/02

8. (a) In a district, the Sessions Judge had mentioned the name and other details of the rape 03
victim. But Sec.228A of the Indian Penal Code prohibits the publication of the identity of
the rape victims. Can the family members of the victim seek solace from the Supreme
Court in this regard? Clarify.
(b) Distinguish between Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Federal Council in Switzerland. 03/02
9. (a) In an accident, A is the only survivor, was grievously injured and lost his family. He was 03
rushed to the hospital where his two legs and one hand were amputated. He was in
coma for two months. When he regained consciousness he expressed that he is not
willing to live and he refused to consent to treatment that would prolong his life span.
Can the medical practitioners respect his wishes? Justify.
(b) Identify the Party system in France. 03/02
(c) Highlight the importance of Administrative Courts in France. 03/02

10. (a) A is a resident of Bangalore. He has been working as M.D in Twitter India. He was 03
arrested in a criminal case by UP police related to Ghaziabad incident for uploading a
video related to assault on an elderly man, who belongs to M community. The Karnataka
High court restrained the UP police from taking any coercive action against A. Can the
High Court of Karnataka exercise this power? Clarify.
(b) Write a note on Preamble of the Indian Constitution. 03/02
(c) Specify the process of enacting the Finance Bill in Parliament. 03/02

KFB02X/20TB03 II Sem B.A./ B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.) and II Sem LL.B. Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Ashwini P) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Define Bailment. Discuss the essential features of Bailment. 08/07

2 What is Agency by Ratification? Examine the conditions of a valid Ratification with 08/07
3 Explain the different modes of dissolution of Partnership. 08/07
4 Define Condition and Warranty. Distinguish between Condition and Warranty. 08/07
5 Who is a Designated Partner? Examine the role of Designated Partners under the Limited 08/07
Liability Partnership Act, 2008.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) X agrees to pay on behalf of his son Y, a student, so that if Y is unable to pay his monthly 03
expenses and rent to Z, a PG owner. Identify the nature of contract in the given situation.
(b) Highlight the rights of Indemnity Holder. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Co-Surety. 03/02

7. (a) P says to Q in the presence and within the hearing of R that he (P) is R’s agent. Q 03
supplied goods of Rs. 20,000/- to P considering him as R’s agent. State the position of R
with reference to Indian Contract Act, 1872.
(b) Specify the various kinds of Agents. 03/02
(c) When an Agency is said to be terminated? 03/02

8. (a) M, N, and O are partners in a travel company. O retires after selling his share in the 03
partnership firm. However, M and N fail to pay the agreed value of the share to O. Can O
recover the amount? Decide.
(b) Write a note on Implied authority of a Partner. 03/02
(c) ‘Although sharing of profit is an essential element of partnership, it is not the sole test’. 03/02

9. (a) A agrees to sell 100 kilograms of tomatoes to J at Rs. 20 per kilo. However, he delivers 120 03
kilograms instead. Can Jreject the delivery? What other options does J have according to law
on sales? Advice.
(b) Examine the Rights of Unpaid Seller. 03/02
(c) Point out the remedies available for breach of Contract. 03/02
10. (a) B has entrusted certain automobile spare parts to D, a public carrier, to be transported to 03
Jamshedpur. The spare parts were not received on account of the murder of the driver and
the cleaner of the carrier. Examine the liability of carrier in the given situation with
suitable reasons.
(b) Highlight the salient features of a Limited Liability Partnership. 03/02
(c) Examine the liabilities of a Common Carrier under the Carriage by Road Act, 2007. 03/02

20KB02/20TB02 II Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.) & II Sem LL.B. Examination

February/March – 2022
Time: 2 ½ Hours (Set by Smt. Nandini M.S.) Max Marks: 70

Instructions: Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question.

I 1. Specify the English meaning for any ten of the following Kannada words: 5
a. uuru b. idu c. shanivaara d. naayi
e. taayi f. manushya g. tenginamara h. varsha
i. bele j. nenne k. hasiru l. saaku

2. Match the following: 2.5

a. vidhyaarthi doDDadu
b. ivanu magaLu
c. chikkadu vidhyaarthini
d. khaasagi ivaLu
e. maga sarkaari

3. Use any five of the following words in your own sentences: 5

a. bele b. sneehita c. tumba d. kaaDu e. kaaDime f. hinde

4. Fill in the blanks using the Kannada equivalents of the English words given in the 5
brackets: (any ten)
a. nanna _________ Rahul. (Name)
b. nimma ____________ yaavudu ? (Native)
c. ________ nanna sneehte.(She)
d. _______________ namma kaaleeju. (This)
e. nimma ____________ yaavudu? (Mother tongue)
f. avarukannada _________. ( Teacher)
g. avara _____________ Ramya.(Daughter)
h. nanage ondu kilo ______________ beeku. (Brinjal)
i. _____________ namage raja. (Sunday)
j. adu _________baNNa. (Red)
k. ondu __________ bale eshTu? (egg)

5. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words given in the brackets: (any five) 2.5
a. ___________ eenubeeku? (niivu)
b. nimma angaDi ____________ ? (chikka)
c. nanage _________ magaLu. (obbaLu)
d. aa langa ______________ . (neeli)
e. ondu _____________ eshTu ruupaayi? (kumbaLakaayi)
f. ee __________ bale eshTu? (siire)

II 1. Transform any five of the following according to the model: 2.5

a. naanu :nannadu :: avanu :_________ .
b. hasu :hasuvinadu :: guru : _________.
c. pustaka :pustakadalli :: mane :___________.
d. ondu :ondakke :: aaru : ___________.
e. aNNa :aNNandiru :: akka : _____________.
f. raama: raamuvige :: hasu : __________.
2. Translateany five of the following sentences into Kannada : 2.5
a. We have two houses in Mysore.
b. I want two packets of biscuits.
c. What day is today?
d. Mysore is a big city.
e. My mother’s name is Sandhya.
f. I study at JSS Law college.

3. Answerany five of the following questions: 2.5

a. nimma deesha yaavudu?
b. nimma uuru mysoora?
c. karnatakada mukhyamanthri yaaru?
d. nimma rajyada raajadhani yaavudu?
e. ivattu yaava vaara?
f. nimma maathrubhashee yaavudu?

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:(any five) 2.5

a. ivattu _____________ taariiku?
b. nimage namma principal ____________?
c. nimma ____________ eshTu?
d. nimma raajya ____________?
e. bhaaratada ______________ dehali.
f. nanage ondu pennu ___________.

III 1. Changeany five of the following sentences into negative sentences: 5
a. CªÀgÀÄ ¸ÀAeÉ PÀè©â£À°è EvÁðgÉ.
b. £À£ÀUÉ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¹¤ªÀiÁ vÀÄA¨Á EµÀÖ.
d. CªÀ£ÀÄ £ÁlPÀ £ÉÆÃrzÀ£ÀÄ.
f. £À£ÀUÉ N¢zÀ ºÀÄqÀÄV EµÀÖ.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the words given in the brackets:(any five) 5
a. °Ã¯Á EªÀvÀÄÛ ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆjUÉ____________ (ºÉÆÃUÀÄ)
b. n« ________ vÀ¯É £ÉÆêÀÅ §gÀÄvÉÛ (£ÉÆÃqÀÄ)
c. D ºÀÄqÀÄV ªÀÄ£É__________ ºÉÆÃzÀ¼ÀÄ. (©qÀÄ)
d. CªÀ¼ÀÄ MAzÀÄ ºÉtÄÚ ªÀÄUÀÄ _________ (ºÉgÀÄ)
e. CAiÉÆåÃ| £Á£ÀÄ K£ÀÄ_________ (ªÀiÁqÀÄ)
f. gÁªÀÄ gÁªÀt£À£ÀÄß _____________ eÉÊ°UÉ ºÉÆÃzÀ. (PÉÆ®Äè)
3. Answer the following questions:(any ten) 10
a. ¤ªÀÄUÉ ¸ÀéAvÀ ªÀÄ£É EzÉAiÀiÁ?
c. ¤ªÀÄä£ÀÄß ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ°è AiÀiÁªÀ ºÉ¸Àj¤AzÀ PÀjÃvÁgÉ?
d. ¤ÃªÀÅ PÀ£ÀßqÀ J°è PÀ°wj?
i. ºÀ¼É©ÃqÀÄ ¨ÉîÆgÀÄ AiÀiÁªÀ f¯ÉèAiÀÄ°èªÉ?
j. ªÁ¸ÀÄÛ²®àzÀ°è PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ±ÉÊ° JAzÀgÉãÀÄ?
k. PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ E§âgÀÄ eÁÕ£À¦ÃoÀ ¥Àæ±À¹Û ¥ÀÄgÀ¸ÀÌøvÀ PÀ«UÀ¼À£ÀÄß ºÉ¸Àj¹.
l. PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ°è JµÀÄÖ f¯ÉèUÀ½ªÉ?
IV 1. Translate the following sentences into English: (any five) 2.5
a. ¤ÃªÀÅ ºÁ¸ÉÖ¯ïUÉ JµÀÄÖ CqÁé£ïì ºÀtPÀnÖ¢ÝÃj?
c. PÀ£ÀßqÀPÉÌ C£ÀĪÁ¢¹.
d. ¢£ÀzÀ E¥ÀàvÁß®ÄÌ UÀAmÉAiÀÄÆ CªÀ£ÀÄ PÀè©â£À¯Éèà EvÁð£É.
e. M¼ÀUÉ §gÀ§ºÀÄzÁ ¸Àgï?
f. CªÀ¼ÀÄ PÀxÉ ºÉýzÀ¼ÀÄ.

2. Specify the meaning for the following words in Kannada:(any five) 2.5
a. Simple b. Cotton c. Examination d. Letter e. Street
f. Mine g. Sugar

3. Rewrite as directed: (any ten) 10

a. ‘ªÀģɒ (Frame sentence for the given word)
b. ¥Àà = ¥ï + ¥À: : §â=________ (Fill in the blank)
c. ºËzÀÄEzÀÄ ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ (Interrogate)
d. ¤Ã£ÀÄ ¨Á (Use the given phrase in second person plural)
e. PÀªÀįÁ ¸ÀAVÃvÀ PÀ°AiÀÄÄvÁÛ¼É (Transform into past tense)
g. ªÀÄAwæUÀ¼ÀÄ ¨sÁµÀt ªÀiÁrzÀgÀÄ(Combine the sentence using verbal participle
h. ªÀÄPÀ̼ÀÄ Dl Dr ¤ÃgÀÄ PÀÄrzÀgÀÄ. (Change the sentence into double
i. D ºÉAUÀ¸ÀÄ dUÀ¼À DqÁÛ EzÁÝgÉ (Transform the sentence into past
continuous tense)
j. ZÀ¥Àà° ºÉƯÉAiÀÄĪÀªÀ£ÀÄ____________ (Fill in the blank)
k. I study at JSS Law College (Translate into kannada)
l. vÀ¯É ¨ÁZÀÄ (Use the word in your own sentence)
m. Dl DqÀÄ (Specify the meaning of the word)

4. Answer the following questions:

a. What are the letters C to CA in kannada varnamala called? 01

b. ‘vÀ’ (write Gunithaakshakra for the given letter) 02

c. Which are the anunasika (Nasal) aksharas in kannada varnamaala? 01

d. Write the vathaksharas for the following letters: PÀ, R, UÀ, WÀ 01

19BB015 II Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. M.M. Prabhuswamy) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 How the scarcity definition of economics is superior over other definitions? Substantiate 08/07
your answer.
2 Examine the Marginal Rate of Substantiation of Indifference Curve with an illustration. 08/07
3 Analyse the various factors of determination of demand. 08/07
4 What is Oligopoly Market? Explain its classifications. 08/07
5 Evaluate the objectives and functions of International Monetary Fund. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) The world economy is facing various economic issues due to pandemic today. List out 03
the problems of the economy and suggest measures to overcome the same.
(b) Enumerate the importance and limitations of Macro Economics. 03/02
(c) Point out the economic legislations enacted by the government to prevent economic 03/02

7. (a) A super market opens its store 24/ 7. Can you identify the advantages of utility adding 03
value to the consumer?
(b) Mention the practical importance of Consumer Surplus of an individual in the society. 03/02
(c) Clarify the term Marginal utility. Distinguish between cardinal and ordinal utility. 03/02

8. (a) India is a faster developing economy in the world. People are buying more and more 03
vehicles for their convenience. Recently the petrol and diesel prices are increasing
enormously due to lack of petrol resources in India. Suggest alternatives to this problem.
(b) Draw the Individual demand curve with an example. 03/02
(c) How does the law of diminishing marginal returns to scale apply to agriculture? 03/02

9. (a) State the importance of revenue concepts. 03

(b) Prepare a note on Cartels. 03/02
(c) Clarify the term Price Discrimination. Mention its kinds. 03/02
10. (a) Point out the importance of the study of National income of the country. 03
(b) Draw and identify the phases of Trade Cycle. 03/02
(c) State the Keynes theory of economic fluctuations in the economy. 03/02

20BB04 II Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Tejaswini M) Max Marks: 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define International Business. Explain its approaches. 08/07
2 Examine the factors which influence the International Business Environment. 08/07
3 Discuss the role of various international agencies in resolving conflicts. 08/07
4 Expound the advantages and disadvantages of flexible exchange rate system. 08/07
5 Explain the stages of Product Development. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) Tarzan is a domestic company, manufacturing toys in India. They decide to expand their 03
business internationally. What are the modes of entry available to the company? Advice.
(b) What are Mercantilism and Absolute Advantage Theory? 03/02
(c) Differentiate Domestic Business with International Business. 03/02

7. (a) Europa Union, a group of countries situated in similar region have decided to reduce 03
their trade barriers and avoid competition among them, by unifying their economic
policies through an agreement. State the advantages of such unification.
(b) Write a note on Totalitarianism with example. 03/02
(c) Enlist the objectives of SAARC. 03/02

8. (a) Walmart company, with a goal to get customers to purchase the product immediately 03
and to capture their customer’s interest, decided to sell their products online. Which
business model would best serve their goal? Advice.
(b) How do the bilateral and multilateral agreements resolve conflicts? 03/02
(c) Highlight the concept of Negotiation. 03/02

9. (a) An Indian customer purchases a product manufactured by Japan (waterproof TV named 03

Mansung) from Tokyo. He makes payment through debit card. State the transaction
recorded in BOP of India.

(b) Prepare a note on Capital Expenditure. 03/02

(c) Specify the meaning of Global Depository Receipts. 03/02
10. (a) Pepsi co wants to enter into an arrangement with Coco cola company with a view to 03
enhance their manufacturing operations. Suggest appropriate arrangement and justify.
(b) Mention the objectives of Export Promotion in India. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Commodity Agreement. 03/02

20BB03 II Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Sunitha N) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘Strategists play a major role in Strategic Management’. Discuss. 08/07
2 Examine the forces driving Industry competition. 08/07
3 ‘Resource Allocation is one of the important process in an organisation’- Explain. What are 08/07
the bases for Resource Allocation?
4 Outline the various Qualitative and Quantitative criteria for strategy evaluation and control. 08/07
State the problems faced by Strategists while meeting those criteria.
5 Define Technology Forecasting. Describe its techniques. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) A company is unable to pay its debts and seek court protection from creditors. Name 03
the strategy that the company has opted and state the situation for adopting such
(b) Mention the steps in Strategic Management Process. 03/02
(c) Identify the reasons for failure of strategies. 03/02

7. (a) A book selling company used to buy books from publishing companies for the purpose 03
of sale. Subsequently the company started publishing by itself and selling books
published by it. Identify the method of expansion and its advantages.
(b) Specify the meaning of Value Chain Analysis. 03/02
(c) Enlist the types of Corporate Restructuring. 03/02

8. (a) A manager in an organisation used to help his team members when they were at the 03
receiving end. In turn, the members felt obliged and carried out things requested by the
manager. Which kind of power strategy is used by the manager? When can such
strategy flourish?
(b) Prepare a note on procurement and utilisation of funds. 03/02
(c) Identify the stages in formulating Operational Strategy. 03/02

9. (a) A xerox company routinely buys copies made by other firms to see how they work. This 03
helps the firm to stay abreast of its competitor’s improvements and changes. Name the
evaluation technique adopted by the company along with its features.
(b) Mention the steps in Control Process. 03/02
(c) Briefly explain the stages of Strategic Control. 03/02
10. (a) A company has invested huge amount in research related to new product development. 03
But the new product fails. Is it advisable for the company to continue investing in
innovation and new product development? Justify.
(b) Specify the need for technology forecasting. 03/02
(c) Identify the phases of technology life cycle. 03/02

20BB05 II Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. H.S. Kongalappa) Max Marks : 70/60

Instructions: Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question

Answer all the questions

1. You are required to pass entries in Journal and post them in Ledger accounts of A 8

Date Particulars Amount

January1Cash brought in by A as his capital 2,00,000
2 Depreciation charged on furniture 3,500
3 Rent due but not paid 2,000
4 Bad debts written off 3,000
5 Bad debts recovered 2,000
6 Goods distributed as samples 5,000
20 Goods withdrawn by proprietor for his 6,500
personal use
22 Loss of goods by fire 1,500
26 Loss of cash by theft 3,500

2. Enter the following in cash book with cash, discount and bank columns: 8

2020 Sept1 Commenced business with Rs.10,000 cash

4 Opened a Bank Account with Rs.8,000
5 A paid Rs.490 in full settlement of his account Rs.500
6 Drew a cheque for personal use Rs.200
10 Drew for office use Rs.1000
11 Received a cheque from B Rs.5000
12 Paid B’s cheque into Bank
15 Received from S a currency note for Rs.100 and gave change for it
16 Transferred from Savings Bank Account to Current Account Rs.2000

3. From the following balances extracted from the books of Y as on 31st March 2021, Prepare 8
a Trial Balance.

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

Drawings 5,000
Capital 30,000
Loan 9,500
Cash in hand 2,000
Opening stock 6,800
Cash at bank 3,500
Bad debts 500
Sales 1,10,000
Purchase return 1,500
Carriage inward 3,000
Rent tax and insurance 3,000
Discount received 500
Bills receivable 6,000
Rent received 300
Sundry debtors 20,000
Creditors 10,000
Interest on loan 300
Provision for bad debts 700
Motor vehicle 10,000
Land and building 12,000
Purchase 66,000
Sales return 8,000
Carriage outward 2,500
Salaries 9,000
Advertisement 3,500
General expense 3,400
Bills payable 2,000

4. The following is the Trial Balance of G as on 31st March 2021. 8

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

Plant & Machinery 56,720
Capital 93,230
Fuel & Power 542
Salaries 3,745
Sales 1,26,177
Creditors 22,680
Purchase Returns 3,172
Bills payable 6,422
Factory Lighting 392
Travelling expenses 925
Carriage on sales 960
Cash at Bank 2,245
Cash in hand 68
Sundry Debtors 47,800
Purchases 83,290
Wages 9,915
Rent 1,765
Office expenses 2,778
Carriage inwards 897
Discount allowed 422
Drawings 6,820
Opening stock 21,725
Manufacturing expenses 2,680
Sales returns 7,422
Insurance 570
Taking into account the following adjustments, Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account
and the Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2021.
1. Depreciate Plant & Machinery @ 5%
2. Bad debts 2.5% on Sundry Debtors.
3. Outstanding rent Rs.150.
4. Insurance prepaid Rs.70.
5. Outstanding wages & salaries Rs.800 and Rs.350 respectivel.y
6. Stock on 31-3-2021 Rs.16,580.
5. Following Receipts & Payments Account was prepared from the cash book of Bengaluru 8
Charitable Trust for the year ending 31-3-2021
Receipts Amount Payments Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
To Balance b/d: By Charity 11,500
Cash in hand 11,500 By Rent & Taxes 3,200
Cash at bank 12,600 By Salary 6,000
To Donations 9,000 By Printing & Postage 900
To Subscriptions 42,800 By Advertisement 4,500
To Legacies 18,000 By Insurance 2,000
To interest on 4,500 By investments 23,000
investments By Furniture 21,600
To sale of old newspapers 200 By Balance c/d:
Cash in hand 9,900
Cash at Bank 16,000

98,600 98,600
Additional information.
1. It was decided to treat 1/3 of the amount received on account of donation as income.
2. Insurance premium was paid in advance for 3 months
3. Interest on investments Rs.1,100 accrued was not received.
4. Rent Rs.600 outstanding as on 31-3-2021.

1. Income & Expenditure Account
2. Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2021

Answer ‘a’ in each question and choose ‘b’ or ‘c’
6 a. Enter the following transactions in a Purchase Book. 3
Date Particulars
2018 Jan1 Bought from B 100 bags of rice at Rs.800 per bag
8 Bought from Mysore Sugar Mills ltd, Mandya 20 bags of sugar at Rs.2,000
per bag
10 Bought from Ram Flour Mill , Coimbatore 10 bags of wheat flour at
Rs.1,000 per bag
15 Bought from Nilgiri Tea company , Nilgiris 10 cases of tea at Rs.100 per case
25 Bought from Canara Coffee Works ltd , Mangalore 100Kgs of coffee at
Rs.320 per kg
b. Briefly explain the types of accounts. Give examples. 3
c. State the Accounting Concepts. 3

7 a. 1. The following cheques were paid into the firm’s 3

current account in March, 2019 but were credited by
the bank on April, 2019
A Rs.2,500
B Rs.3,000
C Rs.2,400

2. The following cheques were issued by the firm in

March 2019 but were cashed in April, 2019
D Rs.3,000
E Rs.5,000
F Rs.3,000

3. The passbook shows a credit balance of Rs.250 for

interest and debit of Rs.50 for bank charges

You are required to prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement as to show the Bank balance as
per Pass book.
b. Identify the need for Bank Reconciliation Statement. 3
c. State the objectives of a cash book. 3

8 a. The following is a Trial Balance prepared by an incompetent Accountant. You are required 3
to rewrite in its correct form.
Particulars Amount (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
Capital 24,000
Opening Stock 8,500
Furniture 2,600
Purchases 8,950
Cash at Bank 7,300
Carriage inwards 300
Sales 22,500
Buildings 12,000
Returns inwards 1,900
Returns outwards 350
Trade expenses 1,000
Discount received 970
Salary 3,000
Office rent 2,270

b. Differentiate between closing entries and adjusting entries. 3

c. Rectify the following errors: 3
1 An amount of Rs.1,000 received on the sale of old machinery has been
credited to sales account
2 An amount of Rs.100 spent on repairs to machinery had been wrongly
debited to machinery account
3 Furniture purchased for Rs.500 has been wrongly debited to purchase

9 a. Draft a specimen of a Trading Account. 3

b. State the legal requirements of preparing final accounts. 3
c. Specify the meaning of intangible assets with examples.

10 a. From the following particulars relating to a Sports Club, Prepare a Receipts & Payments 3
Account for the year ending 31st March, 2021.

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

Opening cash balance 10,000
Opening bank balance 72,000
Subscriptions collected for:
2019-20 5,000
2020-21 76,000
2021-22 9,000
Sale of refreshments 20,000
Entrance fees received 10,000
Sale of old sports materials 22,000
Donation received 1,46,000
Rent paid 30,000
Sports materials purchased 48,000
Purchase of refreshments 16,000
Maintenance expenses of 20,000
sports ground
Salaries paid 55,000
Tournament expenses 24,000
Furniture purchased 15,000
Office expenses 12,000
Closing cash in hand 4,000

b. Identify the uses of Tally software. 3

c. State the features of an Income and Expenditure Account. 3

JKA02 III Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Pushparaj K) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define National Power. Explain its elements. 08/07
2 Examine the factors influencing the formulation of Foreign Policy. 08/07
3 Define War. Discuss the remedies of war. 08/07
4 Discuss the achievements of UNO. 08/07
5 Explain the composition of ILO and evaluate its functions. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) There are good number of examples of MNCs bribing the Indian Government officials. 03
What measures can the Government adopt to overcome this menace?
(b) State the importance of International relations. 03/02
(c) Specify the limitations of National Power. 03/02

7. (a) Taliban created mayhem in Afghanistan airport, and later, they assured the women and 03
girls to be allowed to work and attend the schools and colleges. People of Afghanistan
are sceptic of Taliban’s attitude. Can security council issue the deadlines to protect the
human rights? Clarify.
(b) Highlight the features of NAM. 03/02
(c) Examine India’s foreign policy after globalization. 03/02

8. (a) Environmental sustainability is one of the core objectives of Commonwealth of Nations. 03

But many members of the organization face serious environmental problems. Does it
amount to violation of the objectives of Common Wealth? Clarify.
(b) Specify the functions of Diplomats. 03/02
(c) State the objectives of SAARC. 03/02

9. (a) Women and children are often subjected to sexual abuse and assault. Few parents of 03
the children experienced more traumas and it is a taboo topic in most of the societies.
Zimbabwe, Kenya and other countries through judiciary developed victim friendly
approach to protect the life and personal liberty of the victims. Judicial officers are being
given training to handle such issues. Can the judiciary in India direct the law makers to
enact legislations in this regard? Advice.
(b) Mention the objectives of UNO. 03/02
(c) Highlight the role of BRICS. 03/02

10. (a) On 14th January 2020, the WHO in its tweet said that ‘There are no clear evidences of 03
human to human transmission of COVID-19’. But on the same day another WHO official
said ‘limited human to human transmission had been observed in Wuhan’. This was a
misleading statement. Can any action be initiated in the International Court of Justice
against WHO? Decide.
(b) Point out the achievements of UNESCO. 03/02
(c) State the importance of UNICEF. 03/02

JKC03 III Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Tejaswini M) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Define Sustainable Development. Explain its features. 08/07

2 Discuss the evolution and objectives of MGNREGA. 08/07
3 Evaluate the role of Industries in Economic Development of India. 08/07
4 Elucidate the concepts of Export Promotion and Import Substitution. 08/07
5 Examine the objectives of WTO and its impact on the Indian Economy. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) An employee of an MNC was terminated as he revolted against the labour policy of the 03
organization. Suggest suitable remedy to the employee.
(b) State the determinants of Economic Development in India. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Economic Growth. 03/02

7. (a) X belonging to M community was denied minimum wages under MGNAREGA 03

Programme. Can he approach the Labour Court under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948?
(b) Prepare a note on NABARD. 03/02
(c) Specify the meaning of Rural Credit in India. 03/02

8. (a) The Planning Commission effectively functioned from 1951 to 2014 to promote polices 03
and facilitate the growth of economy in the country. Subsequently the new Government
replaced Planning Commission with the NITI AYOGA. Comment on the decision of the
(b) Point out the objectives of New Industrial Policy, 1991. 03/02
(c) Mention the functions of MUDRA bank. 03/02

9. (a) Many farmers in the northern part of a district lost their crops due to natural calamities. 03
The farmers could not repay the loan which they had borrowed from bank under special
scheme for agricultural purpose. Can their loans be waived off? Justify.
(b) Write a note on EXIM policy in India. 03/02
(c) State the meaning of Balance of Payment. 03/02
10. (a) ‘Inequality threatens long- term social and economic development, harms poverty 03
reduction and destroys people's sense of fulfillment and self-worth.’ How will the
country reduce inequality problem?
(b) List out the objectives of 12th Five Year Plan. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on JAN DHAN Yojana. 03/02

JKC01 III Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Rekha Jadav) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘Is Sociology a Science or not’. Examine. 08/07
2 Briefly discuss the Social Structure and Social functions of the Society. 08/07
3 Define Religious Institution. Point out the features and theories of Religion. 08/07
4 Distinguish between Social Caste and Social Class. Illustrate. 08/07
5 Examine the formal and informal means of Social Control. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) During pandemic mass cremation was conducted by the district authority without 03
conducting any rituals. Is it violation of right to dignified death? Clarify.
(b) Specify the types of Suicide. 03/02
(c) State the relationship between Sociology and Ethics. 03/02

7. (a) Analyse the experiments made upon children and twins to find out the relative 03
importance of Family and Heredity.
(b) Highlight the Questionnaire method. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Role and Status. 03/02

8. (a) P, an American Indian and Q, an African girl loved each other and are living together 03
without marriage for five years in a same house. Examine the dichotomy in this case.
(b) State the different forms of Marriage. 03/02
(c) Point out the concept of Animism. 03/02

9. (a) A group of people were forbidden to get drinking water from the public tank. Analyse 03
the social implications of this act.
(b) Write a note on Rural Community. 03/02
(c) Specify the meaning and features of Social Stratification. 03/02
10. (a) An under-age person is guilty of anti-social act and infraction of law due to strained 03
parent-child relationship. What solution do you offer to this problem?
(b) Analyse the effects of Technological change. 03/02
(c) Classify the different forms of Conflict 03/02

JKC06 III & V Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & III Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Sri. Pranav Kumar Nair) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Examine the concept of Common Intention. How each participant is punished in a crime 08/07
when common intention is present?
2 What is Abetment? Compare Abetment with Criminal Conspiracy. 08/07
3 Enumerate the offences relating to miscarriage, injuries to unborn children and 08/07
concealment of person.
4 ‘Robbery is an aggravated form of Theft or Extortion’. Discuss. 08/07
5 What is Defamation? State the exceptions relating to defamation. Refer to cases. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A, a young person who took to crimes was trying to break open the lock of a house and 03
committed theft at night. M, a convict who is good at house breaking helps A in breaking
open the lock of the house. Can M be held responsible under Section 34? If so, why?
(b) State the circumstances under which capital punishment can be awarded. 03/02
(c) State the ‘Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction’ of IPC. 03/02

7. (a) X, the owner of sugarcane field saw Y carrying a bundle of sugarcane from his field. X 03
attacked Y and beats him which resulted in his death. X claims right to private defence.
Will he succeed? Justify.
(b) How ‘Mistake’ can be considered as a valid defence? 03/02
(c) What is Riot? Distinguish between Riot and Affray. 03/02

8. (a) A was approached by B for marriage but she rejected him as she wanted to establish her 03
career. B, unable to handle the rejection, threw acid on her. She accidentally swallowed
a few drops and sustained fatal injuries resulting in her death. Identify the provision
under which he can be punished.
(b) State whether Euthanasia is permissible in lndia. 03/02
(c) When culpable homicide does not amount to murder? 03/02

9. (a) B who is 17 years old, elopes with A. But A believes her to be over 18 years of age. State 03
the offence committed by A.
(b) Define Force. When does force become criminal force? 03/02
(c) When an offence of Trafficking of Person is said to have taken place? 03/02
10. (a) A’s husband was not to be seen for 7 years. Believing him to be dead, his wife contracts 03
second marriage. Meanwhile her husband arrives and files a case against A for Bigamy.
Whether A is liable or not? Decide.
(b) Specify the important offences under POCSO Act, 2012. 03/02
(c) Define House Trespass. When does it become Lurking House Trespass? 03/02

JKC04/JKA04 III Sem B.A/B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & I Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Basavaraju M ) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘Indian constitution is neither Federal nor Unitary, but it is Quasi-Federal in nature’. 08/07
2 Explain the definition of State with the help of recent decided cases. 08/07
3 Discuss the restrictions on the freedom of speech and expression under Article 19(1) (a) of 08/07
the Constitution.
4 Critically analyze the Constitutional safeguards against arbitrary arrest and detention. 08/07
5 Outline the Writ jurisdiction of Supreme Court under Article 32 with special reference to 08/07
Public Interest Litigation.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Specify whether Preamble is subject to amendment. 03

(b) Clarify whether India is a Secular State. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Evolved and Enacted Constitution. 03/02

7. (a) A State Government passed an Act to prescribe minimum eligibility criteria for the 03
candidates who contest for the local body (Panchayat) elections, such as basic
educational qualification, non eligibility of persons facing charges for an offence
punishable with imprisonment not less than two years and persons who are not having
functional toilet at their Residence. Decide whether the said criteria amounts to
unreasonable restrictions.
(b) Highlight the features of Overseas Citizenship. 03/02
(c) Point out the ambit of Article – 13(2) of the Constitution. 03/02

8. (a) A State passed the legislation on reservation in favour of Hill areas students’ and Rural 03
area students’ to get admission for medical colleges in its State. Decide the validity of
this legislation.
(b) When lawful assembly becomes unlawful? Specify. 03/02
(c) ‘Right to carry a business includes the Right to close the business’ – Clarify. 03/02

9. (a) An accused was subjected to brain mapping and narco-analysis by the police without his 03
consent. Does it amount to violation of his fundamental rights? Give reasons.
(b) Mention the scope and importance of Right to Privacy. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Right to Free Legal Aid. 03/02
10. (a) X filed a PIL to direct the State to enact law on Uniform Civil Code. Decide with reasons 03
the maintainability of the PIL.
(b) Examine the social welfare scheme under Directive Principles of State Policy. 03/02
(c) Highlight Fundamental Duties. 03/02

JKC05/JKG05 III & VII Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. N. Vani Shree) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Explain the origin of International Trade. Add a note on the advantages and disadvantages 08/07
of International Trade.
2 Elaborate the historical evolution of World Trade Organization. 08/07
3 Critically analyze the functioning of the DSB in accordance with the ‘Understanding on Rules 08/07
and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes’.
4 Describe the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sales of 08/07
5 Compare and contrast Warsaw and Montreal Conventions. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Country X has opened up her economy to International Trade recently. It has more 03
imports than exports and has also used up all her accumulated foreign cash reserves.
Comment in the context of Balance of Payments position to be in equilibrium.
(b) Prepare a note on Protectionism. 03/02
(c) Highlight the concept of Comparative Cost Theory. 03/02

7. (a) Country T had divided low-alcohol beer and high alcohol beer on different geographical 03
factors, methods, processing and other genetic factors and imposed differential tariff
under the category of ‘Alcoholic and Malt Beverages’ for environmental reasons. X
claims that all these were imposed with different rates of duties and that the
classifications along with such imposition were unfair. Decide the above as a Panelist
and give reasons for the same.
(b) Outline the principle of Most Favored Nation Treatment. 03/02
(c) List out the structure of WTO. 03/02

8. (a) Country F had an outbreak of Pandemic. Country F exported processed food items 03
including chicken to its neighboring countries. The assessment of risks was not carried
out by Country F. Suggest appropriate measures to be followed by Country F to
introduce SPSM in the WTO context.
(b) Specify the importance of ‘Agreement on Agriculture’. 03/02
(c) Comment on Subsidies. 03/02
9. (a) Country L enters into an International Contract for the supply of Electronic Goods with 03
Country M. Subsequently, the Government of Country L brings in a prohibition of
exportation of the products as a result of a strike. Decide whether it amounts to
frustration and determine the validity of the contract.
(b) Prepare a short note on UNCITRAL Model Law on ICA. 03/02
(c) Mention the important features of DAF and FAS. 03/02

10. (a) P and Q enter into a contract of carriage for transportation of glass and antique items by 03
sea. Advise P about the shipping documents and the precautions to be taken with
respect to this mode of transport for exportation to be followed for the products to be
intact and in the same condition.
(b) State the features of CMR Convention. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on kinds of Bill of Lading. 03/02

JKC08 III Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Sowmya H L) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define Human Resource Management. Discuss the ways in which employee morale can be 08/07
held high.
2 Explain the modern sources and techniques used in the process of Recruitment and 08/07
3 Define Human Resource Management. Explicate the features of Human Resource 08/07
4 Quality circle is a participative management system. Examine why companies use quality 08/07
circles in problem solving capability.
5 What is Collective bargaining? How does it help in the smooth functioning of an 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Watson Company Management plans to hire new employees for a higher position 03
without considering the potential internal employees and placing them with higher
package than that of existing ones. As a HR Consultant, what would you advice the
company on the issue?
(b) Distinguish between HRM and HRD. 03/02
(c) Comment on integrated strategic planning in HRM. 03/02

7. (a) R, an MBA graduate is hired by Power House Software Company for a HR position. 03
Though she has a decade of experience as a HR Manager in Retail Industry, the company
insists her to undergo job training as per the policy. Does she need training on the new
job? Why?
(b) State any two internal and external sources of recruitment. 03/02
(c) Highlight the significance of conducting aptitude tests. 03/02

8. (a) Performance is the key to survival. ABCL Co., a high growth mobile company wants to 03
drive individuals’ performance at work. But there is no mechanism in place. What type
of performance appraisal do you suggest and why?
(b) Why is counseling important in an organisation? 03/02
(c) Point out the methods of performance appraisal. 03/02
9. (a) The employees at Regal Industries know to handle petty issues, but they have difficulty 03
in solving major problems and improving productivity. Do you think introducing Quality
Circles is the best remedy? Decide.
(b) Point out the measures taken to overcome industrial unrest. 03/02
(c) ‘Everyone benefits when the focus is on common interest and promotion of harmony.’ 03/02
The underlying assumption is based on which concept of HRM?

10. (a) To prevent the spread of corona virus, companies switched to a remote (virtual) model. 03
But the Companies are concerned about the employees’ productivity during pandemic.
The challenge is how to build work relationship as the nature of the work changed. How
would you train employees to be productive if you are taken on board in HR Team?
(b) What happens if, during negotiations, an employer and a trade union cannot agree on 03/02
the terms to be included in a collective agreement?
(c) Mention the strategies used in the effective implementation of quality of work life. 03/02

JKC07 III Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Sunitha N) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Discuss the impact of Macro Environmental forces on Marketing. 08/07
2 What is consumer buying decision process? Explain the various stages in this process. 08/07
3 ‘Branding is a useful part of the product offer. It provides unique advantages to 08/07
manufacturers, dealers and consumers’. Discuss.
4 Explain the factors affecting Pricing Decisions. 08/07
5 Describe the factors that influence the choice of a suitable Channel of Distribution. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A marketing manager of a big hotel which is located at an important tourist destination 03
is planning to design an effective promotional technique. Advice.
(b) Distinguish between a consumer and a customer. Give examples. 03/02
(c) Identify the factors determining marketing mix. 03/02

7. (a) A company producing potato chips has targeted youth and children as its prospective 03
customers. Advise the company for market segmentation.
(b) Point out the variables used for demographic segmentation. 03/02
(c) State the bases for positioning a product. 03/02

8. (a) Growth rate of a product is stable and needs heavy expenditure on promotion to create 03
brand loyalty. Modification, improvement, development of new uses of the product is
required to attract new customers.
1. Identify the stage of product life cycle.
2. Mention the strategies to be adopted.

(b) How do you classify Labels? 03/02

(c) Compare and contrast Product and Service. 03/02

9. (a) A took her niece B for shopping to buy her a dress on the occasion of her birthday. She 03
was delighted to get 20% off for a meal of Rs. 500 or above at a famous restaurant.
Identify and explain the technique of sales promotion used by the company in the above
(b) List out the steps to integrate marketing communications by a company. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on discounts and rebates. 03/02
10. (a) A baking company prepares burgers and plans to sell it to a wide range of customers. 03
For this purpose it has appointed distributors, but still it is not successful in meeting its
i. Which channel of marketing should the company choose?
ii. Which product related factor do you think is responsible for this selection of
(b) Distinguish between Store and Non-store based retailing. 03/02
(c) How can green marketing sustain the environment? 03/02

JKC09 III Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. Kongalappa H S ) Max Marks : 70/60

Instructions: Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question


1. In respect of a factory the following particulars have been extracted for the year 2021 8
Cost of materials 6,00,000
Wages 5,00,000
Factory overheads 3,00,000
Profit 4,20,000
Selling charges 2,24,000
Administrative charges 3,36,000
Distribution charges 1,40,000
A work order has to be executed in 2022 and the estimated expenses are
Materials-Rs. 8,000; Wages-Rs.5,000.
Assuming that in 2022, the rate of factory overheads has gone up by 20%, distribution
charges by 10% and selling and administration charges by 15%, at what price should the
product be sold so as to earn the same rate of profit on the selling price in 2021.

2. Prepare the stores ledger account, pricing the materials issued on FIFO system. 8
Date Particulars
March 1 Opening stock 200 tons @ Rs. 460 per ton
4 Issued 140 tons
6 Purchased 350 tons @ Rs. 450 per ton
8 Scrapped 30 tons
9 Issued 80 tons
14 Issued 210 tons
17 Purchased 200 tons @ Rs.480
20 Issued 120 tons
25 Purchased 180 tons @ Rs.470
28 Issued 280 tons
31 Stock verification revealed excess stock of 10 tons.
3. Following is the Balance sheet of X Ltd., company: 8
a. Current Ratio
b. Liquid Ratio
c. Debt Equity Ratio
d. Proprietary Ratio

Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.)

Equity Share Capital 12,00,000 Land & Buildings 8,00,000
Reserve Fund 1,50,000 Machinery 4,00,000
Profit & Loss account 1,00,000 Furniture 1,00,000
9% debentures 2,00,000 Marketable Securities 1,50,000
12% secured Loan 1,00,000 Bills receivable 2,00,000
Bank Overdraft 2,00,000 Stock 5,00,000
Cash credit 50,000 Cash 70,000
Bills Payable 30,000 Preliminary expenses 20,000
Outstanding expenses 10,000
Trade creditors 2,00,000
22,40,000 22,40,000

4. The following figures are available from the records of a company as on March 2020 and 8
2020 2021
Rs. Lakh Rs. Lakh
Sales 150 200
Profit 30 50
1. The P/V ratio and total fixed expenses
2. The break-even level of sales
3. Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 90 lakh
4. Profit or loss that would arise if the sales were Rs.280 lakh

5. ABC company limited manufactures two products A & B and market them in 3 divisions 8
north, south and west. The following is the budget prepared for the year 2018 by the sales

Items Rate North(units) South(units West(units

(Rs.) ) )
A 10 20,000 30,000 25,000
B 12 15,000 15,000 10,000

At the budget committee meeting it was felt that the budget proposal is not satisfactory.
Therefore the following revision was made.
a. Increase of 20% over the original proposal for both the products in north division.
b. Increase of 10% over the original proposal for both the products in south division.
c. An increase of 5,000units for A & 2,000 units for B in west division.
Prepare a statement showing original and revised budget.
Answer ‘a’ in each question and choose ‘b’ or‘c’
6 a. From the following information prepare a Cost Sheet : 3

Raw materials purchased 32,250
Carriage on purchases 850
Direct wages 18,450
Factory overhead 2,750
Selling overhead 2,450
Office overhead 1,850
Sales 75,000
Sale of factory scrap 250
Opening stock of finished goods 9,750
Closing stock of finished goods 11,100
b. Distinguish between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting. 3
c. State the disadvantages of Cost Accounting. 3

7 a. Calculate the earnings per hour under Halsey plan. 3

Name of the worker A B C
Time taken in hours 52 48 40
Standard time allowed for the job - 60 hours
Hourly rate Rs.25.
b. Mention the Inventory Control Techniques. 3
c. Specify the meaning of Idle Time. 3

8 a. Calculate Debtors Turnover Ratio from the following information: 3

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

Total sales for the year 2021 2,00,000
Cash sales for the year 2021 40,000
Debtors on 1/4/2020 20,000
Debtors on 31/3/2021 30,000
Bills Receivable on 1/4/2020 15,000
Bills Receivable 25000

b. Point out the limitations of Management Accounting. 3

c. Identify Current Assets and Current Liabilities. 3

9 a. You are given the following information: 3

Fixed Cost –Rs.4,000
Break even sales - Rs.20,000
Profit - Rs.1,000
Selling price - Rs.20 per unit.
1. Sales and marginal cost of sales
2. New breakeven point if selling price is reduced by 10%
b. State the features of Marginal Costing. 3
c. Specify the meaning of Angle of Incidence.

10 a. Prepare a Flexible budget for production at 80% on the basis of the following information: 3
Production at 50% capacity - 5,000 units
Raw materials - Rs.80 per unit
Direct labour - Rs.50 per unit
Direct expenses - Rs.15 per unit
Factory expenses - Rs.50,000 (50% fixed)
Administration expenses - Rs. 60,000 (60% fixed)
b. State the essentials of an effective budgetary control system. 3
c. Mention the objectives of budgetary control. 3

19KD02 IV Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. N. Vani Shree) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 How does the physical form of a person influence the behavioral pattern of a criminal? 08/07
2 Explain the sociological factors leading to Crime Causation. 08/07
3 Prepare an essay on Culture Conflict to Crime Causation. 08/07
4 Enumerate the existing measures and future changes that can be executed to prevent 08/07
5 Explicate to what extent the Victim Welfare Programmes have contributed for the welfare 08/07
of the victims.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A group of extremists opined that, there is a direct relationship between religion and the 03
spread of any pandemic in the region of Ghazar. Identify the reasons and explain how
would you disprove or justify these opinions.
(b) Prepare a note on Heredity and Crime. 03/02
(c) Briefly outline Sheldon’s views on Criminality. 03/02

7. (a) ‘Sahasra’ one of the paid channels updated the news relating to the active cases and 03
other causalities of the Pandemic which had a disastrous impact on the teenagers. The
mental health of the youth was affected by way of depression. As a policy maker how
would you solve this major societal issue?
(b) Prepare a note on Cultural Transmission Theory. 03/02
(c) How does Family Background impact on Criminality? 03/02

8. (a) The outbreak of different variants of Kovid 2021, a deadly virus had almost put the 03
middle class and the lower middle-class people to streets. Losing of jobs and other
means of livelihood had blown out beyond proportions thereby impacting the economy
of a nation. Suggest the steps to be taken by the government for bringing in equilibrium
in the economy and for the prevention of future crimes.
(b) Point out the inference drawn from Social Disorganization Theory of Crime. 03/02
(c) Prepare a short note on Psychopathy. 03/02
9. (a) P, a businessman was involved in hi-tech bribery for many of the dealings that he had 03
with the government for the smooth functioning of his company. The legal authorities
questioned this act P as illegal and duping the common public. Solve this case in the
light of Crime Investigation method.
(b) Differentiate between Crime Prevention and Crime Treatment. 03/02
(c) Comment on the steps taken by the Judiciary to prevent Juvenile Offences. 03/02

10. (a) There were two groups of religion who had a clash on the following of a particular ritual 03
as per their tradition and customs for cremation after the death of one of the Godman.
This resulted in assault and death of few people. Comment on the way in which such
kind of victims must be treated.
(b) State the concept of Victimology. 03/02
(c) Enlist the different Rights for Victims. 03/02

19KD05/20TB06 IV Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & IV Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. M. Basavaraju) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Critically examine the constitutional restrictions imposed on the freedom of interstate trade 08/07
and commerce.
2 Explain the parliamentary privileges as prescribed by the Constitution. 08/07
3 Define money bill and mention the procedure involved in the money bill. 08/07
4 Enumerate the powers and functions of the Election Commission as contemplated under the 08/07
5 Discuss the powers of the parliament to amend the constitution with leading cases. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) State legislature made a law to restrict the use of sound amplifiers in the interest of the 03
public health. But the respondent challenged that the impugned law falls under the
union list, post telegraph, telephone, wireless, broad casting and other communication.
Examine the validity of state legislation.
(b) Clarify the term Colorable Legislation. 03/02
(c) Specify the functions of Finance Commission. 03/02

7. (a) Union Council of Ministers unanimously resolved and advised the president to dissolve 03
the government of state A on the ground that it has totally failed to maintain law and
order based on intelligence report.
Decide whether the President is bound by the advice of council of ministers?
(b) Specify the meaning of Office of Profit. 03/02
(c) Identify the principles of Collective Responsibility. 03/02

8. (a) X was acquitted by session’s court on charge of attempting to corrupt a responsible 03

public servant under the I P C. The High Court on appeal convicted X for the offence.
Can X go for further appeal as a matter of right? Decide.
(b) Mention the grounds on which a member of parliament may be disqualified. 03/02
(c) State when the President can summon the Joint Session. 03/02
9. (a) X, a Major General in army was dismissed from the service on the ground that he 03
involved in spy scandal. He was not given any opportunity of being heard. State
contends that it is not possible to give him an opportunity, since secrecy of state is going
to affect. Decide.
(b) Mention the functions of Public Service Commission. 03/02
(c) Write a short note on Administrative Tribunals. 03/02

10. (a) The Governor of a state instead of inviting the leader of the largest party, asked the 03
leader of the second largest party to form the government and asked to prove the
majority within 15 days on the floor of the house. Analyze the validity of the Governor’s
action. Decide.
(b) State the effects of National Emergency. 03/02
(c) Mention the official language of Supreme Court and High Courts. 03/02

KFD04 IV Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Rekha Jadav) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define Culture and explain the salient features of Culture. 08/07
2 Distinguish between the Joint Family and Modern Family. 08/07
3 Briefly discuss the characteristics of Indian Tribes. 08/07
4 Describe the positive and negative effects of western contact on Indian people. 08/07
5 Explain the factors contributing to the Urbanisation in India. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) Language is the chief vehicle of communication and Culture is the handwork of man, as 03
they developed to times long past while sociology studies the same phenomena as they
are at present. Comment.
(b) State the Religious Diversity in India. 03/02
(c) Mention the various Unity factors of Indian Society 03/02
7. (a) In order to give protection to the slum dwellers a ruthless goonda was collecting money 03
from them. Clarify whether there is a social validity in this arrangement.
(b) Point out the features of Joint Family 03/02
(c) Specify the concept of Ethnocentrism. 03/02
8. (a) After the lockdown, hundreds of tribes have migrated and settled near hunsur taluk. 03
Examine the problems of settlers.
(b) Explain the welfare programmes of Tribal. 03/02
(c) Identify the problems Backward Class/Caste. 03/02
9. (a) A young Indian girl returned from abroad having a Doctorate degree from Cambridge 03
University forgot her native culture and tradition. State the consequences of western
culture on Indian Society.
(b) Mention the Social Reformers of India. 03/02
(c) State the meaning of Humanitarianism. 03/02
10. (a) A young boy addicted to drugs due to lack of parent- child relationship. Suggest the 03
reformatory measures to control the drug abuse.
(b) Specify the major Social Issues in the present scenario. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Communal Harmony. 03/02
19KD03 IV Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. S. Nagabhushan) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Define Money. Examine the role of money in a socialist and modern economy. 08/07
2 What is Gold Standard? Examine the causes of breakdown of the Gold standard. 08/07
3 Public Finance is the centre around which all the economic activities revolve. Discuss. 08/07
4 ‘Goods and Services Tax (GST) is an efficient tax system’. Examine this statement with its 08/07
pros and cons.
5 Explain the objectives and features of public expenditure. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) ‘Money is a good servant, but a bad master’. Express your opinion with suitable 03
(b) Differentiate between money and near money. 03/02
(c) Briefly explain Grasham’s Law. 03/02

7. (a) Demonetization in India was done in order to curb black money and corruption. How far 03
its objective has been achieved?
(b) State the principles of Note issue. 03/02
(c) Point out the uses of Index Numbers. 03/02

8. (a) In India the budgets have failed to deliver what they promise. Express your views. 03
(b) Write a note on Maximum Social Advantage. 03/02
(c) Differentiate between Impact and Incidence of Taxes. 03/02

9. (a) ‘Lower tax rates with a wider tax net leads to better tax compliance and economic 03
growth’. Examine this statement.
(b) Enumerate the role of Taxation in a developing economy. 03/02
(c) Highlight the merits and demerits of Progressive Tax. 03/02

10. (a) Due to pandemic India’s growth rate has fallen significantly. Will resorting to deficit 03
financing boost the economic growth? Comment.
(b) Point out the effects of public expenditure on economic stability and economic growth. 03/02
(c) Mention the methods of Debt Redemption. 03/02

19KD04 IV Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. A. R. Sushma) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘Local Self Government is the base to strengthen Political as well as Economic 08/07
empowerment of masses. Discuss.
2 ‘Federal system is preordained to promote Local Self Government’- Substantiate. 08/07
3 Evaluate the Recommendations of various committees on PRIs. 08/07
rd th
4 Analyse the features of 73 and 74 amendment Act. 08/07
5 Examine the role of commercial banks and MUDRA banks in promoting Agri and allied 08/07
activities in the rural India.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A, a head of the Village Panchayat, in an environmental engineer. He had taken 03

measures to clean up contaminated sites or areas which pose threat to human health
and environment in the vicinity. He evacuated 300 slum dwelling families and
rehabilitated them in a land which is encroached by the State government to establish a
factory. Now, the government is insisting them to relocate the place. Can the village
head sue against the state government? Decide.
(b) Distinguish between Delegation and Decentralization of power. 03/02
(c) Trace the growth of Local Self Government under the Constitution. 03/02

7. (a) X instituted a school in the rural area on the pretext of providing quality education. The 03
students’ strength in the school is more than 300. After three years, the school
authorities began to utilise the school building after the class hours for unlawful
activities. Some village people with zero tolerance and mustered the courage to
complain to the Village Panchayat. Can the issue be resolved by the Gram Sabha or can
the government create a district level body which will have the power to take up
matters suo moto? Clarify.
(b) State the features of Local Self Government. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Grama Swaraj. 03/02

8. (a) A newly married woman belonging to the X community in the vicinity of the Khap 03
Panchayat was brutally tortured and abused by the members of the Khap Panchayat as
she drew the water from the tank which belongs to the Y community. A group of youth
approached the state government to institute Nyaya path or Legal Information voice
based kiosks in the village to provide legal Information on matters relating to Women,
Child Labour, and Senior citizen, Dalits and Schedule Tribes, MGNREGA etc. But their
demands were turned down by the government. Can the village youth request the court
to direct the state government in this regard? Clarify.
(b) Specify the objectives of Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993. 03/02
(c) State the impact of Rural Development on National Development. 03/02

9. (a) In a vicinity of the Khap Panchayat, a 19 year old boy was tied to a tree and was 03
thrashed by the village heads in front of the heads of the Khap Panchayat for
befriending a woman of another community. But the police failed to file FIR despite
concrete evidence. Can the heads of the Khap Panchayat be sued? Give reasons.
(b) Enlist the powers and functions of Zilla Panchayat. 03/02
(c) Specify the composition and powers of City Corporations. 03/02

10. (a) In a district, the local MLA constructed a temple on a swathe of land. Later this was 03
questioned and probed by the district head. It led to altercation between the MLA and
DC. Can the MLA sue the authority on the ground of privilege motion? Decide.
(b) Mention the objectives of MGNREGA. 03/02
(c) Write a note on JNNURM. 03/02

19BD02 IV Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Tejaswini M) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 TracetheHistorical Development of Operations Management. 08/07
2 Explicate the importance of Capacity Planning. 08/07
3 Explain Input to and Output from Aggregate Production Planning with chart. 08/07
4 Describe the functions of Master Production Schedule. 08/07
5 What is Maintenance Management? Explain the functions of Maintenance Management. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) In a Manufacturing and Production department, the supply of raw materials, labor 03
allocation, capacity of the production etc., is controlled by the manager. Suggest ways to
the production manager to execute his responsibilities.
(b) Differentiate between Production Vs Operations Management. 03/02
(c) Sate the objectives of Demand Forecasting. 03/02

7. (a) Royal Car is an international brand which is looking forward for an upgradationof its 03
features. Advise them on the process of upgradation.
(b) Define the term Capacity Planning. 03/02
(c) What is meant by Economies and Diseconomies of Scale? illustrate. 03/02

8. (a) The company has an agreement with its customer to supply the products within the 03
given time. But the company foresees its inability to fulfil the agreement due to lack of
resources. In this scenario, how will the company manage the resource requirement
planning system?
(b) Bring out the approaches to Aggregate Planning. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Rough-Cut Capacity Planning. 03/02

9. (a) A company has received customer orders to deliver a product for which the operations 03
program and the delivery time are to be scheduled. The company is thinking of
following, Line of Balance technique. Identify the stages required to be followed in Line
of Balance technique.
(b) Mention the Operations Strategies for services. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on EBQ. 03/02
10. (a) Home appliances company produces refrigerators to the international market, they 03
need to do quality check for every single refrigerator after the completion of the
production, but quality management fails to do so with few products. Customer raised a
complaint against the company regarding the quality issue of the product after using the
refrigerator. Can the quality maintenance management resolve this problem? Comment.
(b) Point out the meaning of Business Process Re-engineering. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Modern Quality Management. 03/02

19BD01 IV Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Tejaswini M) Max Marks : 70/60

I Answer all the questions

1 What is Business Finance? Explain the traditional and modern approaches of Finance 08
2 The capital structure of Arya Ltd, is as follows: Rs. 08
2,000 6% Debentures of Rs.100 each (first issue) 2,00,000
1,000 7% Debentures of Rs.100 each (second issue) 1,00,000
2,000 8% Cumulative Preference Share of Rs. 100 each
4,000 Equity Shares of Rs.100 each 4,00,000
Retained Earnings 1,00,000
The earning per share of the company in the past many years have been Rs.15. The shares
of the company are sold in the market at book value. The company income tax is 25%.
Personal Income tax rate is 20%. Find out the Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
3 Ashwini Ltd. Is considering to purchase a new machine for its expansion programme. There 08
are two possible machines suitable for the purpose. The details are under:

Particulars MachineXRs. MachineYRs.

Capital cost 6,00,000 6,00,000
Sales Revenue 10,00,000 8,00,000
Cost of production
Direct materials 80,000 1,00,000
Direct Labor 1,00,000 60,000
Factory Overheads 12,00,000 1,00,000
Administrative Overheads 40,000 20,000
Selling and distribution cost 20,000 20,000

The economic life of the Machine X is 5 years and that of Machine Y is 4 years.
The scrap values are Rs.60,000 and Rs.40,000 respectively.
Sales are expected to be at the rate shown each year during the full economic life of the
The cost relates to annual expenditure resulting from each machine.
Tax to be paid is expected to be 25% of the net earning each year.
Interest on capital has to be paid at 10% p.a. show which machine would be most profitable
investment on the basic of Pay-Back Period Method.
4 X, Ltd. and Y, Ltd. are identical in all respects expect that X Ltd. has debt of Rs. 5,00,000 08
borrowed at the rate of 12%, whereas Y Ltd. has no debt in its capital structure. Total assets
of both the companies amount to Rs.15,00,000 each on which they have earned 20%. If
both the companies have equity capitalization rate of 18% and corporate tax is 25%. Find
the following:
1. Value of both the companies using NI approach.
2. Value of both the companies using NOI approach.
5 Suraksha traders gives the following information to prepare Cash Budget for April-June. 08

Months Sales Rs. Purchases Wages Rs. Manufacturing Other

Rs. Exp Rs. Expenses
Feb 10,00,000 8,00,000 40,000 30,000 15,000
Mar 14,00,000 6,00,000 44,000 32,000 20,000
Apr 8,00,000 6,50,000 45,000 34,000 24,000
May 10,00,000 6,80,000 50,000 36,000 24,000
Jun 9,50,000 7,00,000 52,000 38,000 30,000
Additional information:
1. Cash in hand on 1st April, 2010 Rs.1,00,000. 50% of sales in cash. 50% of debtors
allowed for 1-month credit and remaining 50% debtors allowed 2 months credit.
2. Sales commission at 5% on sales to be paid to salesman in the month of sales.
3. Creditors are paid in the month following month of supply.
4. Lagging in payment of manufacturing expenses half month and other expenses are
1/4th month are to be paid in the same month.
5. Wages are paid on 1stworking day of next month.

II Answer ‘a’ in each question andchoose‘b’ or ‘c’

6 a ‘Higher the ROI (Return on Investment) the better is the corporate management’. Critically 03
examine this statement with reference to Profit Maximization objectives.
b Enlist the importance and limitations of Financial Planning. 03
c State the functions of Treasurer. 03

7 a A company has 11% debentures of Rs.1,00,000 (face value Rs.100) outstanding at the end 03
of March 31, 2019 to be matured on March 2024. If a new issue of the debentures could be
sold at a net realizable value of Rs.80 in the beginning of 2018, what will be the cost of
existing debentures? Assume income tax 25%.
b Define Cost of Capital. Write the basic aspects of Cost of Capital. 03
c A company issued 2,000, 8% preference shares of Rs. 100 each at 5% premium. These 03
shares are redeemable after 10 years at a premium of 7%. The cost of issue is Rs.3 per
share. Find out the cost of preference share capital if income tax is 25%.

8 a An investment proposal would initially cost Rs.25,000 and would generate year-end cash 03
inflows of Rs.9,000, Rs.8,000, Rs.7,000, Rs.6,000, and Rs.5,000 in one through 5years. The
required rate of return is assumed to be 10%. Calculate Net Present Values.
b Given: 03
Initial Investment 20,000
Scrap Value 2,000
Net Cash Inflow:
1st year 2,000
2 year 2,000
rd th
3 year to 10 year 2,500
Work out Net Present Value with a discount rate at 10% and express whether the
investment will be worthwhile. The P.V.F at 10% are

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P.V.F 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621 0.565 0.531 0.467 0.424 0.386

c Write the advantages and disadvantages of Profitability Index Method. 03

9 a From the following information, compute (i) Capital Structure and (iii) Financial Structure of 03
ABC Co. Ltd.:
Particulars Rs.
Equity share capital (2,00,000 shares of Rs. 10 each) 20,00,000
8% Preference shares capital (10,000 shares of Rs, 100 10,00,000
10% Debenture 4,00,000
Long term loans from financial institutions 1,00,000
Current liabilities 5,00,000

b Differentiate between Capital Structure and Financial Structure. 03

c A company has Rs.2,00,000 as EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Tax). It has Rs. 10,00,000 03
at 10% debentures. The equity capitalization rate (Ke) of the company is 12.5%. Find out
the value of the firm under Net Income Approach.

10 a Prepare a Cash Budget format for the month Jan, Feb and Mar. 03
b Define Working Capital Management. Write its objectives. 03
c Prepare a note on Budgetary Control System. 03

19BD04 IV Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Sunitha N) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1. “Statistical analysis is of vital importance for successful businessmen, economists, 8

administrators and educationists”. Elucidate with illustrations.
2. Calculate Mean, Median and Mode for the following data. 8

Mid values 11 125 135 145 155 165 175

F 6 26 48 136 76 60 38

3. From the following data of two batsmen S and D who scored runs in 8 innings in Cricket, find 8
a. Who is a better run getter?
b. Who is a consistent batsman?
S 45 60 75 80 76 90 100 56
D 80 0 106 27 104 42 90 47

4. From the following data, calculate Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation and its probable 8

X 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

15-25 5 9 3 - -
25-35 - 10 25 2 -
35-45 - 1 12 2 -
45-55 - - 4 16 5
55-65 - - - 4 2

5. Construct Fisher’s Ideal Index number for the following data and show how it satisfies the 8
Time and Factor Reversal Tests.

2018 2019
Commodities Quantity Price Quantity Price
M 20 12 30 14
N 13 14 15 20
O 12 10 20 15
P 8 6 10 4
Q 5 8 5 6
Answer ‘a’ in each question and choose ‘b’ or ‘c’

6 a. The daily profits of 100 shops are distributed as follows: 3

Profit No. of shops
0-100 12
100-200 18
200-300 27
300-400 20
400-500 17
500-600 6

Draw a Histogram for the given data and find the modal value. Check this value by direct
b. Prepare a blank table showing distribution of cricket players according to: 3
a. Teams- India, Australia
b. Players – Batsmen, Bowlers, Wicket keepers
c. Matches- 20-20, Test matches
d. Year – 2019, 2020
c. Mention the types of classification of data. 3

7 a. Calculate Mode for the following data with the help of grouping table. 3

X 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
f 8 12 36 35 28 18 9

b. Find Harmonic Mean from the following data. 3

X: 2574 475 75 5 0.8 0.08 0.005 0.0009

c. Identify the requisites of a good average. 3

8 a. Calculate quartile deviation from the following data: 3

X: 22 26 14 30 18 11 35 41 12 32

b. In a distribution, Arithmetic Mean is 32.5. Median is 35 and Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of 3

skewness is – 0.3. Find Mode and coefficient of variation.

c. Calculate Bowley’s coefficient of skewness for the following distribution. 3
No. of children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of families 7 10 16 25 18 11 8

9 a. Two ladies were asked to rank 7 different brands of lipsticks. 3

The ranks given by them are as follows:

Lipsticks A B C D E F G
1 Lady 2 1 4 3 5 7 6
2 Lady 1 3 2 4 5 6 7
Calculate Spearman’s rank correlation.
b. State the uses of regression analysis. 3
c. How do you interpret coefficient of correlation?

10 a. Construct Index Numbers of price from the following data by applying: 3

1. Laspeyre’s method
2. Paasche’s method

2018 2019
Commodities Price Quantity Price Quantity
A 2 8 4 6
B 5 10 6 5
C 4 14 5 10
D 2 19 2 13

b. Specify the methods of constructing Index Numbers. 3

c. From the following data, calculate an index number using Family Budget method. 3

Commodities Unit consumption Price in Price in current

in base year base year year
A 200 1 1.2
B 50 3 3.5
C 50 4 5
D 20 20 30
E 40 2.5 5
F 50 10 15
G 60 2 2.5
H 40 15 18

19BD03 IV Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Nandini M.S) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1. Mention the barriers of communication and explain the semantic barriers. 08/07
2. Explain the steps involved in preparing PPT (Power Point Presentation). 08/07
3. Bring out the importance of E- mail writing in business. Explain the style and format using 08/07
4. Explicate the Ethical Perspectives that a Manager has to consider before arriving at 08/07
5. Enumerate the steps involved in the process of Listening. Explain the types of Listening. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. a. Represent the different patterns of Communication through diagrams. 03

b. Enlist the essentials of a successful business. 03/02
c. ‘Feedback is the essence of communication’. Comment. 03/02

7. a. What is a meeting notice? Draft an agenda for the board meeting of your company. 03
b. Comment on the factors that influence Body Language. 03/02
c. Bring out the limitations of Video Conferencing. 03/02

8. a. What is a Goodwill letter? Draft a letter of Appreciation. 03

b. Differentiate between letter of Instruction and letter of Direction. 03/02
c. Draft an After Sales Letter. 03/02

9. a. What are Application letters? Mention its types. 03

b. Draft an Appointment letter. 03/02
c. Draft a report to be submitted to the Chairman on the grievances of the employees 03/02
regarding; day care facility for kids and hike in Salary.

10. a. Point out the causes for a Conflict. 03

b. ‘Public Speaking is an Art’ – Comment. 03/02
c. Prepare a note on the Strategy of Third-Party Intervention in the process of 03/02

JKE05/JKC05 V Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & III Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. N. Vani Shree) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Describe the constitution, powers and duties of Revenue Officers. 08/07
2 Enumerate the documents of which Registration is Compulsory. 08/07
3 Critically analyze the procedure for Regulation of Rent as per the Karnataka Rent Act, 1999. 08/07
4 Examine the procedure for the establishment of Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and 08/07
Resettlement Authority.
5 Explain the provisions on Criminal Offences and Procedure as per the Indian Stamp Act, 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) P has arrears of land revenue because of the declaration of the lockdown, due to which 03
the payment got delayed. Comment on the procedure for recovery of the same by the
authority as per the relevant Act.
(b) Prepare a note on Class of Land. 03/02
(c) Define Boundary Marks. 03/02

7. (a) Q has executed a Will which requires registration under the Act. Due to Alzheimer’s 03
disease, he forgot to register. Decide the above case in the capacity of Q’s Legal advisor.
(b) Outline the significance of Register Books. 03/02
(c) List out the duties of Registering Officers. 03/02

8. (a) R and S are the landlord and the tenant respectively. S serves a written notice to R 03
regarding the seepage and water problems that he has been facing in the scheduled
premises, but R does not react to the notice. Substantiate the above instance through
the various legal remedies available to S as per the Act.
(b) Prepare an explanatory note on Standard Rent. 03/02
(c) Comment on role of KIADB. 03/02

9. (a) T has produced the relevant documents required to avail benefits as per the scheme 03
under the LARR Act, 2013. But after thorough scrutiny, the authorities rejected his
application due to the fake and false documents produced. Suggest appropriate
measures available to T.
(b) Prepare a note on Affected Family. 03/02
(c) Mention the important features of National Monitoring Authority. 03/02

10. (a) A bank manager out of negligence fails to register a negotiable instrument and executes 03
the same without appropriate stamp duty. Advise the manager about the legal
repercussions as a legal advisor to the bank.
(b) State the features of Instrument of Partition. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Allowances for Stamps. 03/02

JKE03 V Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Jagadish A T) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Discuss the historical development of insolvency laws in India. Add a note on Government 08/07
committees on bankruptcy reforms.
2 Explain the role of insolvency regulator, adjudicating authorities and intermediaries in the 08/07
Insolvency resolution process.
3 Describe the procedure to be followed in CIRP. 08/07
4 ‘An insolvency resolution plan is a unique combination of financial, legal, management and 08/07
technical features which would provide a reasonable assurance of sustainable viability over
the period of recovery from internal or external stresses.’ Substantiate in the light of
resolution strategies through corporate restructuring.
5 Discuss the UNCITRAL model on Cross Border Insolvency. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Draft the significant clauses of CIRP application to be filed by the operational creditor. 03
(b) Clarify the terms Insolvency, Bankruptcy and Liquidation. 03/02
(c) State the significance of personal insolvency legislations in India. 03/02

7. (a) The provisions of Maharashtra Relief Undertakings (Special Provisions) Act, 1958 is 03
contradictory to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. It provided for overtaking of
industries by the State by declaring them ‘relief undertakings’. It declared that such
overtaking can be done through Government notifications to that effect under the Act
and it is done to protect employment of the people who are working in such an
undertaking. Decide the validity of the said provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2016.
(b) Highlight the role of interim resolution professional in management of operations of 03/02
corporate debtor as going concern.
(c) State the contents of public announcement of CIRP. 03/02

8. (a) A corporate debtor undergoing CIRP wants to initiate fresh application under IBC, 2016. 03
Advice the corporate debtor with regard to persons eligible and not eligible to initiate
(b) Highlight the significance of Pre-packaged insolvency resolution process. 03/02
(c) Clarify the concept of voluntary liquidation of corporate persons. 03/02
9. (a) The CoC intends to replace the resolution professional in the insolvency resolution 03
process which is under progress. State with reasons whether the resolution professional
can be replaced.
(b) Distinguish interim-moratorium and moratorium. 03/02
(c) What is Bankruptcy Order? Who can be appointed as Bankruptcy Trustee? 03/02

10. (a) A Co-operative bank sanctioned a loan of Rs.15, 00,000/- to X. X failed to repay it. Can 03
the Co-operative bank proceed before DRT for the recovery of the same? Decide.
(b) Clarify the concept ‘insolvency of multinational corporations’. 03/02
(c) State the procedure for voluntary liquidation of companies under IBC, 2016. 03/02

JKE04 V Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. S. Nataraju) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘A healthy body is the very foundation for all human activities.’ Critically evaluate this 08/07
statement in the light of Supreme Court mandates from the perspective of Public Health.
2 Explain the major enactments which regulate medical and paramedical health care systems. 08/07
3 Elucidate the stages involved in conducting clinical trial, its legal and ethical compliance to 08/07
be followed in drug testing and its approval in India.
4 Examine the professional accountability of doctors by referring to medico-legal cases. 08/07
5 Discuss the significance of health awareness and preventive measures initiated by the 08/07
National and International Authorities with special reference to recent issues.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) The State Government imposes restrictions on all inter-state travellers to undergo RT- 03
PCR test compulsorily and directed all passengers must stay back for 2-3 days in a hotel
identified by the State Task Force, if they had any symptoms of corona virus. These
stipulations are made in order to ensure SOP guidelines and to avoid spreading of
contagious disease. It was objected by several public on the ground that, it was causing
greater hardship and inconvenience and infringes their right to privacy besides financial
burden. State with reasons, whether the contention of the public is tenable.
(b) Specify the major elements of National Health Policy, 2017. 03/02
(c) Write a note on the significance of ‘Amichi or Sowa Rigpa’. 03/02

7. (a) M after his routine aerobic exercise complains of severe chest pain and he was taken to 03
nearby Cardiac Clinic. The doctor who had examined him suggested shifting to super
specialty hospital. On the way to hospital, the patient’s condition becomes critical and
dies due to severe cardiac arrest. The family friends of the patient filed a complaint
against the doctor on the grounds of improper diagnosis and lack of timely treatment.
Examine the liability of the doctor in the instant situation by referring to cases.
(b) State the powers and functions of the National Medical Commission. 03/02
(c) Point out the responsibilities of hospitals in treating the persons with mental illness. 03/02
8. (a) A patient refuses to undergo blood transfusion and demands for blood, drawn only from 03
his near relatives. He claims that, if an unknown person’s blood enters his body it is
against his religious beliefs. Is it permissible? Decide with reasons.
(b) State the restrictions on the patenting and dumping of unsafe drugs. 03/02
(c) Analyze the major legal issues relating to Surrogacy. 03/02

9. (a) A surgeon who is serving in a District Health Care of Urban Unit has been transferred to 03
a Primary Health Care of rural unit in order to provide emergent health services. Despite
several reminders, he refused to report to duty on the grounds of non-availability of
transport service and other basic facilities in that area. Suggest the remedial action that
may be initiated against the doctor in the instant case.
(b) Highlight the scope of NDMA in mitigating the Biological Disaster. 03/02
(c) What are advantages of the Electronic Health Record Standards for India? 03/02

10. (a) X, an obstetrician usually converses with the patient’s physician Y over phone. Y 03
normally seeks suggestion from X while treating the patient M. If there is any harm or
injury caused to M on wrong advice of X. Can X be held liable? Decide with reasons.
(b) Identify the major schemes relating to Health Insurance. 03/02
(c) Mention the legal and ethical implications of Telemedicine. 03/02

JKE03 V Semester LL.B (3 Years) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Krishnamurthy) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Examine the stages in the process of framing of the Legislation. 08/07
2 Explain any three internal aids to construction of Statutes and point out their significance. 08/07
3 Enumerate the importance of conjunctive and disjunctive words in the process of 08/07
4 Specify the kinds of Jurisdiction. Discuss the rules of interpretation excluding the jurisdiction 08/07
of the courts.
5 Discuss the procedure for construction of remedial and penal statues with illustrations. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) The Railway Platform Regulating Act provided that whoever sleeps on the railway 03
platform shall be liable to pay fine of Rs. 500. A passenger on the platform waiting for
the train which was delayed by three hours, though sitting straight on the seat fell
asleep. Whether the Railway police can impose fine for violating the said rules.
Interpret the said situation.
(b) Point out the relation between Public Law and Social Philosophy. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Statute Law and Judicial Law. 03/02

7. (a) A State Government acquired a piece of land on January 2020 which belonged to Y, the 03
rate of compensation payable was Rs. 40 lakhs per acre. On October 2020 a new
standard rate of compensation was fixed at the rate of 60 lakhs per acre and declared
that this rate of compensation is applicable for all land acquired in past. The appellant Y
claims that the new rate of compensation is applicable to the land acquired by the State.
Mention with reasons which rule of interpretation is followed in the instant case.
(b) State the importance of Parliamentary history and historical facts as external aids to the 03/02
construction of the statutes.
(c) ‘Statues must be read as whole in its contexts.’ Comment. 03/02

8. (a) A provision of a statute included the expression of the word ‘commercial 03

establishments’, means an establishment which carries on any business, trade or
profession. Decide whether private dispensary doctor comes within the meaning of
expression commercial establishment. Justify with reasons.
(b) Examine the rule of Ejusdem Generis. 03/02
(c) What is Legal Fiction? Illustrate. 03/02
9. (a) An Act states that an Industrial Tribunal’s decision is final and not questionable before 03
any court of law, by inserting of finality clause in the Statute. Does it amount total
exclusion of jurisdiction of civil courts? Decide with reasons.
(b) Highlight the relevance of Doctrine of pith and substance under the provisions of the 03/02
(c) Examine the principle of strict construction of taxing statutes with case laws. 03/02

10. (a) A new Insurance Bill is assented and signed by the President on 1st April 2020 at 10.30 03
a.m. Decide when the Act will come into operation? Give reasons.
(b) Clarify Mens Rea in statutory offence. 03/02
(c) Point out the purpose of General Clause Act, 1897 with reference to interpretation of 03/02
statutory provisions.

JKE02/JKC02 V Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & III Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Priya A Jagadish) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Critically analyze the theory of Volksgiest. 08/07
2 What is Justice? State the different kinds of Justice. 08/07
3 Compare legislation with other sources of law. 08/07
4 ‘Hohfeld’s analysis basically consists of four sets of correlative legal relationships that cover 08/07
the most fundamental legal concepts that can be encompassed with the idea of a legal
right.’ Discuss.
5 What is Obligation? What are the different kinds of Solidary Obligations? 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Specify the name of the schools of jurisprudence and name the important jurist of the 03
i. Law as the Command of Sovereign.
ii. Law is found not made.
iii. Law as the practice of court.
(b) What is Social Engineering? 03/02
(c) Highlight the significance of Analytical School. 03/02

7. (a) Z has committed Adultery. Z’s wife applied for divorce and the court granted divorce on 03
the ground of adultery and also awarded maintenance to the wife. Identify the function
performed by the court.
(b) Distinguish between Civil and Criminal Justice. 03/02
(c) Identify the purpose and function of law. 03/02

8. (a) The High Court of Delhi decides a case in ignorance of a decision of the Supreme Court. 03
Whether the decision of the High Court of Delhi is considered as Precedent and has a
binding force on lower courts?
(b) Specify the application of Law of Equity. 03/02
(c) Highlight the different kinds of Precedents. 03/02
9. (a) Classify the following into different kinds of rights: 03
i. Right related to person’s reputation and standing in the society.
ii. Right to ownership of property, right to patent and good will.
iii. Right of succession and inheritance.
iv. All personal rights belonging to person.
v. Rights which are conferred by the law of the country.
vi. Right to use public properties like park, cinema halls etc.
(b) Stipulate the different modes of acquisition of ownership. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on legal status of dead persons and lower animals. 03/02

10. (a) X, an owner of car, allows Y to use car for his own purpose or for some purpose in which 03
he is interested, but retains his right of control over Y. Y injures Z by negligent driving.
Can Z recover damages from X? Give reasons.
(b) Write a note on Causation. 03/02
(c) State the different kinds of evidence. 03/02

JKE06 V Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Sheela Ganesh) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Summarize the emergence of Socio Economic Crimes. 08/07
2 Critically analyze N.N. Vohra committee’s finding and recommendations while bringing out 08/07
the clean nexus existing between the crime syndicates operating in the country and police,
bureaucrats and politicians.
3 Define White Collar Crime. Discuss the White Collar Crime in India. 08/07
4 Examine the offence of human organ trade in the light of the Transplantation of the Human 08/07
Organs Act, 1994.
5 ‘The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 being a special legislation is enacted with 08/07
the righteous intention of dealing with the menace of money laundering’-Substantiate.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Nearly 52 rose-ringed parakeets, 50 monkeys, 570 star tortoises, 9 pangolin, 16 deer 03
were seized by the police and forest officials in certain parts of the state during
pandemic. Wildlife experts opine that wildlife crime is the second largest illegal trade
globally after narcotics. Identify the crimes during pandemic.
(b) State the problems in enforcement of Anti-White Collar Crime Legislations. 03/02
(c) Mention the criticisms to Bonger’s Economic Theory of Criminality. 03/02

7. (a) A report by an NGO on ‘Securing the Rights of Patients in India’ on a rapid survey found 03
COVID-19 patients had to under face various indignities, including denial of essential
healthcare services, inflated bills in private hospitals, refusal of admission for
emergency, challenges in vaccination distribution etc. Critically examine the lapses in
the public health administration during pandemic.
(b) Write a note on black money, its sources and control measures. 03/02
(c) Specify the meaning of Deviance and its kinds. 03/02

8. (a) Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) conducted massive search and seizure operations on the 03
offices and residences of 15 government officials across the State X and unearthed
illegal assets, including Rs. 2 crores in cash, 17,000 kgs of gold. Examine the given
instance in the backdrop of anti-corruption laws.
(b) Distinguish between White Collar Crime and Blue Collar Crime. 03/02
(c) Highlight Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018. 03/02
9. (a) A law student, aged 21 years committed suicide after accusing her husband for forcing 03
her to indulge in prostitution (in the suicide note). Identify the relevant legal recourse to
deceased victim’s family.
(b) Suggest ways to combat alcoholism and drug abuse. 03/02
(c) Define Terrorist Activities. 03/02

10. (a) Country Z announced itself as the world’s first “Bitcoin City”. But IMF warned the 03
country against using bitcoin as official tender given the risks associated with crypto-
currency. Analyze the crime and legal perspectives of crpto-currencies.
(b) Prepare a note on Corporate Crime. 03/02
(c) Write a note on illicit trafficking in Arms and Explosives. 03/02

JKE01/JKA01 V Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & I Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. P. Shivananda Bharathi) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Explain the significance of custom as an ancient source of Hindu law. Add a note on the 08/07
requirements of valid a custom.
2 Enumerate the various modes of Partition. Critically examine the rules as to partition under 08/07
Mitakshra School.
3 Evaluate the grounds of void and voidable marriages under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Cite 08/07
relevant cases.
4 Explain the general provisions regarding the succession of the property of Hindu male who 08/07
dies intestate, leaving behind self acquired property.
5 Discuss the capacity and right of a Hindu male to adopt a child under Hindu Adoption and 08/07
Maintenance Act, 1956. Add a note on Doctrine of Relation Back.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) An African woman converted to Hinduism by the ceremony of Suddhi. Subsequently 03

obtained a Hindu name and married a Hindu. Is she a Hindu? Decide.
(b) Comment on the significance of Yagnvalkya Smriti. 03/02
(c) Mention the relevance of Precedent as one of the modern sources of Hindu Law. 03/02

7. (a) A Karta of a Hindu Joint family desires to build a new house which is very essential to the 03
family, with huge investment by utilizing the joint family fund but without taking the
consent of other major coparceners. Can he do so? Give reasons.
(b) Prepare a note on Reunion of Partition. 03/02
(c) Mention the obligations of Karta. 03/02

8. (a) The wife was elder than her husband by seven years but this fact was concealed at the 03
time of marriage. Later, the husband files a suit for nullifying the marriage. Decide.
(b) Comment on divorce by mutual consent. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on bars to remarriage after divorce. 03/02

9. (a) A Hindu Male dies intestate in the year 2021 , leaving behind self acquired property 03
worth Rs. 80 Crores and also left behind the following legal heirs : his mother, father,
his wife, four daughters, three brothers, four sisters of half blood relationship, his
father’s brother one son settled in Australia, and one son suffering from physical
deformity. Distribute the property among the heirs.
(b) Who are ascendant, descendent and collateral Agnates? 03/02
(c) State the relevance of Section 14 of Hindu Succession Act, 1955 with special reference 03/02
to Women’s Property.

10. (a) A female Hindu aged about 25 years desires to adopt a male child aged about 10 years. 03
Advice whether it is a valid adoption.
(b) Mention the powers of natural guardian. 03/02
(c) Specify the circumstances under which dependents may claim maintenance from the 03/02
heirs of the deceased.

18F04/19TD04 VI Sem B.A/B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & IV Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Ms. Annie Premitha Castelino) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Elucidate the general principles of contract of insurance with illustrations. 08/07

2 Explain the assignment of life insurance by stating the difference between assignment and 08/07
3 Examine the doctrine of subrogation and contribution. 08/07
4 Analyse the concept of voyage deviation. 08/07
5 Explain the importance of third party insurance. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) B took a life insurance policy from XYZ insurance company. B was suffering from 03
cancer and had undergone chemotherapy before taking the policy. There was a question
posed in the proposal form regarding the cancer treatment for which B answered as ‘No’.
After four months B died of heart attack. XYZ insurance company repudiated the claim.
Decide with cases.
(b) State the powers and functions of IRDA. 03/02
(c) Write a note on contract of indemnity. 03/02

7. (a) B did not disclose that he suffered from fever and headache for a few days before taking 03
the life insurance policy. After few days he dies. The insurance company repudiated the
claim. Decide with case laws.
(b) Analyse the concept of Risk. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Premium. 03/02

8. (a) M insured his house against loss by fire for Rs. 5 Lakhs and later he sold it to N. After 03
sale, fire broke out which destroyed the house. N claims the amount from insurance
company. Decide whether the insurance company is liable.
(b) Examine the kinds of fire insurance policies. 03/02
(c) Write a note on insurable interest in fire insurance. 03/02

9. (a) P insured tins of canned pork under all risks policy and later it was spoiled because of its 03
nature. Insurance company repudiated the claim. Decide with cases.
(b) Highlight the types of Marine Insurance Policies. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Perils of the Sea. 03/02
10. (a) P, a bus driver noticed a bullock cart standing at a distance, wanted to avoid colliding 03
with it, however he drove in third gear collided with lorry and succumbed to death. Can
his wife claim the insurance amount from the insurer of the lorry owner? Decide with a
case law.
(b) Comment on the doctrine of No-fault liability. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Health Insurance. 03/02

18F02/18KTB03 VI Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & II Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. M K Matolli) Max Marks : 70/60
Answer all the questions
1 Explain the various types of Business Organisation. 08/07
2 Explicate the basic procedure for incorporation of a company under Companies Act, 2013.
3 Discuss the requisites of a valid Meeting. 08/07
4 Examine the majority rule and minority protection. Cite cases. 08/07
5 Analyse the different modes of winding up along with its procedure. Refer cases. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) X and Y are the promoters of a company and they have already taken initial steps 03
towards formation of company. Z who subsequently joins and arranges to float its
capital, contends that he shall also be regarded as a promoter. Decide.
(b) Compare Companies Act, 1956 and 2013. 03/02
(c) What do you understand by lifting of corporate veil? 03/02

7. (a) X, Y and Z are the Directors of a Company, X and Y were removed by the resolution. 03
Later they entered into a contract with A. Decide the validity of the contract.
(b) Mention the contents of prospectus. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Pre incorporation contract. 03/02

8. (a) ABC Ltd, failed to contribute towards CSR despite falling under the category of section 03
135(1). What are the consequences of this default?
(b) Point out the role of Company Secretary. 03/02
(c) State the grounds for the removal of a Director. 03/02

9. (a) A company proposes to buy-back its shares out of the proceeds of an earlier issue of the 03
same kind of shares. Can it do so? Decide.
(b) When can a member of a company complain against oppression and mismanagement? 03/02
(c) Differentiate between Preference shareholders and Equity shareholders. 03/02

10. (a) ABC co, failed to submit the annual returns of its profit and loss including financial 03
statement for the last five years to the Registrar. Analyse its consequences.
(b) Prepare a note on FEMA. 03/02
(c) Comment on Merger and Acquisition. 03/02

17BF03 VI Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Sheela Ganesh) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 What is Green Revolution? Analyse the pros and cons of Green Revolution. 08/07
2 Write an essay on the Karnataka Agricultural Pests and Diseases Act, 1968. 08/07
3 Discuss the Insecticides Act and its rules. 08/07
4 Trace the development in Agricultural Marketing. Add a note on recent trends in agricultural 08/07
5 Elaborate on cultivation of traditional crop – millets. Suggest ways to encourage millet 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) X desires to invest in horticulture for export of ornamental plants but the weather and 03
irrigation in the place is not conducive. Identify the most suitable type of farming and
advice X.
(b) Summarize the status of Indian agriculture during the British Period. 03/02
(c) Write a note on agriculture and rural development. 03/02

7. (a) Study across 25 villages in State M revealed that 13.5%, 18.2% and 45% people were 03
reported to be diabetic, pre-diabetic, overweight or obese respectively. This sharp rise in
rural belt is alarming, mainly attributed to consumption of rice and PDS food grains.
Analyse this issue in the light of objectives of food security and suggest measures.
(b) Comment on the Karnataka Land Reforms (Amendment) Bill, 2020. 03/02
(c) Highlight the problems of forest dwellers. 03/02

8. (a) A farmer purchased small onion seeds for cultivation, at the time of harvest, he found 03
that all onions were of substandard quality and he met with huge loss due to inferior
quality seeds. Examine the given case in the light of Seed laws.
(b) Clarify the term Geographical Indications. Give examples. 03/02
(c) State the objectives of Fertilizer Control Order, 1985. 03/02

9. (a) ABC, a joint venture obtained patent for high yield seed variety which is resistant against 03
pest attack and granted license to X, Y and Z to sell the seed variety. Highlight the legal
implications of patenting seed varieties under Indian law.
(b) Mention the new farm laws enacted in 2020. 03/02
(c) Comment on agricultural fair price policy. 03/02
10. (a) Some areas in State X & Y carry illegal cultivation of transgenic GM crops like Bt Cotton, 03
HT Cotton, HT Soyabean, BtBrinjal. A farmers’ organization desires to challenge it.
(b) Summarize the procedure for registration of GM crops. 03/02
(c) List the mandates of ICAR. 03/02

18F05/20TB04 VI Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & II Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Usharani M C ) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Trace the development of Muslim Law. 08/07

2 Explain wife’s rights and remedies for non-payment of Dower. 08/07
3 Discuss how and when a Mutawalli can be removed. 08/07
4 Examine the execution of a Privileged Will. 08/07
5 Describe the powers and duties of an Administrator. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) As per the agreement between husband and wife, the wife will be at liberty to live with 03
her parents after Marriage. Accordingly, she stayed with her parents. Now the husband
challenges this agreement by filing a suit. Will he succeed? Decide.
(b) Prepare a note on Ijma. 03/02
(c) Differentiate between Nikha and Muta marriage. 03/02

7. (a) X, a wife refuses to live with her husband till the settlement of Dower. The husband files 03
a suit for restitution of Conjugal rights. Is it maintainable? Justify.
(b) Specify the conditions of a Valid Acknowledgement. 03/02
(c) State the grounds for dissolution of marriage under Muslim Marriage Act, 1939. 03/02

8. (a) K, a Muslim offers to sell his house to D (a pre-emptor) but, D refuses to buy it. 03
Thereupon K sells it to a stranger. Can D claim pre-emption? Decide.
(b) How a waqf will be created? 03/02
(c) Which are void gifts? 03/02

9. (a) Z, a testator bequeaths his property to A and B jointly. A dies before Z leaving behind his 03
son. Decide who will succeed the property of Z.
(b) Comment on the law relating to bequest to unborn person. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on kinds of Intestacy. 03/02
10. (a) B was assaulted by X and dies after 2 days, can a legal representative of B seek to claim 03
damages from X for assault. Decide.
(b) Who is a Residuary Legatee? Mention his rights. 03/02
(c) When can a succession certificate be revoked? 03/02

18F06/18BF06 VI Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Priya A Jagadish) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Explain the general legal framework of Telecommunication in India. 08/07

2 Discuss the sectoral issues relating to Roads and National Highways and Airports in India. 08/07
3 What is Risk Management? Examine its different techniques. 08/07
4 Who is a Development Commissioner under SEZ? Examine the functions of Development 08/07
5 Explain the process of registration of Real Estate Projects. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) ABC Company wants to invest through FDI in Real Estate Business or Construction of 03
Farm Houses in India. Can ABC company succeed in investing in the said sector? Justify.
(b) What are the different types of FDI? 03/02
(c) Highlight the functions of Airport Authority of India. 03/02

7. (a) The Government of K entered into a PPP contractual arrangement with Company B 03
(project developer) whereby the project developer adds to an existing infrastructure
facility, which it rents from the Government and operates and expanded project over an
agreed period as a franchisee. There may or may not be a transfer arrangement with
regard to the added facility by the project developer. State the kind of PPP agreement
with justification.
(b) Point out the benefits of PPP in India. 03/02
(c) Mention the PPP Project Structuring. 03/02

8. (a) X Company and Y Company agreed to participate in the consortia bidding process of 03
Jaipur-Kishengarh section of NH-8 project. Indicative project cost is 500 crores based on
Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) model. State the important
clauses to be included in the joint or consortia bidding agreement.
(b) Write a note on Concession Agreement. 03/02
(c) What is Risk Matrix? 03/02
9. (a) X uses electricity through a tampered meter and for the purpose other than for which 03
usage of electricity was authorised. State the consequences under the Electricity Act,
(b) Mention the provisions relating to constitution of Special Courts under Electricity Act, 03/02
(c) Write a note on Special Economic Zone. 03/02

10. (a) Y, a Promoter involved in an unfair practice by making a false and misleading 03
representation concerning the apartment which he has constructed. Whether the RERA
authorities can take a Suo moto action against a promoter. Give reasons.
(b) Highlight the functions of Real Estate Agents. 03/02
(c) Point out the Urban Infrastructure Services. 03/02

18F01/20TB07 VI Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & II Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. M.M. Prabhuswamy) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Examine the role of Reserve Bank of India to control the banking institutions of India under 08/07
the Banking Regulation Act,1949.
2 Discuss the obligations of a banker to maintain secrecy of his customer’s accounts and the 08/07
duty to honour the customer’s cheques of a banker.
3 Who is Holder in due course? Explain the conditions, rights and privileges to be a holder in 08/07
due course as per the Negotiable Instruments Act,1881.
4 Analyse the objectives, powers and jurisdiction of a Banking Ombudsman as per the Banking 08/07
Ombudsman Scheme, 2006.
5 What is Cash Reserve? Examine the important factors governing cash reserves. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) ‘The banks are the lifeline of the economy and play a catalytic role in activating and 03
sustaining economic growth, especially in a developing country like India’. Comment on
this statement.
(b) How does the RBI act as a banker’s bank and as a lender of last resort? 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on the development of Banking in England. 03/02

7. (a) X sold certain goods to a third party and sent documents to collect the amount to the bank 03
within 10 days after presentation of the bill. The bank took too much time to honour the
same and did not explain the reason for the delay. As a result, X had to incur loss. Advice
(b) What are bankers right of general lien? Mention its exceptions. 03/02
(c) State the precautions to be taken by the banker to open an account in the name of an 03/02

8. (a) X entered into a contract with Y who is an event manager, for his daughter’s wedding on 03
8th June 2021. The wedding could not be conducted due to pandemic. Decide whether the
conditions of application of material alteration to both the parties to the contract on the
agreed terms be continued.
(b) Enumerate the differences between promissory note and bill of exchange. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Bills in Sets. 03/02

9. (a) A issued a cheque to B intentionally to deceive him. B presented the cheque for 03
withdrawal and it was dishonoured by the bank. State the penalty for cheque bounce.
(b) Point out the merits and demerits of E-banking. 03/02
(c) State the objectives and functioning of Debt Recovery Tribunals. 03/02
10. (a) A drawer has a bill for Rs.1,00,000. He does not want to wait till the due date of the bill. 03
He discounted his bill with the bank two months before its due date at 15% p.a. rate of
discount. Calculate the discount.
(b) Clarify the term Money at call. How does it differ from money at short notice? 03/02
(c) Mention the advantages and uses of fund flow statement of a bank. 03/02

JKG03 VII Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. Sridevi Krishna) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Briefly explain the regime of MRTP Act. Elucidate the changes incorporated by the 08/07
Competition Act.
2 Discuss the influence of US Anti-Trust Laws on Competition Act, 2002. 08/07
3 What creates the conflict between IPR and Competition Law? Discuss with the help of 08/07
judicial pronouncements.
4 What is abuse of dominant position? Explain the procedure as to inquiry for abuse of 08/07
dominant position.
5 Discuss the role of CCI in regulating unfair competition. Cite cases. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A health drink company offered to its consumers a hidden wealth prize offer in their 03
product in Mysore city only for a specified period. The coupons were placed the health
drink bottle and the purchaser of the bottle would get various prizes. Whether this
scheme is unfair? Decide.
(b) Write a note on Raghavan Committee Report on Competition Law. 03/02
(c) Mention the advantages and disadvantages of Competition. 03/02

7. (a) MN Pvt. Ltd. Textile enterprise distributes its merchandise throughout India through its 03
distributors. However, it gives only distributorship for East, West, North and South India
and does not allow distributors to sell in each other’s territory. Whether such
agreement made by MN Pvt. Ltd. is prohibited under Competition Act, 2002.?
(b) What are the offences and penalties prescribed under Federal Trade Commission Act, 03/02
(c) Mention the powers and functions of Competition Commission of UK. 03/02

8. (a) A State Government launched the programme for issuing Ration Cards to certain 03
category of economically weaker sections of the society under Public Distribution
System. X, a ration card holder purchased edible oil from a fair price depot under his
family quota. After consuming the food prepared with the oil he and his family members
suffered paralysis in lower limbs. The Food Laboratory test shows that the edible oil was
adulterated due to which the entire family suffered paralysis. Whether X can initiate any
action against the Government? Advice.
(b) What is dumping and anti-dumping with reference to competition law? 03/02
(c) Write a note on Consumer Protection Council. 03/02
9. (a) TIL, PCS, and RDX enterprises of India issued notice to the CCI about their proposed 03
merger. The total asset of the merging companies in India is Rs. 3000 crores, while the
annual turnover is 7000 crores. The companies also want to merge with MIX & MAX
Indian companies located in USA, whose asset is $500 million and turnover is $2000
million. Is this merger permissible? Give reasons.
(b) What are the ‘Per Se’ offences punishable under the Competition Act, 2002? 03/02
(c) Mention the procedure for investigation of combination under the Competition Act, 03/02

10. (a) Z furnished information to the CCI alleging that Karnataka Electricity Power Supply 03
Corporation has abused its dominant position being the sole supplier of electricity and
has indulged in price fixing by charging higher rates for electricity connection and bills.
Can the CCI treat this information as competition litigation under Competition Act?
(b) Specify the powers and functions of CCI. 03/02
(c) Write a note on role of Director General under the Competition Act, 2002. 03/02

JKG05/JKC05 VII Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & III Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Sri. Savanth B S ) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define Transfer. Discuss what may be transferred and state its exceptions. 08/07
2 Explain Doctrine of Priority with exceptions. 08/07
3 What is meant by Lis Pendens? Explain the conditions applicable to the Doctrine of Lis 08/07
4 Define Sale. Examine the rights and liabilities of Seller and Buyer. 08/07
5 Identify the differences between Debt, Ownership, Bailment and Agency with Trust. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A had advanced the whole of the mortgage money in favour of B, a minor. B 03
subsequently refused to return the money stating that he is a minor. Discuss whether A
can recover the money advanced.
(b) Write a note on Rule Against Perpetuity. 03/02
(c) How restraints on alienation are categorized? 03/02

7. (a) X took a house on lease from Y who died leaving Z as his only heir. X continued paying 03
rent to Z. During life time of Y, Y bequeathed the house in favour of S. Subsequently S
sues X for the past and future rents. Decide the liability of X.
(b) Can co-owners transfer property? Decide. 03/02
(c) Examine whether transfer by Ostensible Owner is valid. 03/02

8. (a) A mortgagee builds a house on an agricultural land. Examine whether the mortgagor is 03
liable to pay the cost of building the house on redemption.
(b) Write a note on Marshalling Securities. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Mortgage and Charge. 03/02

9. (a) A mortgagee in possession of property wants to lease the property to another. Advice. 03
(b) Write a note on Easementary Rights. 03/02
(c) Mention the requisites of a Gift. 03/02
10. (a) A trustee is entrusted to sell the trust property by public auction but sells it by means of 03
a private contract. State whether the sale is valid.
(b) State the disabilities of Trustee. 03/02
(c) How Trust is created? 03/02

JKG04/JKC04 VII Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & III Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Sri. Rohit Subbayya) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Explain the concept of Jurisdiction. 08/07
2 Discuss the fundamental rules of pleadings. 08/07
3 Examine the modes of Execution. 08/07
4 Explicate the concept of Appeals. 08/07
5 Examine the concept of Disability under the Limitation Act, 1963. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) T is the tenant of L. L terminates the tenancy for non-payment of rents and files a suit 03
for eviction. The said suit is decreed. Subsequently, L files another suit against T for
recovery of arrears of rent. Decide.
(b) Differentiate between Decree and Order. 03/02
(c) Define Mesne Profits along with illustrations. 03/02

7. (a) M, claiming that he is the landlord of a building, has filed a suit against his tenant N for 03
eviction. N claims to be the owner of the said building and not a tenant. Advise N.
(b) Write a note on Rejection of Plaint. 03/02
(c) Mention the rules regarding Set-Off. 03/02

8. (a) U is a person who is mentally unsound. F is his next friend who intends to file a suit on 03
U’s behalf. Advise him on the procedure to be adopted.
(b) Write a short note on Admissions. 03/02
(c) What is a Garnishee Order? Discuss. 03/02

9. (a) X intends to prefer a second appeal challenging the judgment and decree in a regular 03
appeal. Advise him on the procedure to be adopted.
(b) Write a note on Review. 03/02
(c) Discuss the concept of Caveat. 03/02
10. (a) P wants to file a suit against Q, a minor. State the effect on limitation. 03
(b) Prepare a note on Adverse Possession. 03/02
(c) Write a short note on Sufficient Cause under Section 5 of the Limitation Act, 1963. 03/02

JKG06 VII Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Mr. Lakshith M D) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Specify the meaning of Mass Media. Explain the historical perspective of mass media in 08/07
2 Critically examine the objectives and functions of Press Council in India. 08/07
3 ‘Censorship does not mean a blanket ban in the name of obscenity and public order.’ 08/07
Interpret this statement with reference to Cinematograph Act, 1952. Cite cases.
4 ‘The Government has absolute power to legislate on media’. Justify the statement with 08/07
reference to Article 246 read with VII Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
5 Analyse the welfare measures relating to working Journalists in India. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Government of India imposed restriction on the circulation of newspaper named 03

‘Parijatha’ a daily newspaper, by passing an order. Can the Government make such
order restricting press? Give reasons.
(b) Clarify the term Privacy and mention its exceptions. 03/02
(c) List out the press laws in India during post-Independence era. 03/02

7. (a) Z, a social activist criticized the weekend curfew called by State M and also started 03
sloganeering against the Government. Can he be charged under section 124-A of IPC?
(b) Mention the laws governing obscenity in India. 03/02
(c) Differentiate between legal-regulation and self-regulation. 03/02

8. (a) The ABC Media Company owned 13 channels including news, entertainment, travelling, 03
cartoon, cooking, etc, in cable television networking. Decide the ownership pattern of
ABC Media Company.
(b) Identify the types of Electronic Broadcasting. 03/02
(c) What is Social Media? Bring out its impact on society. 03/02

9. (a) M went to a cine complex (a/c complex) with his 2 friends to watch a Hollywood movie. 03
He purchased 3 tickets at the cost of Rs. 600 and later, he ordered snacks and beverages
from food court at the cost of Rs. 500. Calculate GST for movie ticket and food ordered
by him.
(b) State the importance of advertisements. 03/02
(c) Highlight the role of dramas and objectives of Dramatic Performance Act, 1876. 03/02

10. (a) A working journalist was retrenched from employment by a newspaper establishment 03
with prior notice of three months. Justify whether the retrenchment is valid.
(b) Specify the powers of advisory committee under Cine-workers Welfare Fund Act, 1981. 03/02
(c) State the provisions relating to hours of working under the Working Journalists and 03/02
Other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,

JKG01/JKC01 VII Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & III Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Ms. Sneha Jagadish) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Discuss the various authorities created under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. 08/07
2 Explain in detail the distinction between Lock out, Lay off and Closure under the Industrial 08/07
Disputes Act, 1947.
3 Define the term Standing Orders. Explain the nature and effect of Certified Standing Orders. 08/07
4 Critically analyze the procedure relating to registration of Trade Union. 08/07
5 Enumerate the provisions concerning Women workers under the Factories Act, 1948. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) M is a daily wage employee under the HP Electricity Board. His service was dispensed 03
with the order issued by the Executive Engineer. M challenges the order in the Civil
Court. Can he succeed? Decide.
(b) Is Individual dispute an Industrial dispute? Give reasons. 03/02
(c) What is Voluntary Arbitration? 03/02

7. (a) P, a bank employee was terminated by the management of bank, for not complying with 03
the conditions of retrenchment, P seeks reinstatement with full back wages. Decide.
(b) Comment on Public Utility Service. 03/02
(c) Identify various kinds of Strikes. 03/02

8. (a) L, an apprentice after completion of apprentice training applied for certificate. But it 03
was refused by the trainer on the ground that obligations of apprentices were not
fulfilled. Decide the validity of the refusal.
(b) Highlight the powers and duties of Apprenticeship Adviser. 03/02
(c) State the provisions relating to modification of Standing Orders. 03/02

9. (a) Registrar of the Trade Union on the ground of non-filing of returns cancelled registration 03
without giving show cause notice to the members of Trade Union. Decide whether the
act of the Registrar is valid.
(b) State the importance of Collective Bargaining. 03/02
(c) Mention the immunities of a registered Trade Union. 03/02
10. (a) A factory manufacturing play cards with 18 laborers employed carrying out 03
manufacturing process with the aid of the power. On the report by the factory inspector
the occupier was prosecuted for not complying with the provisions of the Act. Decide
the validity of the orders.
(b) Who is an Occupier and what are his duties? 03/02
(c) Bring out measures to be taken in factories for Health. 03/02

17H02/16TD02 VIII Sem B.A/ B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & IV Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. K. S. Suresh) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Discuss the historical background of Right to Information in India. 08/07
2 Explain the powers and functions of information commission under the Right to Information 08/07
Act, 2005.
3 Discuss the legal issues of the Internet and its regulations. 08/07
4 Examine the provisions relating to regulation of Certifying Authorities under the Information 08/07
Technology Act, 2000.
5 Define Intermediary. Analyze the provisions relating to intermediaries under the 08/07
Information Technology Act, 2000.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) Clarify with reasons under The Official Secrets Act, 1923. 03
i. Penalties for Spying.
ii. Penalties for harbouring spies.
iii. Punishment for attempt, incitement.
(b) State the powers and additional powers of the commission under The Commissions of 03/02
Inquiry Act, 1952.
(c) Highlight the responsibilities of records officer under the Public Records Act,1993. 03/02

7. (a) A files RTI application, seeking Electronic Voting Machine from Election Commission of 03
India. Decide with reasons whether A will succeed.
(b) Highlight the significance of The Right to Information (Amendment) Act, 2019. 03/02
(c) State the provisions relating to request for information and disposal of request under 03/02
the Right to Information Act, 2005.

8. (a) Police alleged A’s role as an alleged ‘key conspirator’ in a case of making pornographic 03
films and publishing them through mobile applications. Investigation by the police
revealed that A had the goal to earn Rs 34 crore by 2023 through mobile applications. State
the charges and punishment for the same.
(b) Classify the types of cyber crimes based on different criteria. 03/02
(c) What are the steps to be taken to prevent crime through mobile phones? 03/02
9. (a) Bank sends an automated message regarding the withdrawal of money from an ATM to 03
X. In this context, identify:
i. The originator of the message.
ii. Recipient of automated message.
iii. When does the acknowledgement of receipt happen; time and place of
dispatch, receipt of electronic record according to Information Technology
Act, 2000?

(b) Point out the provisions relating to secure electronic record and secure electronic 03/02
(c) Mention the key rules and regulations under the Information Technology Act, 2000. 03/02

10. (a) X with an intent to threaten the unity, integrity, security and sovereignty of India deny 03
access to Y who is authorised to access computer resource. State the offence committed
by X and punishment for the same.
(b) Examine the significance of Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital 03/02
Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
(c) State the implications of Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill, 2019. 03/02

16BH01/19TD01 VIII Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.)& IV Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. S. Nataraju) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Trace the growth and development of administrative law in India and its impact on 08/07
administrative authorities.
2 Discuss the compulsive necessity of delegated legislation and its permissible limits by 08/07
referring to case laws.
3 Identify the tests to determine the existence or non-existence of bias in an adjudication 08/07
process by referring to leading cases.
4 Explain the judicial control over administrative action through Writs. 08/07
5 Analyze the role of Central Vigilance Commission and Anti-Corruption Bureau in the 08/07
prevention of corruption and maladministration in India.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) The Deputy Commissioner was empowered through an enactment for acquisition of lands 03
for the construction of highways and authorized him to fix the rate of toll fee on vehicles
moving within the district limits. Further, he has power to settle the disputes that exist
between the land owners in the matter of acquisition of the land and for award of
compensation. Classify the administrative action in the instant situation. State whether,
the power conferred to one authority to carry out multifarious actions is a violation of
doctrine of separation of powers? State reasons.
(b) State the significance of Droit Administratiff. 03/02
(c) Comment on the doctrine of Rule of Law. 03/02

7. (a) A Government imposed a condition on catering establishments which made it 03

compulsory for hoteliers to sell all the seven eatable items mentioned in the schedule of
the Foodstuffs Price Fixation Order. It was passed by the State in the interest of
availability of indigenous varieties of food for the commons. The validity of the order
was challenged by the hoteliers. Decide with reasons.
(b) Write a note on the procedural control over delegated legislation. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between judicial and quasi-judicial functions. 03/02

8. (a) An employee of XL institute was removed on the ground of misconduct. The contention 03
of the Institute was that, though the hearing had not been afforded at the initial stage, the
right of appeal had been conferred and the delinquent employee can avail himself of such
an opportunity of being heard at the appellate stage. Is it a valid contention? Decide.
(b) State the exceptions to the rule of fair hearing. 03/02
(c) Specify the merits and pitfalls of administrative adjudication. 03/02
9. (a) X has been appointed by the government to a civil post for a fixed period but later, 03
abolished the post before the expiry of his term. X challenged the decision on the grounds
that, he joined the post on the basis of the order issued. He wants to challenge that the
govt. action is a denial of his right created through assurance. Is the action of the State
tenable? Decide with reasons.
(b) Highlight the Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation. 03/02
(c) State the grounds for the issue of Writ of Quo-Warranto. 03/02

10. (a) In a contract between State Govt. and ABC Computers Ltd., thousands of laptops were 03
supplied by the company to various schools and colleges for its free distribution to the
poor students. The contract entered by the State in the name of Secretary of the
Department of Education resulted in non-compliance with the statutory requirement of
Art.299 of the Constitution and the contract becomes void. The company claims the
actual amount towards supply of laptops. Examine the liability of the State by referring to
(b) Point out the drawbacks of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. 03/02
(c) State the administrative privileges and immunities extended to the Government. 03/02

17H06/18TE02 VIII Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & V Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Shwetha P) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 ‘Statute must be read as a whole’. Explain. 08/07

2 Examine the external aids to Construction of Statutes. 08/07
3 Elaborate the rule of ‘Ejusdem Generis’ with the help of case laws. 08/07
4 Discuss the principles of interpretation of Taxing Statutes. 08/07
5 Examine the relevance of Mens rea in interpreting the penal statutes. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Distinguish between Statute Law and Judicial Law. 03

(b) Mention the constitutional provisions followed in the process of framing of the 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Interpretation and Construction. 03/02

7. (a) Marginal notes are those notes which are inserted at the side of the sections in the Act. 03
a) State when marginal notes lose their importance.
b) State the role played by the Marginal notes in interpreting the Constitution.
(b) What do you mean by Headings in the Statute? 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Mischief Rule. 03/02

8. (a) The word ‘fruit juices’ were used in a context of case before a High Court, pertaining to 03
Beverages. It was argued that fruit juices meant fruit juices. Can the doctrine of Noscitur
A Sociis be applied? Give reasons.

(b) State the meaning of Casus Omissus. 03/02

(c) What are Conjunctive and Disjunctive words? 03/02

9. (a) Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 defined ‘butter’ to mean the ‘product prepared 03
exclusively from milk or cream of cow or buffalo or both’. Whether the butter prepared
from curd i.e soured milk will come within the definition of the term ‘butter’? Decide
under appropriate interpretative rule.
(b) Write a note on Exclusion of Jurisdiction of Courts. 03/02
(c) What is Evasion of Statutes? 03/02
10. (a) In a leading case, the Supreme Court of India held that the amendment to the Constitution 03
is ‘law’ under Article 13 of the Constitution, but the decision would apply for future.
State the famous principle of Constitutional Interpretation laid down in the above case.
(b) Comment on the Doctrine of Pith and Substance. 03/02
(c) State the principle applied in Construction of Remedial Statutes. 03/02

17H03/18DT014 VIII Sem B.A/B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & IV Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Asmathunnisa G) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Evaluate the importance of Paris and Berne Convention in the field of Intellectual property 08/07
2 Discuss inventions which are not patentable under the Patent Act, 1970 with decided cases. 08/07
3 Explain the offences and penalties under the Trade Marks Act,1999. Refer to cases. 08/07
4 Explicate the statutory exceptions under Copyright Act with celebrated cases. 08/07
5 Outline the procedures to be followed for the Registration of Geographical Indication. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) An eccentric prolific Japanese inventor invented an underwater scribbling device. He 03
intends to have patent protection for his invention worldwide without any procedural
delay. Is there any treaty which he can adhere to, if so, suggest him the procedure?
(b) Write a note on WIPO. 03/02
(c) Highlight the salient features of TRIPS. 03/02

7. (a) X made an application for the patent. After perusal of the same, it was found that the 03
invention falls within the ambit of class notified for defence purposes by the Central
government. Decide whether this invention is patentable?
(b) State the procedure for grant of patent. 03/02
(c) Enlist the factors determining infringement of Patents. 03/02

8. (a) XYZ company introduced a frozen pulp product in a 3D shape of packing representing 03
mermaid with mask over its face (recent adoption of the company in Covid), containing
the extraction of valuable compounds which consists of tasty tapering turgidity fluid ends
after every sip offering numerous health benefits after its use. The company intends to
seek Non-conventional Trademarks for the same. Decide the types of marks and
parameters for obtaining the same.

(b) Define the term Deceptive Similarity. Cite illustrations. 03/02

(c) Clarify the term Domain Name. 03/02
9. (a) P, the writer filed a suit against D, the production house. After watching a trailer noted 03
several similarities, alleging the copy of the script in the film titled ‘Tukkaa Fitt’
produced by M/s APP Entertainment Ltd with the film ‘Lootcase’. Due to the sudden
death of the producers, the film which was completed in November 2012, was
indefinitely delayed. D took the defence and submitted the documents to the court and
contended that copyright can only be granted for an idea not for expressions and sought
for dismissal of P’s plea. Will D succeed? Give reasons.
(b) Point out the works in which copyright subsists. 03/02
(c) What are the moral rights of the authors? 03/02

10. (a) A farmer came out with a new dwarf variety of seeds by name purple Japanese maple. 03
But the farmer is not aware of the avenues and benefits of IPR. Advice the farmer.
(b) Expand TKDL and state its importance. 03/02
(c) Differentiate between Confidential Information and Trade Secret. 03/02

17H05/19TD02 VIII Sem B.A/B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & IV Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. T.P. Dharmendra) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Explain the provisions relating to the appointment and powers of Public Prosecutor. 08/07
2 When can a police arrest a person without a warrant? 08/07
3 Explain the procedure in Summons Case. 08/07
4 Examine the provisions relating to Bail and Bail Bonds. 08/07
5 Discuss the powers and Constitution of Juvenile Justice Board. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) A has been accused of an offence punishable for life imprisonment. Which Court can try 03
him? Decide.
(b) Differentiate between Cognizable offence and Non Cognizable offence. 03/02
(c) What is a Metropolitan Area? 03/02

7. (a) A is an armed force personnel who is alleged to have touched a woman inappropriately. 03
Can a police arrest A? Give reasons.
(b) Write a short note on Proclamation. 03/02
(c) State the circumstances under which a private person can arrest. 03/02

8. (a) W is the wife of H. H who was working as a circle inspector of police is now jobless. Can 03
W claim maintenance from H? Clarify.
(b) Distinguish between Enquiry, Investigation and Trial. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Summons Case and Warrant Case. 03/02

9. (a) U, a person of unsound mind is alleged to have committed a crime. State the procedure 03
to try him.
(b) Write a note on Confirmation of Death Sentence. 03/02
(c) What is an Anticipatory Bail? State its provisions. 03/02

10. (a) A juvenile was arrested for a non-bailable offence. Can he be released on bail? Give 03
(b) Mention the powers of Probation Officer. 03/02
(c) State the procedure relating to the release of a convict on probation. 03/02
17H04/18DT016 VIII Sem B.A/B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & IV Sem LL.B Examination
February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Sri. Chandrashekhar B N) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘Incidence of tax is based on residential status of the person’-Discuss 08/07
2 Explain the provisions relating to filing of appeal before Income Tax Appellate Tribunal. 08/07
3 Explain the salient features of GST. 08/07
4 Discuss the provision relating to Composition under GST. 08/07
5 Explicate the various import procedures under Customs Act. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) X, a citizen of India visits India during the previous year 2019-20 and stayed in India for 03
a period of 32 days. Determine his residential status under Income Tax for the assessment
year 2020-21.
(b) Define the term Person under Income Tax. 03/02
(c) Write a brief note on Capital Receipts. 03/02

7. (a) From the following information determine the income from house property of Y for the 03
assessment year 2020-21.
Rent received Rs, 1,44,000/-,Fair rental value Rs 1,60,000/-, Municipal Value
Municipal tax paid Rs 10,000/-. Interest on Housing Loan Rs 1,50,000/-

(b) Write a brief note on income from other sources. 03/02

(c) Prepare a note on deduction under section 80 D. 03/02

8. (a) What is non-taxable supply under GST? 03

(b) What is HSN Code? 03/02
(c) Write a brief note on GSTIN. 03/02

9. (a) Prepare a note on debit note and credit note under GST. 03
(b) What is input tax credit under GST? 03/02
(c) Write a note on E-Way bill. 03/02

10. (a) What is basic customs duty? 03

(b) Write a brief note on Baggage under Customs Act. 03/02
(c) Summarise the procedures relating to export by post under Customs Act. 03/02
JKI02/JKE02 IX Sem B.A./ B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & V Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. M.M. Prabhuswamy) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Describe the evolution and the constitutional provisions of the development of Welfare 08/07
State in India.
2 Explain the powers and functions of the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation under the 08/07
ESI Act, 1948.
3 Analyse the procedure for the fixation of Minimum Rates of Wages under the Minimum 08/07
Wages Act, 1948.
4 Examine the mode of recovery of moneys due from employers and contractors under the 08/07
EPF Act, 1952.
5 Evaluate the Constitutional provisions regarding the various Social Security Schemes for 08/07
unorganised workers under the UWSS Act, 2008.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) An employee suffered heart due to stress and strain of the work and dies. The 03
deceased’s wife is seeking your advice to get compensation. Is she eligible? Give your
(b) Mention the International Labour Standards of ILO. Whether the International Labour 03/02
conference can be considered as apex body of ILO?
(c) Define ‘Arising out of and in the course of employment’ with the help of decided case 03/02

7. (a) X, an employee in a private educational institution applied for ESI benefits. It was 03
refused by the authority. Justify, whether the private educational institution can be
treated as an ‘establishment’ under section 1(5) of the ESI Act, 1948.
(b) State the benefits of Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2020. 03/02
(c) Define Child. How is the Child Labour Technical Advisory Committee formed? 03/02

8. (a) The workmen working in a painting company were employed by the contractors, who 03
perform the same or similar kind of work as the workmen directly employed by the
principal employer. Are the contract labourers eligible to get the wage rates, holidays,
hours of work and other conditions similar to regular employees? Decide by referring to
recent judgment.
(b) Point out the recommendations of Royal Commission on Labour on the deductions of 03/02
wages under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
(c) Specify the prohibition of employment of contract labour under the Contract Labour 03/02
(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970.
9. (a) ABC company manufactures some household commodities which come under the 03
purview of the Payment of Gratuity Act. Due to outbreak of Covid, the demand for such
goods falls down. As a result, the number of employees also falls below ten. State
whether the employer is liable to pay gratuity. Give reasons.
(b) Point out the significance of the Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 under EPF Act, 1952. 03/02
(c) What is Bonus? How to compute Available Surplus under the Payment of Bonus Act, 03/02

10. (a) In 2019, the Government of India gave consent for new legislation consolidating 29 old 03
Labour laws into four new codes which constituted modest reform. The President of
India signed the new law, but many State Governments have not implemented it.
Mention the reasons for non-implementation of New Labour Codes.

(b) State the purpose of the constitution of Advisory Committee under the Equal 03/02
Remuneration Act, 1976.
(c) Prepare a note on Out Sourcing Centres in India. 03/02

JKI03 IX Sem B.A.LL.B(Hons) & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by by Prof. K. Rajashekara) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 ‘The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the basis of utility of any legislation.’ 08/07
2 Explain the ideals of Legislative Drafting. 08/07
3 Examine the objectives of Non-Obstante Clause in the process of legislative drafting. 08/07
4 Examine the various parts of a Statute. 08/07
5 What is a Bill? Draft the short title, long title and preamble parts of the statute with regard 08/07
to the New Education Policy, if it is going to be enacted as a statute.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Who are Plebians and Patricians? 03

(b) Distinguish between codifying and consolidating statutes. 03/02
(c) Specify the importance of Glossary and Vocabulary in Legislative Drafting. 03/02

7. (a) State the objectives of Civil and Criminal Legislation. 03

(b) Define Legislation. 03/02
(c) State the various kinds of Legislation. 03/02

8. (a) Highlight the contributions of Jurists. 03

(b) Point out the correlation between public opinion and legislative formulation. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Syntax rule. 03/02

9. (a) Prepare a note on Legal Fiction. 03

(b) State the need for translation of a statute from one language to other language. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on the evolution of legislation. 03/02

10. (a) What is Ascetic Principle? 03

(b) Mention the problems in legislative formulation in a modern welfare state. 03/02
(c) Write a note on commencement and retrospective effect of a statute. 03/02

JKI01/JKE01 IX Sem B.A./ B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & V Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Prathibha) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Examine the Principle of Sustainable Development in the protection of environment. Cite 08/07
2 Analyse the significance of National Forest Policies in India towards environment protection. 08/07
3 Discuss the various principles contained in Stockholm Declaration as a major step in the 08/07
conservation of human environment.
4 Critically examine the various Waste Management Rules, with special reference to 08/07
Hazardous Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.
5 Explain the importance of the Tribunals in expanding the right to environment through 08/07
Judicial Activism with cases.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) XYZ, an industry has a manufacturing unit in a city called D which emits sulphuric acid. 03
M, a resident of the locality approached the apex court for seeking direction for the
closure of industry. Will he succeed? Give reasons.
(b) Comment on Ozone Depletion. 03/02
(c) State the effects of water pollution. 03/02

7. (a) A, an owner of a company, obtained licence to construct hotels near the river banks. In 03
the name of the licence, the company tried to divert the course of the river. B, a public
spirited NGO filed a writ petition in the Apex Court, alleging the violation of fundamental
rights to environment and causing ecological imbalance and various other
environmental laws and also seeking directions to withdraw the licence. Will he
succeed? Give reasons.
(b) Mention the contributions of XI Five Year Plan for the protection of environment. 03/02
(c) Point out the constitutional provisions and mandate for the environment protection. 03/02

8. (a) X, a person has setup an industry in a residential area, causing nuisance by making loud 03
noise in the locality. Mention the laws, regulations which can be invoked against the
wrong doer.
(b) Clarify the concept of Carbon Credit. 03/02
(c) Examine the Principle of Absolute Liability in environment protection. 03/02
9. (a) State K declared an area comprising forest as ‘Sanctuary’ through notification under the 03
law concerned. N, a resident claims entry into the sanctuary as he had bonafide rights of
entry being the owner of immoveable property situated within the limits of sanctuary.
Whether his entry amounts to an offence? Decide.
(b) List out the forest rights of the Scheduled Tribes/Forest Dwellers under the Scheduled 03/02
Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006.
(c) State the functions of National Biodiversity Board under the Biological Diversity Act, 03/02

10. (a) M, a company constructed hotels and apartments on the sea shore, within 200metres of 03
HTL. An NGO filed a petition before the High Court seeking for the demolition of those
structures alleging the violation of laws and rules. List out the laws and rules which are
violated by the company and state whether the NGO will succeed in its action? Give
(b) State the powers of the Central Government under the Environmental (Protection) Act, 03/02
(c) Highlight the role of NGOs and Civil Societies in the protection of flora and fauna. 03/02

16J02/18TF02 X Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & VI Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof.Vasudeva) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Define Confession. When does it become relevant? 08/07

2 To what extent judgments of courts are relevant? State exceptions, if any. 08/07
3 What is Secondary Evidence? When it may be given? 08/07
4 What is Estoppel? Explain the law relating to Promissory Estoppel. 08/07
5 What are Leading Questions? When they may be asked? 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) An accused was charged with the offence of belonging to a gang of persons associated 03
for the purpose of habitually committing dacoity. During the police enquiry, he had
made a statement to an Inspector of Police that a bundle of ammunitions produced by
him was given to him by two other accused who were charged with him as being
members of the gang. Decide whether the statement amounts to confession?
(b) Write a note on Plea of Alibi. 03/02
(c) What do you mean by Test Identification Parade? 03/02

7. (a) B is a merchant in Bengaluru, who has written letters addressed to A, and received 03
letters purporting to be written by him. C is B’s clerk, whose duty it was to examine and
file B’s correspondence. D is B’s broker to whom B habitually submitted the letters
purporting to be written by A for the purpose of advising him thereon. Whether the
opinions of B, C, and D on the question whether the letter is in the handwriting of A are
relevant? Decide.
(b) Write a note on Dying Declaration. 03/02
(c) How far character of a person is relevant to decide the amount of damages? 03/02

8. (a) A agrees absolutely in writing to pay B Rs. 5000/- on the 1st of March 2021. The fact that, 03
at the same time, an oral agreement was made that the money should not be paid till
the 31stof March. Can it be proved? Decide.
(b) Write a note on public documents. 03/02
(c) How does a dumb witness adduce the evidence? 03/02
9. (a) P and R were in an affair for 5 years. Their relationship extended to physical intimacy. 03
Later, P refused to marry her. She files a case of rape and gave evidence that she had
not given consent. P argued that it was with her consent. Decide the relevancy of her
statement by referring the provision of the Indian Evidence Act.
(b) Write a note on Privileged Communication. 03/02
(c) What are the guidelines given by the Supreme Court to admit the evidence of a Child 03/02

10. (a) B, the accused, was the cashier of a company. He was suspected to have embezzled the 03
company’s funds. Before filing the FIR, B was taken to S, a solicitor of the company.
Certain conversation took place between B and S. S prepared notes of attendance of the
conversation soon after the interview with B. These notes were tendered by the
prosecution to corroborate the testimony of S, when he deposed to what had taken
place between him and the accused. Is it admissible? Then under what section of the
Indian Evidence Act.
(b) Write a note on Hostile Witness. 03/02
(c) When re-examination of a witness will be allowed by the court? 03/02

16J01/18TF01 X Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & VI Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. Sridevi Krishna) Max Marks : 70/60
Answer all the questions
1 Explain the theories forming the basis of International Law. 08/07
2 Define State. Explain the essential elements of State. 08/07
3 Can a State extradite its own nationals? Explain the principles of extradition followed by 08/07
States while extraditing the nationals of requesting State.
4 What is Double veto? Critically analyze the veto power of permanent members of UN 08/07
Security Council
5 Discuss the objects of UDHR. Explain international covenants on civil and political rights. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) Andrew who was declared as fugitive after an unsuccessful rebellion at State Y was 03
granted asylum in embassy of State X at Y. Safe conduct of the fugitive was sought by
State X contending that it is a customary rule that state which grants asylum should
determine the nature of crime. But it was refused by State Y. State the factors which
determine the existence of customary rule of international law.
(b) Mention the sources of International Law. 03/02
(c) Write a brief note on Monism and Dualism. 03/02

7. (a) Kinocco, having the essential qualification to be a State, took the membership of United 03
Nations. Whether admission of new State to UN amounts to collective recognition and
whether other members have duty to recognize it? Decide.
(b) State the essentials of extra territorial jurisdiction. 03/02
(c) Mention the elements of State Responsibility. 03/02

8. (a) Ebella was a domestic worker employed by a diplomat during his stay in the State of 03
Kuria. She complains that she has been victim of sexual harassment and was ill-treated
during her employment by the diplomat. Whether the diplomat enjoys immunity from
such complaints? Decide.
(b) What do you mean by Innocent Passage? Bring out the acts which are said to be 03/02
prejudicial to the security of a Coastal State.
(c) What is Asylum? Mention the Kinds of Asylum. 03/02

9. (a) A diplomat belonging to state X was murdered in state Y. State X brings an action against 03
state Y before ICJ, where state Y alleges that individuals cannot be the subject matter of
cases before ICJ. Whether this contention of state Y is tenable? Decide.
(b) Mention the objectives of United Nations Organization. 03/02
(c) State the principles and purpose of forming World Health Organization. 03/02
10. (a) Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in India many migrant workers lost their 03
lives and livelihood. One Kaluram, a daily wage earner unlike other migrants from the
State of Bihar had to walk 1000 miles to reach his native as there was no transport
arrangements made by the State where he earned a living. There were hundreds of such
migrants who started walking towards their home and many even lost their lives on the
way due to starvation. Kaluram reported that there is a gross violation of human right
committed by the State. Can he file a complaint before National Human Rights
Commission? Decide whether it has jurisdiction to entertain such complaints?
(b) State the powers and functions of National Human Rights Commission. 03/02
(c) Define Human Rights. State the characteristics of Human Rights. 03/02

16J03/18TF02 X Sem B.A/B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.) & VI Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Dr. N Vani Shree) Max Marks : 50

Instructions: Answer all parts A, B & C. Marks are indicated against each part.

Part A
I Answer any five of the following: 2x5=10
1. What is Research?
2. State the different characteristics of Research.
3. Mention the motivating factors of Legal Research.
4. Specify the formulation of Legal Research Topic.
5. Point out the purposes of Data Analysis.
6. Enlist the different types of Research.
7. How is Legal Research for Law Reforms done?
8. Identify the prominence of Law Library.

Part B

II Prepare short notes on any four of the following: 5x4=20

1. Legal Research Design.
2. Importance of Interview.
3. Characteristics of a Questionnaire.
4. Processing of Legal Research Data.
5. Use of Computer in Legal Research.

Part C
III Answer any two of the following: 10x2=20

1. Discuss the significance of ‘Hypothesis’. Add a note on the problems in

formulation of a hypothesis.
2. Examine the various stages of ‘Collection of Data’ in Legal Research.
3. How to prepare a Legal Research Report? Explain.

JKA07 I Semester LL.B 3 Years Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Sri. Madhu Kumar R N) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Explain the generations of computer. 08/07
2 What are Data and Information? Discuss the data processing stages. 08/07
3 Define Operating System? Examine the different types of Operating Systems. 08/07
4 Specify the term ‘Google sites’. Explain the features and steps involved in Google sites for 08/07
creating websites.
5 What is MS - Word Processor? Explain the major features of Home, Insert and References 08/07
tabs in the word processor.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Classify the following into Input and Output device: 03

i) Scanner ii) Mouse iii) Monitor iv) Printer v) Mike vi) Speaker
(b) Highlight the three major characteristics of Computer. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Main Frame and Super Computers. 03/02

7. (a) Identify the memory type for the following: 03

i) RAM ii) Hard Disk iii) ROM iv) Pen drive v) CD & DVD vi) Cache
(b) What is Bit? Highlight Octal and Hexadecimal notations. 03/02
(c) Write a short note on Peripheral devices. 03/02

8. (a) An institution wants to design, networking for its entire campus. What type of 03
networking do you suggest? Why?
(b) Mention the modes of Communication. 03/02
(c) Point out the functions of Operating System? 03/02

9. (a) You have been assigned to conduct a survey using google forms to collect data on the 03
modes of transport used by students and staff to reach college. Identify the tools and
steps to conduct the survey.
(b) What is Manupatra database? List out the different types of search options in 03/02
(c) Prepare a short note on Artificial Intelligence and Cloud computing. 03/02
10. (a) X is preparing his assignment using MS Word. He wants to insert footnote and endnote. 03
Demonstrate X regarding the steps involved in inserting footnote and endnote.
(b) Identify the steps to prepare mark sheet using MS Excel along with analysis. 03/02
(c) Highlight the uses of MS Power Point. 03/02

KFC03 III Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/ March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Sri. Benki Chidanand) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 There has been a marked departure in ideologies and visibly evident of conflicts of interests 08/07
between Employees and Employers in Modern Employment. Elucidate in the light of
Liberalization, Privatisation and Globalisation.
2 Examine the development and working of Administrative tribunals in India, their jurisdiction 08/07
and procedure of conducting proceedings.
3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Collective Labour Relationships, in modern 08/07
employment in India.
4 Briefly explain the Employment Terminations in public sector, the grounds for termination 08/07
and legal machineries available for remedies.
5 Write an elaborate note on the Restrictive covenants in Employment contracts in India and 08/07
its legal enforceability.

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) S, a Grade II Inspector in CBI, Delhi has an unblemished service record of 20 years. He 03
has been terminated by Director of CBI without any enquiry on receiving a private
compliant on the alleged demand of bribe in money laundering investigation case.
Whether the act of Director of CBI terminating S without enquiry is legally justified?
What are the constitutional safeguards and departmental remedies available to S?
(b) Write a note on Domestic Enquiry. 03/02
(c) ‘No employee will be removed or dismissed without due enquiry.’ State the exceptions 03/02
to it under constitutional provisions.

7. (a) M, who was a Medical officer in Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, has been terminated by 03
her Superintendent, after the Departmental enquiry on the alleged allegation of
frequent and intermittent act of insubordination towards her seniors. What are the
departmental remedies available to M against her proven conduct to get reinstated into
her post?
(b) Prepare a note on Departmental remedies under CCA Rules. 03/02
(c) ‘Judicial Review is the prerogative of Indian Judiciary.’ Comment on the review of 03/02
Disciplinary proceedings by High Courts and Supreme Court of India.
8. (a) X, a Principal of Private Engineering College, who was dismissed on the ground of proven 03
inefficiency, has been reinstated as Assistant Professor in his revision petition before the
University Disciplinary Committee. X does not like to join back to a lower position, as it
is harassment and beneath his dignity and grace. State the legal and other remedies
available to him in furtherance of his coming back to his original position.
(b) Write a note on Contract of Employment. 03/02
(c) Specify the significant clauses in the agreement on the Contract of Employment. 03/02

9. (a) R, an MBA graduate from a premier Business Institute, has been recruited and 03
appointed as a Regional Sales Head in an Automobile tools company with an annual
package of 25 lakhs. After 3 years of his service, has been fired from the company on
grounds of non-reaching the annual Sales Target without any prior notice. R being a
private employee, approaches you for remedies for enforcing the terms and conditions
of his contract of employment. Examine the given case in the light of Doctrine of hiring
and firing in modern employments.
(b) Comment on Employees Performance Evaluation. 03/02
(c) Highlight the Employee Compensations and Benefits in India. 03/02

10. (a) G was a Senior software Engineer in Bytes and Bits Solutions, left the company after two 03
years of his service and joined a new company of similar software solutions with
substantially higher salary and also poached some of key employees from that company
to his company. The management of Bytes and Bits Solutions, files a suit against G
against the violation of restrictive clauses of Gupta’s employment contract, resulting
into exodus of key employees and loss of its business. Decide whether G is liable for
blatant breach of restrictive covenants of contract of his Employment.
(b) Write a note on Hiring and Firing Policy in modern Employment Policy. 03/02
(c) ‘Employments are governed by Contract laws, but there are other labour laws that 03/02
regulate the Private Employments in India.’ Examine.

JFA03 II Semester B.A/ BB.A.LL.B(Hons.) & II Sem LL.B EXAMINATION

February/ March -2022


Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Nandini M S ) Max Marks : 60/70

Instructions: Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question.

I 1 Punctuate the following sentences: 03

a. i dont need a big house besides its difficult to maintain
b. the line has been taken from the poem silver lining
c. he is smart isnt he

2 Correct the following sentences: 03

a. 10 years have passed since my mother has died.
b. He felt anxiety of his safety.
c. I write in my pen.

3 Frame sentences along with the meaning for the following homonyms and homophones: 04
a. Live c. Diary - Dairy
b. Bow d. Sun – Son

4 Rewrite as directed:
a. He is afraid so he ran away. (Transform into Complex Sentence) 04
b. Give an example for exclamatory sentence.
c. What are connectors or linkers?
d. Define sentence.

II 1 Frame sentences along with the meaning for the following idioms and phrases: 03
a. Beat round the bush b. Put off c. Last stroke

2 Draft a letter to the Manager of a bank seeking Personal loan. 04

3 Frame sentences for the following word pairs and specify their meanings: 03
a. Kith and kin b. Do or die c. Hook or crook

4 Frame sentences along with the meaning for the following expressions: 03
a. Beside- besides b. Middle - centre c. Ascent - ascend

5 Mention any two expressive expressions. 01

III Answer the following: 7x2=14
1. Explain the problems of Legal Language
2. Prepare a note on:
a. Distinction between Ordinary and Legal Language
b. Secondary sources of Law
3. Define Customs. Explain its importance and types.

IV 1 Identify the Latin terms for the following: 0.5x8=04

a. Absente reo b. Ex- curia c. Bellum lethale d. Die grantia
e. Port obitum f. Jure humano g. In terrorem h. Fils

2 Explain any two Legal Maxims: 3x2=6

a. Audi alteram partem
b. Nemo judex in causa sua
c. Damnum sine injuria

3 Clarify any two of the following: 2x2=4

a. Prayer b. Criminal Law c. Appeal

V Answer any two of the following: 12/14

a. Comment on the meteoric rise of Palkhivala to Legal stardom.
b. Explain the importance of Keshavananda Bharathi case.
c. Describe Palkhivala’s childhood.

JFA04 I Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & I Sem LL.B Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Nandini M.S.) Max Marks : 70/60

Instructions: Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question.

I 1. Punctuate the following sentences: 1x3=3

a. he said i might go
b. the list of items required are paper gum colors and tape
c. alas he is dead

2. Correct the following sentences : 1x3=3

a. A dog is a faithful animal.
b. I purchased slippers.
c. The team returned back to India.

3. Re-write as directed: 1x3=3

a. Although the ship was wrecked the crew was saved. (Convert the sentence into a
compound sentence)
b. Son - Sun (Give the meaning of these words and use them to frame meaningful
c. I don’t like reading. I don’t like writing. (Combine the sentences using appropriate

4. Use the following connectives and construct a meaningful story: 1x3=3

when, although, since, finally, but, and

II 1. Use the following idioms / phrases and frame sentences: 1x3=3

a. Bed of roses b. Put up c. Reason friend

2. Prepare a questionnaire to interview any one of the following: 03

a. Social Activist b. Anchor

3. Write a critical appreciation on any one of the following: :( 120-150 words) 03

a. Newspaper b. Magazines

4. Prepare a poster for any one of the following: 03

a. Women's Day b. National Moot Competition

III 1. Draft an application requesting for three days leave. 03

2. Use the following pair of words to frame meaningful sentences: 1X3=3

a. Clean - Clear b. Beside - Besides c. See – Watch

3. Write the discussion between two friends about their views on Superstition. 03

4. Construct a meaningful paragraph on any one of the following:( 100 -120 words) 03
a. Corruption b. Digital India
IV Answer any two of the following questions: 6x2=12
a. ‘Palkhivala was a Lawyer by chance.’Elucidate
b. Describe Palkhivala’s early life.
c. Comment on the importance of Golaknath case.

V Answer any two of the following questions: 6x2=12

a. Discuss the outcome St. Xavier’s College Case.
b. Write a note on Mr. Palkhivala’s representation in the International Court of Justice.
c. Express your views on T N Sheshan’s personality.

JFA03 I Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Nandini M S) Max Marks : 60

Instructions: Answer all the questions. Marks are indicated against each question.

I 1. Frame meaningful sentences using the following sentence linkers: 02

a. On the whole b. Accordingly c. Eventually d. Finally

2. Specify the meaning of the following Legal terms and frame appropriate sentences: 03/01
a. Prayer b. Sentence

3. Give one word for the following sentences: 03

a. One who looks at the positive side of life.
b. One who does not know to read and write.
c. A Government by the people, of the people and for the people.
d. The art of writing is called _________
e. One who kills his own father.
f. The study of human body is called __________.

4. Point out the meaning for the following foreign words and frame appropriate sentences: 03
a. Ab anatio b. Ex Curia c. Bonafide

5. Specify The Synonyms For The Following Words: 0.5 x03=1.5

a. Begin b. Awfulc.Crooked

6. Specify the antonyms for the following words: 0.5 x03=1.5

a. Legal b. Constitutional c. Rational

II 1. Write the root word for the following affixes and use them to frame sentences: 02
a. –ly b. dis

2. Refute any one of the following statements: 04

a. Barking dogs seldom bite.
b. God is the creator of the Universe.

3. Expand any one of the proverbs: 04

a. Drops of water make the mighty ocean.
b. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
4. Prepare a précis of the following passage reducing it to about 1/3rd the size and 04/ 02
suggest suitable title:
It is physically impossible for a well-educated, intellectual, or brave man to make money
the chief object of his thoughts just as it is for him to make his dinner the principal object
of them. All healthy people like their dinners, but their dinner is not the main object of
their lives. So all healthy minded people like making money ought to like it and enjoy the
sensation of winning it; it is something better than money.

A good soldier, for instance, mainly wishes to do his fighting well. He is glad of his pay—
very properly so and justly grumbles when you keep him ten years without it—till, his main
mission of life is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them. So of clergymen. The
clergyman's object is essentially baptize and preach not to be paid for preaching. So of
doctors. They like fees no doubt—ought to like them; yet if they are brave and well-
educated the entire object to their lives is not fees. They on the whole, desire to cure the
sick; and if they are good doctors and the choice were fairly to them, would rather cure
their patient and lose their fee than kill him and get it. And so with all the other brave and
rightly trained men: their work is first, their fee second—very important always; but still

III 1. Conduct an interview for any one of the following personalities: 04/03
a. Soldier b. Businessman

2. Compile an essay on any one of the following topics. 03

a. Elections in India b. Blended Learning

3. Draft a report on the bad condition of roads in your area. 03

4. Compose a dialogue between a Literate and Illiterate on corona. 04/03

IV Answer any two of the following: 14/12

1. Comment on the title ‘Roses in December.’
2. Describe Chagla’s childhood.
3. Prepare a note on Chagla’s life in Oxford.

V Answer any two of the following: 14/12

1. Comment on the relationship between M.C. Chagla and Morarji Desai.
2. Narrate the attempt on the life of M. C. Chagla.
3. Discuss the contributions of M.C. Chagla to the field of Education.

JKA03 I Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Krishnamurthy ) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Bring out the importance of legal system during the period of Vedic Aryans. 08/07
2 Elaborate Asoka’s concept of welfare state. 08/07
3 Explain the Bhakti Movement with reference to Ramanuja and Basaveshwara. 08/07
4 Discuss the influence of the British India’s system of education and administration. 08/07
5 Trace the development of science and technology since 1960. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) ‘Shrutis and Smritis are the two important historical traditional ancient sources of law’ - 03
(b) Distinguish between Dharma Shastra and Dharma Sutras. 03/02
(c) Point out Doctrine of Jainism and Buddhism. 03/02

7. (a) Give a brief description about Kautilya’s Arthashastra. 03

(b) State the ancient centres of learning. 03/02
(c) Enumerate the administration of local self government during the Chola’s regime. 03/02

8. (a) State the principles of Sufism. 03

(b) Point out the revenue reforms of Raja Todaramal. 03/02
(c) Mention the names of any four great scholars of Akabar’s court. 03/02

9. (a) Point out the importance of Theosophical Society. 03

(b) Specify the role of Brahma Samaja in the socio religious reforms movement. 03/02
(c) Mention the achievements of Lord William Bentink. 03/02

10. (a) Examine the Non-Cooperation movement. 03

(b) Highlight the Five Year Plan and Economic Development in the Nehru Period. 03/02
(c) State the object of Panchayat Raj System. 03/02

JFB04 II Semester B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. P. Shivananda Bharathi) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Examine the significant features of administration of Justice in Calcutta. 08/07
2 Explain the judicial reforms by Lord Cornwallis in 1787 and 1790. 08/07
3 Analyse the salient features of Indian High Court Act, 1861. 08/07
4 Explicate the merits and demerits of the Act of settlement, 1781. 08/07
5 Trace the various phases in the development of the legal profession in India. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Bring out the significance of Gentoo Law. 03

(b) Draft a note on the episode of Shimpy woman case. 03/02
(c) Specify the duties which were assigned to Choultry court. 03/02

7. (a) Prepare a note on reforms of Lord William Bentinck. 03

(b) State the functions of Supreme Court. 03/02
(c) Specify the merits of Regulating Act of 1773. 03/02

8. (a) Draft a note on the contributions of First Law Commission. 03

(b) Mention the impact of codification of Law. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note amalgamation of the dual judicial system. 03/02

9. (a) State the major advantages of the Act of Settlement, 1781. 03

(b) Specify the significance of bicameral legislature. 03/02
(c) List out the drawbacks of Indian Councils Act, 1861. 03/02

10. (a) Write a note on Rule of Law and Independence of Judiciary. 03

(b) Examine the features of Advocates Act, 1961. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Vakils and Pleaders. 03/02

JFE04 V Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.) Examination

February/March - 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Priya A Jagadish) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Discuss the different theories of punishment with their relative merits and demerits. 08/07
2 ‘Law as the command of sovereign.’ Elucidate this statement. 08/07
3 Critically evaluate Pound’s ‘Social Engineering’ Theory. 08/07
4 Validate the division of legislation as supreme and subordinate. List out the examples of 08/07
subordinate legislation.
5 Explain the ‘Social Choice theory’ of Amarthya Sen. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A, who resides in India purchased a mobile phone through online shopping website 03
situated in U.S.A. After a month the mobile was found to be defective. The mobile
company is situated in U.S.A. Now A wants to file a case under Consumer Protection Act
in India. Comment on the jurisdiction of municipal legal system.
(b) Write a note on Question of Fact and Discretion. 03/02
(c) State the different dimensions of International Law. 03/02

7. (a) R orders his servant to make preparations for a banquet. Would this qualify as a law 03
according to Austin? How Austin distinguish laws from other commands?
(b) Highlight the different stages of development of Natural Law. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Grundnorm. 03/02

8. (a) Highlight the criticisms against Savigny’s theory of law. 03

(b) Prepare a note on Comparative School of Law. 03/02
(c) What are Jural Postulates? Cite examples. 03/02

9. (a) What is the relation between Custom and Prescription? Give examples. 03
(b) Mention the characteristics of Legal Customs. 03/02
(c) Write note on Ratio decidendi and Obiter dicta. 03/02

10. (a) State the factors, according to Rawls, on which the concept of justice rests. 03
(b) Highlight the principle criticisms of Amartya Sen against Rawls theory? 03/02
(c) Elaborate the concept ‘Justice behind the veil of ignorance’. 03/02

KFF03 VI Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set b Prof. K. Rajashekara ) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Explain the characteristics of legal rights. 08/07
2 Examine the various kinds of Liability. 08/07
3 Discuss the various sources of Obligations. 08/07
4 Distinguish between questions of law and questions of fact. 08/07
5 Discuss the conflict between Executive and Judiciary. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) A, a bachelor has insured his life for Rs.2 lakh. He has made his mother as a nominee. 03
Later, he got married, but mother has continued as a nominee. After some years, he fell
sick and expired. Determine the legal right between mother and wife of the deceased for
the insurance amount. Clarify whether the nominee alone has the right.
(b) Enumerate the modes of acquisition of ownership. 03/02
(c) Write a brief note on kinds of Possession. 03/02

7. (a) X has created a trust and transferred some properties to the trust for the benefits of his 03
unborn child. Can he do so legally? Advice.
(b) What are vestitive and investitive facts? 03/02
(c) Enumerate the Theory of Causation. 03/02

8. (a) A has taken the loan of Rs.50,000/- from a bank and B stood as a surety for the loan. A 03
failed to pay the interest and principal. In this case, what is the obligation of the surety
and how the bank has to initiate legal proceedings to recover the amount of loan with
(b) Distinguish between Substantive and Procedural law. 03/02
(c) What is solidary obligation? 03/02

9. (a) X states that he saw Y leaving the place, where Z was murdered and that Y has a blood 03
stained dagger in his hand. In this case, decide the kind of evidence of X with reasons.
(b) Distinguish between Original and Appellate jurisdiction. 03/02
(c) Write a brief note on widening the administration of civil justice. 03/02
10. (a) State the objects of Law Reforms Commissions. 03
(b) Write a note on Public Opinion. 03/02
(c) What is Judicial Interpretation? 03/02

JFB01/JTB01 II Sem B.A/ B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & II Sem LL.B Examination

February/March - 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Basavaraju) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1. (a) ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ CUÀvÀå ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÀæAiÉÆÃd£ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß «ªÀj¹. 08

(b) ¥Áj¨sÁ¶PÀ ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼À UÀÄt ®PÀëtUÀ¼À£ÀÄß GzÁºÀgÀuÉ ¸À»vÀ w½¹j. 06
2. (a) ºÀæ¸Àé¸ÀégÀ ªÀåAd£ÁPÀëgÀUÀ¼À ««zsÀ §UÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¤zÀ±Àð£À ¸ÀªÉÄÃvÀ ZÀað¹. 08
(b) C£ÀåzÉòAiÀÄ ¥ÀzÀUÀ¼ÀÄ ¢£À¤vÀåzÀ ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ°è ºÉÃUÉ §¼ÀPÉAiÀiÁUÀÄvÀÛªÉ ¸ÉÆzÉÆúÀgÀtªÁV ¤gÀƦ¹. 06

3. (a) ¥ÀvÀæ gÀZÀ£ÉAiÀÄ ««zsÀ CAUÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸À«ªÀgÀªÁV §gɬÄj. 08

(b) PÀbÉÃj ¥ÀvÀæzÀ gÀZÀ£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀégÀÆ¥ÀªÀ£ÀÄß «ªÀj¹. 06
4. (a) ¸À¨sÉAiÀÄ £ÀqÁªÀ½AiÀÄ ««zsÀ PÁAiÀÄðPÀæªÀÄUÀ¼À §UÉUÉ ¸Àà¶ÖÃPÀgÀt ¤Ãr. 08
(b) «ªÀiÁ ¥ÀvÀæUÀ¼À §UÉUÉ MAzÀÄ n¥Ààt §gɬÄj. 06

5. (a) CxÀðzÀ zÀȶ֬ÄAzÀ ªÁPÀåzÀ «zsÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ºÉ¸Àj¹. CªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß GzÁºÀgÀuÉ ¸À»vÀ «ªÀj¹. 08
(b) ««zsÀ ¯ÉÃR£À aºÉßUÀ¼À ªÀĺÀvÀéªÀ£ÀÄß ¸ÀAQë¥ÀÛªÁV §gɬÄj. 06
6. (a) gÀZÀ£ÉAiÀÄ zÀȶ֬ÄAzÀ ªÁPÀåUÀ¼À «zsÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ºÉ¸Àj¹. CªÀÅUÀ¼À £ÀqÀÄ«£À ªÀåvÁå¸ÀªÀ£ÀÄß ZÀað¹. 08

7. (a) ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ §UÉUÉ EgÀĪÀ ¸ÀA«zsÁ£ÀzÀ «¢üUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ºÉ¸Àj¹. CªÀÅUÀ¼À ªÀÄÆ® D±ÀAiÀĪÀ£ÀÄß PÀÄjvÀÄ MAzÀÄ 08
n¥Ààt gÀa¹j.
(b) zÁ¸À ¸Á»vÀåzÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ PÀ¼ÀPÀ½ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀªÀiÁ£ÀvÉAiÀÄ §UÉV£À zsÉÆÃgÀuÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÀÄjvÀÄ §gɬÄj. 06
¸ÀAUÀ滹 §gɬÄj.
(b) ºÀ¼ÀUÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ ¥ÀæªÀÄÄR PÀÈw PÁªÀåUÀ¼À ¸ÀAQë¥ÀÛ ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ ªÀiÁrPÉÆr. 06

9. (a) C¢üPÀÈvÀ ¥ÀvÀæzÀ gÀZÀ£ÉAiÀÄ£Àß ªÀiÁzÀj ¸À»vÀ §gɬÄj. 08

(b) zÁ£À ¥ÀvÀæzÀ gÀZÀ£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÀiÁzÀjAiÀÄ£ÀÄß gÀa¹j. 06
10. (a) PÀæAiÀÄ ¥ÀvÀæ gÀZÀ£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÀiÁzÀjAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ ªÀiÁrj. 08
(b) ¸ÀÄvÉÆÛ¯É JAzÀgÉãÀÄ? F ¥ÀvÀæzÀ £ÀªÀÄÆ£ÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß w½¹. 06

JFB01/JTB01 II Sem B.A/ B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) & II Sem LL.B Examination
¥sɧæªÀj/ªÀiÁZïð - 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Basavaraju) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1. (a) PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ ««zsÀ gÁdªÀA±ÀzÀ zÉÆgÉUÀ¼ÀÄ PÉÆlÖ PÉÆqÀÄUÉUÀ¼ÀÄ C¥ÁgÀªÁVzÉ ºÉÃUÉ «ªÀj¹. 08
(b) PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ ¸ÁA¸ÀÌøwPÀ ªÉÊ«zsÀåvÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß w½¹j. 06
2. (a) PÀ£ÁðlPÀzÀ°è ±ÉÊPÀëtÂPÀ ¨É¼ÀªÀtÂUÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß «ªÀgÀuÉ ¤Ãr. 08
(b) ºÀtPÁ¸ÀÄ G¢ÝªÉÄ F DzsÀĤPÀ AiÀÄÄUÀzÀ°è £ÀªÀÄä gÁdåzÀ°è ºÉÃUÉ ¥ÀæUÀw ¥ÀgÀªÁVzÉ w½¹j. 06

3. (a) PÁ£ÀÆ£ÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸Á»vÀå ºÉÃUÉ ¥ÀgÀ¸ÀàgÀ ºÉÆAzÁtÂPÉAiÀiÁVªÉ «ªÀgÀuÉ ¤Ãrj. 08

(b) ¸Á»vÀå¢AzÀ PÁ£ÀƤUÁUÀĪÀ ¯Á¨sÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸ÉÆzÉÆúÀgÀtªÁV w½¹j. 06
4. (a) ‘GvÀÛªÀÄgÀ ¸ÀºÀªÁ¸À¢AzÀ ¸ÁªÀiÁfPÀ ¸Áé¸ÀܪÀ£ÀÄß PÁ¥ÁqÀ®Ä ¸ÁzsÀå’ F ºÉýPÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ±ÀgÀtgÀ ¸Á»vÀåzÀ°è 08
ºÉÃUÉ ªÀåPÀÛªÁVzÉ? «ªÀj¹.
(b) ‘D¼ÁUÀ §®èªÀ£ÀÄ D¼ÀĪÀ£ÀÄ’ F ºÉýPÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ¸ÀªÀðdУÀÄ ºÉÃUÉ ¸ÀªÀÄyð¹PÉÆArzÁÝ£É? w½¹j. 06

5. (a) PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ ¥ÁæaãÀvÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß G¥À®¨sÀÝ«gÀĪÀ zÁR¯ÉUÀ¼À£ÀÄß DzsÀj¹ awæ¹. 08

(b) PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ ««zsÀ ºÀAvÀUÀ¼À°è gÀavÀªÁzÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ UÀæAxÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ ªÀiÁr PÉÆr. 06
6. (a) PÀ£ÀßqÀ ¨sÁµÉ DqÀ½vÀ ¨sÁµÉAiÀiÁV ¨É¼ÉzÀÄ §AzÀ jÃwAiÀÄ£ÀÄß «ªÀj¹. 08
(b) ¨sÁµÉAiÀÄ §UÉUÉ EgÀĪÀ ¸ÀA«zsÁ¤PÀ ºÀPÀÄÌUÀ¼À£ÀÄß PÀÄjvÀÄ §gɬÄj. 06

7. (a) ¨ÁrUÉ ¥ÀvÀæzÀ gÀZÀ£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ªÀiÁzÀjAiÀÄ£ÀÄß PÀÄjvÀÄ §gɬÄj. 08

(b) ¥ÀªÀgï D¥sï DmÁ¤ð CxÀªÁ ªÉÆPÁÛgÀÄ£ÁªÉÄ ¥ÀvÀæzÀ M¼À¸ÀAUÀwUÀ¼À£ÀÄß w½¹j. 06
8. (a) ªÁzÀ ¥ÀvÀæzÀ gÀZÀ£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀégÀÆ¥ÀªÀ£ÀÄß §gɬÄj. 08
(b) G¬Ä®Ä ¥ÀvÀæzÀ°è CqÀVgÀĪÀ PÁ£ÀÆ£ÀÄ ¸ÀAUÀwUÀ¼À ªÀiÁ»w ¤Ãrj. 06

9. (a) ‘ºÁ¹UÉ EzÀݵÀÄÖ PÁ®Ä ZÁZÀÄ’ F UÁzÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß «¸ÀÛj¹ §gɬÄj. 08

(b) GvÀÛªÀÄ ¥Àæ§AzsÀzÀ ®PÀëtUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸ÀAQë¥ÀÛªÁV w½¹j. 06
10. (a) ¥ÀæªÀiÁt ¥ÀvÀæzÀ gÀZÀ£É ªÀÄvÀÄÛ GzÉÞñÀªÀ£ÀÄß PÀÄjvÀÄ §gɬÄj. 08
(b) ¸ÀAQë¥ÀÛ ¯ÉÃR£ÀzÀ ªÀĺÀvÀéªÀ£ÀÄß ¤gÀƦ¹. 06

Aut – 16

February/March – 2022
Time: 3 Hours Set by Prof. M.P. Nagendramurthy Max Marks:70

Answer all the questions
1 Trace the development of Consumer Protection in India. 08/07
2 Distinguish between Unfair Trade Practices and Restrictive Trade Practices with illustrations. 08/07
3 Explain the composition, jurisdiction and powers of the State Consumer Commission. 08/07
4 Summarize the role of the Regulatory Bodies in protecting the consumer interests. 08/07
5 Discuss the relevance of E-consumers and its growth in the present scenario. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) Enumerate the Rights of Consumer. 03

(b) Write an explanatory note on UN Guidelines on Consumer Protection. 03/02
(c) Write a note on AGMARK. 03/02

7. (a) A consumer for his livelihood, purchased a car from the showroom was running a taxi 03
service. The car had an inherent defective which could not be rectified in spite of several
complaints made to the showroom. He filed a complaint before the District Forum. The
complaint was opposed by the showroom stating that the complainant is not a
consumer as he is running a taxi. Decide.
(b) Distinguish between Defects and Deficiency. 03/02
(c) Write a note on the objectives of the Consumer Protection Act. 03/02

8. (a) Draft a complaint relating to deficiency of service. 03

(b) Write a note on orders that can be passed by the District Forum. 03/02
(c) State the pecuniary jurisdiction of District Forum, State and National Commission. 03/02

9. (a) A client approached an advocate to file an eviction suit and paid fees and other 03
expenses. The case was not filed even after six months. Can the client seek relief under
the Act? Advice the client.
(b) Write a note on the role of KERC towards protecting the interest of consumers. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Banking Ombudsman. 03/02
10. (a) A consumer purchased a product which assured complete cure for hair fall and used 03
according to the direction given along with the product. After using the product for six
months the hair fall continued. Can he seek remedy under the Consumer Protection Act.
(b) State the objectives of Food Safety And Standards Act. 03/02
(c) Write a note on Misleading advertisements. 03/02

JFA03/JFC03 I /III Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination
February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. Usharani M C ) Max Marks : 70/60
Answer all the questions
1 Discuss the essentials of Torts. 08/07
2 Explain Mistake & Act of god as general defences. 08/07
3 Examine how a person is liable for Malicious Prosecution. 08/07
4 Discuss the kinds of Nuisance. 08/07
5 What is contributory negligence? Differentiate it from Composite negligence. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) X took away the laptop of Y thinking that it belongs to him, used it for few days, but 03
returned to Y after 15 days as he was out of station. Decide whether he has committed a
(b) Prepare a note on evolution of Tort. 03/02
(c) Mention the mental elements in torts. 03/02

7. (a) A and B requested the driver of the passing by car for a lift. On the way the car met with 03
an accident and B was injured severely. Can he seek damages from the driver? Decide.
(b) Comment on Private defence. 03/02
(c) Examine the concept of Absolute Liability. 03/02

8. (a) A pointed at B with an unloaded gun, B suddenly collapsed in fear. Examine whether B 03
can sue A for tort.
(b) Prepare a note on False Imprisonment. 03/02
(c) Differentiate between Assault and Battery. 03/02

9. (a) B always parks his car in A’s land which results in disturbance to A. Can A file a suit 03
against B? Give reasons.
(b) When Slander is actionable? 03/02
(c) State the defences for Defamation. 03/02

10. (a) A surgeon removed uterus instead of removing a lump. Later, it was informed to the 03
patient. Does is it amount to Negligence? Decide.
(b) Prepare a note on Nervous Shock. 03/02
(c) What is last opportunity rule? 03/02
KFA03 I Sem B.A./B.B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) & I Sem LL.B. Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. P. Shivananda Bharathi) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 Examine the significance of various legal techniques which control the social behaviour. 08/07
2 Explain the significant features of Legal Language. 08/07
3 Elucidate contents and significance of Legal Research report. 08/07
4 What is a Statute? Discuss the contents and various parts of a Statute. 08/07
5 Define Bill of Exchange. Distinguish it with Cheque. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) State the prime features of Precedent. 03
(b) Draft a note on Obiter dicta. 03/02
(c) State the features of Austin’s definition of Law. 03/02

7. (a) Prepare a note on characteristics of Legal Language. 03

(b) Differentiate between Legal Language and Conventional Language. 03/02
(c) State the various dimensions of Legal Language. 03/02

8. (a) Prepare a note on Commentaries. 03

(b) Mention the importance Journals. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Digests and Legal Research Reports. 03/02

9. (a) Elucidate any two legal maxims: 03

a. Causa proxima
b. Vis major
c. Maintenance pendente lite
(b) Write a note on Awards. 03/02
(c) State the meaning and prepare a sentence on any two legal terms : 03/02
a. Charge b. Bail c. Undue influence
10. (a) Define Promissory Note. 03
(b) Mention the features of Power of Attorney. 03/02
(c) State the general features of Gift. 03/02

JFA06 I Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Prof. M.M. Prabhuswamy) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Define Managerial Economics. Explain its importance in decision making. 08/07
2 Examine the Law of Demand with the help of a diagram. 08/07
3 Discuss the various advantages of Economies of Scale for reducing the cost of production of 08/07
a firm.
4 Highlight the differences between the monopoly and monopolistic competition. 08/07
5 Evaluate the steps involved in the preparation of Capital Budgeting. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) The manager of Z company is facing many obstacles for the development of his business 03
due to Covid-19. Suggest the manager to overcome these problems.
(b) Mention the benefits of Opportunity Cost Principle. 03/02
(c) State the relationship Incremental Cost and Incremental Revenue. 03/02

7. (a) It is a trend for the businessmen to use the strategy of ‘buy one get one’ option to 03
attract the customers. Do you think it is an advantage for the customers? Give reasons.
(b) Point out the objectives of the Demand Forecasting. 03/02
(c) How does the Consumer’s Interview determine the business of a new product? 03/02

8. (a) Draw the cost concepts of Fixed and Variable cost curves. 03
(b) State the laws of Returns to scale. 03/02
(c) Distinguish between Explicit and Implicit Cost with examples. 03/02

9. (a) Prepare a note on ‘Kinked Demand Curve’. 03

(b) Write a note on Discriminating Monopoly. 03/02
(c) What is Demand? Specify the types of demand. 03/02

10. (a) State the importance of Capital Rationing. 03

(b) Bring out the limitations of Break-even analysis. 03/02
(c) Mention the merits and demerits of Net Present Value Index Number 03/02

JKC07 III Semester B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination

February/March – 2022

Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Tejaswini M) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions

1 How does MIS Support to Management? Explain with model. 08/07

2 Discuss the Database Security in Application System’s Security. 08/07
3 Briefly explain the methods of Data and Information Collection. 08/07
4 Elucidate the model of Information Processing System with chart. 08/07
5 Discuss Business Model of Global Enterprise Management and its features. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) ‘The organization structure and MIS differ from company to company even though they 03
are in the same business or industry.’ Comment.
(b) Point out the different process of E-Commerce. 03/02
(c) Write a short note on E-Collaboration. 03/02

7. (a) Hackers can potentially gain access to confidential data, including debit card, credit card, 03
personal details etc. In this context, suggest measures to protect personal data.
(b) Identify the objectives of Digital Signature. 03/02
(c) Point out the security measures in E-Business. 03/02

8. (a) Differentiate between Recurring and Non-recurring Information with examples. 03

(b) Mention the classification of the information. 03/02
(c) Prepare a note on Knowledge Management. 03/02

9. (a) Enumerate the distinctive services in the following areas of business: 03

i. Fast food joint.
ii. Railway ticket counters.
iii. In-flight passenger service.

(b) How does Business Process Re-engineering work? 03/02

(c) Point out the MIS applications uses in Service Industry. 03/02
10. (a) Why does customer relationship management assumes greater importance in E- 03
enterprise? Give reasons.
(b) Prepare a note on Customer Relationship Management. 03/02
(c) Point out the benefits of ERP. 03/02

JKA06 I Semester LL.B 3 Years Examination

February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Sri. Suresh Kumar) Max Marks : 70/60

Answer all the questions
1 Explain the components of Physical Fitness. 08/07
2 Specify the meaning of Sports. Discuss the importance of Sports. 08/07
3 Define Health. Describe the various dimensions of health. 08/07
4 Discuss the functions of food in promoting the health of an individual. 08/07
5 Point out the meaning of Yoga and discuss its elements. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’

6. (a) X, a Football player intends to participate in the National Football competition. The 03
selection committee has asked him to submit the BMI report. His weight is 70 kg and
height is 168 cm (1.68m). Calculate BMI.
(b) Highlight the state of physical education during pre independence era. 03/02
(c) State the meaning of Physical Fitness. 03/02

7. (a) X was completely depressed due to work and stress, he wants to come out of the stress 03
and lead a healthy life. The doctor advised him to involve in certain sports activities. Do
you agree with the doctor’s advice? Analyse.
(b) Give the meaning of Recreation. 03/02
(c) Write a short note on Trekking 03/02

8. (a) Generally rural people do not give much attention for personal hygiene and are 03
suffering from illness. What are the factors required to maintain their personal hygiene?
(b) Unveil the importance of Health Education. 03/02
(c) Mention the dimensions of a Healthy Lifestyle. 03/02

9. (a) X was suffering from stomach pain due to improper diet. X met Y, a health officer who 03
advised him to maintain balanced diet. X is not aware of the effects of balance diet.
Suggest the factors determining the balanced diet.
(b) Write a note on Carbohydrates in the food. 03/02
(c) What process follows after intake of food in the body? 03/02
10. (a) M wants to participate in the International Yoga day for the first time. Give M the 03
guidelines that need to be followed to participate in the yoga day.
(b) Define Pranayama. Mention its types. 03/02
(c) Analyze the physiological benefits of Meditation. 03/02

JKF03 VI Semester B.A.LL.B & B.B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Examination
February/March – 2022
Time : 2½ Hours (Set by Smt. Asmathunnisa G) Max Marks : 70/60
Answer all the questions
1 Analyse the significance and growth of individual sports. 08/07
2 ‘Doping is the Plague of Sports.’ Evaluate this statement in the light of celebrated cases. 08/07
3 Briefly explain the judicial contribution for the development of sports law in India. Refer 08/07
4 Explicate the challenges faced by the sportswomen in India and state the ways to overcome 08/07
the same.
5 Describe the various kinds of liabilities in sports with relevant tests. 08/07

Answer ‘ a ’ in each question and choose ‘ b ’ or ‘ c ’
6. (a) A sportsperson who was once considered to be the iconic personality of sports was 03
embarked with an injury of Labral tear which affected his golden glove, coupled with
emotional distress and heartbreaking failures which was beyond imagination. Will sports
psychology aid him to recoup his personality and regain his identity in sports by
performance enhancement? Support your answer with justifiable illustrations
(b) Clarify the term Identity Crisis. 03/02
(c) Draft a note on Sports Culture in India. 03/02

7. (a) X, a renounced Mixed Martial Arts and the Ultimate Fighting Champion was prescribed 03
for dermatological glucocorticosteroids by a dermatologist to maintain skin fairness.
Advise the sportsperson for the grant of permission from International Testing Agency
to vitiate the doping procedure.
(b) Highlight the role of NADA in curbing Doping menance in India. 03/02
(c) Mention the types of ADR’s in Sports. 03/02

8. (a) K, one of the State in India has enacted a legislation on Sports and its allied events. M, 03
another state intends to have a concrete Act governing sports. Clarify the validity of
State action.
(b) Specify the importance of National Sports Federations. 03/02
(c) List out the various central and state schemes for Sports achievers. 03/02

9. (a) A women athlete was forced for coerce medical interventions for participation in sports 03
under the ambit of gender testing, who alleges that it is the violation of her human
rights. The testing agency contended that it was a requirement through a regulation
which a sports person has to undergo certain mandatory hormonal tests. Decide the
validity of the issue.
(b) Comment on Commercialization of Sports. 03/02
(c) Justify the role of media in sports broadcasting. 03/02
10. (a) W was a photographer at a horse race. He was injured by a horse belonging to S, who was 03
also a rider in a competition. S was a skilled and experienced horseman. W filed a case
against S for sports injury. Whether W will succeed? Give reasons.
(b) Outline the vision of Sports Betting Commission. 03/02
(c) Abbreviate DTAA and bring out its relevancy. 03/02


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