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Departamento de lenguas: Área de lengua Inglesa

2nd quiz 2nd course - English Language III

Name: Sebastian Ortellado Ortiz

Course: 2nd.

Date : 11/ 06/23

Total Score: 41 pts Passing score. 29 pts

a. CHOOSE the best answer to fill in the spaces. 14 pts.

1. Do you know the reason why your mom turned down the job offer?

a. where b.why c.when

2.Sheila, whose brother is in the States, celebrated her birthday yesterday.

a.whose b.whom c. whom

3. My brother Tom´s friends. Two of whom are from England came to may party last night.

a. them b.whom c.whose

4. I gave him a map that is easy to read. I hope he doesn’t get lost this time! b. why c. that

5. There are so many remakes of old movies lately that I wonder if the industry is afraid of new

a.remake b. makeovers c. revisions

6.The essay which Tom wrote got the top marks

a.Who b.Which c.where

7. He is someone whose face looks familiar but I can´t remember his name

a. Who b.whose c.which

8.The courses which she offers vary from web design to computer coding.

a.Who b.which c.where

9. We hope to see the Blue Mosque while we´re in Istambul

.a.See see c.seeing

10.I don´t mind flying as long as the plane isn’t delayed.

a. Fly b. to fly c. flying

11.His eyes are very sensitive to bright lights

a. At b. to c. about

12. Are you excited about your holidays?

a.At c.about

13.She wasn’t very pleased with her present.

a.About b.with c. for

14. Who is responsible for all this mess!

a.About b.with c.for

c)Complete each sentence by adding a prefix to the adjective to make it negative: 8 pts

1.Carol thinks that boys with long hair are really unattractive I disagree ! (ATTRACTIVE)

2.That shop assistant was so unhelpful that I went out of the store without buying anything (HELPFUL).

3.Did you know that it is illegal for women to wear make up in some countries ? (LEGAL)

4.Rain is unlikely today. the skies are very clear. (LIKELY)

5.Did you really think that the exam was so easy? - I thought it was impossible


6.Some unemployed. people suffer from the lack of confidence (EMPLOYED).

7.He is very uncertain about what he should do next (CERTAIN)

8.Don't be so impatient. They will surely arrive soon (PATIENT)

3. Complete the questions with an appropriate preposition, noun, adjective or verb.5 pts

1. Have you ever been prevented from doing something you wanted to do?
2. What is your town or country particularly famous for?

3. Are you satisfied with the way the government is running your country?

4. Do you think you have a (n) chance of becoming famous one day?

5. Would you consent to parts of your body being used for medical research after your death?
4. Complete the sentences using the correct vocabulary: 14 pts
Extra animated
Critic premiere
Scene part
Frame audition
Sequel screenplay
Stunt genre
Nominated box office
Critic Someone whose job it is to review films for a newspaper or TV program
part A role/character played by an actor/actress
animated A cartoon-like film using drawings and not real people
Sequel A second film made to continue the story started in the first
Star. The most important/famous actor or actress in a film
Stunt. A dangerous/risky piece of action in a film usually carried out by a professional
Scene. A shot or series of shots in a movie constituting a unit of continuous related action
genre A category or type of film, e.g. action
Frame. A single picture on a roll of movie film or videotape
screenplay. The script for a movie, including descriptions of scenes and some camera directions
Nominated Selected to be on a short list for a prize
audition. A trial performance, as by an actor, dancer, or musician, to demonstrate suitability or skill
premiere..The first showing of a film
Extra..A performer hired to play a minor part, as in a crowd scene in a film

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