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AJK president says India has been given a free pass due to its so-called
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Our Correspondent August 13, 2020     

ISLAMABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir MOST READ

(AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan on 1 Fashion faceo : Sajal Aly, Maya
Ali rock metallic dresses
Thursday said that the Kashmiri people
remained committed to the pledge they
had made 73 years ago on July 19, 1947,
to accede their state to Pakistan, and 2 'Sadak 2' slammed for plagiarising
while carrying the Pakistani flags, they Pakistani song
are still struggling to achieve this goal.
He expressed these views while
addressing the concluding session of a 3 Gold price dips Rs ,
PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE web conference on "Kashmir conflict,
crisis and dialogue" of the Summer
School 2020 Kashmir Boot Camp organised by the Centre for Security, Strategy Malala Yousafzai recalls time at
and Policy Research (CSSPR). 4
Oxford and the disappointing end
The web-conference moderated by Director of the Centre Dr Rabia Akhtar was
attended by over 40 students.
The AJK president said that accession of Kashmir to Pakistan was the collective 5 Sources con rm Sajay Dutt has
stage four lung cancer
aspiration of the Kashmiri people but the Maharaja of Kashmir with the
connivance of the Indian government and the British colonisers sabotaged it,
and attempt to annex a major part of Kashmir to India contrary to the will and
aspirations of the Kashmiri people. 6 Major cyber attack by Indian
intelligence identi ed: ISPR
"After the inception of Pakistan and India, the people of AJK and Gilgit-
Baltistan (G-B) launched the freedom war and liberated these areas from the
despotic Dogra ruler. Now both the territories are a defensive rampart for Supreme Court dismisses pleas
Pakistan." 7
challenging GIDC levy
President Masood said that had the Indian government not landed its forces in
Srinagar in October 1947, the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir would have
been liberated today. 8 Two die in Chitral hotel collapse

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While touching upon the situation prevailing in Indian Illegally Occupied 9 Saudi Arabia asked to renew
$ . b oil facility
Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), he said that the people of Kashmir had suffered
tremendously for the past seven decades, but they have been under the worst
military siege of Indian forces since August 5 last year.
10 Ordinance formed to expand
He said that this past year has been the darkest period in the history of Jammu EOBI scope: Zul
and Kashmir. On August 5 last year, the Indian forces imposed a military siege
in IIOJK which had led to the intensification of killings, maiming, blinding and
enforced disappearances within the occupied territory.
"Almost three months into the occupational lockdown, on October 31, the
Indian government bifurcated, annexed and brought this internationally
recognised disputed area under the direct control of New Delhi. India also
issued fake maps in which they showed AJK and G-B within the geographical
boundaries of the Indian federation."
Condemning India’s illegal moves, the president said that the Indian
government had gone a step further by introducing the New Domicile Rules
leading to an unprecedented transformation of the local demography. He said
that all these steps are a violation of international laws and conventions.
The AJK president urged that India must be brought to justice for their
offences it committed against humanity, war crimes, genocide and human
right violations.
Last century, he said, the perpetrators of such crimes were tried and made an
example but India, unfortunately, has been given a free pass due to its so-
called strategic ties with major world powers.

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