BIN - 11th (2019C) - Embhbjkhj

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1. Theory 01 – 06

2. Exercise-1 (Special DPP) 07 – 14

3. Exercise-2 14 – 16

4. Exercise-3 (Section-A) 16 – 17
[Previous years JEE-Advanced problems]

5. Exercise-3 (Section-B) 17 – 18
[Previous years JEE-Main problems]

6. Exercise-4 (Potential Problems for Board Preparations) 19 – 20

7. Exercise-5 (Rank Booster) 20 – 21

8. Answer Key 22 – 23



An algebric expression consisting of two different terms is called a binomial expression.

e.g. (1) x + y (2) x3 + y3
But (x + 2x) is not a binomial, it is called a monomial.


In elementary algebra, the binomial theorem describes the algebric expansion of powers of a binomial
expression.According to the theorem it is possible to expand the powers (x + y)n into a sum involving
terms of the form axbyc, where exponents b and c are non-negative integers with b + c = n and the
coefficient 'a' of each term is a specific positive integer depending on n and b.
This theorem was given by Newton.
If n  N
(Form a finite series)
Binomial Theorem  (x + y)n
Any index n  N
(Form an infinite series)


Earlier people used to multiply the brackets to expand the given binomial of known index.
Then came the Pascal triangle

(x + y)2 = (x + y)2 = x2 + 2xy + y2

(x + y)3 = x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + y3
(x + y)4 = x4 + 4x3y + 6x2y2 + 4xy3 + y4.
Note that
(a) The powers of x go down until it reaches reaches zero, starting value is n.
(b) The power of y goes up from zero untill it reaches n.
(c) The nth row of the Pascals triangle will be the coefficients of the expanded binomial.

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(x + y)n = nC0xn + nC1xn – 1y + nC2 xn – 2 y2 + ............ + nCrxn – r · yr + ........ + nCn xn – n yn.
We observe T1 = nC0 xn
T2 = nC1 xn – 1 · y1
 General term in the expansion of (x + y)n is
Tr + 1 = nCr xn – r · yr
Where nCr is called as combinatorial or binomial coefficient also denoted by  r  .
 
Also, x  y n   n
Cr x n  r · y r


(1) Number of terms in expansion of (x + y)n is n + 1 i.e., one more than index.

(2) Sum of indices of x and y in each term in the expansion of (x + y)n is n.

(3) New expansions by (x + y)n

(a) We have (x + y)n = nC0xn + nC1 xn – 1y + nC2 xn – 2 y2 + ....... + nCn yn ..........(1)
i.e., (x + y)n =  n Cr x n r · yr .

(b) Replace y by – y
(x – y)n = nC0 xn – nC1 xn – 1y + nC2 xn – 2 y2 + ..... + nCr xn – r · yr (– 1)r +.....+ nCn ( – 1)n · yn
i.e., (x – y)n =  n Cr  1r x n r · y r .

(c) Now replace x by 1 and y by x in Ist

(1 + x)n = nC0 + nC1x + nC2x2 + nC3x3 +........ + nCrxr + ..... + nCn yn.

Also, i.e., (1 + x)n =  n Cr x r .


(d) (1 – x)n = nC
0 – nC
1 x+ nC
2 + .........+ nCr (– 1)r xr + ....... + nCn (– 1)n xn.
i.e., (1 – x)n =   1r n
Cr x r .

(e) Also remember

(1 + x)n + (1 – x)n = 2 [nC0 + nC2x2 + ..............]
and (1 + x)n – (1 – x)n = 2 [nC1 + nC3 x3 + nC5 x5 + ..........]
 Coefficient of xr in the expansion of (1 + x)n is nCr.
Tr + 1 = nCr xr
 coefficient of (r + 1)th term = coefficient of xr = nCr in the expansion of (1 + x)n.
For e.g., Find the coefficient of x6 in (1 + 3x + 3x2 + x3)15 = [(1 + x)3]15 = (1 + x)45
 Tr + 1 = 45Crxr
 r = 6.
 coefficient is 45C6.
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(4) nC nC nC ,............., nC are called binomial coefficient or combinatorial coefficients and may be
0, 1, 2 n
simply written as C0, C1, C2, ............, Cn.
(x + y)n = nC0 xn y0 + nC1 xn – 1 y + nC2 x n – 2 y2 + ........ + nC0 x n –n yn.
Also, the sum of all the combinatorial coefficient.
i.e., nC + nC + nC + ......... + nC = 2n.
0 1 2 n

(5) Binomial coefficients of the term equidistant from beginning and end are equal.
(2x + 3y)2 = 2C0 (2x)2 + 2C1 (2x)1 (3y)1 + 2C2 (2x)0 (3y)2 .
Now coefficient of 1st and last term is same 2C0 = 2C2.


(A) General term (B) Term independent of x. (C) Middle term


(Tr + 1)th term is called as general term in (x + y)n and general term is given by

Tr 1  n Cr x n r . yr


It means term containing x0.

Illustration :
 2 1 
Find term independent of x in  x  2  2  .
 x 
10 20
 2 1   1
Sol.  x  2  2 = x 
 x   x
 Tr + 1 = 20Cr x20 – r (– 1)r = 20Cr x20 – 2r (– 1)r
 20 – 2r = 0 ; r = 10
 11th term is independent of x.


Let Tm is middle term in expansion of (x + y)n then

Case I : If n is odd, then number of terms will be even so there is two middle terms
th th
 n 1  n 3
  and   .
 2   2 
n 
Case II :If n is even, then number of terms will be odd so only one term is middle term   1 .
2 
Note : Binomial coefficient of middle term is greatest.

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Tr + 1 term is said to be numerically greatest for a given value of x, y provided Tr + 1 > Tr and

Tr  1 Tr  1
Tr + 1 > Tr + 2   1 as well as 1
Tr Tr  2

Tr  1 n
Cr x n  r y r (n  r  1)  y
   
Tr n
C r  1 x n  r 1 r  1
y r 


greatest term
is required


Properties of nCr

(1) nC = nCn – r  nCx = nCy has two solution x = y or x + y = n.

(2) nC + nC n + 1C
r r–1 = r

n n–1
(3) r = ( C r – 1)
Cr n  r 1
(4) n
 .
Cr  1 r

(1+x)n = C0+C1x + C2x2+.....+ Crxr + ......+ Cnxn ……(1)

(a) Sum of Coefficient : putting x = 1 in (1), we get

C0+ C1 + C2 + ......+ Cn = 2n ……(2)

(b) Sum of coefficients with alternate signs : putting x = –1 in(1)

We get
C0- C1 + C2 – C3 + ...... = 0 ……(3)

(c) Sum of coefficients of even and odd terms: from (3), we have
C0+ C2+ C4 + .......= C1+ C3+ C5 + ........ ……(4)
i.e. sum of coefficients of even and odd terms are equal.
from (2) and (4)
 C0+ C2 + ........= C1+ C3 + .......= 2n–1

(d) Sum of products of coefficients : Replacing x by 1/x in (1)

We get
 1 C1 C2 Cn
1   = C0 + + + ....+ + .... ……(5)
 x x x 2
Multiplying (1) by (5), we get
(1  x ) 2n C1 C2
= (C0+ C1x + C2x2 +....) (C0+ + + ....)
x n
x x2

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Now, comparing coefficients of xr on both the sides, we get

C0Cr + C1Cr+1 + .......+ Cn-r Cn = 2nC n-r
= (n  r )! (n  r )! ……(6)

(e) Sum of squares of coefficients :

putting r = 0 in (6), we get
C02 + C12 + C22 + ......+ Cn2 =
n! n!

(f) putting r = 1 in (6), we get

C0 C1 + C1C2 + C2C3 + .......+ Cn-1 Cn = 2nC n–1
= (n  1)! (n  1)! ……(7)

(g) putting r = 2 in (6) , we get

C0C2 + C1C3 + C2C4 +....+ Cn-2Cn = 2nC
= (n  2)! (n  2)!

(h) Use of Differentiation :

(1+x)n = C0+C1x + C2x2+.....+ Crxr + ......+ Cnxn ...(1)

Differentiating both sides of (1) w.r.t. x, we get

n(1+ x)n–1 = C1 + 2C2x + 3C3 x2 +......+ nCn x n–1

Now putting x = 1 and x = – 1 respectively

C1+ 2C2 +3C3+ .....+ nCn = n.2n–1 ……(9)
and C1 – 2C2+ 3C3 - .......= 0 ……(10)

(i) Adding (2) and (9)

C0+ 2C1 + 3C2 + ....+ (n+1) Cn = 2 n–1 (n+2) ……(11)

(j) Use of Integration :

Consider (1+x)n = C0+C1x + C2x2+.....+ Crxr + ......+ Cnxn ....(1)

Integrating (1) w.r.t. x between the limits 0 to 1, we get,

 (1  x )n 1   x2 x3 Cn x n 1 
   C0 x  C1  C2    
 n  1 0  2 3 n 1 

C1 C2 C 2 n 1  1
 C 0+ + +...+ n = ……(12)
2 3 n 1 n1

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Integrating (1) w.r.t. x between the limits –1 to 0, we get

0 0
 (1  x ) n1   x2 x3 C x n 1 
   C0 x  C1  C2    n 
 n  1  1  2 3 n 1 

C1 C2 C3 ( 1) n .C n 1
 C0 – + – +...+ = (n  1) ……(13)
2 3 4 n1

An Important Result :
For sums involving product of two binomial coefficients use
nC mC + nC mC n m n m m + nC
0 k 1 k – 1 + C2 Ck – 2 ............ + Ck C0 = k

Proof: Consider two series

(1 + x)n = nC0 + nC1x + nC2 x2 + ....... + nCk xk + ....... + nCn xn ……(1)

(1 + x)m = mCmxm + ......... + mCk xk + mC k – 1 xk – 1 + ......... + mC0 ……(2)

Here second series is written in reverse order.

Multiplying (1) and (2) and equate coefficients of xk on both sides to get
m + nC = nC mC + nC · mC n m
k 0 k 1 k – 1 + .......... + Ck C0.


Finding nature of integral part of expression.

N= a b 
(n  N)

Step-1: Consider N ' = a  b  

or  b a 
according as a  b or b a.

Step-2: Use N + N' or N – N' such that result is integer.

Step-3: Use fact N = I + f
'I' stands for [N] and 'f' for {N}.

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of 2   are equal , then the value of n is :
Q.1 If the coefficients of x7 & x8 in the expansion
 3
(A) 15 (B) 45 (C) 55 (D) 56

 1
Q.2 If the constant term of the binomial expansion  2 x   is – 160, then n is equal to
 x
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 10

 1  x  1   1 
Q.3 The coefficient of x49 in the expansion of (x – 1)  x   2  .....  x  49  is equal to
 2  2   2 

(A) – 2 1  50 
(B) + ve coefficient of x
 2 

(C) – ve coefficient of x
 1 
(D) – 2 1  49 
 2 

The sum of the binomial coefficients of 2x   is equal to 256. The constant term in the expansion is
 x
(A) 1120 (B) 2110 (C) 1210 (D) none

 a 
Q.5 If the second term of the expansion a1 / 13   is 14a5/2 then the value of n is
 a  C2
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 12 (D) 6

Q.6 The positive value of 'a' so that the coefficient of x5 is equal to that of x15 in the expansion of
 2 a 
 x  3  is
 x 
1 1
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D) 2 3
2 3 3

Q.7 Given that the term of the expansion (x1/3  x1/2)15 which does not contain x is 5 m where m  N ,
then m =
(A) 1100 (B) 1010 (C) 1001 (D) 1000

Q.8 The number of values of ' r ' satisfying the equation , 39

C 3 r 1  39
Cr2 = 39
C r 2 1  39
C3r is :
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
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 1 
Q.9 The term independent of 'x' in the expansion of  9 x   , x > 0, is  times the corresponding
 3 x
binomial co-efficient. Then'' is
1 1
(A) 3 (B) (C)  (D) 1
3 3

Q.10 The expression [x + (x31)1/2]5 + [x  (x31)1/2]5 is a polynomial of degree

(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8

Q.11 The remainder, if 1 + 2 + 22 + 23 + ......+21999 is divided by 5 is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3

 1 1
 4 
Q.12 Sum of all the rational terms in the expansion of  3  4 3  , is
 
(A) 27 (B) 256 (C) 283 (D) none

 n  n   n 
Q.13 For 2  r  n ,   + 2   +   =
 r  r  1  r  2
 n  1  n  1  n  2  n  2
(A)   (B) 2   (C) 2   (D)  
 r  1  r  1  r   r 

 1
Q.14 For m  N, if the sum of coefficients of first, second and third terms in the expansion of  x 2  
 x
is 46, then the coefficient of term which does not contain x is
(A) 84 (B) 75 (C) 68 (D) 36

Q.15 Coefficient of the middle term in the expansion of the binomial (1 + x)40 is equal to
2 20 · (1· 3 · 5...... 39)
(B) the sum of the coefficients of the two middle terms in (1 + x)39.
20 · 21· 22...... 40
(D) ( C0)2 + (20C1)2 + (20C2)2 + ...... + (20C20)2

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 x 5x 
Q.1 In the expansion of  3 4  3 4  the sum of the binomial combinatorial coefficients is 64 and the term
 
 
with the greatest binomial coefficient exceeds the third term by (n – 1), then the value of x must be
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) – 1

Q.2 Last three digits of the number N = 7100 – 3100 are

(A) 100 (B) 300 (C) 500 (D) 000

Q.3 The remainder when 487 + 687 is divided by 25, is

(A) 19 (B) 20 (C) 21 (D) 22

Q.4 Set of value of r for which, 18Cr  2 + 2 . 18Cr  1 + 18Cr  20C13 contains
(A) 4 elements (B) 5 elements (C) 7 elements (D) 10 elements
 q p7 
Q.5 In the expansion of    , there is a term similar to pq, then that term is equal to
 p q 3 

(A) 210 pq (B) 252 pq (C) 120 pq (D) 45 pq

Q.6 The coefficient of t50 in (1 + t) 41 (1 – t + t2) 40 is equal to

(A) 1 (B) 50 (C) 81 (D) 0

Q.7 Last two digits of 21 to the (100)th power, is

(A) 00 (B) 01 (C) 11 (D) 21

Q.8 Statement-1: 1125 + 1225 when divided by 23 leaves the remainder zero.
Statement-2: an + bn is divisible by (a + b)  n  N.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.9 Statement-1: The sum of the series

nc · mc + nc · mc n m n m n + mc .
0 r 1 r  1 + c2 · cr  2 +....... + cr · c0 is equal to r
where nCr's and mCr's denotes the combinatorial coefficients in the expansion of
(1 + x)n and (1 + x)m respectively.
Statement-2: Number of ways in which r children can be selected out of (n + m) children consisting of
n boys and m girls if each selection may consists of any number of boys and girls is equal
to n + mCr.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

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Q.10 Let (1 + x2)2 (1 + x)n = A0 + A1 x + A2 x2 + ...... If A0, A1, A2 are in A.P. then the value of n is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7
 log 2 x 3 
Q.11 In the expansion of  x 3 3.2 
 
(A) there appears a term with the power x2
(B) there does not appear a term with the power x2
(C) there appears a term with the power x 3
(D) the ratio of the co-efficient of x3 to that of x 3 is 1/3

Q.12  
If it is known that the third term of the binomial expansion x  x log10 x is 106 then x is equal to
(A) 10 (B) 10  5/2 (C) 100 (D) 5

Q.13 Find the coefficient of t8 in the expansion of (1 + 2t2 – t3)9.

Q.14 Find the sum of possible real values of x for which the sixth term of

  
 1
  log7 3
| x  2|  9
 log3 | x  2|
9  5
 3 7  equals 567.
 


Q.1 The sum of the coefficients of all the even powers of x in the expansion of (2x2  3x + 1)11 is
(A) 2 . 610 (B) 3 . 610 (C) 611 (D) none

Q.2 If (1 + x – 3x2)2145 = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ......... then a0 – a1 + a2 – a3 + ..... ends with

(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 7 (D) 9

Q.3 Given (1 – 2x + 5x2 – 10x3) (1 + x)n = 1 + a1x + a2x2 + .... and that a12 = 2a2 then the value of n is
(A) 6 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 3
4  54k  x k  8
Q.4 The largest real value for x such that   (4  k)!  k!   3 is
k 0   
(A) 2 2  5 (B) 2 2  5 (C)  2 2  5 (D)  2 2  5

Q.5 Let  n  represents the combination of 'n' things taken 'k' at a time, then the value of the sum
 2   3  97   98   99 
 0  +  1  + .........   +   +   equals
     95   96   97 
 99  100   99  100 
(A)  97  (B)  98  (C)  98  (D)  97 
       
Q.6 The coefficient of x11 in the expression (1 + x)5 (3 + x)4 (7 + x)3 equals
(A) 28 (B) 34 (C) 38 (D) 42

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Q.7 (1 + x) (1 + x + x2) (1 + x + x2 + x3) ...... (1 + x + x2 + ...... + x100) when written in the ascending power
of x then the highest exponent of x is ______ .
(A) 4950 (B) 5050 (C) 5150 (D) 5151

100 r · 100 C r
Q.8  100
C r 1
r 1

(A) 100 (B) 4950 (C) 5050 (D) 5151

Q.9 Statement-1: The expression n!(100 – n)! is maximum when n = 50.

Statement-2: 2nCr is maximum when r = n.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

 
Q.10 If 9  80 = 1 + f where I , n are integers and 0 < f < 1, then
(A) I is an odd integer for all n. (B) I is an even integer for all n.
 
(C) (I + f) (1  f) = 1 (D) 1  f = 9  80

Q.11 If 100C6 + 4 100C7 + 6 100C8 + 4 100C

9 + 100C
10 has the value equal to xCy, then the value of
(x + y) can be
(A) 114 (B) 115 (C) 198 (D) 199

Which of the following must hold good(s) for the expansion of the binomial  x 4   ?
 x3 
(A) There exist a term which is independent of x.
(B) 8th and 9th terms of the expansion have the greatest binomial coefficient.
(C) Coefficients of x32 and x–17 are equal.
(D) If x  2 then number of rational terms in the expansion is 5.

Q.13 Column-I Column-II

(A) Number of irrational terms in the expansion of  2 3 
is equal to (P) 6
(B) If  n C r 3r is equal to 4095 then n equals (Q) 7
r 1
(C) If nPr = (n–1Cr–1 + n–1Cr) · 5040 then the value of r equals (R) 15
(D) Number of five digit integers such that the product of their (S) 16
digits is 2000 is 2K then K equals

Q.14 Find the coefficient of x18 in the polynomial

f(x) = (1 + x)20 + x(1 + x)19 + x2(1 + x)18 + ................. + x18(1 + x)2.

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32 20 33 20 2a  1 b
If 3 · C0  · C1  · C 2  ......... upto 21 terms = , then the value of   is equal to
1 20
2 3 b a
1 1
(A) (B) 2 (C) (D) 3
2 3

 k 2 n C k 
n 2
Q.2 Let f(n) = then the value of f (5) equals
k 1

(A) 1000 (B) 1250 (C) 1750 (D) 2500


Q.3 If r ( r  1) C r = k · 29, then k is equal to
r 1
(A) 10 (B) 45 (C) 90 (D) 100
11 11 11 11
0  1  2  11
Q.4 The sum          ...................    equals
1 2 3 12

 n n 
 where  r  denotes Cr 
   

211 212 211  1 212  1

(A) (B) (C) (D)
12 12 12 12

Q.5 The expression 

C0   C  
2 10
2 10
C2  2
 .......  
C8  
2 10
C9  
2 10
C10  2

(B)  C  10 2
(A) 0 5
(C) – 10C5 (D) 2 · 9C5

Q.6 If (1 + x + x2)25 = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ..... + a50 . x50 then a0 + a2 + a4 + ..... + a50 is
(A) even (B) odd and of the form 3n
(C) odd and of the form (3n  1) (D) odd and of the form (3n + 1)

 
 1  4x  1  
1  1  4 x  1
Q.7 The expression     is a polynomial in x of degree
4x  1   2   2  
 
(A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 3
 1 1
Q.8 The constant term in the expansion of  x 2  2  y   is
 x y
(A) 4900 (B) 4950 (C) 5050 (D) 5151

r2 28  1
Q.9 If   r  1  n C r  6
then the value of n equals

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7

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Q.10 Statement 1: The coefficient of t49 in the expression (t + 1) (t + 2) (t + 3) ....... (t + 50)

is equal to 1075.
Statement 2: The value of k = n (2n + 1).
k 1
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.11 Statement 1: The value of 100C95 + 101C96 + 102C97 + ....... + 120C115 equals 121C6 – 100C6.
Statement 2: The sum of first n terms of a geometric progression whose first term and common ratio

are b and r ( 1) respectively is equal to

b rn 1
 
r 1
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
 1 1
Q.12 If p term in the expansion of 2  3 3  is rational then the value of p is
th  2
 
 
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 9 (D) 10
Q.13 The coefficient of x50 in the expansion of  100 Ck (x  2)100k 3k is also equal to
k 0
(A) number of ways in which 50 identical books can be distributed in 100 students, if each student
can get atmost one book.
(B) number of ways in which 100 different white balls and 50 identical red balls can be arranged
in a circle, if no two red balls are together.
(C) number of dissimilar terms in (x1 + x2 + x3 + ....... + x50)51.
2 · 6 · 10 · 14 · ........ 198
Q.14 Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct?
(A) The coefficient of x2 in the expansion of  100Cr x  4100r 5r is equal to 4950.
 8 
 x 3  x 2 log x 
(B) If the sixth term in the expansion of  10  is 5600, then x is equal to 100.
 
An  1 15
(C) Let An = nC0nC1 + nC1nC2 + ............+ nCn – 1nCn and = ,
An 4
then the sum of possible values of n is equal to 6.
Ck n 1
(D) If A k  n
Ck  n Ck  1
and 3  Ak  4 , then n is equal to 128.

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Q.15 The number of ways in which 6 different toys can be distributed in two children if each child gets none,
one or more number of toys is also equal to
(A) the number of 6 digit numbers that can be made using only the digits 2 and 3 if each digit is used
atleast once.
(B) the number of heptagons that can be formed using the vertices of a 16-gon if none of the sides of
the 16-gon is also the side of heptagon.
(C) the coefficient of x6 in the expansion of (x + 1)6  xi .
i 0
(D) number of ways in which a person can invite his 6 friends, if he can select some or all at a time.

Q.16 If the sum S = 20C2 + 2 · 20C3 + 3 · 20C4 + ...............+ 19 · 20C20 can be expressed as 1 + p · 2q,
then find the value of (p + q).

 k  100 a (2100 )  b
Q.17 If    Ck 
 k 1 c
where a, b, c  N,

then find the least value of (a + b + c).

 log(103n ) 5 ( n 2) log 3 
Q.18 For m, n  N, let the 6th term in the expansion of the binomial  2  2 
 
is equal to 21, if binomial coefficient of 2nd, 3rd and 4th term in the expansion represent respectively
the 1st, 3rd and 5th terms of an arithmetic progression. Find (m + n).
(Assume that the symbol log stands for logarithm to the base 10.)


11 11
 2 1   1 
Q.1 Find the coefficients : (i) x7 in  a x   (ii) in  ax  2 
 bx   bx 
(iii) Find the relation between a and b, so that these coefficients are equal.

(a) If the coefficients of the rth, (r + 1)th & (r + 2)th terms in the expansion of (1 + x)14 are in AP, find r.

 2 1
(b) One term in the expansion of  x   is linear. Find the numerical coefficient of the term.
 x

 x 3  1 1 / 3 1 / 5 
Q.3(a) Find the term independent of x in the expansion of (i)   2 (ii)  x  x 
 3 2x  2

 2 log 
(b) Find the value of x for which the fourth term in the expansion,  5 5 5  is 336.
4  44 1

 log 5 2 x 1  7
3 
 5 
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Q.4 Prove that the ratio of the coefficient of x10 in (1  x²)10 & the term independent of x in
 2
x   is 1 : 32.
 x

Q.5 Let kr be the coefficient of yr – 1 in the expansion of (1 + 2y)10 in ascending powers of y.

k r2
If = 4, find the value of r..

Q.6 Let a and b be the coefficient of x3 in (1 + x + 2x2 + 3x3)4 and (1 + x + 2x2 + 3x3 + 4x4)4
respectively. Find the value of (a – b).

(a) Find the remainder if 683 + 883 is divided by 49.
(b) Find the remainder, when (1523 + 2323) is divided by 19.
(c) Find the number of rational terms in the expansion of  24 3 

Q.8 Find the coefficient of xr in the expression of

(x + 3)n  1 + (x + 3)n  2 (x + 2) + (x + 3)n  3 (x + 2)2 + ..... + (x + 2)n  1.
3x 2 1 
Q.9 Find the term independent of x in the expansion of (1 + x + 2x3)  
 2  3x  .
 
n 4
Q.10 Let (1 + x2)2 (1 + x)n =  a K . x K . If a1 , a2 and a3 are in AP, find n.
K 0

(a) Prove the following identities using the theory of permutation where C0 , C1 , C2 , ..... , Cn are the
combinatorial coefficients in the expansion of (1 + x)n, n  N, then prove the following:
( 2n )!
(i) C02 + C12 + C22 +.....+ Cn2 = (This result is to be remembered)
n! n!
( 2n )!
(ii) C0 C1 + C1 C2 + C2 C3 +....+Cn  1 Cn =
( n  1)! (n  1)!
(iii) CoCr + C1Cr + 1 + C2Cr + 2 + .... + Cn  r Cn =
(n  r )!(n  r )!

 n Cr .n Cr2  =
n 2
(2n )!
r 0
(n  2)! (n  2)!
(v) 100C +5· 100C + 10 · 100C + 10 · 100C13 + 5 · 100C14 + 100C15 = 105C90
10 11 12
(b) Find the value of the sum 50C
31 +  50r C20r .
r 0

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(a) If C0 , C1 , C2 , ..... , Cn are the combinatorial coefficients in the expansion of (1 + x)n, n  N, then
prove the following:
(i) C1 + 2C2 + 3C3 +.....+ n . Cn = n . 2n1
(ii) C0 + 2C1 + 3C2 +.....+ (n+1)Cn = (n + 2)2n – 1
(iii) C0 + 3C1 + 5C2 +.....+ (2n + 1)Cn = (n + 1) 2n
C0.C1.C2....Cn 1(n  1)n
(iv) (C0 + C1)(C1 + C2)(C2 + C3) ..... (Cn – 1 + Cn) =
( n  1) ( 2n )!
(v) 1 · Co2 + 3 · C12 + 5 · C22 + ..... + (2n + 1) Cn2 =
n! n!
(b) Let f(x) = 1 – x + x2 – x3 + ......... + x16 – x17 = a0 + a1 (1 + x) + a2 (1 + x)2 + ..... + a17 (1 + x)17,
find the value of a2.
10 10
(c) If  Cr · x r = (1 + x)10, then find the value of the sum  r Cr .
r0 r0

n n n n  n  n

Q.13 Let Sn =  0  1 +    2  + ... +  n 1  n  , where n N.
    1      
Sn 1 15
If Sn = 4 , then find the sum of all possible values of n.

(JEE-ADVANCED Previous Year's Questions)

Q.1 For r = 0, 1, .... 10, let Ar, Br and Cr denote, respectively, the coefficient of xr in the expansions of
(1 + x)10, (1 + x)20 and (1 + x)30. Then  A B
r 1
r 10 B r  C10 A r  is equal to

(A) B10 – C10 (B) A10 B10

 C10 A10 
(C) 0 (D) C10 – B10 [JEE 2010, 5]

Q.2 The coefficients of three consecutive terms of (1 + x)n + 5 are in the ratio 5: 10 : 14. Then n =
[JEE Adv 2013, 4]

Q.3 Coefficient of x11 in the expansion of (1 + x2)4 (1 + x3)7 (1 + x4)12 is

(A) 1051 (B) 1106 (C) 1113 (D) 1120
[JEE Adv 2014, 3]

Q.4 The Coefficient of x9 in the expansion of (1 + x)(1 + x2)(1 + x3)...... (1 + x100) is

[JEE Adv. 2015, 4]

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Q.5 Let m be the smallest positive integer such that the coefficient of x2 in the expansion of
(1 + x)2 + (1 + x)3 + ……. + (1 + x)49 + (1 + mx)50 is (3n + 1) 51C3 for some positive integer n. Then
the value of n is
[JEE Adv. 2016, 3]
(JEE-MAIN Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1 Statement- 1:  (r  1) nCr = (n +2) 2n–1
r 0

Statement -2:  (r  1) nCr xr = (1 + x)n + nx (1 + x)n–1
r 0

(1) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(2) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1
(3) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is false
(4) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true [AIEEE-2008]

Q.2 The remainder left out when 82n –(62)2n+1 is divided by 9 is -

(1) 0 (2) 2 (3) 7 (4) 8 [AIEEE-2009]

10 10 10
Q.3 Let S1 =  j  j  1 10
C j , S2   j 10C j and S3   j2 10
Cj .
j1 j1 j1
Statement-1 : S3 = 55 × 29.

Statement-2 : S1 = 90 × 28 and S2 = 10 × 28.

(1) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is true; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(2) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is true; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1
(3) Statement-1 is true, Statement -2 is false
(4) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true [AIEEE-2010]

Q.4 The coefficient of x7 in the expansion of (1 – x – x2 + x3)6 is

(1) 144 (2) –132 (3) –144 (4) 132 [AIEEE-2011]

Q.5 If n is a positive integer, then  3 1  


3  1 is
(1) an even positive integer (2) a rational number other than positive integers
(3) an irrational number (4) an odd positive integer
 
 x 1 x 1 
Q.6 The term independent of x in expansion of  2 1
 1
 is
 3 
 x  x 1 x  x
3 2

(1) 120 (2) 210 (3) 310 (4) 4 [JEE Main 2013]

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Q.7 If the coefficients of x3 and x4 in the expansion of (1 + ax + bx2) (1 – 2x)18 in powers of x are both
zero, then (a, b) is equal to
 272   251   251   272 
(1) 16,  (2) 16,  (3) 14,  (4) 14, 
 3   3   3   3 
[JEE Main 2014]

Q.8 
The sum of coefficients of integral powers of x in the binomial expansion of 1 2 x  50


1 50
3 1  (2)

1 50
2 1  (3)

1 50
3 1  (4)
1 50
3  
[JEE Main 2015]
If the number of terms in the expansion of 1   2  , x  0, is 28, then the sum of the coefficients
2 4
 x x 
of all the terms in this expansion, is
(1) 729 (2) 64 (3) 2187 (4) 243
[JEE Main 2016]

Q.10 The value of (21C1 – 10C1) + (21C2 – 10C2) + (21C3 – 10C3) + (21C4 – 10C4) + …… + (21C10 – 10C10)
(1) 221 – 211 (2) 221 – 210 (3) 220 – 29 (4) 220 – 210
[JEE (Main) 2017]

Q.11 The sum of the co-efficients of all odd degree terms in the expansion of
5 5
 x  x 3  1    x  x 3  1  , (x > 1) is:
   
(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) –1 (4) 0
[JEE (Main) 2018]


(Potential Problems Based on CBSE)

Q.1 Expand each of the following expressions :

5 6
2 x  1
(i)    (ii) x  
x 2  x

Q.2 Using binomial theorem,

Prove that  3r n Cr = 4n.

Q.3 Find the coefficient of a5b7 in (a – 2b)12.

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 1 
Q.4 Find the 13th term in the expansion of  9x   ,x0
 3 x

Q.5 The coefficients of the (r – 1)th, rth and (r + 1)th terms in the expansion of (x + 1)n are in the ratio
1 : 3 : 5. Find n and r.

Q.6 Find a positive value of m for which the coefficient of x2 in the expansion (1 + x)m is 6.

Q.7 Find a if the coefficients of x2 and x3 in the expansion of (3 + ax)9 are equal.

Q.8 Find the coefficient of x5 in the expression (1 + 2x)6 (1 – x)7 using binomial theorem.

4 4
Q.9 Find the value of  a 2  a 2  1    a 2  a 2  1  .
   

Q.10 Find n, if the ratio of the fifth term from the beginning to the fifth term from the end in the expansion
 1 
of  4 2  4  is 6 :1.
 3

 3
Q.11 Prove that there is no term containing x6 in the expansion of  2 x 2   .
 x

Q.12 If P is the sum of odd terms and Q that of even terms in the expansion of (x + a)n ; prove that
(i) P2 – Q2 = (x2 – a2)n
(ii) 4PQ = (x + a)2n – (x – a)2n

Q.13 If a1, a2, a3 and a4 are the coefficients of the second, third, fourth and fifth terms respectively in the
expansion (1 + x)n; prove that
a1 a3 2a 2
 
a1  a 2 a 3  a 4 a 2  a 3

Q.14 Find the value of the greatest term (numerically) in the expansion
(i) (2x – 3y)6 when x = 2; y = 3 (ii) (1 + 4x)5 when x =

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EXERCISE-5 (Rank Booster)

Q.1 Find number of different dissimilar terms in the sum (1 + x)2012 + (1 + x2)2011 + (1 + x3)2010.

n n
(a) Let f (n) =    kr  . Also if f(n) = 2047, then find the value of n.
r 0 k  r

[Note:  nr  = nCr.]
11 11
   j .
(b) Find the sum
j0 i  j
 

Q.3 Given that (1 + x + x2)n = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + .... + a2nx2n , find the values of
(i) a0 + a1 + a2 + ..... + a2n ;
(ii) a0  a1 + a2  a3 ..... + a2n ;
(iii) a02 a12 + a22  a32 + ..... + a2n2

 x 2
Q.4 Find the index n of the binomial    if the 9th term of the expansion has numerically the
 5 5
greatest coefficient (n  N) .

Q.5  
If 7  4 3 = p +  where n and p are positive integers and  is a proper fraction

show that (1 – ) (p + ) = 1.

Q.6 
Let P = 2  3 5 and f = P – [P], where [P] denotes the greatest integer function.
 f2 
Find the value of  .

1 f 

Q.7 Prove that

C1 2C 2 3C3 n C n n (n  1)
(a)    .......  
C 0 C1 C2 C n 1 2

C1 C 2 Cn 2 n 1  1
(b) C0    ......  
2 3 n 1 n 1
2 2 C1 23 C 2 2 4 C3 2 n 1 C n 3n 1  1
(c) 2C 0     ......  
2 3 4 n 1 n 1
C1 C 2 C 1
(d) C0    ......  (1) n n 
2 3 n 1 n 1

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Q.8 The expressions 1 + x, 1 + x + x2, 1 + x + x2 + x3,............. 1 + x + x2 +........... + xn are multiplied

together and the terms of the product thus obtained are arranged in increasing powers of x in the form of
a0 + a1x + a2x2 +................., then,

(a) how many terms are there in the product.

(b) show that the coefficients of the terms in the product, equidistant from the beginning and end are
(n  1)!
(c) show that the sum of the odd coefficients = the sum of the even coefficients =

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Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 A Q.5 A
Q.6 A Q.7 C Q.8 B Q.9 D Q.10 C
Q.11 A Q.12 C Q.13 D Q.14 A Q.15 ABD

Q.1 C Q.2 D Q.3 B Q.4 C Q.5 B
Q.6 D Q.7 B Q.8 C Q.9 A Q.10 AB
Q.11 BCD Q.12 AB Q.13 2520 Q.14 4

Q.1 B Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 A Q.5 D
Q.6 C Q.7 B Q.8 C Q.9 D Q.10 ACD
Q.11 AC Q.12 BC Q.13 (A)-S (B)-P (C)-Q (D)-R Q.14 1330

Q.1 A Q.2 C Q.3 B Q.4 D Q.5 C
Q.6 A Q.7 D Q.8 A Q.9 B Q.10 D
Q.11 A Q.12 BD Q.13 AD Q.14 ACD Q.15 BC
Q.16 29 Q.17 201 Q.18 9


a6 11C
Q.1 (i) 5 5 (ii) (iii) ab = 1 Q.2 (a) r = 5 or 9 (b) 14C5
b 6

Q.3 (a) (i) (ii) T6 =7, (b) x = 0 or 1 Q.5 5 Q.6 0

nC n – r  2n – r)
Q.7 (a) 35 ; (b) 0 ; (c) 26 Q.8 r (3 Q.9
Q.10 n = 2 or 3 or 4 Q.11 (b) 61C Q.12 (b) 816, (c) 5120
Q.13 6

BANSAL CLASSES Private Ltd. ‘Bansal Tower’, A-10, Road No.-1, I.P.I.A., Kota-05 Page # 22

Q.1 D Q.2 6 Q.3 C Q.4 8 Q.5 5
Q.1 1 Q.2 2 Q.3 3 Q.4 3 Q.5 3
Q.6 2 Q.7 1 Q.8 3 Q.9 1 Q.10 4
Q.11 2


32 40 20 5 3 x5 15 6 1
Q.1 (i)    5 x  x  (ii) x6 + 6x4 + 15x2 + 20 + 2
 4 6
x 5 x3 x 8 32 x x x

Q.3 – 101376 Q.4 18564 Q.5 n = 7, r = 3 Q.6 m=4

Q.7 a= Q.8 171 Q.9 2a8 + 12a6 – 10a4 – 4a2 + 2

Q.10 n = 10 Q.14 (i) 1574640 , (ii) 405


Q.1 4023 Q.2 (a) 10 ; (b) 4095 Q.3 (i) 3n (ii) 1, (iii) an

n2  n  2
Q.4 n = 12 Q.6 722 Q.8 (a)

BANSAL CLASSES Private Ltd. ‘Bansal Tower’, A-10, Road No.-1, I.P.I.A., Kota-05 Page # 23
in Last Nineteen Years

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