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Level L - Core

Student Guide
Extra Activities
AY 2020–2021

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 1

Lesson 1 (pages 3–9) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. Whom is Liam going to the South Lakeland Outdoor Activity Centre with?

A. the school
B. the family
C. the neighbors
D. the relatives
E. the teachers

2. Liam considers himself a liar because he lied about __________.

A. his report
B. being busy
C. his family situation
D. being sick
E. his age

3. Liam brings a mobile phone with him to space because __________.

A. it has pictures of his friends on it

B. it has pictures of home on it
C. it has messages from his cousin
D. it has an alarm
E. it has games on it

4. What are Liam’s only special skills back on earth?

A. being good in science and his height

B. being above average in math and his height
C. being fluent in English and his chess skills
D. being a good athlete and his chess skills
E. being fluent in Spanish and his height

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 2

Lesson 2 (pages 10–33) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. How does Liam describe the Cosmic?

A. a metal cage with two seats in

B. a wooden cage with three seats in
C. a metal cage with no seats
D. a solid cage with three exits
E. a normal cage with two bars

2. What is Florida Kirby obsessed with?

A. computer games and fascinators

B. celebrities and being sick
C. comic magazines and being first
D. clothes and accessories
E. cartoons and music videos

3. Liam compares the shooting up of the cage of the Cosmic to __________.

A. a bullet shot from a riffle

B. a ball shot from a cannon
C. a moon shot from a cannon
D. a bullet shot from a fusil
E. a rock thrown from a volcano

4. Why does Liam get a special dispensation at Waterloo High?

A. his math skills are not up to his class level

B. his English language skills are weak
C. he looks older than his peers
D. his new school uniform does not fit anymore
E. he forgot his birth certificate at home

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 3

Lesson 3 (pages 34–75) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. According to Mrs. Sass, what is Liam’s problem?

A. He has poor social skills.

B. He suffers from mental health problems.
C. He has high blood pressure.
D. He is very hyperactive during lessons.
E. He is lazy and can’t be bothered.

2. What does Liam’s mother suggest for her family to unwind?

A. to go on a trip to the mountains

B. to travel overseas
C. to spend a week at their relatives
D. to take the family shopping
E. to go and see the Sahara Desert

3. What is Ms. Jewell trying to explain when she says: “And it's a near neighbor compared to
the stars…”?

A. how far away Neptune is

B. how close her neighbor is to the school
C. how far away Mars is
D. how far away the stars are
E. how far away her friend lives

4. Why is Liam pleading with Mr. Middleton not to hang up his phone?

A. Liam has been waiting for his friend to get back to him since nine o'clock in the morning.
B. Liam is having a serious conversation with his cousin over the phone.
C. Liam is watching an online video game on his phone.
D. Liam has been in a queue since eight o'clock in the morning.
E. Liam is arguing with his mother over the phone.

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 4

Lesson 4 (pages 76–102) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. Why do Liam and his family go to the New Strand?

A. to look for new handles for the new kitchen cupboards

B. to meet Liam’s school director
C. to buy Liam a new computer game
D. to find out about the history of Azeroth
E. to meet the Wanderlust Warriors

2. Where did Liam’s mother and father go for their honeymoon?

A. Madrid in Spain
B. Orlando in America
C. Paris in France
D. Rome in Italy
E. Dallas in America

3. Which of the following does Mrs. Digby mention to convince her husband that Florida is

A. Florida came first in her English class last year.

B. Florida won the school music award for the last two years.
C. Florida was Sophie in The Big Friendly Giant and remembered all her lines.
D. Florida took the leading role three times in the school play.
E. Florida won the math and the science competitions.

4. Whom does Florida think Dinah Drax is?

A. a very famous opera singer

B. a word like phone or Mercedes
C. a woman who designs expensive cars
D. a girl on the cover of her favorite magazine
E. a woman who invented World of Warcraft

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 5

Lesson 5 (pages 103–133) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. What is Dina Drax’s nationality?

A. American
B. French
C. Russian
D. British
E. Chinese

2. How did Eddie Xanadu describe his son Hasan?

A. Hasan is more than a genius and is a wizard with money.

B. Hasan is a clever child and won three poetry awards.
C. Hasan is a talented young man with high analytical skills.
D. Hasan is a friendly person and is easy to talk to.
E. Hasan is a great son from whom much can be expected.

3. Why is Florida very upset with Liam?

A. He promised to take her to a theme park but ended up in China.

B. He did not introduce her to Samson Two.
C. He called her names in front of Eddie Xanadu.
D. He called her a shopaholic in front of Monsieur Martinet.
E. He said that she is strange and always acts like a little child.

4. Why does Florida yelp at Liam when he touches one of the buttons on the dashboard?

A. She was scared they might have an accident.

B. She was worried that the button might be the ejector seat.
C. She was confused and not sure what to do.
D. She wanted to push the button herself.
E. She was playing tricks on Liam.

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 6

Lesson 6 (pages 134–170) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. What are the dads doing while Florida and the other kids are looking around a real rocket?

A. They are playing games.

B. They are arguing with Dr. Drax.
C. They are answering questions about their children.
D. They are reading space books.
E. They are listening to Monsieur Martinet lecture.

2. Which of the following best describes Liam when playing golf?

A. He is clueless.
B. He is a good player.
C. He knows all the rules but has not practiced for a while.
D. He knows the basics.
E. He is a professional golfer.

3. Whom will Dr. Drax send to space?

A. the best taikonaut

B. the best father
C. the winner in the golf game
D. the smartest child
E. Samson One

4. What does Monsieur Martinet see when he shouts, “There it is!”?

A. the Possibility Building

B. the sand desert
C. the spacecraft
D. the south Lakeland Outdoor Activity Center
E. the infinity Park

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 7

Lesson 7 (pages 171–200) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. Why are the Vehicle Escape Suits always bright orange?

A. The color orange is optimistic and uplifting.

B. It is Monsieur Martinet’s favorite color.
C. Orange is the most visible color at sea.
D. It makes people react by gut feeling.
E. Orange color gives a sensation of heat.

2. Why does Florida say that the spacesuit has to be like a kind of mini-Earth?

A. because space is such a hostile environment

B. because space is a zone above the planet
C. because outer space is not completely empty
D. because space contains a low density of particles
E. because space is the area outside the earth’s atmosphere

3. According to Liam, Florida is really good at __________.

A. expressing herself through her dancing

B. using social media to build her own music
C. mastering audio tunes and keeping track of them
D. remembering things and storing and retrieving information
E. analyzing everything around her

4. According to Monsieur Martinet, fear is the enemy of __________.

A. empathy
B. persuasion
C. passion
D. integrity
E. courage

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 8

Lesson 8 (pages 201–230) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. What does the narrator mean when he says that Florida “has a brain that turns everything into
daytime TV”?

A. Florida is very gossipy.

B. Florida likes soap operas.
C. Florida loves watching TV.
D. Florida has no brain.
E. Florida is a backstabber.

2. What does the Penultima look like from the outside?

A. like a solar eclipse

B. like as if you have impaired vision
C. like a window that is frosted
D. like any other simulator but bigger
E. like a replica of diffracted images

3. Why does Shenjian read all the changes in gravity from the monitors?

A. so people down on the ground can hear that she is awake

B. so passengers pass out during re-entry
C. so people can start playing with their own game simulators
D. so passengers will have a smooth landing
E. so people can see the eventual real effect of the action

4. What is Orbiter IV according to Liam?

A. an orbit that is called a satellite

B. a program of aeronautical research
C. a game at which Liam is a high scorer
D. a flying machine invented by the Wright Brothers
E. an aircraft that is able to fly by gaining support from the air

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 9

Lesson 9 (pages 231–260) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. Why does Dr. Drax want the children to move into a special crew house?

A. so they could learn from their own mistakes

B. so they could deal with their own feelings
C. so they could communicate among themselves more effectively
D. so they could get used to living together
E. so they could enhance their own motivation

2. Who is Laika?

A. the first animal to orbit the earth in space

B. the only dog that someone wrote poems about
C. a cat that was on postage stamps
D. a mongrel sent to space by the Americans
E. Florida’s pet

3. What is the Cosmic Quencher?

A. a cylindrical wooden container placed inside the orbit

B. a bucket of coke with two big dollops of ice cream
C. a large reusable box for consolidating smaller cartons
D. a compartment for baking
E. a piece of equipment used to preserve blood

4. What happened to the crew of the Columbia shuttle?

A. They all died on re-entry.

B. The all landed safely back on Earth.
C. Two of the crew members were killed.
D. They were all injured.
E. Total electrical failure caused the death of the whole crew.

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 10

Lesson 10 (pages 261–286) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. What is the clanging sound everyone heard during the night?

A. the sound of the rocket being moved

B. the sound of the universe
C. the radiation ambient noise of a cosmic
D. the sound of the cosmic rays
E. the sound of the energetic hail of cosmic

2. What happens to the crew when they deflate their outfits?

A. Their blood oxygen saturation level goes very high.

B. They feel they could not get enough oxygen into their lungs.
C. They start to float around the cabin.
D. They start laughing and making fun of Dr. Drax.
E. They begin to scream because they are in pain.

3. What can the crew see from the windows?

A. stunning pictures of volcanoes

B. the rejected panels tumbling away from them into space
C. light that appeared less frequently and faded
D. nothing but the color green
E. lots of mysterious and giant circles

4. What was the task that DraxControl set for the crew?

A. to press the right buttons in the right order

B. to help the children overcome the fear of landing on earth
C. to create standard operation procedures
D. to see Dr. Drax for finger pricks and blood pressure
E. to deflate all their space outfits

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 11

Lesson 11 (pages 287–315) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. Why can’t Max press the green button?

A. because it is Hasan’s turn

B. because Samson Two will be killed
C. because the tiny module on the button is not working
D. because the crew is using Dandelion to get them back to Earth orbit
E. because they are not really in space

2. How is Samson Two convinced that the American landing on the moon is fake?

A. His father told him that the American landing on the moon was shot in Hollywood.
B. The picture of the American flag on the moon shows that it is flying and there is no wind
on the moon.
C. He read that an American director was hired by the American government to fake the
moon landing.
D. His father works at NASA and has inside information about the moon landing.
E. He read about the moon landing conspiracy theory in a book given to him by his teacher.

3. What does Liam see when the hatch opens?

A. The crew frightened because of terrible turbulence.

B. The crew’s luggage floating in the air.
C. All the children floating in the air.
D. The cosmic engine on fire because of air pressure.
E. All the children freaking out because of food shortage.

4. Why would Samson Two sleep and put a book under his pillow?

A. because he sometimes wakes up during the night and read

B. because he feels that the book makes him more logical
C. because that is what his dad wants him to do
D. because he feels that the book makes him clever again
E. because he does not like other children reading his book

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 12

Lesson 12 (pages 316–336) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. What is Liam thinking about when he mentions Earth?

A. about all his school friends

B. about the Little Stars drama club, proper food, and his mother and father
C. about hiding from everyone once he lands on Earth
D. about the people he cares about the most
E. about all the projects he has to do for school

2. Why can’t the Dandelion land anywhere?

A. It is supposed to stay in space until it falls apart.

B. The planet is unhospitable for its technology.
C. It can only land on water.
D. It can only land on the moon or Mars.
E. It is too heavy to launch and land safely on Earth.

3. According to Liam, why is there no point in trying to describe the stars?

A. The moon and other planets around them are much more beautiful.
B. He does not have a good explanation for it.
C. There are too many of them.
D. They are all invisible and impossible to spot.
E. Their existence is insignificant.

4. Whom was the toddler that asked St. Christopher to carry him?

A. Liam
B. Samson Two
C. Jesus
D. Florida
E. Dr. Drax

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 13

Lesson 13 (pages 337–353) Extra activity

Circle the letter to the correct answer.

1. Why was Liam wrong about Dr. Drax?

A. He realizes that she was actually looking for the crew.

B. He finds out that she was the one who pressed the green button.
C. He finds out that she was with them for the right reason.
D. He realizes that she is the one inspiring the team.
E. He finally realizes how committed she is towards the team.

2. How is Liam’s dad able to call Dr. Drax to give her the crew’s precise location?

A. He finds Dr. Drax’s phone number in Liam’s diary.

B. His sim card is a clone of Liam’s.
C. He tracks Dr. Drax using one of the satellites.
D. He calls the operator and gets Dr. Drax’s number.
E. He uses Liam’s cellphone, the one he forgot at home before leaving.

3. What is the best thing about being on Earth according to Liam?

A. the improvised road signs

B. the just-right gravity
C. the comfort food
D. the sense of perspective
E. the increase in freedom and stability

4. Why does Florida want to make sure that Liam is watching television?

A. She wants him to watch the surprise.

B. She wants him to check the weather forecast for the weekend.
C. She wants him to watch the final episode of his favorite show.
D. She wants him to unwind after the long trip.
E. She wants him to watch TV so he can improve his English.

Date 23-06-20 | Level L | 14

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