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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven

Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market


Gallego 2024 39
Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

3.1 Research Design

The mixed-method approach is employed for a holistic understanding of the study on

"Harmonic Nodes." By combining qualitative methods like interviews with quantitative

surveys and statistical analysis, the research aims to comprehensively explore and

address traffic congestion, parking issues, and the needs of local farmers. This approach

enhances the reliability and validity of the study, involves the community in the

decision-making process, and provides a solid foundation for proposing sustainable

solutions in urban planning and development.

The study on "Harmonic Nodes" uses a mix of purposive, random, and stratified

sampling to get a diverse group of participants. Key people like local farmers,

transportation experts, and community leaders are chosen on purpose to provide

important insights. Community members are also picked intentionally if they are

directly affected by issues like traffic and parking. For surveys, a random selection is

used to make sure a fair mix of opinions from different parts of the community is

represented. This includes people from various age groups, jobs, and living areas.

Additionally, specific attention is given to farmers through a stratified approach,

making sure their views on the Farmer's Market in Harmonic Nodes are well-

represented. This mix of sampling methods helps to get a broad range of perspectives

from different groups, making the study more inclusive and reflective of the entire

community's needs and preferences.

3.1.1Quantitative Phase and Analysis

In the quantitative phase of the study on "Harmonic Nodes," data collection

primarily involves surveys and structured questionnaires administered to a

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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

representative sample of the community. These surveys are designed to gather

numerical data on various aspects, including community perceptions of traffic

congestion, preferences for parking solutions, and the perceived benefits of the

proposed Harmonic Nodes. The quantitative analysis entails the use of

statistical methods and tools to process and interpret the collected data.

Statistical software may be employed to analyze survey responses, assess

trends, and quantify the significance of various factors. The objective is to

derive numerical insights that provide a quantitative foundation for

understanding community sentiments, preferences, and potential impacts of the

proposed urban development project.

3.1.2 Qualitative Phase and Analysis

Concurrently, the qualitative phase involves in-depth interviews, open-ended

survey questions, and community engagement activities. These qualitative

methods aim to capture rich and nuanced insights into the perspectives,

experiences, and preferences of key stakeholders, including local farmers,

transportation experts, and community members. Thematic analysis is

employed to identify recurring themes, patterns, and qualitative data coding.

The qualitative analysis process involves systematically examining and

interpreting the gathered qualitative data to extract meaningful narratives and

understand the contextual nuances surrounding the issues addressed in the

study. The qualitative phase provides a deeper understanding of the social

dynamics, community engagement impact, and the intricacies influencing the

success of the proposed Harmonic Nodes.

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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

Table 1. Questions, Focus and Objective

Research Question Focus & Stage Objective

What are the primary Preliminary Research - To conduct a focused

challenges at Batac's Identifying Issues review of existing

Public Market in terms of literature.

traffic, parking, and post- To conduct interviews

harvesting facilities? with key stakeholders to

identify and prioritize


How do community Quantitative Data To design and administer

members currently Collection - Community targeted surveys to collect

perceive traffic and Sentiments quantitative data on

parking issues at Batac's community sentiments

Public Market? related to traffic and


What are the specific Qualitative Data To conduct in-depth

needs and preferences of Collection - Stakeholder interviews and workshops

local farmers regarding Views with local farmers to

post-harvesting facilities understand their

and market access? perspectives and


How can strategic design Solution Development - To collaborate with urban

measures optimize Designing for Traffic planners and architects to

parking availability and Flow develop design measures

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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

traffic flow for various based on collected data

transportation modes? and community feedback.

What features would Solution Development - To integrate farmer

empower local farmers Empowering Local feedback into the

within Harmonic Nodes, Farmers comprehensive design,

providing direct market ensuring features that

access and post-harvesting empower local farmers are

facilities? included.

How can the design Promoting Sustainability - To develop a design that

incorporate inclusive Green and Inclusive showcases sustainability

elements, green spaces, Design through features such as

and sustainable features inclusive design, green

like vertical farming and spaces, and renewable

solar energy? energy sources.

What is the role of Promoting Sustainability - To implement community

community engagement in Community Engagement engagement strategies that

promoting sustainability highlight the sustainability

and securing long-term aspects of Harmonic

support for the project? Nodes and ensure long-

term support.

3.2 Research Strategies and Methods

The research design for the study on "Harmonic Nodes" employs a mixed-method

approach. This approach combines both qualitative and quantitative methods to provide

a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by Batac's Public Market and

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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

to develop effective and sustainable solutions. The qualitative phase involves

interviews, workshops, and community engagement activities, aiming to capture rich

insights from key stakeholders, including local farmers, transportation experts, and

community members. The quantitative phase includes surveys and structured

questionnaires administered to a representative sample of the community to gather

numerical data on perceptions and preferences. The integration of these methods allows

for triangulation, enhancing the overall validity and reliability of the study.

3.2.1 Instruments Used Surveys and Questionnaires: Structured surveys are employed to

collect quantitative data on community sentiments regarding traffic, parking,

and perceived benefits of the proposed Harmonic Nodes. The surveys include

both closed-ended and Likert scale questions to quantify responses and

opinions. Interviews: In-depth interviews are conducted with key stakeholders to

obtain qualitative insights into their perspectives, experiences, and preferences.

These open-ended discussions provide a deeper understanding of the challenges

faced and potential solutions. Focus Group Discussions: Conducting focus group discussions

involves bringing together a small group of participants to discuss specific

topics related to the research. It allows for interactive conversations, idea

generation, and group dynamics to emerge.

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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

3.2.2 Statistical Formulas and Methods Descriptive Statistics: Basic descriptive statistics, such as means,

frequencies, and percentages, are used to summarize and describe the

quantitative data obtained from surveys. This helps provide an overview of

community perceptions and preferences. Thematic Analysis: Qualitative data from interviews and open-ended

survey questions undergo thematic analysis. This method involves identifying

recurring themes and patterns in the qualitative data, helping to uncover deeper

insights into stakeholder perspectives. Correlation Analysis: Statistical correlation analysis may be employed

to examine relationships between variables in the quantitative data. For

example, exploring correlations between perceived benefits and support for the

Harmonic Nodes project.

Table 2. Research Strategy and Methods

Research Data Data Gathering Output

Objectives Requirement Tools/Methods

Background Research

To identify Literature on Literature review Comprehensive

challenges at urban understanding of

Batac's Public development existing

Market. issues. challenges.

To gather local Qualitative Stakeholder’s Thematic analysis

farmers' and insights from interviews of perspectives.

Gallego 2024 45
Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

experts' local farmers and

perspectives. experts.

To understand Quantitative data Surveys/Questionnaires Descriptive

community on community statistics

views on traffic perceptions. summarizing

and parking. community


Data Gathering

To quantify Quantitative data Surveys/Questionnaires Statistical

perceived on perceived analysis of

benefits from benefits. perceived

"Harmonic benefits.


To explore Qualitative Workshops and Thematic analysis

sustainable insights on community of community-

solutions through sustainable engagement. generated

community solutions. solutions.


To gather Continuous Virtual meetings, Ongoing

additional qualitative and online surveys. refinements based

community quantitative on iterative

feedback during feedback on community

solution design proposals. feedback.


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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

Design Translation

To synthesize Qualitative and Thematic analysis, Strategic design

findings to quantitative statistical summaries. measures

inform strategic insights on addressing

design measures. challenges and identified

solutions. challenges.

To translate Community Integration of

community preferences community feedback

preferences into regarding market into design proposals.

design elements. access and post-


To communicate Identified Communication Clear

sustainability sustainability materials, communication of

features to elements such as presentations. sustainable

showcase project green spaces, features to

benefits. solar panels, etc. stakeholders.

3.3 Methodology Framework

The research methodology framework for the study on "Harmonic Nodes: A

Community-Driven Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

in Batac City, Ilocos Norte" utilizes a diverse range of methods, blending qualitative

approaches such as stakeholder interviews, workshops, and community engagement

with quantitative data collected through surveys and questionnaires. This holistic

strategy seeks to validate findings by combining different perspectives, ensuring a

nuanced comprehension of the community's challenges and preferences. Moreover,

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Harmonic Nodes: A Community-Driven
Net-Zero Energy Metro Transportation Hub and Farmer's Market

ethical considerations play a crucial role in this research, with a commitment to

transparency, privacy, and respect for participant autonomy. Continuous feedback

mechanisms, including virtual meetings and online surveys, underscore the iterative

nature of the design process, promoting collaboration and adaptability while

maintaining ethical standards throughout the research journey.

Figure 11. Process flowchart of the Study.

Source: By the Author (2023).

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