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A Social Community Sensor for Natural Disaster Monitoring in

Indonesia Using Hybrid 2D CNN LSTM

Mohammad Reza Faisal Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi Irwan Budiman
Computer Science Department, Computer Science Department, Computer Science Department,
Lambung Mangkurat University Lambung Mangkurat University Lambung Mangkurat University
reza.faisal@ulm.ac.id dodonturianto@ulm.ac.id irwan.budiman@ulm.ac.id

Muliadi Mera Kartika Delimayanti Septyan Eka Prastya

Computer Science Department, Computer and Informatics Department of Information
Lambung Mangkurat University Engineering Department, Politeknik Technology, Sari Mulia University
muliadi@ulm.ac.id Negeri Jakarta septyan.e.prastya@unism.ac.id

Muhammad Khairie
Computer Science Department,
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


One of the most notable advantages of utilizing social media is its • Computing methodologies; • Artificial intelligence; • Natu-
ability to aid communication during natural disasters, specifically ral language processing;
in regards to disseminating information. Social media users serve
as community monitors by collecting public messages from a mul- KEYWORDS
titude of social media platforms. The implementation of artificial natural disaster, social media, text classification, hybrid 2D CNN
intelligence can facilitate the automatic recognition of messages LSTM
concerning natural disasters. Deep learning-based artificial intelli-
gence models for text classification, such as Convolutional Neural ACM Reference Format:
Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), Mohammad Reza Faisal, Dodon Turianto Nugrahadi, Irwan Budiman, Mu-
liadi, Mera Kartika Delimayanti, Septyan Eka Prastya, and Muhammad
each possess their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Neverthe-
Khairie. 2023. A Social Community Sensor for Natural Disaster Monitoring
less, the utilization of word padding techniques presents a further
in Indonesia Using Hybrid 2D CNN LSTM. In International Conference on
challenge to accurately classify texts, as its implementation may Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET 2023), October
negatively impact classification performance. In this study, feature 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.
extraction based on word embedding and word padding techniques https://doi.org/10.1145/3626641.3626932
were employed, utilizing a maximum number of words to be pro-
cessed by a hybrid 2D CNN LSTM model. The results indicate the
highest level of accuracy in cases of floods, with an 81.27% accuracy
rate, forest fires with an 86.14% accuracy rate, and earthquakes In contemporary times, social media has become an intrinsic com-
with an 80.16% accuracy rate. This outcome represents a significant ponent for the masses. This trend is notably reinforced by the ad-
advancement over the accuracy attained by the classification model vancement of internet technology in the current era. During times
constructed with feature extraction based on word embedding and of natural calamities, social media proves to be highly advantageous
word padding based on mean and using solely 2D CNN. in terms of information dissemination, which has been identified
as a critical utility of social media. This scenario has instigated
scholars to undertake research endeavours about message classifi-
cation and identification on social media, particularly Twitter[1].
Social media users have assumed the role of community censors by
amassing public messages from social media, which are henceforth
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed acknowledged as social community censors.
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation Using sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, schol-
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the ars have demonstrated the ability to process social media messages
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and detect dynamic events such as pandemics[2], traffic congestion
and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org. and accidents[3], terrorist events [4], and natural disasters[5]. In
SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia previous works, the Support Vector Machine was employed after to-
© 2023 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0850-3/23/10. . . $15.00 kenizing words and applying term frequency and inverse document
https://doi.org/10.1145/3626641.3626932 frequency (TF-IDF) weighting to classify flood disaster reports [6],
SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia Mohammad Reza Faisal et al.

[7]. Similarly, the Multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier was utilized 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
on n-gram tokens and TF-IDF weighting for flood and forest fire
2.1 Text Normalization
disaster reports[8]. In contrast, the Random Forest classifier pro-
cessed the average vector of Word2Vec vectors of words to obtain Text normalization is a critical task targeted toward the purification
fewer features than structured data based on n-grams [9]. In our of text data from Twitter, with the primary objective of eliminating
most recent endeavor, we employed a deep learning-based classifier, extraneous words or characters that only detract from the overall
specifically the Convolutional Neutral Network (CNN) and Long coherence and clarity of the text. This is done concertedly to obtain
short-term memory (LSTM), to process structured data from three more cogent, meaningful sentences that are both informative and
word embedding techniques, namely Word2Vec, fastText, and Glove elucidating [15].
[10]. In order to accomplish this, a number of preparatory measures
The current state of research on using Twitter for natural disaster must be taken, including removing extraneous elements such as
intelligence, as outlined in [6]–[10], faces several challenges. Firstly, usernames, RT designations, double spaces, punctuation marks,
structured data from research [6]–[8] yields data with high dimen- numbers, and non-alphanumeric characters, among other things.
sions, regardless of meaning and word order. Secondly, while the These measures are essential to the overall text normalization pro-
structured data generated in [9] has succeeded in generating low- cess and are critical to ensuring that the final output is of the highest
dimensional data through the calculation of average word vectors possible quality and value [10].
based on Word2Vec, the calculation of the average makes the word
order information disappear. Thirdly, research [10] has employed 2.2 Word Padding
word vector arrangement from word embedding, namely Word2Vec, The process of word padding is employed in order to standardize
fastText, Glove, and their combinations, to produce structured data the number of words present in sentences within natural disaster
that provides word meanings and word order information but with reports. This approach aims to yield input that is suitable for fea-
high dimensions. In these studies, the effect of determining the ture extraction, resulting in data that is structured and uniform in
number of words based on simple statistical calculations such as dimensions. Past scholarship has relied upon statistical calculations
the mean, mode, and median [10] has been carried out. The struc- of the mean, mode, and median to determine the number of words
tured data is processed by the CNN algorithm, which can extract to utilize [9], [10]. These studies did not incorporate a maximum
local features to improve classification performance [11]. From word count, as the structured data generated by the feature ex-
these studies, it has been concluded that the best classification per- traction process would contain either a value of 0 or sparse data.
formance is achieved when using the number of words based on However, in this current investigation, word padding utilizing the
the calculation of the mean. However, it is worth noting that the maximum number of words is employed to obtain complete and
CNN-based classifier cannot comprehend the order and context of comprehensive information.
sentences, thereby potentially limiting its maximum classification
performance [12]. In research [10], the maximum number of words
in sentences was not used due to the formation of sparse data [13], 2.3 Word Embedding
[14]. Research [10] also employs 1-dimensional data as input to the Word embedding is distinguished from conventional embedding in
CNN classifier, also known as 1D CNN. that it encompasses phrases and words in numeric value vectors
This research endeavours to enhance the identification of natural that are non-binary. It pertains to a compact representation of words
disaster reports on Twitter by utilizing a diverse range of techniques in a low-dimensional vector space. For instance, the words "Boy",
distinct from the ones employed in preceding research. Specifically, "grapes", and "man" are dispersed in an n-dimensional vector space.
the study employs 2-dimensional structured data through the word The proximity between the words "boy" and "man" is smaller than
embedding technique Word2Vec, fastText, Glove, and their com- that between "boy" and "grapes," signifying a similarity between
binations. The 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is then the two former words. This embedding offers a veiled semantic
used to process each structured data generated to extract local fea- relationship among the words [16].
tures in sentences. Additionally, the output is subjected to the Long Word embeddings represent one of the successful applications
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) classifier, which can comprehend the of unsupervised learning due to their ability to operate without
sequence and context of sentences. The study also adopts the maxi- costly annotation. These embeddings are structured to encode sim-
mum number of words in a sentence when generating structured ilar words in a similar manner, making them valuable tools for
data through word embedding. Based on the focus of this study, sev- feature generation and a variety of Natural Language Processing
eral research questions have been formulated, including: (1) What (NLP) tasks, including text classification, document clustering, and
is the optimal accuracy of the 2D CNN + LSTM hybrid classifica- sentiment classification. Among the popular techniques for word
tion model in identifying reports of floods, earthquakes, and forest embeddings are Word2Vec, GloVe, and fastText [17].
fires? (2) Which word embedding-based feature extraction tech- Word2vec comprises two neural network layers that are respon-
nique yields the highest accuracy? (3) Does applying word padding sible for processing textual data. The input to the system is a corpus,
with the maximum number of words affect improving accuracy? and its output is a collection of vectors [17]. Two distinct archi-
tectures are associated with word2vec: the CBOW and Skip-gram
models. The CBOW approach aims to predict the words based on
their surrounding context, whereas the Skip-gram model focuses
on predicting a single word’s context. Both these models employ
A Social Community Sensor for Natural Disaster Monitoring in Indonesia Using Hybrid 2D CNN LSTM SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

artificial neural networks as their algorithmic framework. At the This affords us the opportunity to conduct discrete convolutions
outset, each word within the vocabulary is represented as an N- akin to those performed in the image case (2D input matrix). How-
dimensional random vector. Subsequently, the algorithm learns ever, it is imperative to exercise caution when specifying filter sizes,
the optimal vector for each word using the CBOW or Skip-gram which typically match the width of word embeddings [19].
The glove algorithm is classified as an unsupervised learning
method. Its primary function involves the generation of vector
representations for various words. Notably, the glove approach
2.5 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
leverages the advantages of the Skip-gram method and matrix fac- LSTM, or Long Short-Term Memory networks, are a type of re-
torisation. Specifically, the glove technique entails the creation of current neural network structure specifically designed to model
a co-occurrence matrix (words X context), which supersedes the long-range time series. They have been observed to operate with
actual corpus in facilitating predictions and calculations [17]. greater precision than standard RNNs. The neural architecture of
The Facebook AI Research Lab has developed an open-source LSTM networks is composed of specialized gate units. These gates
project known as FastText. This project amalgamates the most enable the network to control the flow of inputs that contribute
successful concepts from Natural Language Processing (NLP) and to the final output. As a result, the number of inputs participating
Machine Learning (ML). Unlike traditional Word2Vec models, Fast- in the output is limited, reducing the error rate. In addition, LSTM
Text model implementation enriches word vectors with vectors of networks feature memory blocks that are located in the hidden
substrings of characters in each word (n-grams). Therefore, fastText layer. These blocks contain self-connections in their memory cells,
model has the ability to produce vectors for any word, including which enable them to record the time status of the network during
misspelt words or concatenation of words [18]. operation.
Furthermore, the memory blocks have units called gates that
regulate the flow of inputs and outputs. The input gates control the
2.4 2D Convolutional Neural Network (2D CNN) activation process for entering information into the memory, while
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have predominantly been the output port controls the output after the activation process
utilized for image processing but have also exhibited applicability occurs at the entry gate. To address the issue of determining flows
in NLP tasks [19]. In image processing, utilising multiple convolu- for specific units, a portal known as the forget gate has been added
tional layers allows for extracting features at varying degrees of to the LSTM network [21].
abstraction from raw input data consisting of 2D arrays of pixel
intensities. Specifically, a discrete convolution entails multiplying
a filter matrix’s values with those of the original matrix on an 3 METHODOLOGY
element-wise basis, followed by a summation of the results. To
obtain the complete convolution, this process is repeated for each 3.1 Dataset
element as the filter is slid across the entire matrix [20]. The initial step in the classification procedure of natural disaster
The feature map that has undergone convolution operations, reports sourced from social media entails collecting training data.
along with ReLU activation, Pooling and Softmax layers, is referred This training data comprises Twitter-generated natural disaster
to as the convolved map feature, representing a certain level of report data sifted through keywords relating to natural disasters,
abstraction. The underlying property exploited by CNN is that such as floods, high tides, flash floods, earthquakes, vibrations,
natural signals often comprise compositional hierarchies, where volcanic eruptions, forest fires, fire, smoke, and others.
higher-level features are composed of lower-level ones. In the case Moreover, the analysis of textual data involves human compre-
of images, local combinations of edges form motifs, which assemble hension, wherein the collected data is scrutinized and segregated
into parts, eventually resulting in objects. All of this representation into distinct categories or classes, specifically designated as "eye-
learning is accomplished in an unsupervised manner. The number witness", "non-eyewitness", and "don’t know". The "eyewitness"
of filters and convolutional layers determines the degree of richness category encompasses data that pertains to accounts of natural
in the features and levels of abstraction that are to be derived from catastrophes as directly witnessed by individuals. Conversely, the
images [20]. "non-eyewitness" category comprises data that is contributed by
Several modifications are required to employ convolutional neu- individuals who are not eyewitnesses. Lastly, the "don’t know" cate-
ral networks (CNNs) in natural language tasks. Firstly, textual data gory refers to data that contains relevant keywords associated with
must undergo tokenization and encoding as numerical variables, natural disasters but lacks the essential context to categorize it as
as is customary in neural network algorithms. Secondly, word- such[10], [22].
embedding representations have gained preference over character In the present investigation, the utilization of three textual
and paragraph representations over the past half-decade. This is datasets sourced from Twitter is demonstrated in Table 1. The
attributed to the fact that semantical and syntactical similarities are datasets encompassed a total of 3000 tweets which were method-
better conveyed in a distributed manner, as evidenced in literature ically categorized into three distinct class labels, namely "eyewit-
[19]. ness", "non-eyewitness", and "don’t know". Each class label consisted
A matrix can serve as the representation of a sentence. The num- of precisely 1,000 tweets.
ber of rows in the matrix corresponds to the sentence length, while Instances of data from Twitter, which are present in the three
the number of columns represents the word embedding dimension. datasets, can be visually observed in Table 2.
SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia Mohammad Reza Faisal et al.

Table 1: Dataset

Dataset Class Label

eyewitness non-eyewitness don’t know
Earthquakes[10] 1000 1000 1000
Floods[6], [7] 1000 1000 1000
Forest Fires[10] 1000 1000 1000

Table 2: Example of natural disaster tweets

Dataset Tweet Class Label

Earthquakes Kuat sekali kali ini, yg kmrn2 juga kuat tpi barusan lebih kuat lgi eyewitness
Gempa Terjang Sukabumi, Ridwan Kamil: Sudah Kirimkan Bantuan non-eyewitness
https://t.co/6L8rIy5KzH https://t.co/NPmRoDEA2u
Tiap hari ngerasanya kek gempa, taunya darah rendah. don’t know
Floods Nah kalo kosan banjir gini kan enak Jadi ada kerjaan gitu daripada eyewitness
BNPB imbau semua pihak waspadai dampak susulan banjir Bengkulu non-eyewitness
Dijual tanah di pondok kelapa bebas banjir terbukti sabarr yaaa don’t know
Forest Fires Ini tu ada kebakaran hutan/lahan deket sini apa ya? Bau asap eyewitness
kebakaran hutan yg menyebabkan kabut asap di kalbar kemaren udah non-eyewitness
sampe ke Bontang, Kaltim. stay safe warga Kalimantan :(
ini bukan asap kebakaran hutan..ini kabut di lembah sindang..#brrr don’t know
http://ift.tt/1NELF1E pic.twitter.com/gxsHDDvvBy

3.2 Methods additional vector lines with a value of 0 are appended, as depicted
Figure 1 depicts the experimental plot, which is a detailed represen- in Figure 3 part a. Similarly when a sentence comprises N words,
tation of the various techniques and procedures employed during the corresponding illustration is presented in Figure 3 part b.
this investigation. After completing the feature extraction procedure, the struc-
The initial phase of the study involves text normalization of tured data is partitioned into two distinct sets: the training data,
the three datasets. Subsequently, the quantity of words in every which constitutes 80% of the data, and the testing data, which com-
natural calamity report is ascertained to determine each dataset’s prises the remaining 20%. The training data is then subjected to the
greatest quantity of words. The maximum number of words in CNN + LSTM Hybrid 2D classifier, which generates a classification
a sentence is then employed for carrying out word padding and model. The efficacy of the resulting model is assessed using the
feature extraction. testing data, and its classification performance can be measured
In Figure 2, the processing of each dataset at the feature ex- by calculating the prediction accuracy. This research has produced
traction stage using three distinct word embedding techniques is numerous classification models for different structured data sets
illustrated in sections a, b, and c. As a result, the output takes the that have undergone feature extraction. The performance of each
form of three 2-dimensional structured data with dimensions of N x classification model has been evaluated and compared to identify
m, where N represents the maximum number of words generated by the embedding technique that offers the most optimal performance.
word padding calculations, and m represents the number of values
in the word embedding vector, specifically 100. To execute feature
extraction using a combined word embedding technique, the three
structured data are concatenated as demonstrated in Figure 2 part 4.1 Result
d. The dimensions of the merged structured data are N x 3m. From the outcome of conducting a rigorous calculation of the total
The process of feature extraction results in structured data that count of words present in every individual sentence within the
possesses uniform dimensions, which is crucial for enabling ef- given dataset, the maximum numerical value of words is derived
fective processing by the data classifier. The technique of word from sentences (N) as meticulously depicted in the comprehensive
padding plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the output data also Table 3.
conforms to the same dimensions. Specifically, when the maximum Moreover, the utilization of the N value facilitates the generation
number of words is N, and a sentence contains N-2 words, two of well-organized data through the implementation of a feature
A Social Community Sensor for Natural Disaster Monitoring in Indonesia Using Hybrid 2D CNN LSTM SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

Figure 1: Experiment procedure

Figure 2: Feature extraction using word embedding

Table 3: Number of maximum word in the dataset

Dataset N
Floods 47
Forest Fires 57
Earthquakes 52
SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia Mohammad Reza Faisal et al.

Figure 3: Feature extraction with word padding N

Table 4: Output of feature extraction process

Dataset Word Embedding Dimension

Floods fastText 47 x 100
Glove 47 x 100
Word2Vec 47 x 100
All 141 x 100
Forest Fires fastText 57 x 100
Glove 57 x 100
Word2Vec 57 x 100
All 171 x 100
Earthquakes fastText 52 x 100
Glove 52 x 100
Word2Vec 52 x 100
All 156 x 100

Table 5: Hybrid 2D CNN + LSTM architecture configuration and params

Layer (type) Output Shape Param #

embedding_67 (Embedding) (None, 57, 100) 896800
reshape (Reshape) (None, 57, 100, 1) 0
conv2d (Conv2D) (None, 57, 100, 128) 3328
max_pooling2d (MaxPooling2D) (None, 14, 25, 128) 0
flatten (Flatten) (None, 44800) 0
reshape_1 (Reshape) (None, 1, 44800) 0
lstm_1 (LSTM) (None, 64) 11485440
dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 64) 0
dense_4 (Dense (None, 3) 195
Total params: 12,385,763
Trainable params: 11,488,963
Non-trainable params: 896,800

extraction methodology that draws upon three distinct word em- configuration and parameters employed in this architecture are
bedding techniques, as well as a combined approach, ultimately discernible in Table 5.
resulting in the production of a total of 12 structured data points, By employing testing data to assess the 12 models, the efficacy
as delineated in Table 4. of each model can be discerned, as presented in Table 6.
Twelve classification models were generated utilizing the archi-
tecture of hybrid 2D CNN + LSTM, as illustrated in Figure 4. The
A Social Community Sensor for Natural Disaster Monitoring in Indonesia Using Hybrid 2D CNN LSTM SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

Table 6: Performance of classification models

Dataset Accuracy (%)

fastText Glove Word2Vec All
Floods 80.77 78.83 80.61 81.27
Forest Fires 86.14 85.23 85.76 85.07
Earthquakes 79.66 77.83 80.16 79.72

Figure 5: Comparison of classification models’ performance

Figure 6: Comparison of average performance based on word

embedding technique.
Figure 4: architecture of hybrid 2D CNN + LSTM

4.2 Discussion level. Such an outcome may be attributed to the supplementary

From the results of the classification model, as delineated in Table features provided by the Glove-based feature extraction output.
6, a comparison can be observed, as depicted in Figure 5. The present study compares the optimal outcomes with those of
Generally speaking, the classification models generated through prior studies utilizing 2D CNN [23], which are depicted in Table 7.
the utilization of structured data based on fastText and Word2Vec In [23], word padding values were employed based on statistical
demonstrate superior and consistent performance, as illustrated computations, specifically the mean, mode, and median, and the
in Figure 6. In contrast, models constructed using Glove-based most favourable outcomes were achieved by utilizing word padding
feature extraction exhibit a slightly reduced level of performance. based on mean calculations.
Additionally, Figure 6 reveals that the amalgamation of structured The present results demonstrate the significance of two factors.
data derived from the three-word embedding techniques yields Firstly, the utilization of word padding, contingent upon the highest
comparable performance to fastText and Word2Vec, albeit at a lower number of words (maximum), can offer crucial insights without
SIET 2023, October 24, 25, 2023, Badung, Bali, Indonesia Mohammad Reza Faisal et al.

Table 7: Comparison of models’ performance with previous research

Dataset Accuracy (%)

Floods 81.27 78.33
Forest Fires 86.14 81.97
Earthquakes 80.16 78.33

truncation, thereby enhancing classification performance. In con- performance. Additionally, the study employs the most basic 2D
trast to earlier investigations, truncation of words occurred during CNN and LSTM architectures.
the feature extraction process, leading to the loss of information In future investigations, there is a need for additional explo-
that the classifier could have utilized to construct the optimal clas- rations aimed at the amalgamation of two distinct word embedding
sification model. Secondly, despite the potential of word padding to techniques. Furthermore, a subsequent inquiry will be conducted
generate sparse data, the proficiency of CNN to handle structured to examine the optimal utilization of both CNN and LSTM archi-
data is a salient attribute, facilitating the provision of important tectures. This subsequent research endeavor aims to enhance the
information to be processed by the LSTM classifier to construct classification accuracy, thereby obtaining an effective social com-
a superior model when compared to the utilization of a 2D CNN munity sensor for monitoring natural disasters.
classifier alone. These findings illustrate that LSTM can effectively
acquire and exploit long-term information in sequential data, thus ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
enabling better comprehension of the context and relationships
between words in sentences. This research was supported by funding from the DRTPM Research
Using the t-test, a comparison of the results above reveals an Program of Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Research,
attained two-tailed P value of 0.0478. This noteworthy value denotes and Technology. Main Contract Number: 130/E5/PG.02.00.PL/2023,
a significant enhancement in the performance of the classification Derivative Contract Number: 576/UN8.2/PG/2023.
model in this study when juxtaposed with former studies.
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