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~ COrv\fYIUNI CA1ION: ..

* Va.ta wmrnunr'·on s 0.t-e -the. exchon Be

of detta betweeh two devrr:eg ,, v1'et ,gor'flfb
-form tmngm,'.ss,'on fY)eci;uro sue;.. o.s \NIY e c.o~e
I ' l

l.FOUR BAS re. J:undamerrtal ·cJ-arocter~~s

. I
~ i ){1)e(,'very_ 1- 7)ata._ mUSt' d.e/;W?r -to --thf2 w,rec±
destT'h C{tron .
1)ato. muSc de{tver occ.urat-ety -to
if) (Accuracy J
-the sys.tern.
• The wrr,rr>Uhic,::itlon sy.stern ')'t)Ust
1 11
; )/11ma,tt'neSS~ J deltveY data fn a -t;rnef y ~ n Qr · 1

11- i's .a vo.n·crtron ln packet arri\/OI
~'V)@Yre-~ - -bh,<2, P,o-tt:L-DI ~ ~ ~ o , - o w l ~ .

Cofvi(X)N £ NTS •.
e±.47 . Qe,w~~

1i ctrs-m,c;s1Dn
~d •vff' • _( _ L
,he- messa~ -IS a.· d.Clrd OY I nro(JY'UT,IU
i) fMessagQ ) -
-w be.. c:ommun'I coted ·
t can be text t)urnbers pi'c., er
' :r ~ _,,

'D l Set1de.rl - '

,he s.endet ,· s a cte v,te trot _g,ends
cttta ·
Va r-ious dev,ces
data .
eal') be used -1:D

rece;ver recefv'2. -thQ rrforr-notron/

,i:>l'Rece,ve~ ] _'he.
..a.. -tra~rni tte.d by .serdf'f .

J'? /M ediurt">)-
I ~
- :It a P-,y!lioa.1 pai+i thtough r:Dhich
m~e pq~ --Hvr-n se~er to reCQi~r
"The 1tan.9Y11SSIO h ,),.e.d1lun CQI') be
-fwisted-p::vr- c..a.~e., c.o~ O::lblo/ ~1b'2r-opt:t. C!l..J:Je.
1' ?"TA RtPRESENm,roN ~-- - --
1)QJ-a is
~ I
,·n d'rr-
/Tt-et"f>')t type..s

ti) [Tex t J - Text isrepresen~ as bit:- pattern .,

Q se.ql{e0CQ oF bdS ;. e . o or ,
~ AS.CII coc:'2 is ~ed .
ti') ·-Num be'S] - we. represented 6>, b't
P=ltt er()&* A SC(I co.i e. not- used .
~ e s are also represented by b't
'yOtH?rf"\S .T~e Is Cu;rn~ed of- a ,ratH)<-

of p·xels •
QI> ' Audto \ Aud.t'o ±e><t- ~ huml:::er ~
is di.f¥er-enr +'tom
ov-d irn09es . Audio is re.fen; -co -the.
record,r-o oY brcodcasi>'B of s at.nd CJ6 rru~'c ·
-:i{ -TL.. ,t~ '- ' ..J'
.:...L:\:. LOnti nuoll ~ r rot
IC> ere t-e . (;;;t ,~

l") \Jt'deo
J ..n- t-et'ers -to the record,~ (J( b-ocu:ko~V"9
oF CL p'ctun2 CJf mott'e .

> DA,A
~ Commun1'C.Ot-iOn b etween te,oo ckzvt'es ard se.rdQ r
-three. types :
n::ce'r ve r ron be 0

o Sin,ptex
o H.cttP-:Dup{ex
• fut! _ 'l)upl ex

~ (, bi mplex :]
-----'Q. of' ~ttnl~CY\ d_atd. CClh
-1.t In simplex nu. '
t(OUJ Ih one.. cJ;ree,h'Dn on fy u.nid ir(?ctiorcd
' -ttunSmit- data Ql'\d ~th:Jr
l( eh.e. dNic <2. co..n
~ -1-1_,.. clo f-a at1.d ,worK.s o.cwrdir,-:J'Y.
de'11'c Q CAa cv'"_, ~
{ ,,,,c:• ': {•(' , ''J" (/.<_l 1 <..y. ,{( •t ) )
'D11It , l'rr •1V /'1w" (' r, u I, 1nc1r,, 1( 1 (JY ·fro,·, ,
k ,.,;I, t , , " I tr, IJ1r> ) \ I r' , 11"1 r~" · d ,)'('Clio •, C'J•>Iy .

1)i,r"<'hb,, o f dat n

he11.f' d , (f)I C'-' rnc,,fo, of cc1 mmt l nitccd Ir.» 1 " ·ac'1
-X : ln
Lt uns>'YV t OY n><Pi v <" i J-i a MP" a ,c.f ! C, >Ii, t «)
'rh hett-P otu.r::' PX' r-nc.d G
\n-1,-vrtunt cc-incfrl ,· CY'
Ct( r:- C( t t,-rQ
--~ . /\n CQ '1~ ttan~H
d.<?\J ,'c e
IS u~+ bvlh
Is v.s:ed by Q.f)y
' c hcvy-()f cqpcicH.y
>( '"f Ae entr'rv
ex t:- t..h:;tt -trmQ .
d evice _ tt~m) t &'9 -
CV lX(ll< f'Cr:,A l,) ➔
LO ~~ "
9 k::"" t::cttn ·frou ( b)

l,.(_)~ k.;.t C11)0() 2

.-{19: duplex e.
3. ux:ttt<J~e - fc.tK:a
( il f cd/ ~tple ~ :·/

~ _Jft ru
ti duplEK rnoele I both ~t-ctbbn co._r,
t rctl1Sl'll: t- a.rd r ecei Ye. si'r-nu tta rea,~/y .
¥ ;J,-, f<_tll cl.CjjO/e>c ,rcde cl co,nffitln.'ci:xtltr-, Jot«
.fCc:w ;,. .1::dh cttree:tiY>S i:i--ora -the. cram0 00-.fAc,'fy
* .f.,:nrnp/e, T-er~ ne-tu>or"k - ~ c n bar
b:th eric!S Wik a.nd h:St-er,
<'.Qh c,1.t- i:.ha &CtrnQ -b'IYQ

£; 6]- 4"fo(ci~O'"➔ -fi) g

-f'ig> fcl// rlitµ P.x
~ pef'rnitl'on :
~ A n et worl< is. a. s e:1: 0 P device<; ( n
wrinectQd by eommun,'c:ct-b'cn-, links . cdes )
.)(. A node mn ~ CL cor,v-1 ,~it-0- , pn, ni:Q r Dr a,-,v
other dQ v1cQ. CQpctf:=1e oF sercf'B / or rec.Qc, v,s
1 , do:ta ,,,r


-¥. A -task l.s divi'ded a.rnorg tnult\f)le c.cmpU.ters

- ----
Turfo rrranco
N.8Tlt-ID Rt<; cP-1TE R1A ·

o.'.)T~it tJIY)Q ... 'The cwa.tnt or

trm12. req,<-,·1rPd .f'or
m e ~ U,....,...,,,,.._
-trr:u,.QI .f'tu-n or12- de\t1'c.<2. -to a.natl-Qr .

~ ~ . . 'TI-1'2- Q.1apsPcl -t;irr,<2 l:,e-tc.veen a..h

ihqµ; ry ard o. n:>sfro'nS(? ,

f\lefworK rnetn'cs ·.]

~ '7hrv<-t9hfUt:-
An acwal measurern?rit c:,f
ho<.V ~ eon be. ~ m i ttecJ .

¥ )..oferlcy tde0.I/ - fbe ·tirflQ r«iuire.d .for a r!lew3e.

!:rs' c..e;rflp1e.te/y o.rrlv~ at- t/.it, desb'rat'()t-, fro= swrc:Q .

"I ~et' L'f:y - f'~uencY oF -Po.Huro , the. -t-ih'l1- rl:

-tate~ 0- . ~Y\K ti, reccN" fro,.,, a .fb)Wf'Q , robU,;tregg ·
41 Net:tco'1< sec.ur-lb/ - ipmttict>'o-n oF c((ilt1 .fror-<1

u:;otd:f-6;~ oc&sc;. ·
* rhe_ nodPS. ih c..ompltQr netel.)Orr(. oJQ
iht.Prcornect-Pd b-; Sl:>rrf2 (in,::. ,hz- can b?-. ck
{:c..e) 0 ~ pe<; .

i) lJoint- tlJ f~
➔,herQ IS Q c)ecfic.ated rink betr.1Jef>n tuJD

cJ!. e\flc Qs ( nod(< •

~ JY)Q. linl( cap:tcrty /g -5:hetred be~ h tf)Q___ MD

ricdes 0Y1ly.
f I h,e. It n k c.ori bQ. o. cabl"=- a-r rnic. f[A.-'ft¥ t'.
'!:>carnpE' '. TV ~'1.d ;ts le2n,cte (J)nt-rt,I .

[,l ~~ J,ocJ,co! Pd L"k

I -
7 _ ~\'/ 1\

-{, • poini ~ po,nt connPcf:i'Or '

i'1 ) [ MuH:i P?\ l")t ]
When -hm Of rnDTQ. ofov,cf'<;; &hare_ Q ~
tin~ / rt }g caH e.d cts t-nu t-tt pofht e~:m n.Q c.;tfD-r-. ,

I(_tJUlb'd.wp) . :- 7 , 0 ,
l)J 6'6' f< s:f Q. ( l er, 2

Co r()(i')"1Y' l, I() /<. .0-~r-



=i l

{...LG5k ~tCt t(Orl .3

7J_Hv,g ,cA L Tooou::x::n.y :
:.I-- µJ..', out c,f' "nett,,-..10--k Phy~ call y .
:,, ru:.o er rrcre devkes c.onY""'ec..t-- tu o.. ( r,k ,· tux, Q-

morQ hnk ~ for rYJ a -top:; t09 y .

>t- G,recrretr1c.. ree:,n:senta:tton oP --f::hQ'ip oF-all
the ltn t« G\rd 1inK1:3 42v o?S .

~ /j0 e~h Topo~y ,7

r fvery dev,ce fus a. de.cli'cated p:,r'nt-to - point {;,-, le.
to evfF(l{ o~r- device .
nCn-1) J2

P) {str,.r Top:,logy . ]
~ foth dw1cQ ras a ded,c.ated poif'\t - pdht til\t< t:nly
tt5 ~ l co-ttVl k?r , t.KUall V c.a lled °' hub .

l' f'Bu.s ,qx>ll:9"/ ·)

-l< £very ca-npu-1:0' a.rd olevicl2 iJ:
u:>l"l"RcJed ---b Siry:J e Q'.).bl e •

L-r 0. cied,·~t--eol portt. - to -p;\l"'lt

)/- Each d01ice 'i--'>
4-L. I -t nQ. -tw D dQv/c.Q:; t!>h eri}1Q' ~·d e
tohnecfic:n t01l.Tlon 'I
C>t i-b .
* £ dev/c12. i11 -the nng incorpcrrz:t. tps a.

re~ .
") K'/ bncl rep:, tf9j ·.
~ &>,n'oi"no:l;b<-, -of ore !!% ,..--orQ l::a.9L- -iopa/~,Qs ,

1t)(Dp b 'Drop \
0 ,
C'[xopl -·o
- -,nO
lir-e r~ne
G- ---□ t - -- - [ab(e.
~ .

'Tap Ta.p 'Tap

~j •. 'Bll~ 7opolotj)t


rfiy: &'tor 7qoo(tx;y.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --
, I g to r n e f;wo(l<Z.

fig.• Hybrid TopnllXjy

AJSS tBl-E ~OE s.TWN S :

(D No.rr,e- tt-e, .fom· ncltom--K TV po\tg/ PS ond
Q/cpl, -them 91'11'13 CTI I tl-,<2- re,tevarit f-ewtl rO S

~ t--l,'9ht1'glo -tto Ch,rnc.l:e.rlstits of- u,,,neoHbn1e £' s

-ri e.twoYI< .
NE 'TW OR k T'I PE S PR.aroc..gL LA'fE RtNGi

S£ ~0 N PL AN I

MA-N.S to rn in.s

/ Po int Iv 'f-blnt WAN

I ~+-- Sw itc he d WA N
/ In ter ne tw or k.
5 rnr 'ns
(!i) Fr lra ne .t
en t :
- Acc
-tJvz. ~t -e re r,t

Xn ter
'DS L s.eru fre., to m' ~
~X up Se'f\/£a
tJ.sh1B We~ ret un ok
(J s~ cab l<lnettL<Jrl<~ •
Ust-g t&ir-(2 fe>, neh.il5l t.
~ t C0nnectloh bi ih' 2 rn tetr-eL .

2~ rn in S ,

<M'mrbW tom ir"\ _g

~{ ~n ts ~ µ,..yerad A¥ct-·itec:l:vr<2.
t:'eatur~ ~ ~ I la .lf 2~ -
1)rir-cJpt£X of protoc.d J.a ye n~ .


Lt) J-ocat A:rw.. Netc.WYT< ( J-At'/s_)
~ A C;Jmu.p oP c.c>rrp1-t"r c_or,necteol -fo 01.cJ->
~ o.9 f:ujld.i ~
otf,e ~ in 0- Smet~ ofntc.e. 01<20-

~ ~ C1)Sb
~ .'.fabl--er data -ttansmrssl'Dr .
~ eonneQ_t-ed u~ C9hle I !;U?r'tc.h
i:Lo1st-e.d 'fX.1(, cro..r::io.b wJ:;JQ .
""'rost- r H~t 2. Most 3 +--la;t 4

16 Ip f
+-te>St ':i Host b Hoc t ::J Hoct &

ti?- Sw1't(h
~ A co~la
-:- A C6nn~Dn,

0-- H.ost
c1'1 f'/\ef:-topa(;tetn A,eo. Netw:)Y't. CMAN) ,,
7 A- ne;f:ux>~ :f--et_t-. ~r~ Q La.~e 9eof)raph'fc.aJ ~
areo- by -ir1t:er~':9 dtf.feient LA-N -tp ~ °'-
lcu~ new>i . '
I '7' Ca:nnented os, ~ tele p ~ €/<V'a!"B e. {~ .
I ~ U ! ) ~ - ~ r , . rnecHum : Cpb'<al R ~ G,J)IQ__\

I CJ:>vers ~ns ~ cibe--9 (_ri3b~~

II od.eq_µctte fh15 1> COrnp-(t{

J ·----- AREA_ N8TWORk ~

11A nehO:»'/( -that eKten:k o-ter a. [Cll'.;Je 9ecxampfil
oreo.. g C\ ~ .Stctl"QG or eountn' e f>
'7 'B193e, hetu).)Yk
}' ~l;en-i.?-1: - 'B1'.'.J'3-esl: UJ~ In the_ e,uofid .
~nneci-ecl ~·'13 tefephor12 fi "Kl JRbre.. o ~c__ cablR.
Scttetlite ti"'~ ·

1 Us-e9 : _· Bus,"1e~ "ernrnen t- eclu.t.a-ben , .

( 1) o1rtt- bi 'PoLht W ~N .
~ A netr,oo rK -thol wnnaU tuD c..-tl"(t.ln
.~evi'c e~ th r=t,h ~ l'Y"li's.obn medium axbl e / a', r ,

S> A hehrofl:: ,witb . tro%_~ two e,'lh .

'Betti:: !:oh.U l'r;p- 8(ob'.:>J ~er~ ~ 1 /::

tzJd_oy . j \
£ ' . ~' '
£ L~N g

/ £ e0 ~
g g
g LA-N £ WAN g LAN ~
g D
6) g £
g /
,P,9 : Wr'de IP-tea. rl?.tt.a!J-'Jtk .

~ r- ,Jo cv1o tho<tt

,.._____ _.._~er/ t ")() t lWyt_:

C)nothcu netu:JI)( le
6 ) ~· Cc'r)T'>t 'cl i,'- ) dcvt
I ~

- · t ('lt'')he\ ~ ',.,1}
,V)1.•tJ.;, I rt l
f:bt nf fv ptJc~I NAN
' fo oro (hci, · /c"> r\""ri tJ\.' ll

·J.;"' "'"' -_,.t.I:'.'. ,r I}Pl ""'Il

etnOt r0D
e~-l .v0<lc
rl _,.,
_ , ; . . - -......
, r., n r it 1/ A(" l
.. )(', ( 1, () I ~:

'- Lr ;:,- · 11,, 0~11fh<1,

t'lb r-»"(..,., ·' ~ •
.... f y ,, r- n..t, 1 ll1 I
t-'f't.J,VO '1 t
1 · Ir • o rv 1H)I.· ,
t,, 'rr UOI /

A (J,~ 1 ,'lrh◄ •cP ln.rl)rJ

~- - - - - - - - - - - - ~ --
;• t]}([FRNITNORk ·
c~ ----- ----
* when n.elworlis wnnecl ed
two I
ex- mom J

Oh. ,ntetnetuJD(l< or iri-t:erne t .

they rYtal<e

VJe.St- u, O~ih'C.Q.

"?' Al A~ rl,iemet:wrx'k ,-,,ad, o£ -tu,;, J..rir-1} a,,d

Ohe.- pcx}.t- f:D - ~t- ·

Typ E.9C) r: _<J'r,(ff'flN f 7())OJ?- IC :

\\,!"1<'TRANH : >----
~ t?se - t.ifo...-f'l'\cttlon &rari '9
>I- .lw,e~t- level of' int.Qrrat u.,o(l('3 ( MAN 'WA N)
* 'r'2strict~ - Le~/" ctedentlCl Is •
* cant- r-0.v.e Si~\e ~
>f rnu~ 'rO-'-I e. . CD:>nnectlo-> -to Qi<temoi r,/2b.O<)'((::::

1r N1RANH?)
* gh O'f e2 in-fo, rratl Dl"'I a..,_ol orno129
--thQ. orgC1.n1%(1:ivY> ernpIY'leP~ ·
/... 'Pro\frdes --tbdll'bf -to wo1 ll-- rn groups
te1econfere nc.~

y An Inter net is ~ or m or.e. 'Yle two(!( s thai-
Clln e_o,nrv1unico.te. 1,,11-th eac.n ~r ·

/ I
~ -- ·

~/ \CC f nc-:rN'~
=, ..-cJwc
r I.I:
.Jf'fTFRN £7 .·

C1') Us,'n.9 1e-P ep hone Networks

ot) ~10. \ - u.p- serv ic_e. -
~ 'DS: L Serv,'ce ]) 19:w.1 &tb&-:r;60< Line .

11) U_ghq cable<Ks

<>-) S0Nr'ce - .Srretll l::,us,'1,e.S f n1.d'd12ree
b) higher-- speecl c.e>nnec1:0"' .
(1 Ui:in.9 Wirefe5.5 rie.twcJf Ks

CI/) D in;,cr con nec,fo,-, -1x, -th<L

.'.Ir. tenicl- ·

~ ~: Y 4 /e s ] - H u t f:::otJ-,
efiYJes ihe_
A p r o t o w / /d a l l ;n f: e tr n e d ia te d e 'l t e s
a r d rt>ce d
,'ttet Qh
rr u .~ ,'~te e ffecb\.e/
&nder e o b l e -t-o C.Om
otlc,w -to b !l
eed -to ..P ture .'
.,.,,o f ~
d Architec
~C ~ ~ t s -- -~ s} t h a J a
e t of' QC./ 'ori
1 t : i's
► ~ Io iAe h13he.., layer- .
a / s :i

1 pmv,'d e9 -r q s e t o f ~ resl - t h a t o t o y e r r:J!P.s

d eA ne
' ► Pro t o w !
: 'lf:
w ;u-, p e p r entity.
e rrna:f:\on
/ ~9 rvu.9h V'Jh/ch - t h e
cs I'I\M..y ] -th
.r o t h e r (a'/
1 n te rfucQ ~
lo.yer -b> o
;t'errQd [ -f'toro o n e;
I t~
~ ~ I ~.

of b u il d 1 n 9
e p,o~e{Y) / t11 t.f
p:JSes c.vmpotie"
1 · 1 t / decom m o r e ma"°ject812.
I retvwrl<
in t o
2J. 1t: p rov/deg a
1 ~-
;~ s ~c f ~ l c a f ,o n j m e.h ( o ~ e r
ro no t a : : n ,r a i .n d i re c n O n .
(b : d irecl- in e a c h
: j • for Slt e 5 to sks , O h ,€
w o CP ftV b o t h SJ ·te
p e r fo ( m i: f.a y e-,. o t
r QOch _
oJi, ec b-s J u
I nde
/ a, ,!_Two
~houtd be.
[ identi'caJl .
. )
~uEs TTON s : _•
I Po~s &
1 E
i'n~ mQ);- a r c h ,·ra);qre
I {) J> ~ 1h d. ekti I o


WJ r.'ntrcck1CtiO" :
► 'The I CP / I P cm:hltecture
'IP ~ \..,
is oJso wtled
I~ .;; Atr:hiteciurD 1
}, f)evetope.d 'o-j_ US J efence £-0van~ 'Re5ecirrh
_r~ect ?ff';!;-y / '.DARPA -fu r its pa~t _c;:vv-itthe::l net w~~
: ~ ,r.p/l
~ IP is_ a ,=,_r:Qtpc.ol ~ vsed \n @:m-ern~
"» ::It ,'s °'- \_'t" layer n'lc:dQ L]

t· Apph'c:..o:ti'on wve r
~yer- ( TC-P (U .DP ,I

?. · 'Tr-on spo-rt
3· Netwof K
4· Data.L,nlC:::. ~'le"
5 Phy£i'cetl Ll\yer -- -
[_:- Appli=!'?"' }i;.. .- -;>f
.,;. App!{ca-tion \ t.,,,,er 5

[ - Tmn.9 pDrt-.! _ _J---;>1~_Iro.n,;por-f: JWyer +'.

[ ---f--~-"'6- Tot-et-work J i..oye,3

I 1'-/-etvvoi F< Tuter-face. -~ --*· '.J)ata Llnk 7 t.o-'/<"' 2-

Appl k__a.,-tton G7

Net-WDrk Rou.ter
i7 Ne.two< k
1)atqL',nk 1'I et- wo r K
Tu-ta_ Li"k _,--- , '1):rlqt;

f?hysiecJ J)q+a L;l'")f<

_Phys;~,-.- I

'\'" ___ ,
CJ_-- --

A Li'n"/<. 1

.1,,1 De~af ,-nrt'On
--~ _:::_ p Each La.yer
JhQ... cl ul.L y CPT
_(\ each r .

j__~ ApP\1·co11on Layer:
An applr'cafion IJJ.yer ts -th.e. [ii-ma:t /o._yei)
In -f:h e 'TC-P / 1P model.
~ 'l<es1::x:m~'l:ie - hcthclle h,'.9h /eve/ p,otv..dS
issues oP- re present-a.Bon .of Issue~
,J' A11 o i.J9 s I0.s.eY) -ho Iih te.ra~EJ w1th c,W J,'c_af\on .
1'!'1 e O PP /\caf,on (OJ.teK protoco I "tO ccrnnV- n' caJ e
w 'th QT>Othc> r ct.pp ncatiDn byQr I ;r .forwards 'r/S

~ tD tha f&ansport. !oyei]

}-/ Tmnspq,-t
~ "v'--- ~ .<.,;:.. - - - ~ I
J._a.ver: ,
,) ' p::ins,'bi It y _[re liabW 1:--y_ J, _f Cow contr5? I wr 'edi:ir;
oP sent CNer -the network .
► Th2. r-fun:>
--===- •
protocols] In -transport, ar" .
j ,/_ uDP :J
ill:- u D P
~ ~- --
es rz::onnecbon Jg sl s.-ervic e
-encl -tv end cielive.-yJ of ·-1:n:msm/ssion .
- ~ .n-~ cth . l~relrctbl~_J2rot:v~- ib cli.swver
Qrror- bu.t- not- .speofy error-
~I ~ I ·
.----- - . _.-

. z · ffcrj _ I ~n'l;s,;;ion
I * :rt 'P~ ~J..1 +r-cm~e?r/, to.yer s.ervi~

+o o.pph'cati 0'1 s ·
* Jc.p is O- /~ IJ Cl9 It . 9 ei-ec~
e.n·or- Glnd re.ttans_mit.s -t:ne. ~ d !rar<>-PS.
3 . 1 - - - - - - - -- - -
NetworK Lo..yer .
~ ~
> 'lhr.)-td
►, t"e~ J:OnS\ bit,t-y _ (8ends pa~ei} ~ Or\y
he-f.wot k.
'> Tlt:r.nsfu,. cf- 1nfu-rrct.ti0n o. CJV 5;S, mu t-b pie het. w~
-thr-oU9h [?ute:J and (§ate~
> 2_P_ Protr:c.o tl ,:S used lh 111/s fC1.ver, mo.s+-
<$1 ~n if'cant- 'JXl r t

4 ~ ~ J.o._yer- : ~

I > 1n rem et- - J_ F=,Ns

c.onnect-ed by roucers
lNhe,, ff-)Q.
°tv)cz... tcX.Ltey., -t:-~
hex:r- linl( -tz, -travel ~ Gfeterm~d
®ta. /r'nl< fD'/Pr t.S respons1 c:Je

i7Jy -tak~'>:19 ~(2_ l~h') J ~ot ~~ ~-t

5 •~ ~
-..,. 'Resr-on~t'b,l,f:-y - tco.rry1'19 ihctivtd.ucll b1tsJ th o.. .
~ t' acra~i -the. lt1hk .
► kx.v est- .).Q~e 1
► The cornmt-th11 c..atkn 6'?t:v.Jee n -hoo d.e.ricQS' Q-1::
-t-ne.. physt'ca.1 la.y er 'is \ to9,·ca.1 CCYON"'Un) co:bbh J
be co.use- t~ere. G'lO'f htddeh LO.\f?f Qt
ti,o_ -t,=~,..,), gG'on .,-ned'a I U.l"\de r -11-,e._ ph ',AS ,'cg.. I

I _J-o.. 'I er ·
-111-(E os.r f'/\ODf L i-
i?J .Tutmd tJ cb'o n :
~ DcvclopPa n,,rl
dC'!i1wcl by r=rso I( :interra-to'1QJ
ognn~1tlo)1 1or
- S\nt·drw·di'xa Hon )
' X /11 rf,i{0 /u, l1 '[o~r) ·,(q;,et1 S/y~tom '}i-11)21Cf-""'E>C1'0 ~
){ 0,1 n,cY-td 1s 0 f....seve~l !o.yer sla hdord

~ l O.V'2 1
~ t1ch
" teo yer p I ovl005 (§e rvIces]-to the ne,c t h<91--,Q r

'1?f':riay ~ r -ftom ~ /"

Jf 1&hi eTcls I -the, qe,ft:o' Is i rnP e
--ti,.o lLX.JJe r to.y~r .
¥r J
p11 ecf L \Ji'rutaD c.ommct'1iCcrtion . Veri '9 s i'Y'f' I ;t{es cies ,9 h , irnpleroenf:a:~n J. -te~

) 4:' ,pr- ~ Peer Proc.eSSQ.S

-'! 7h e I'[)wee> <s J Oh each mad> ;r, e tta.t- C£J rnrnue.(\(Q l:e
at C\.. gven ~ ore_ eottled pee,- -to- peer pvcMPI
"I. N h1'9 her lcwers comrnur>ico.1loh mc6b /i1,o-ie" dOwri
+Y,fOU.o/' +he tayers Oh dev/w A over -tv de v; cQ fl OY\o/

i"h.e n bct cK up ffiroue h Tho_ lC\ yt?a c;:

1- Each lo wr i.-, the .s:erdirq ctevjs.B ~ ;t,; o«l~
}I infi,, rro i:l(y, to i hQ mR c,;ocf' l r€a> i ves -!', 0.,,.-, -the
lo'{l'r )c{<I C\b°"" 1l- , ct>-c-1 f'C1'5 E'S the. whole p::,,Ka:9 e
tr, -t1 • '" 0'' jv<.t- be row cv,cl tmn sfe,,ecJ tu -ihe.
re cc;1vi.,.~ ~i () \/1 t f>

) :Inter(<-t t()l •.
.., !\,, ro.c<: ,., '::) /If' CM)/ I) urd ')'\ Phu>f k' h/b• h 1ctl'Ol l
olovJn t hrou._t;1--, tf,,p l1Ayms of \h<> ~erJ.:'j .d cv/c.e, 1v,I
bcu-1' 1J p lVwo •:5l, lfw \D, 'f Q, 1 ~ er ·I/ )0 l>-cG/J>0•,9 G~ 'VI C, Q
,. I , I I coc" .a ·1l'r
., m.0dP ,,e:i,,, :bl" ,, I "" ,., I., ""' I ,. I ... ~ c' r ,.

0\ 01(1 Ce n [~ \()'[PI 5 ·



~rni,Jo.11.b.-. T,ct~o{l--
fio-n b'g : T~9pwtl::!\, 7o r<2~0"6ll
,i-r -V l
rd,»o<fc- r- /f', 1 ~ i

fJ.I tum !Hj f.2- -ITuw

- - --

rb ph~i'ccd fa~'<"
IOLOloO00O((J[II 110 j1 oto l oDDO (Olll \l\.~J
F-q~ f h'1:;'c.(,)~' :~,,:g <» 1-1ediu,., ..-l
Loyers in CJ~ I - :M-:O
- L- - - - - ~
~ v-/'-- ~ ~ .


o/ J::t;· c00.di'r0.f<?S. ti,Q. -func.. b oY> S<W -to
--1; rons. rt>,' 1: o. bi' t- strea rr> over a phys• Cct t rr-,2d,u m

~ :It- d«! Cs cv,' Lh +he Me£.harYCa.,} ct..d el ec+rl ca !

sp€0'-f,-ca f; on g of the in l:erfm e. avid -tm.nsmiS1d on

-7 MechOI"'''ca t - ca.t:I e. , pl "8>, p ns . .9 .
f Iectn' c0.I { o pt,' ca.l _ rn ocW lo -bl> n , '9r-a Isl ,e~h
4!0ttD9e.. levels , b't:- -tj...,-,es .
,:> :Lt ct.ts o ol efi'h es itl 12. -pro<-ed u s a ,..,ol ~ -f'uni;,ti'o n_g
ihat-- phvsi'cal ctevlces o ,,_d inter-fee~ to ~
,f,,, trllf1_gm i,:s,' m -to o:.c.ur , l 1

F(Jr-.1C110N-"~ OF ~PHYSICAL~ l.l'l'/fR :, ~•f-ysiccJ c.0 , • ,d ,-, .:,i''
i o lfi ,-('cf-4rcrc1P
~ Jl d ei:,·,-,r, ifo. cham cteiisi-ts oF the I r.t€ 4ru.Q
betw & n ·the. cle<n'c-e~ and --1:f,,,.. -trcthS rY> iSS: °" ·
"-nd ~pe, cf -l,mnSrt11's.ctDn media .
0Repres en tahol-- ~
~ To
bi'-ts ·.
--tronsrnll- & bit< , tb-- m l.lSt be enud'2l:l i111:-o
~eettica/ at opvtcil s•9YCtl~ .
'-? Ir- clefin-'6 the type- of tepres ent-tt-8o7' r
u5 are! I .
i,) '.]::ut~ \rate : 'J)un:xtion cl' o. bi't C-rra.nsrnti,·rn mte )
ii\)~~'1thron '%Ct-ti.on t,,f. bib~ ·.
'7 Jronsm1sslo,, reit-e a.rd receivi"'9 '(al-e ')Y\(.Jsr b£l

&Ame -
l:> //\is i1 dorir b\_l Syn:.hro->i ;z,'::'.) do~ ot t,-e

&,,oter ord -rewv-Pr .

2. :Data Llnl< J..o.y,er I
T,vns'Yl,'t 'Frames -from one ~

n,.. Resp:t;s,b.12 -
it, =the h0e b-- .
--t-AQ. p~y.9'cat lo.yer -tz, 0- ~ l Q~ e_ Ii ►~
~ 1J- -lr-a.ns-fon-n~
eJ-rv, +r.e.c2- I;n K w u--rr=e r lo.yQ.,. .
rr-Q.K~n9 ,'f::. Oh

')' Fn:, m,''11 : --rh" -f'rornN rec.c) v "J -fu::no r,ettNcY ~ lly e,
cl.iv, c/-Qd i r,tt> mo. ""-9 ea bl12 o(ctt:0- u,.Jts eo..U'< d s · Adds ~ ....1Aro~sSJ? S
pnysi'ccd uuv-1
~?. f\,ys,'ml odcl~<?~lh~ '. Cr-roe Cl.dcln'S!:f'!l )~;~v',!; J
11 1) Error cor-rtro I - '.De+ecJs a rd r rtru.h9-'rls ~
h) l''r
n.OW contra I or lo~t fro rnPS .
- Cvnstarrt cb:tO rn:te vr, b[-o gi,'(JQ:;:
") Ace~ ccntro I -
.s:"1:)/e c,xnl'()un•'cot,m cJw,nOJ is smted
I'\/ he n o
by t-nultiple. c/.eyice,, -toe. MAC. & -tlo- lctyGr of' -!:he.
clctl-a h'n/::. Loyer h?l/')S -h> ote...~ rrnh'2 ~h,'t.h t:J'v.12,n
dev,·cQ ha.s C.()Y)-t-YD I <:JvQ, -th9- cJ-a,,nC? l ol o 0 i ven
--Fry)Q .
3· ~""'or~ ~yer :
I '7 \t'/Ofl< : - T rv_ngrnts<:.ion _t:f dal:-o- iY!).,,-, on9-- hti:-ls
-u:, w r lcta.t-eol in cliff-era,, t netwt> rb .

l') po.cKet ro 11.V1'"'!-\ '. . ._

~ ~e1e cJ-f'OY1 o~ gh(),te ~f:; -p ~ to -t v-a r1 ~ m; t. tra
• 1,.,...,L ~ -tf'9 h Uh1 be r cf- , cute~ ex vc:=t; l.06tQ
~C,,f\V ' .

::if 7he, ~ r Q 7
rece·,v9:'& \IP O<dclwsses_.....__.
Cl re.. plot ed i r, -lha ~~r b'/ iJ-a_ Y) /2.TV\,CYR le> t
•nten--v.! v ,~r v
n r\ ~dr"c.:.;'h '1

4- I~ s porf __} o 1..,, :\_

-¥ -r Prnv1'r/P'.- <y \ ,tirr> ,• ro
' or:f.-'",·~P_!:_,..,_
the> U' In•
;p r
-f '_" f(I f/P(,
_ ,e n1,rP~
r, '
1(• rorn ·!:ho ~ ro ,; w

: ,._ ?ato- ro{ rrrc>d · 1-o aL

I' , Y'..q,-nent
:, ~r,r.:19 f.:/ I~'/ : - tilP 1:t, '.ind det /Q_Y'-f J ce,rr p "1-Q
- - rnesso:;-e ·
-1 Pro I Id P s orYnuvJ \P ctqern(l,Yk o~ tfJO- $.4!t0: sf,tl

data -tra.nstr1 ,~ ,Y)p .

:;: 1J el. ror1.m' I6 -the- errvr dell-a .

[;pn,ciQ/.!> &\'de. :
S,, YPrvr ,e
h?r f-o,r-n
7 '.1rnr)c,rnMI~ now J) Error c.Q1i.YV I - P.J)S.U re .
· ib
p·cpe'r c!o.W -trt'.\f\St1\l~i(Y\. PJ (t- n u mli' r ih "

S, I .rJOu ::,wrc,e nrd cJ0.;trn0-\-iOfl

H~ers .
pe1i nttrnbct

" \. tt,t'H'l lS ¢t:qt.1( nt1n9 C\
if1r ..~1..\)l'l~'nh\ ~ L'k'ltn .
fi{t1t tie:•is :
Cn S:<'~•11" ~to ti~ Ollrl 1!~ sem't.JJ :
~ A..-r, r/< 1 11 't5Sc1.Cle ilc>rn ihc St c:s1i'n tnyn

An:l1.ks rPr.S~fl9r ~rh ~)1alf f , unit~

><' Fctth d'- tho 1~ ! prcc/tltC\.j hl'.5 c,. heD<cief

as.src,·atcd wr\h ,+.

~ Tmnsp:-1t- t{1.vei ctt des-bro:h'Dh s. h1-t-,c,n
re.J*Qrrbt:'~ fh .. m r:;;~e. .

(!9 8erv,'c.2 'Point Address,'~ '.

~ le d' "E.r i'f'ESSCl9e i"t' ihl2. ...~rtYecl prct.e',~ .
ih.:: i ri1.hsf_::D1 t h\~l Jnctudcs G -f. yp-:- 0~ o.clcH\t..'~$:.
( Cltfc:cf ~€r\/1(l? PCl/\t- C\({clre~~ Or part culd~ ~~

,, Ccn nee llor>
(',I ~ nt.nrl
Ct1 'n LC"Ll ()trvrce.;
(i,_ }'.f dabl
'0 1 t.: -S2wre

~- pnase.. P"o~s ·
/'V'~ ./"\,/V""-"V
I Cc nne (:_ttY, Fsra bl I'S! hrn . I'\'l.

? • futn. 1l an~f-e r·

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