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Present Simple


I speak
You speak
He speaks
We speak
They speak

Negativ: - se pune auxiliarul (to do)

I do not speak
He does not speak


Do I Speak?
Does he speak?

Se foloseste: in lucruri general valabile, actiune repetata (cu adverbe de frecventa)

Sfat: La conjugare se inlocuieste subiectul cu pronumele (persoana) corespunzator, sa ne dam seama de


Present continuous


I am speaking
You are speaking
He is speaking
We are speaking
They are speaking


Am I speakink?


Y am not speaking

Present continuous vine insotit de JUST si NOW.

We usually fly, but today we are going by bus.

Present continuous este folosit pentru planuri viitoare:

Ex: What are you doing tommorow ? (Ce vei face maine?)

La present continuous se utilizeaza verbele motrice, care exprima miscarea.

Verbe care nu se folosesc la present continuous:

- verbe de perceptie sau simturi: to feel, to hear, to notice (a observa), to see, to smell, to taste

Exceptii: seeing to

Ex: I’m seeing the doctor. (O sa ma intalnesc cu doctorul)

The mechanic is just seein to the engine of the car.

seeing things (vedenii)


Ex: I’m hearing interesting things about you.

A hearing – audienta (in termen juridic)


Ex: The doctor is feeling the patients foot.

- verbe care exprima ganduri sau stari mentale: to know, to understand, to trust, to forget, to believe, to

Ex: I find you amusant.

- verbe care exprima dorinta: want, desire, wish

- verbe care exprima senzatii sau stari emotionale: to love, to hate, to like, to dislike, to prefer, to adore,
to detest

Present perfect simple:

Persoana + auxiliar (have, has) + verbul la participiu


I have seen

They have seen

I have not seen


Have I seen?

Se foloseste:
- cand aduce o actiune dintr-un trecut apropiat pana in prezent:
since → for
since - arata ca o actiune incepe in trecut
for - arata durata
Ex: I have known her since…
My neighbour has not repaired his roof for a long time

- cand exprima actiuni din trecut la care nu se specifica momentul cand au avut loc.
Este insotit de: just, lately (de curand), recently, up to now, during, until now
Ex: The students have learned at this university
The train has just last

already → yet

already - deja
yet – inca

Ex: Have you got up yet?

Present perfect simple se poate forma cu adverbe indefinite de frecventa:


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