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100 Questions in

250 minutes

Q: How do Mendel’s experiment show

that traits are inherited independently?
● Mendel carried out dihybrid crosses by
crossing two pea plants differing in contrasting
traits of two characters. For example, he
crossed a pea plant having yellow colour and
round seed characters with another pea plant
bearing green colour and wrinkled seed

● In the F1 , generation, he obtained pea plants

with two parental and two recombinant
phenotypes as yellow round and green
wrinkled (parental) and yellow wrinkled and
green round (recombinant).

● This indicated that traits separated from their

original parental combinations and got
inherited independently.
Q:“Energy flow in food chains is always
unidirectional.” Justify this statement. Explain
how the pesticides enter a food chain and
subsequently get into our body.

In a food chain the energy moves progressively

through the various trophic levels and is no longer
available to the organisms of the previous trophic
level. The energy captured by the autotrophs does
not revert back to the solar input. Thus, energy flow
in food chains are said to be unidirectional.

Pesticides used for crop protection when washed

away go down into the soil. These pesticides are
absorbed by plants which are the producers. On
consumption of these plants, the pesticides enter
our food chain and being non-biodegradable,
these chemicals get accumulated progressively
and enter our body.

Q: “It is a matter of chance whether a couple

will have a male or a female child.” Justify
this statement by drawing a flow chart.

Women produce only one type of ovum

(carrying X chromosome) and males
produce two types of sperms (carrying
either X or Y chromosome) in equal
proportions. So the sex of a child is a matter
of chance depending upon the type of
sperm fertilizing the ovum.

Q: List six specific characteristics of sexual



1. Two parents are involved.

2. Two dissimilar gametes are formed,
gamete formation involves meiosis.
3. Variations are produced.
4. Occurs in all the higher and some of
the lower organisms.
5. Fertilization/fusion of gametes leading
to zygote formation.
6. Slow.

Q: Differentiate between tropic and nastic

movements in plants.
Tropic Movements Nastic Movements

1 Tropic movements are paratonic Nastic movements are paratonic movements of

movements of growth. variations.

2 Example: Movement of shoot towards the Drooping of the leaves of Mimosa pudica due
sunlight (phototropic movement). to touch (Thigmonastic movement).

3 Tropic movements are shown by plant Nastic movements are shown by plant organs
organs with radial symmetry (such as with bilateral symmetrical (flat) such as leaves
root and stem). and stomata.

4 Stimuli for the tropic movements are The stimuli for the nastic movements may be
unidirectional and never diffused. unidirectional or diffused.

6 Tropic movements are comparatively Nastic movements are quick movements.

slow movements.
Q: (a) Distinguish between cross-pollination
and self-pollination. Mention the site and
product of fertilization in a flower.

(b) Draw labelled diagram of a pistil

showing the following parts : Stigma, Style,
Ovary, Female germ cell

Self-Pollination Cross-Pollination

Transfer pollen grains from the Transfer pollen grains from the
anther to the stigma of the anther to the stigma of a
same flower. different flower.

This process can take place in This process can take place
the same flower or a different between two flowers present on
flower of the same plant. different plants.

• Site of fertilization – Ovary

• Product of fertilization – Zygote

Q: What is reflex action? Describe the steps

involved in a reflex action.

It is an unconscious automatic and involuntary


Steps involved in reflex action

● Receptors receive the stimulus.

● Nerve cell takes the stimulus, converts
it into electrical signal and passes it
through sensory nerve.
● The impulse passes through spinal
cord where it gets transmitted
through relay neuron and it passes
further through motor neuron to the
effector organ i.e., muscles.

Q: “Damage to the ozone layer is a cause of

concern”. Justify this statement and suggest
any two steps to limit this damage.

Ozone is a molecule of oxygen with 3 atoms i.e., 03. It is formed due to

sunlight at higher levels with higher wavelength.
O2 + (O) → O3

Ozone is found in stratosphere shielding the earth by protecting it and by

not allowing UV rays to reach the earth.

If these rays will reach the earth, then many harmful diseases are caused
like skin cancer, cataract. It also affects the growth of plants and

Two steps to limit the damage of this layer are:

1. Do not use aerosols, or any products which will release CFC

(chlorofluorocarbon) in the atmosphere.
2. Ban on use of CFC as refrigerant and in fire extinguishers.

Q: Describe internal structure of a human

heart with the help of diagram.

Q: Explain the mechanism of gaseous

exchange between tissues and blood.

The mechanism of gaseous exchange between

tissues and blood is as follows:

1. The blood reaching the tissues has

higher concentration of oxygen than in
the cells so it gets diffused into the cells.
2. the carbon dioxide, which is formed in
the cells, gets accumulated in higher
concentration as compared in the
blood, so it easily diffuses into the blood.
3. The blood with CO2 takes this gas to the
lungs, from where it is expelled out
during exhalation.

Q: What substances are contained in the

gastric juice? What are their functions?

Gastric juice contains three substances:

hydrochloric acid, enzyme pepsin and mucus.
Their functions are:

1. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is

used to make the medium acidic to
facilitate the action of the enzyme
pepsin and to kill germs if any.
2. Enzyme pepsin digests proteins to
convert them into peptones.
3. The mucus helps to protect the
stomach wall from its own
secretions of hydrochloric acid.
Q: (i) Explain why the rate of photosynthesis in
plants is low both at lower and higher
(ii) Is green light most or least useful in
photosynthesis and why?

(i) Photosynthesis is an enzymatic process. The

enzymes function within an optimum range of
temperature which is neither very low nor very
high. At low temperature the activity of enzymes
is lowered due to which the rate of
photosynthesis is also low. Again when the
temperature is very high, the activity of enzymes
decreases which leads to low rate of

(ii) Green light is least useful in photosynthesis,

because chlorophyll does not absorb green light.

Q: What is transpiration? Write down four

factors affecting transpiration process.
Transpiration: Water loss from the aerial parts of the
plant is called transpiration. Following factors are
there to influence the process of transpiration.

(i) Humidity: There is an increase in transpiration

when atmospheric humidity decreases, while
transpiration decreases with increase in humidity.
(ii) Speed of Air: High speed of air causes higher
rate of transpiration. But when the air speed is high,
stomata get closed and causes a decrease in
(iii) Temperature: Increased atmospheric
temperature causes decrease in humidity of air.
This causes increase in transpiration. When
temperature decreases, decrease in transpiration
takes place.
(iv) Light Intensity: When intensity of light increases
it causes increase in temperature and decrease in
atmospheric humidity which causes increased rate
of transpiration.

Q: Explain the process of nutrition in


● Amoeba takes in food using

temporary finger-like extensions of
the cell surface which fuse over the
food particle forming a food-vacuole.
● Inside the food vacuole, complex
substances are broken down into
simpler ones which then diffuse into
the cytoplasm.
● The remaining undigested material is
moved to the surface of the cell and
thrown out.

Q: In humans, there is a 50% probability of

the birth of a boy and 50 % probability that a
girl will be born. Justify the statement on the
basis of the mechanism of sex-
determination in human beings.

● The sex of an infant is determined

by the type of sex chromosome
contributed by the male gamete.
● A male produces two types of
sperms, one type bears 22+X
composition and the other, 22+Y.
Therefore, a male has 50% sperms
with X chromosomes and the other
50% with Y chromosomes.
Q: With the help of Mendel’s experiments
show that:
(a) traits may be dominant or recessive, and
(b) traits are inherited independently.

a. Monohybrid cross between two pure

breeding varieties always obtained
hybrid progeny exhibiting one parental
trait while the other trait was never
expressed in F1 generation. It suggested
that two alleles of a gene can be either
dominant or recessive and presence of
the dominant allele in F1 hybrids masks
the expression of recessive one.
b. A dihybrid cross between two pure
breeding varieties obtains dihybrid
progeny exhibiting the only dominant
trait. However, selfing of F1 hybrids
obtains both parental and new
combination of traits in 9:3:3:1 ratio in F2
generation suggesting an independent
assortment of characters.

Q: In one of his experiments with pea plants

Mendel observed that when a pure tall pea
plant is crossed with a pure dwarf pea plant,
in the first generation, F, only tall plants
(a) What happens to the traits of the dwarf
plants in this case ?
(b) When the F, generation plants were self-
fertilised, he observed that in the plants of
second generation, F, both tall plants and
dwarf plants were present. Why it happened
? Explain briefly.

(a) The dwarf traits of the plants is not

expressed in the presence of the dominant
tall trait.

(b) In the F, generation, both the tall and

dwarf traits are present in the ratio of 3 : 1.
This showed that the traits for tallness and
dwarfness are present in the F, generation,
but the dwarfness, being the recessive trait
does not express itself in the presence of
tallness, the dominant trait.

Q: How did Mendel explain that it is possible

that a trait is inherited but not expressed in
an organism?
Yes, it is possible that a trait is inherited but
may not be expressed. For example, when
pure tall pea plants are crossed with pure
dwarf pea plants, only tall pea plants are
obtained in F, generation. denle of F, but it
did not express.

On selfing will plants of F, both tall and dwarf

plants are obtained in F, generation in the
ratio 3 : 1. Reappearance of the dwarf
character, a recessive trait in F, generation
shows that the dwarf trait was present in
individuals of F, but it did not express.

Q: Name the hormone secreted by thyroid

gland and describe its main functions.

The glands which secrete hormones directly into blood

are called ductless or endocrine glands. They reach their
target cells through blood only and not through any
duct. Thyroid gland is a bilobed structure situated at
posterior surface of larynx. Its structure resembles ‘H’. Its
weight in humans is about 25-30 g.

It mainly releases thyroxine or thyroid hormone which is

a product of iodine. This hormone regulates metabolic
activities in body. Its functions are to control the BMR
rate, protein synthesis, increase heartbeat rate, uses of
glucose. Lack of thyroid causes slowing of heartbeat,
weak immune system and brain damage.

Q: Name various plant hormones. Also give

their physiological effects on plant growth
and development.

The various functions performed by the plant hormones are:

(i) Auxins promote cell enlargement and cell differentiation. They also promote growth.

(ii) Gibberellins promote cell enlargement and cell differentiation in the presence of auxin.
It also help in breaking the dormancy in seeds and buds. It promote the growth in fruits.

(iii) Cytokinins promote cell division and help in breaking the dormancy of seeds and buds.
It delay the ageing in leaves. It promotes the opening of stomata and also fruit growth.

(iv) Abscisic acid promotes the dormancy in seeds and buds. It promotes the closing of
stomata and falling of leaves. It also inhibits growth, reverses the growth promoting
effects of auxins and gibberellins. Its effects include wilting of leaves.

(v) Ethylene promotes the falling of leaves, ripening of fruits and helps in breaking bud

Q: List and explain in brief three methods of


Three methods are surgical, physical and


1. Surgical method: The vas deferens

in male is tied/ blocked or the
fallopian tube in female is
2. Physical method: The external
contraceptives like condoms by
males or by females is used.
3. Chemical methods: The pills are
taken orally to avoid the fusion of
male sperm with the egg.

Q: Describe the process of fertilisation in


Fertilisation in plants: It takes place after the

pollination is done.

● The pollen grain develops a tube called

pollen tube which carries male germ
cells to the ovary.
● The male germ cell fuses with the
female germ cell in the ovary and
forms zygote.
● The zygote further forms embryo.
● The embryo develops a protective
coating and forms seed.
● The ovary forms a fruit with seed in it.
Q: Give reason to justify the following:
(a) The existence of decomposers is essential in a
(b) Flow of energy in a food chain is unidirectional.

(a) The existence of decomposers is essential in a biosphere

because they break down complex organic substances into
simple inorganic substances that can be absorbed by the
plants. Thus, decomposers

● replenish the soil naturally.

● helps in removing the biodegradable waste.

(b) In a food chain the energy moves progressively through

the various trophic levels. It is no longer available to the
previous level (autotrophs) and the energy captured by the
autotrophs does not go back to the solar input. Hence, the flow
of energy is unidirectional.

Q: Why should biodegradable and non-

biodegradable wastes be discarded in two separate

Biodegradable wastes are decomposed naturally

by the action of microbes which degrade them to
their simple constituents enabling their nutrients
to recycle among the biotic and abiotic
components of ecosystem. However, non-
biodegradable wastes cannot be disposed off
naturally since they cannot be decomposed by
microbes. Such wastes are either recycled,
incinerated or put in landfills, etc. As the disposal
methods of the two types of waste is different, it is
advisable to discard the two types of waste in two
separate dustbins.

Q: In some states of our country there is a ban on

the use of polythene bags for shopping. Why? List
three advantages of using jute or cloth bags over
polythene bags.

Government of India is imposing a ban on the use of polythene hags

because these are non-biodegradable substances which are not acted
upon by the microbes. So, they cannot be decomposed and therefore persist
in the environment for a long time thereby causing harm to the ecosystem.
I’oh bags choke drains which results in water logging, that allows breeding of
mosquitoes and hence leads to various diseases like malaria, dengue, etc.
Jute bags and cloth bags are the alternatives to the polythene bags.

The three advantages of using jute or cloth bags over polythene bags are :

● They are made of biodegradable material.

● They can be reused.
● They do not pollute our environment.

Q: What is a clone ? Why do offsprings

formed by asexual reproduction exhibit
remarkable similarity ?

Offsprings produced by one parent

through asexual reproduction are
termed as clones. Clones possess
exact copies of the DNA of their
parent and thus show remarkable
similarity to the parent.
Q: Draw a diagram to show open stomatal
pore and label on it:
(i) guard cells
(ii) chloroplast

Q:What type of respiration takes place in

human muscles during vigorous exercise
and why?

● Anaerobic respiration occurs in

human muscles during severe
● During exercise our energy
requirement increases, so our
striated muscles start respiring
anaerobically in the lack of oxygen
and produce ATP molecules.

Q:Name four types of metabolic wastes

produced by humans.

Four types of metabolic wastes

produced by human are urea, carbon
dioxide, water and salts.

Q: Draw labelled diagram to show the

following parts in an embryo of a pea seed :
Cotyledon, Plumule, Radical
Q: Write the functions of the following parts
of human male reproductive system :
(i) Testis,
(ii) Vas deferens

Functions of the following in human

male reproductive system -
(i) Testis - Production of male hormone
i.e. testosterone and male gametes i.e.,
(ii) Vas deferens - Delivers sperms.

Q: Write the main functions of the following :

(i) Sensory Neuron,
(ii) Cranium

(i) Sensory neuron occur in sense

organs and receive stimuli
through their dendrites. The
sensory neurons transmit
impulses towards the central
nervous system (brain and spinal
cord) with the help of their axons.
(ii) Cranium : The bones of cranium
or brain box protect the brain
from mechanical injury.

Q: Why did Mendel choose garden pea for

his experiments? Write two reasons.

Mendel choose garden pea for his

experiment because:

i. Pea plant is small and easy to

ii. In pea plant both (self and
cross) pollination can be made

Q: Define ozone layer?


Ozone is a form of oxygen. Each ozone

molecule is made of three oxygen atoms,
so its chemical formula is O3. But unlike
oxygen, ozone is a poisonous gas, and an
increase in its concentration at ground
level is harmful. But in the stratosphere,
where ozone exists naturally, it blocks out
the sun’s ultraviolet rays and is a lifesaver.

Q: Why is it necessary to manage our


Healthy living requires a clean surrounding

hence it is very essential to dispose our
garbage in a proper way. Proper
managing of our garbage can keeps us
free from much communicable disease.
Q: Identify the device used as a spherical mirror or lens
in following cases,when the image formed is virtual and
erect in each case.
(a) Object is placed between device and its focus,image
formed is enlarged and behind it.
(b) Object is placed between the focus and device,
image formed is enlarged and on the same side as that
of the object.
(c) Object is placed between infinity and device, image
formed is diminished and between focus and optical
centre on the same side as that of the object.
(d) Object is placed between infinity and device,image
formed is diminished and between pole and focus,
behind it.

(a) Concave mirror – In a concave mirror, if the object is placed

between the mirror and the focus then the image formed is
enlarged, erect and virtual.
(b) Convex lens – In a convex lens, if the object is placed
between the lens and its focus then the image formed is
enlarged, erect, virtual and on the same side as that of the
(c) Concave lens - In a concave lens, if the object is placed at
infinity, the image formed is highly diminished, virtual, erect and
between focus and optical centre on the same side as that of
the object.
(d) Convex mirror- In a convex mirror, if the object is placed at
infinity, the image formed is highly diminished, virtual, erect and
between pole and focus.

Q: When do we consider a person to be myopic or

hypermetropic .Explain using diagrams how the defects
associated with myopic and hypermetropic eye can be
When a person is unable to see distant objects clearly but can see
nearby objects clearly, then he is considered to be myopic. If a
person is able to see distant objects clearly but cannot see nearby
object clearly, then he is considered to be hypermetropic.

The short- sightedness or myopia is corrected by using a concave

lens, which diverges and shifts the image to the retina as follows:

Long-sightedness or hypermetropia is corrected by using a convex

lens, which converges and shifts the image to the retina as follows:
Q: Find out the following in the electric circuit given in the
(a) Effective resistance of two 8 ohm resistors in the
(b) Current flowing across 4 ohm resistor
(c) Potential difference across 4 ohm resistance
(d) Power dissipated in 4 ohm resistor
(e) Difference in ammeter readings, if any

Q: Draw an appropriate schematic diagram showing

common domestic circuits and discuss the importance of
fuse. Why is that a burnt out fuse should be replaced by
another fuse of identical rating?

A fuse in a circuit prevents damage to the

appliances and the circuit due to overloading.
Otherwise, the appliances or the circuit may be
damaged. When current in the circuit exceeds
the value of fuse rating, the fuse wire burns due
to overloading. This causes a gap in the circuit
and the current stops flowing in the circuit. This is
done due to the reason so that the circuit or the
appliances to be connected in the circuit
continue functioning without any damage in

Q: A student focussed the image of a candle flame on a

white screen using a convex lens. He noted down the
position of the candle screen and the lens as under
Position of candle = 12.0 cm Position of convex lens =
50.0 cm Position of the screen = 88.0 cm
(i) What is the focal length of the convex lens?
(ii) Where will the image be formed if he shifts the
candle towards the lens at a position of 31.0 cm?
(iii) What will be the nature of the image formed if he
further shifts the candle towards the lens?
(iv) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the
image in case (iii) as said above.

(ii) If the student shifts the candle towards the lens at a position
of 31.0 cm, object distance u=(50 -31) =19cm.Thus, candle lies at
the focus. Hence, image will be formed at infinity.
(iii) If the candle is further shifted towards the lens, the candle
lies between the optical center and focus of the lens. Thus a
virtual, erect and magnified image is formed on the same side
as the object.
Q: Size of image of an object by a mirror
having a focal length of 20 cm is observed to
be reduced to 1/3rd of its size. At what
distance the object has been placed from the
mirror? What is the nature of the image and
the mirror?
Q: Meena draws magnetic field lines of field
close to the axis of a current carrying circular
loop. As she moves away from the centre of
the circular loop she observes that the lines
keep on diverging. How will you explain her
Electric current in a circular loop creates a
magnetic field which is more concentrated in the
center of the loop than outside the loop. Concentric
circles are formed, which are centered at the point
where the wire passes through the cardboard. The
lines near the center of the loop are almost straight.
The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is
perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The
concentric circles become larger as we move away
from the wire because as the distance increases
from the current carrying conductor the strength of
the magnetic field fades away.
Thus, the strength of the magnetic field is inversely
proportional to the distance from the current
carrying conductor. That is, as the distance
increases the magnetic field decreases. Hence,
Meena observes that the lines keep diverging as
she moves away from the circular loop.

Q: Define power of a lens. What is its unit? One

student uses a lens of focal length 50 cm and
another of -50 cm. What is the nature of the
lens and its power used by each of them?
Which of the two lenses will always give a
virtual, erect and diminished image
irrespective of the position of the object?

Q: The diagram below shows a wire carrying

current towards the top off the page. A
positively charged particle is shown moving
directly toward the left side of the page at a
particular instant.
What is the direction of the force on the
positively charged particle at the instant
shown, due to the magnetic field produced
by the current in the wire?

The direction of magnetic field lines in the region

left to the current carrying wire where the positive
charge is moving will be perpendicularly inward the
page according to the right thumb rule .
The direction of movement of positive charge
can be taken the direction of current . As the
positive charge is moving toward left therefore it will
be the direction of current , and magnetic field is
perpendicular inward the paper so according to
Fleming's left hand rule , force on positive charge
will be toward the bottom of the page .
Q: The image of a candle flame formed by a
lens is obtained on a screen placed on the
other side of the lens. If the image is three
times the size of the flame and the distance
between lens and image is 80 cm, at what
distance should the candle be placed from
the lens? What is the nature of the image at a
distance of 80 cm and the lens?
Magnification = 3

Distance of image from the lens = -80 cm

Now, Magnification m is given by m = v/u

3= 80/u
u= 26.67
So, the object is to be placed at 26.67 cm from the
The nature of the image is virtual, erect and larger
than the object size.
Applying the lens formula: 1/f = 1/v - 1/u
Magnification = 3
Distance of image from the lens = -80 cm

Now, Magnification m is given by m = v/u

3= 80/u
u= 26.67
So, the object is to be placed at 26.67 cm from the
The nature of the image is virtual, erect and larger
than the object size.
Applying the lens formula: 1/f = 1/v - 1/u
1/80 + 3/80 = 1/f
F = 20 cm

Since focal length of the lens is positive, so the lens

is convex lens.
Q: (i) Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines
through and around a current carrying
solenoid. What does the magnetic field
pattern inside the solenoid indicate? (ii) How
can this principle be utilised to make an
electromagnet? (iii) State two ways by which
strength of this electromagnet can be

Magnetic field pattern inside the solenoid indicates

that the magnetic field is same at all points inside
the solenoid.

(ii) This principle is utilised to magnetise a piece of

magnetic material like soft iron when placed inside
the coil. (iii) Ways to strengthen this electromagnet:
(a) Increase the amount of electric current through it.
(b) Increase the number of turns of coil.
Q: A current of 1 ampere flows in a series circuit
containing an electric lamp and a conductor of
5 ohm when connected to a 10 V battery .
Calculate the resistance of the electric lamp.
Now if a resistance of 10 ohm is connected in
parallel with this series combination, what
change (if any) in current flowing through 5 Q
conductor and potential difference across the
lamp will take place? Give reason.

Q: Due to gradual weakening of ciliary muscles

and diminishing flexibility of the eye lens a
certain defect of vision arises. Write the name of
the defect. Name the type of lens required by
such persons to improve the vision. Explain the
structure and function of such a lens
Name of this defect is Presbyopia.

In this case Bifocal lens is used.

Structure :

Bifocal lens consist of both concave and convex

lens. In the upper portion of lens concave lens is
used and in the other half convax lens is used.

Function :

In the human eye, the function of the Bifocal lens is

to focus the light rays entering the eye from an
object and form a real and inverted image of the
object on the light-sensitive screen called the

Q: (i) A person’s image when see through a stream of hot air

arising above a fire disperse to waver. Explain.
(ii) Define dispersion. How does a prism disperse white light?
(iii) Which color of light bends the most and the least?
(i) In the region above the fire, the hot air is lighter
than the cool air above it. Further the refractive
index of hotter region is less than the cooler region
and it is not static.
These physical conditions are not steady.
Subsequently the image when seen through the
hot region is not stationary. The apparent position
of the object fluctuates. This gives the wavering
effect to the image.
(ii) The phenomenon of obtaining a spectrum of
colours by passing white light through the prism is
known as dispersion.
Dispersion occurs because the refraction of
different colours travel with different speeds in a
refracting medium. Speed of violet colour is least
and that of the red colour is the most. Hence the
refractive index of the medium is largest for violet
colour and least for the red colour.
(iii) As a result, the refraction or bending of violet
colour is the maximum and that of red colour is
minimum This difference in the extent of bending of
different colour of light causes dispersion of white
light into its constituent colours as they emerge out of
prism. Red colour bends the least and violet bends
the most.

Q: The figure below shows three cylindrical

copper conductors along with their face areas
and lengths. Compare the resistance and the
resistivity of three conductors. Justify your

Q: The near point of hypermetropic eye is 80 cm.

What is the nature and power of the lens required
to enable him to read a book placed at 25 cm
from the eyes?

Q: Is it necessary to connect an earth wire to

electric appliances having metallic covers. Why?
How will you identify earth wire in household

The earth wire is connected to a metallic plate

deep inside the earth. The metallic body of
appliance is connected to the earth, which
provides a low resistance conducting path for
electric current. Hence, any leakage of current to
the metallic body of appliance keeps the potential
to that of earth. The user might not get a severe
electric shock on touching such an appliance.
Earth wire has yellow or green insulation, so it can
be identified.

Q: Two electric bulbs P and Q have their

resistances in the ratio of 1: 2. They are connected
in series across a battery. Calculate what will be
the ratio of the power dissipation in these bulbs.
Q: A copper wire has diameter 0.5 mm and
resistivity 1.6 × 10-8 Ω m. Calculate the length of
this wire to make it resistance 100 Ω. How much
does the resistance change if the diameter is
doubled without changing its length?
Q: (a) Write the mathematical expression for
Joules law of heating.
(b) Compute the heat generated while
transferring 96000 coulomb of charge in two
hours through a potential difference of 40 V.

Q: Why does a light ray incident on a

rectangular glass slab immersed in any
medium emerges parallel to itself? Explain
using a diagram
A light ray incident on a rectangular glass slab
immersed in any medium emerges parallel to
itself because the extent of bending of the ray of
light at the opposite parallel faces AB (air-glass
interface) and CD (glass-air interface) of the
rectangular glass slab is equal and opposite.
The light ray suffers a lateral shift.
Q: Under what condition in an
arrangement of two plane
mirrors,incident ray and reflected ray will
always be parallel to each other,
whatever may be angle of incidence.
Show the same with the help of diagram.

When two plane mirrors, like A and B, are

placed perpendicular to each other, the
incident ray and reflected ray will always be
parallel to each other, whatever may be the
angle of incidence.
Q: In an electrical circuit three
incandescent bulbs A, B and C of rating
40 W, 60 W and 100 W are connected in
parallel to an electric source. Which of the
following is likely to happen regarding
their brightness?

Since the bulbs are connected in parallel,

the same voltage is applied across them.
In that case, the higher the power rating
of the bulb, the higher will be its
brightness since more current flows
through it. Hence, bulb C (100W) will be
brighter than bulb B (60W) which is
brighter than bulb A (40W).

Q: How are power and focal length of a

lens related? You are provided with two
lenses of focal length 20 cm and 40 cm
respectively. Which lens will you use to
obtain more convergent light?

The power (P) and focal length (f) of a lens are

related by the following equation
P = 1/f

Power of a lens is inversely proportional to its focal

length therefore lens having focal length of 20 cm
will provide more convergence.

Q: A convex lens of focal length 20 cm

can produce a magnified virtual as well
as real image. Is this a correct statement?
If yes, where shall the object be placed in
each case for obtaining these images ?

A convex lens of a focal length of 20 cm can

produce a magnified virtual as well as a real
image. This statement is correct
If we want to produce a real image with this
convex lens, we need to place the object
between the center of curvature and the
principal focus
This can be illustrated using a diagram

A virtual image can be produced using this

convex lens by placing the object between
the principal focus and the pole
Q: Three 2 Ω resistors, A, B, and C, are
connected as shown below. Each of
them dissipates and can stand a
maximum power of 18 W without
melting. Find the maximum current
that can flow through the three
Power dissipation of a resistor with resistance
R and I current flowing through it, is given by

P = I2R

So, 18 = I2×2

That implies, I = √18/2 = 3 A

Hence, a maximum of 3A can flow through the

first resistor so that 1.5A can flow through the
other two resistors.

Q: A person needs a lens of power –4.5 D for

correction of her vision.
(a) What kind of defect in vision is she
suffering from?
(b) What is the focal length of the corrective
(c) What is the nature of the corrective lens?

(a) She is suffering from myopia since the

power of lens is negative.

(b) Focal length f= 1/power

So, f = 1/(-4.5) = -0.22m = -22cm

So, focal length of the corrective lens should

be -0.22m or -22cm.

(c) The corrective lens should be concave in


Q: Why do we see rainbow in the sky only

after rainfall?

Rainbow is formed by the dispersion of sunlight by

tiny water droplets present in the atmosphere. A
rainbow is always formed in a direction opposite to
that of the Sun. The water droplets act like small
prisms. They refract and disperse the incident
sunlight, then reflect it internally, and finally refract it
again when it comes out of the raindrop.

Q: A current through a horizontal power line

flows in east to west direction. What is the
direction of magnetic field at a point directly
below it and at a point directly above it?
Name the rule you have applied in this case

The current is in the east-west direction. Applying

the right-hand thumb rule, we get that the direction
of magnetic field at a point below the wire is from
north to south. The direction of magnetic field at a
point directly above the wire is from south to north.
Q: An electric oven is 1.5 kW is operated in a
domestic circuit (220 V) that has a current
rating of 5 A. What result do you expect in this
case? Explain.

Q: The resistance between A and B in the

given Figure will be

Since 10 ohm, 20 ohm and 50 ohm are in

parallel so resistance will be

1/Rp = 1/10 + 1/20 + 1/50

Rp = 100/17

Then 10 ohm is in series

So effective resistance = 100/17 + 10 which

will be more than 10 ohm but less than 20
Q: A magnetic compass shows a deflection
when placed near a current carrying wire.
How will the deflection of the compass get
affected if the current in the wire is
increased? Support your answer with a

If the current in the wire is increased the

deflection of compass needle increases.
The magnetic field due to current carrying
straight conductor is directly proportional to
the strength of current passing through it.
So the strength of magnetic field increases
as the magnitude of electric current in the
wire increases.

Q: What is electrical resistivity? In a series

electrical circuit comprising a resistor made
up of a metallic wire, the ammeter reads 5 A.
The reading of the ammeter decreases to
half when the length of the wire is doubled.
Electrical resistivity is the inherent property
of the resistor because of which it opposes
the flow of electric current. It depends only
on the nature and temperature of the
Resistance varies as directly proportional
with the length. When the length is doubled
then resistance also become double.
Current is inversely proportional to
resistance according to Ohm's law. If the
resistance becomes double then current
will become half i.e 5 A to 2.5 A.
This is why the reading of the ammeter
decreases to half.

Q: Why does it takes some time to see objects

in a cinema hall when we just enter the hall
from bright sunlight ? Explain in brief

(a) The pupil regulates and controls the

amount of light entering the eye
(b) In bright light, the size of the pupil is
small and when we enter the cinema
hall it takes some time for pupil to
expand in size due to dim light
Q: (i) What is the least distance of distinct
(ii) How does the thickness of the eye lens
change when we shift looking from a distant
tree to reading a book?

(i) It is the minimum distance to which,

normal eye can see two similar object
(ii) Eye lens will become thinner
Q86: A positively charged particle
(alpha particle) projected towards west
is deflected towards north by a
magnetic field. The direction of
magnetic field is


Towards south Towards north


downward upward
Q86: A positively charged particle
(alpha particle) projected towards west
is deflected towards north by a
magnetic field. The direction of
magnetic field is


Towards south Towards north


downward upward
Q87: At the time of short circuit, current
in the circuit:


Reduce substantially Does not change

Increases heavily
Q87: At the time of short circuit, current
in the circuit:


Reduce substantially Does not change

Increases heavily
Q88: An electric bulb is rated 220 V
and 100 W. When it is operated on 110 V,
the power consumed will be


100 W 75 W


50 W 25 W
Q88: An electric bulb is rated 220 V
and 100 W. When it is operated on 110 V,
the power consumed will be


100 W 75 W


50 W 25 W
Q89: A current of 1 A is drawn by a
filament of an electric bulb. Number of
electrons passing through a cross
section of the filament in 16 seconds
would be roughly:


1020 1016


1018 1023
Q89: A current of 1 A is drawn by a
filament of an electric bulb. Number of
electrons passing through a cross
section of the filament in 16 seconds
would be roughly:


1020 1016


1018 1023
Q90: The focal length of the eye lens
increases when eye muscles

Are relaxed and Contract and lens
lens become thinner become thicker

Are relaxed and Contract and
lens become thicker lens become thinner
Q90: The focal length of the eye lens
increases when eye muscles

Are relaxed and Contract and lens
lens become thinner become thicker

Are relaxed and Contract and
lens become thicker lens become thinner
Q91: In torches, search lights and
headlights of vehicles, the bulb is

Between the pole Very near to the
and focus of the focus of the
reflector reflector

Between the focus
At the centre of
and centre of
curvature of the
curvature the
Q91: In torches, search lights and
headlights of vehicles, the bulb is

Between the pole Very near to the
and focus of the focus of the
reflector reflector

Between the focus
At the centre of
and centre of
curvature of the
curvature the
Q92: A student determines the focal
length of a device ‘X’ by focusing the
image of a distant object on a screen
placed 20 cm from the device on the
same side as the object. The device ‘X’

Concave lens of Convex lens of
focal length 10 cm focal length 20 cm

Concave mirror Concave mirror
of focal length 10 cm of focal length 20 cm
Q92: A student determines the focal
length of a device ‘X’ by focusing the
image of a distant object on a screen
placed 20 cm from the device on the
same side as the object. The device ‘X’

Concave lens of Convex lens of
focal length 10 cm focal length 20 cm

Concave mirror Concave mirror
of focal length 10 cm of focal length 20 cm
Q93: Where should an object be placed
in front of a convex lens to get a real
image of the size of the object.

At the principal At twice the focal
focus of the lens length

Between the
optical centre of the
At infinity
lens and its
principal focus
Q93: Where should an object be placed
in front of a convex lens to get a real
image of the size of the object.

At the principal At twice the focal
focus of the lens length

Between the
optical centre of the
At infinity
lens and its
principal focus
Q94: Assertion: On freely suspending a
current-carrying solenoid, it comes to rest
in N-S direction just like a bar magnet.
Reason: One end of the current carrying
straight solenoid behaves as a North pole
and the other end as a South pole

A Both A & R are

B Both A & R are
true and R is the true and R is not
correct explanation the correct
of A explanation of A

A is true but R is A is false but R is
false true
Q94: Assertion: On freely suspending a
current-carrying solenoid, it comes to rest
in N-S direction just like a bar magnet.
Reason: One end of the current carrying
straight solenoid behaves as a North pole
and the other end as a South pole

A Both A & R are

B Both A & R are
true and R is the true and R is not
correct explanation the correct
of A explanation of A

A is true but R is A is false but R is
false true
Q95: Assertion (A): The least distance of
distinct vision for a young adult with
normal vision is 20 cm.
Reason (R): Far point for a human eye with
normal vision is infinity.

A Both A & R are

B Both A & R are
true and R is the true and R is not
correct explanation the correct
of A explanation of A

A is true but R is A is false but R is
false true
Q95: Assertion (A): The least distance of
distinct vision for a young adult with
normal vision is 20 cm.
Reason (R): Far point for a human eye with
normal vision is infinity.

A Both A & R are

B Both A & R are
true and R is the true and R is not
correct explanation the correct
of A explanation of A

A is true but R is A is false but R is
false true
Q96: Assertion (A) : The value of the current in
the ammeter is the same, independent of its
position in the electric circuit.
Reason (R): In a series combination of
resistors the current is the same in every part
of the circuit or the same current through
each resistor

A Both A & R are

B Both A & R are
true and R is the true and R is not
correct explanation the correct
of A explanation of A

A is true but R is A is false but R is
false true
Q96: Assertion (A) : The value of the current in
the ammeter is the same, independent of its
position in the electric circuit.
Reason (R): In a series combination of
resistors the current is the same in every part
of the circuit or the same current through
each resistor

A Both A & R are

B Both A & R are
true and R is the true and R is not
correct explanation the correct
of A explanation of A

A is true but R is A is false but R is
false true
Case Based Question

An insulated copper wire wound on a

cylindrical cardboard tube such that its
length is greater than its diameter is
called a solenoid. When an electric
current is passed through the solenoid,
it produces a magnetic field around it.
The magnetic field produced by a
current-carrying solenoid is similar to
the magnetic field produced by a bar
magnet. The field lines inside the
solenoid are in the form of parallel
straight lines. The strong magnetic field
produced inside a current-carrying
solenoid can be used to magnetise a
piece of magnetic material like soft iron,
when placed inside the solenoid. The
strength of magnetic field produced by
a current carrying solenoid is directly
proportional to the number of turns and
strength of current in the solenoid.
Q97: The strength of magnetic field
inside a long current -carrying straight
solenoid is

More at the ends Minimum in the
than at the centre middle

Found to
Same at all points increase from one
end to the other
Q97: The strength of magnetic field
inside a long current -carrying straight
solenoid is

More at the ends Minimum in the
than at the centre middle

Found to
Same at all points increase from one
end to the other
Q98: The north-south polarities of an
electromagnet can be found easily by

Fleming’s right Fleming’s left
hand rule hand rule

Right hand
Clock face rule
thumb rule
Q98: The north-south polarities of an
electromagnet can be found easily by

Fleming’s right Fleming’s left
hand rule hand rule

Right hand
Clock face rule
thumb rule
Q99: For a current in a long straight solenoid N-
and S-poles are created at the two ends.
Among the following statements, the incorrect
statement is

A The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of

straight lines which indicates that the magnetic field is
the same at all points inside the solenoid.

The strong magnetic field produced inside the
solenoid can be used to magnetise a piece of magnetic
material like soft iron, when placed inside the coil.

The pattern of the magnetic field associated with
the solenoid is different from the pattern of the
magnetic field around a bar magnet.
The N- and S-poles exchange position when the
direction of current through the solenoid is reversed.
Q99: For a current in a long straight solenoid N-
and S-poles are created at the two ends.
Among the following statements, the incorrect
statement is

A The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of

straight lines which indicates that the magnetic field is
the same at all points inside the solenoid.

The strong magnetic field produced inside the
solenoid can be used to magnetise a piece of magnetic
material like soft iron, when placed inside the coil.

The pattern of the magnetic field associated with
the solenoid is different from the pattern of the
magnetic field around a bar magnet.
The N- and S-poles exchange position when the
direction of current through the solenoid is reversed.
Q100: A soft iron bar is enclosed by a
coil of insulated copper wire as shown
in figure. When the plug of the key is
closed, the face B of the iron bar
marked as


North pole South pole

North pole if current South pole if
is large current is small
Q100: A soft iron bar is enclosed by a
coil of insulated copper wire as shown
in figure. When the plug of the key is
closed, the face B of the iron bar
marked as


North pole South pole

North pole if current South pole if
is large current is small

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