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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKBIJBiological Journal of the Linnean Society0024-4066The Linnean Society of London, 2005?

Original Article



Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85, 543–548. With 6 figures

Shell colour polymorphism in the chiton Ischnochiton

striolatus (Gray, 1828) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) and
habitat heterogeneity
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, CCS, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Ilha do
Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21941-570, Brazil
Departamento de Zoologial, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua São
Francisco Xavier 524, Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20550-900, Brazil

Received 12 March 2004; accepted for publication 7 October 2004

Shell colour polymorphism was examined in a population of the polyplacophoran Ischnochiton striolatus (Gray, 1828)
living on intertidal rocks in Búzios, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Nine shell colours were identified: green (most com-
mon), grey, pink, cream, brown, orange, white, black and purple. The species habitat was also examined using three
rock characteristics: volume; turnover frequency, caused by hydrodynamic disturbance; and chromatic composition.
Chitons were most frequently encountered on the undersides of rocks of intermediate volume which experienced
medium-intensity hydrodynamic disturbance, and which harboured a chromatically rich biotic community. These
findings were in agreement with the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. As chitons depend on the biotic com-
munity on rocks for food and shelter, a greater variety of colours could increase the chances of camouflage of the mor-
phs against the background, favouring crypsis. It is likely that the frequency at which intermediate-volume rocks are
overturned - thus exposing the chitons on them to light - would be sufficient for visual predators to act as selective
agents. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85, 543–548.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: crypsis – hydrodynamic disturbance – negative phototaxia – rocky bottom –

south-east Brazil.

INTRODUCTION Ischnochiton striolatus (Gray, 1828) is a common

polyplacophoran species in intertidal zones along the
Colour polymorphism is a characteristic that can be
Brazilian coast (Rios, 1994) that exhibits consider-
defined by the coexistence, within a population, of two
able shell colour polymorphism. A bibliographical
or more colour morphs genetically determined and
search revealed no other instances of colour polymor-
segregated, where the frequency of the rarest morph is
phism in its class. In studies on marine gastropods
not maintained only by mutation (Ford, 1940; Robin-
and bivalves, visual selective predation is often sug-
son & Davinson, 1996). It is common in natural pop-
gested as a contributing factor to the maintenance
ulations and has been studied in both vertebrates
of polymorphism (Whiteley, Owen & Smith, 1997;
(Ballinger & McKinney, 1967; Gill, 1977; Tordoff,
Ekendahl, 1998). However, I. striolatus is negatively
1980) and invertebrates (Sheppard & Cook, 1962;
phototaxic, living attached to the undersides of rocks;
Benham, Lonsdale & Muggleton, 1974). In the phylum
on face value, this would appear to negate a possible
Mollusca there is often an association between the
adaptive role of shell colour. However, the intertidal
shell colour and the dominant background colour
boulder field it inhabits is exposed to wave action
(Cain, 1977).
that can turn rocks over and thus expose the chitons
to visual predators. This hydrodynamic disturbance
is also one factor that determines the algal communi-
*Corresponding author. E-mail: ties living on the rocks (Sousa, 1980). Ischnochiton,

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as a grazer, is dependent on algal communities for ods of low tide between July and December 2001, and
food. Some of the morphs may also be dependent on by a single observer.
the algal communities for crypsis. Thus I. striolatus
is an excellent candidate for an analysis of polymor-
phism in relation to substratum because both chiton SHELL COLOUR POLYMORPHISM
and substratum, can be readily scored and quanti- The specimens of I. striolatus were collected manually
fied. The objectives of the work were first to charac- after visual inspection of turned over rocks. Each spec-
terize the colour polymorphism in a population of imen had its shell colour scored in accordance to its
I. striolatus from Manguinhos Beach, Armação dos predominant colour, and against a colour atlas (Küp-
Búzios (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and then to relate pers, 1979). Note that the shell coloration of this spe-
this to characteristics of the substrat where the pop- cies does not change through life.
ulation live. These characteristics include the size
of the rocks, the frequency these rocks were over-
turned by hydrodynamic action, as well as their ROCK
colour composition. Only those rocks where chitons were found were con-
sidered in the study. Because the rocks had irregular
MATERIAL AND METHODS shapes, making measurements of surface area very
difficult, we characterized their size using volume
STUDY AREA instead. This was measured by water displacement in
The region of Armação dos Búzios is a peninsula graduated containers. The rocks were separated into
on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, between 22∞45¢ five volume classes: I, very small (£20 ml); II, small
and 22∞49¢S, and 41∞51¢ and 41∞57¢W (Fig. 1) influ- (21–40 ml); III, medium (41–80 ml); IV, big (81–
enced by the Current of Brazil and the South Atlan- 160 ml); and V, very big (≥161 ml).
tic Central Waters (Gonzalez-Rodriguez, 1994). The
local tide amplitude varies between 0 and 0.9 m
Manguinhos Beach is on the west coast of the pen- In order to determine the frequency at which rocks
insula and is characterized by warm waters and a low were turned over, 15 rocks of each volume class were
hydrodynamism (L.R.G. Rodrigues, pers. observ.). At taken at random and numbered individually by first
this beach there is a boulder field that enters the sea scraping clear one of its surfaces, drying it, painting on
and gets exposed at low tides. All the fieldwork was its number in enamel, and finely covering the whole
carried out in a 25 m2 area of this boulder field, in peri- surface with varnish. The rocks were then returned to

Peninsula of 041∞52’W
˜ dos Buzios
´ 22∞45’S

Atlantic Ocean
Study area


2.0 km

Figure 1. Map of Armação dos Búzios, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Black dot shows study area.

© 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85, 543–548
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the habitat with the numbered surfaces facing rocks was the same as that used for the chitons. The
upwards and were monitored weekly for hydrody- total number of discrete colours in each rock was also
namic disturbance. estimated to determine whether chromatic richness
varied with volume class.

The colours of the study rocks, characterized by their RESULTS
biological covering and mineralogical composition,
were determined using the visual estimate method SHELL COLOUR POLYMORPHISM
(Jones et al., 1980). This method uses different sized We observed 606 specimens and identified nine differ-
squares, each one divided into four equal parts (rep- ent shell colours: cream, grey, white, orange, brown,
resenting 25% of the total area) that allow the green, pink, purple and black (Fig. 2). The species sta-
observer to estimate colour proportions in sample tus of each specimen was confirmed on the basis of
areas. The scale of colours used to characterize the shell form and ornamentation (Rios, 1994).




5 mm

Figure 2. Shell colours of Ischnochiton striolatus from Manguinhos Beach: A, cream; B, grey; C, white; D, orange; E,
brown; F, green; G, pink; H, purple; I, black.

© 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85, 543–548
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Frequency (%)


0 n















Colour Patterns

Figure 3. Relative frequencies of Ischnochiton striolatus shell colours (grey, N = 606) and rock colours (white, N = 484)
they inhabited. Bars show confidence intervals (a = 0.05).

The natural variation of colour within each morph

made it difficult to find two identical individuals. In
order to allow future comparisons with other studies, Frequency (%)
each colour was referred to a colour atlas (Küppers,
1979) as follows: green, N30 C50 A99; grey, N70 C10 20
A30; pink, N20 A00 M50; cream, N20 A40 M20;
brown, N80 A90 M70; orange, A60 M50 C10; white,
N10 A00 M00; black, N80 C40 A20; and purple, 0
N70 M90 C30. These values represent combinations of I II III IV V
colours in different proportions (N, black; A, yellow; M, Rock Volume Classes
magenta; and C, cyan).
The nine colours occurred unequally in the popula- Figure 4. Relative frequencies of rock volume classes
tion, with green the commonest and purple the rarest inhabited by Ischnochiton striolatus. Bars show confidence
intervals (a = 0.05).
(Fig. 3) (c28 = 38.1; P < 0.001).

ROCK There is not good agreement among colour frequencies

The specimens of I. striolatus were found on a total of chitons and rocks (c28 = 43.15; P = 0.0000).
of 484 rocks that were not smaller than 10 ml and The chromatic or colour richness of the rocks varied
not bigger than 350 ml. Figure 4 shows the rela- among the five volume classes (Fig. 5). Class III pre-
tive frequencies of rock volume classes, which also sented the highest chromatic richness: 66.14% of these
did not occur equally (c24 = 41.6; P < 0.001). The rocks exhibited 6, 7 or 8 colours.
chitons tended to be found on rocks with a medium
The polyplacophoran Ischnochiton striolatus (Gray,
HYDRODYNAMIC DISTURBANCE OF ROCKS 1828) is clearly polymorphic, with nine major shell
As predicted, the total number of turnovers was colours. Similar polymorphisms are also common in
inversely proportional to the rock volume (r = –0.94; other species of intertidal molluscs, such as the
P < 0.001). bivalve Donacilla cornea (Poli, 1791) (Whiteley et al.,
1997), the gastropod Neritina virginea (Linnaeus,
1758) (Aron, 1989) and several species of Littorina
ROCK COLOUR (Reid, 1996).
All nine colours identified in the chitons were also Many authors (Cain & Sheppard, 1950; Sheppard,
found in the rocks. Figure 3 shows the relative fre- 1951; Allen, 1988; Gardner, 1995; Jormalainen, Mer-
quencies of rock colours; green is the most abundant ilaita & Tuomi, 1995; Bond, 1998) have suggested
(21.94%) and black the least abundant (1.36%) colour. that natural selection acts on colour polymorphism

© 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85, 543–548
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Frequency (%)

Frequency of Rocks (%)

40 Class Grey I Grey II Grey III
Class Grey Tones
20 Class
II Figure 6. Relative frequencies of rock (white) and chiton
0 I (grey) colours after conversion to greyscale (Grey I: refers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to the original white colour; Grey II: green, pink, grey,
cream and orange; Grey III: brown, purple and black).
Total Number of Colours

Figure 5. Chromatic richness of each rock volume class: I of shells and rocks are not even. This partially agrees
(£20 ml, N = 53), II (21–40 ml, N = 146), III (41–80 ml, with the prediction of Endler (1978, 1984) that the
N = 189), IV (81–160 ml, N = 79) and V (≥161 ml, N = 17). more complex the background, the greater the level of
colour polymorphism. Furthermore, the rock classes
where the specimens were mostly found had the high-
through the action of visual predators. However, it est colour richness.
would be pertinent to question whether visual preda- Our study design does not evaluate whether preda-
tors can affect morph frequencies of prey with nega- tors actually maintain polymorphism in I. striolatus
tive phototaxia, since they live in sheltered places by frequency-dependent (apostatic) selection (Clarke,
protected from light. 1962; Allen, 1988), but we should consider which spe-
Our results showed that I. striolatus was most likely cies are potential predators of chitons. Crabs, together
to be found on the underside of rocks of intermediate with birds and fishes seem to be the most important
volume (classes II and III). This agrees with the Inter- predators on intertidal littorinid snails (Pettit, 1975;
mediate Disturbance Hypothesis of Connell (1978), Cook & Garbet, 1992). Birds are known to feed selec-
which predicts that rocks of intermediate volume tively upon terrestrial polymorphic molluscs (Shep-
should harbour the greatest biological diversity. The pard, 1951; Cameron, 1969). According to Reimchen
constant turnovers of small rocks would result in (1979), fish such as bleniids use visual orientations to
intense physical stress, sufficient to limit the number select their prey. Heller (1975) determined an ability
of taxa. At the other extreme, big rocks almost never to discriminate yellow from blue in the active predator
overturn, allowing competitively superior taxa to Carcinus maenas Linnaeus. In the boulder field of
exclude the others, causing a decrease in diversity. Manguinhos, the decapods Arenaeus cribarius (Lama-
Sousa (1980) showed that the successional stage of an rck, 1818) and Panopeus austrobesus Williams, 1983,
algal community and the turnover frequency of the are very common. Even without information on the
rocks where it lives, caused by hydrodynamic action, visual acuity of these predator species, we may sug-
determines not only recovery speed, but also commu- gest that successful predation does not rely on colour
nity composition. Thus, the taxonomic and also vision. If the different colour morphs of I. striolatus
chromatic diversity of algae does not increase are converted into grey tones, they have a practical
monotonically with time: it peaks in the middle of cryptic effect against greyscale substrata. When
recolonization and declines later when one or few spe- viewed without colour, the match among frequencies
cies dominate the substratum. Our data on the chro- of grey tones in rocks and shells are almost perfect
matic richness of rock volume classes fit well with the (Fig. 6; c22 = 1.068, P < 0.58).
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (Connell, 1978),
with intermediate volume classes of rock having the
most diverse biotic (and chromatic) communities.
Despite being negatively phototaxic, chitons are We are grateful to the Laboratory of Malacology, Uni-
exposed to visual predators when the rocks they are versidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, to Helena Passeri
found on frequently turn over. Notwithstanding the for her important comments on this paper, and also to
influence of selective predation, the colour frequencies Eduardo Rodrigues for logistical support. Special

© 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85, 543–548
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