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RESORT pages

Hacienda San
Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts is a well-established chain of luxury
resorts operating in popular tourist destinations worldwide. They
offer a wide range of services, including accommodation, dining,
entertainment, and recreational activities.

Gabriel Resort
In recent years, the tourism and hospitality industry has seen
significant growth and increased competition. Hacienda San
Gabriel Resorts is facing challenges in maintaining its market
position and profitability.
Internal Factor 06

Evaluation Matrix
In a brainstorming session, Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts management team
identifies several key internal factors affecting the company's performance.
These factors include:

1. Brand Reputation (Strength): 2. Skilled Workforce (Strength): The

Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts is company employs experienced and
known for its excellent reputation highly skilled staff who provide
and customer loyalty, contributing exceptional service to guests.

in its competitive advantage.

4. Financial Stability (Strength): The

3. Innovative Technology (Strength):
company has a strong financial

Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts
position with healthy cash flows and

continuously invests in innovative low debt.

technology to EY6. Employee Turnover (Weakness):
enhance guest

and operational
High turnover rates among certain
staff categories impact service
5. Diverse Portfolio (Weakness): consistency.
Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts
extensive portfolio includes various
types of resorts, which may dilute
the brand's identity.
The management team assigns Next, they rate each factor's
weights to each factor based on their effectiveness from 1 to 4 (4 being highly
perceived importance on a scale of 1 effective) based on their current

to 4 (4 being the most important): performance:


-Brand Reputation: -Brand Reputation:

-Skilled Workforce: GN -Skilled Workforce: T I N
S S I ING -Innovative Technology:
-Innovative Technology:
-Financial Stability: E I G H T S-Financial
-Diverse Portfolio: -Diverse Portfolio:
-Employee Turnover: -Employee Turnover:

Now, the IFE score for Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts can be calculated by
multiplying the weight by the rating for each factor and summing them up:

The IFE Score for Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts is 3.05.
External Factor

Evaluation Matrix
The management team identifies external factors that influence

Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts performance:

1. Economic Trends 2. Competitive Landscape
(Opportunity): The global (Threat): There is fierce
economy is growing, leading to competition in the tourism and
increased travel and tourism. hospitality industry.

3. Environmental Regulations 4. Technological Advancements
T I F Y I N G K (Opportunity): Technology can
N Increasing


environmental regulations enhance guest experiences and
X T operational efficiency T O
require sustainable practices.
E R (Opportunity): A C
5. Changing Customer Preferences
N A L F Guests are
seeking unique and personalized experiences.


Weights are assigned to each
factor based on their perceived
Ratings are given based on the
impact of each factor:

importance: - Economic Trends:

- Economic Trends: -Competitive Landscapes:
-Competitive Landscapes: -Environmental Regulations:
-Environmental Regulations: -Technological Advancements:
-Technological Advancements: -Changing Customer
-Changing Customer Preferences:


The EFE Score for Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts is calculated by
multiplying the weight by the rating for each factor and summing

them up:
The EFE Score for Hacienda San Gabriel Resorts is 3. 20.
The Build, Hold, Harvest concept is a 08

strategic framework used in business
management and portfolio analysis, often
associated with the BGC (Business Growth
and Cycle) Matrix. It is designed to help
companies evaluate and manage their The "Harvest" category comprises
product or business unit portfolios based products or business units that are in the
on Their growth potential and market decline phase of their life cycle.
position. Here's a brief explanation of each -These offerings have low growth
component: potential, declining market share, and may
become less profitable over time.

-Instead of investing further resources,
Companies focus on maximizing short-
term cash flow and profitability.
-Strategies in this category may cutting, reducing marketing
-The "Build" category represents products
expenses, or extracting as much value as
or business units that have high growth
possible from the declining product or
potential but are currently in the early
business before phasing it out.
stages of their life cycle.
-Companies typically allocate resources,
invest heavily, and focus on expansion and
market penetration for these offerings.
-The goal is to build a strong market
position, increase market share, and
eventually move the product into the Companies can make more informed
"Hold" category as it matures.
decisions about resource allocation,

-The "Hold" category includes products or
business units that have reached a stable
investment priorities, and strategic
direction by categorizing their
portfolio into Build, Hold, and
Harvest segments. This concept helps
phase in their life cycle.
-These offerings are characterized by businesses balance their efforts
moderate growth rates and relatively
steady market share. between nurturing new
-Companies maintain their current level of
investment and effort in order to sustain
opportunities, maintaining existing
their market position, profitability, and strengths, and efficiently managing
customer base.
-The goal is to generate consistent declining assets.
revenue and cash flow from these

1. Brand Reputation - Weight is 0.20 4. Financial Stability – Weight 0.10 or 10%. Rate
or 20%. The rate is 4, and the weighted is 3 and weighted score is 0.30.
score is 0.80.
A stable financial system is capable of
We all know that having a good or efficiently allocating resources, assessing, and
excellent reputation for a resort or managing financial risks, maintaining
business means that it's possible that it employment levels close to the economy's
will attract more tourists. Hacienda natural rate, and eliminating relative price
San Gabriel Resort already has loyal movements of real or financial assets that will
customers going there to have a affect monetary stability or employment levels.
vacation, unwind, or relax. Although
5. Diverse Portfolio– Weight 0.20 or 20%. Rate
there's a challenge that San Gabriel
is 2 and weighted score is 0.40.
Hacienda Resort needs to face, they
still manage to give an excellent
Diversified portfolios offer several benefits,
reputation because they don't want to
including risk management, aligning with
destroy the loyalty of their customers.
financial goals, and exposing to growth
2. Skilled Workforce – Weight is 0.25 opportunities in various sectors. However, over
or 25%. Rate is 4 and weighted score is diversification can lead to more mistakes, as it is
1. rare to get the best asset allocation for a

Internal Factor Evaluation

diversified portfolio. Additionally, each asset
Having a skilled employee in a resort class has different rules and workings, so over
or business is a good thing and diversification can result in complications and
investment because it helps your wrongful investments. Additionally, each asset
business to run smoothly and give a class has different fees and charges, which need
high quality of services that satisfy the to be considered when diversifying your
customer. portfolio.

3. Innovation Technology – Weight 6. Employee Turnover - Weight 0.10 or 10%. Rate

0.15 or 15%. Rate is 3 and weighted is 1 and weighted score is 0.10.
score is 0.45.
Employee turnover is a significant concern for
Technological innovation is essential companies, as it can lead to reduced productivity,
for business growth in the modern era. increased time spent recruiting, training, and
It can help businesses increase onboarding new employees, and decreased
efficiency and productivity, provide morale, negatively impacting the company's
better customer experiences, improve reputation. To address this issue, companies
data management and analysis, and should consider a diverse portfolio, considering
gain a competitive advantage. the pros and cons of each type of investment.

1. Economic Trends - Weight 0.25 or 25%. 4. Competitive Landscape – Weight 0.10 or
Rate is 4 and weighted score is 1. 10%. Rate is 2 and weighted score is 0.20

New demand for goods and services can be We all know that in one industry, there is
generated by economic trends. Businesses always competitive competition among firms
who create and market goods and services or businesses, but still, there are some
related to renewable energy, for instance, businesses that are at the top of the list. This
are finding new opportunities because of the is one of the threats to Hacienda San Gabriel
expansion of the resort. Resort because there's a lot of resorts out
there within the industry that have excellent
2. Technological Advancement - Weight 0.25
services, accommodations, and so on that
or 25%. Rate is 4 and weighted score is 1.
consumers and customers will surely avail of.
Even though Hacienda San Gabriel Resort is
Technology improvements may also help
a beautiful paradise resort, we never control
resorts run more smoothly and can be used
the consumer or customer whenever they
in many ways to enhance the visitor
want to go.
experience. Resorts can utilize property
management systems procedures like check-
5. Environmental Regulations - Weight 0.20 or
in, checkout, and billing, or they can use
20%. Rate is 2 and weighted score is 0.40
mobile applications to let visitors check in,
make bookings, and order room service. The
It possible raise production costs and lower
competitive tourist sector is expected to
productivity by requiring a one firms or
benefit more from resorts that use new
business to install or implement like pollution
control equipment and change production
3. Changing customer preference - Weight 0.20 processes so that it gives customer or
or 20%. Rate is 3 and weighted score is 0.60. consumer an excellent experience. The other
factor is willi affect the environmental
Resorts may increase customer satisfaction by regulation is the government because they
providing goods and services that cater to the
have the full power to order a one business to
shifting requirements and preferences of its
close for the meantime or close it forever.
customers, such as eco-friendly lodging and
activities. advertising the new products or
concepts to your customer on your website,
through social media, and through marketing
ads. Resorts may benefit from shifting customer
preference and expand their market share by
providing goods and services that cater to their External Factor
clients evolving requirements and desires.


After computing the total for IFE Grow and Build - The possible strategy
(Internal Factor Evaluation) and EFE that we think and suggest to Hacienda
(External Factor Evaluation), the next San Gabriel Resort is to maintain or
step is to plot it in the IFE and EFE sustain creating a short- and long-term
Matrix to see where it will be landed, if goal for the business so that it is easy
it is a harvest or divest, hold and for them to allocate their resources,
maintain and grow and build. The total financial resources, and so on. The last
of IFE is 3.05, where it will be placed in is market development. Since the
1st Roman numerals between 3 and 4. resort has an excellent reputation and
The total of EFE is 3.20. It will be is stable financially, we suggest they
plotted in 9th Roman numerals think of developing a new product or
between 3 and 4. After that, we will service that attracts new customers
connect it until they meet, which is in aside from their loyal customers so
the Roman numeral 3 or the Grow and that it will gain more profit.

"Palm Haven Beach Resort" is a mid-sized resort located on the beautiful shores of Boracay
Island in the Philippines. For years, it has been a favored destination for both local and
international tourists seeking sun, sand, and serenity. However, in recent times, the resort
has been facing several challenges that are threatening its sustainability and reputation.

The resort's current strategy and Is an essential aspect of an Operational processes,
approach to attracting and organization, which includes the technology used, management
retaining guests, as well as its department hierarchy and decision- information systems, and
competitive positioning in the making processes. booking platforms.
The resort is currently in a The current organizational The technology and operating
traditional approach and style, structure is characterized by a systems of the resort appear
which is why the consumer or rigid framework that imposes outdated, which causes
tourist is dissatisfied with the limitations on the company's ability difficulties in the booking and
resort's products and services. In to swiftly adapt to the ever- service management process. The
today's digital world, this old changing market and consumer visitor experience may be
technique may not be sufficient to needs. The organizational hierarchy negatively impacted by outdated
reach a larger audience. The is hierarchical and bureaucratic, technologies and operational
traditional approach might be which makes it difficult for processes. The increasing
time-consuming and resource- employees to make decisions and demand for connectivity is
intensive. respond to emerging opportunities becoming more and more
RECOMMENDATION or challenges. This inflexibility difficult for outdated
Adapt the new modern approach results in slow response times and technologies to handle.
and style in terms of managing the missed business opportunities, Additionally, visitors'
products and services at the ultimately leading to a loss of satisfaction will decrease and
resort so that it will help them competitiveness in the market. they are unlikely to return to
attract more tourists and meet the resort if they are unable to
customer requirements. Palm RECOMMENDATION use modern technology and
Haven Beach Resort should invest To effectively tackle this issue, it is cannot consistently connect
in a good website and social imperative for the resort to to the internet while on
media presence to promote and implement a structure that is vacation.
maintain its internet presence. To flexible and focused on the needs
reach a larger audience, use of customers. Such a structure
internet marketing tactics such as would empower employees to make For the resort to stay ahead of
search engine optimization (SEO), decisions that enhance the guest the curve, it's essential to
pay-per-click advertising, and email experience. Encouraging project- embrace digital transformation.
marketing. Upgrade the reservation based innovations would also This entails adopting
and customer management system foster collaboration among technologies like CRM and PMS
to a modern one that can handle cross-functional teams. to enhance guest services, keep
bookings, track client Technology, like a CRM system, can track of client interactions,
preferences, and improve the entire be utilized to monitor guest and manage reservations,
guest experience for Customer interactions and feedback. The data inventories, and check-in/check-
Relationship Management (CRM). collected can then be analyzed to out procedures. The POS system
Renovate and upgrade the resort's identify areas for improvement. can be leveraged to process
facilities to satisfy the needs of These changes will create an payments and track sales.
today's tourists. Create loyalty adaptable organizational structure Technology can also streamline
programs to keep customers and that caters to the unique needs of operational processes, such as
attract new ones. And lastly, Palm Haven Beach resorts, ensuring updating online booking
continue to invest in staff training their competitiveness and continued platforms, utilizing mobile apps,
to ensure top-notch customer success. and making use of cloud-based
service. software.

The fundamental beliefs and
Headership styles are predominantly hierarchical, limiting
principles that guide an
the engagement and innovation of employees.
organization’s behavior and what
the organization stands for. ANALYSIS
Palm Haven Beach Resort were facing high staff turnover wherein a
ANALYSIS high rate of employees leaving their jobs. This can be caused by a
Considering the organization’s number of factors, including low pay, poor working conditions,
goals and strategy have been lack of job satisfaction and the management style or the leadership
established, there is a lack of style of the company. High staff turnover can have a number of
communication and understanding consequences for a company. First of all it can increased costs by
by the employees affecting the hiring and training new employees, decreased productivity by hiring
quality of service and customer’s new employees it can decrease the knowledge and experience of the
satisfaction. past employers, Lastly employee morale is low which is currently
experiencing by Palm Haven Beach Resort, low morale can create a
sense of uncertainty and anxiety among remaining employees, which can
RECOMMENDATION lead to decreased morale and productivity. When employee morale is
The organization should low, employees are generally unhappy and dissatisfied with their work
incorporate shared values into environment. There are number of factors when it comes to low
their strategic management employee morale: Low pay, when employees feel that they are not being
process. One important step is to paid fairly for their work, they are more likely to be unhappy and
clearly articulate the dissatisfied. Poor working conditions, such as uncomfortable
organization’s values to ensure workspaces, long hours, and excessive workloads, can also
that they are understood and contribute to low employee morale. Lack of appreciation: Employees
embraced by all employees. This who feel that their work is not appreciated are more likely to feel
can be done through training discouraged and unmotivated. Poor communication between
programs, communication management and employees can lead to misunderstandings and
materials, and other initiatives. By resentment, which can also damage employee morale. Employees who
doing so, it can improve guest feel that they are not being treated with respect are more likely to be
satisfaction, increase employee unhappy and disengaged. Employees who feel that they have no
engagement, and enhance their opportunities for advancement or growth are more likely to feel
reputation. This can lead to a frustrated and unchallenged.
number of benefits including
improved performance, increased RECOMMENDATION
profitability, and sustainable Addressing every challenges in a company is very important for a
growth. successful outcome. Specially when it comes to your employees, on
Palm Haven Beach Resort it is important to address high staff
turnover, improve employee morale, and create a thriving work
environment that attracts and retains top talent. Remember, investing
in your employees is an investment in the success of your business and
a good company comes from a good leadership. A good leadership
approach that is well-suited for Palm Haven Beach Resort is servant
leadership. Servant leaders focus on putting the needs of their team
members and guests first. The primary role is to serve and support
others, rather than to control or micromanage them. Servant
leadership can be a very effective leadership approach for resort
companies because it helps to create a positive and supportive work
environment. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more
likely to go the extra mile to provide excellent customer service.

High staff turnover and The competencies and expertise
morale issues reflect of the workforce, as well as
dissatisfaction and the need any training programs in place
for skill development.

Considering the organization’s The resort is increasingly struggling to
goals and strategy have been find qualified employees that provide
established, there is a lack of service quality to the guests. Suppose
communication and understanding by that the Resort must invest in its
the employees affecting the quality workforce by providing training and
of service and customer’s development opportunities, improving
satisfaction. compensation and benefits, and creating a
more positive work environment.
The organization should incorporate
shared values into their strategic RECOMMENDATION
management process. One important Conduct a skills assessment that allows
step is to clearly articulate the employees to practice their new skills.
organization’s values to ensure that Offer cross-training opportunities to
they are understood and embraced by employees that will help to broaden their
all employees. This can be done skills and knowledge and make them more
through training programs, versatile. This will lead to improved
communication materials, and other productivity, performance, and customer
initiatives. By doing so, it can satisfaction, and this will help the resort
improve guest satisfaction, increase maintain its reputation as a favored
employee engagement, and enhance destination for tourists from all over
their reputation. This can lead to a the world.
number of benefits including
improved performance, increased
profitability, and sustainable growth.

What is the importance and

significance of management in
Strategic Management in the
Tourism industry or as a Tourism
Student in future endeavors?


Strategic Management

Strategic management is essential for tourism businesses to 18
succeed in today's dynamic and competitive market. It
provides a framework for tourism organizations to
identify and capitalize on their competitive advantages,
expand into new markets, improve operational efficiency,
and adapt to changing market conditions.
As a tourism student, developing strong strategic
management skills is essential for your future success,

De Leon
regardless of your chosen career path. Strategic thinking is
a valuable skill in any field, and it will help you become
more competitive in the job market and better equipped
to succeed in your career.
Studying strategic management as a tourism student will give you the
skills and information you need to excel in your future job. Strategic
management is a valuable tool for assisting tourist firms and destinations in

adapting to change, developing new goods and services, more effectively
managing resources, and becoming more sustainable and resilient. It assists

firms in identifying and achieving their dreams, developing a competitive
edge, and adapting to change.

Strategic management is the process of developing, implementing, and

assessing corporate strategies to attain long-term goals. The primary
necessity for this aim is the formation of plans, activities, and strategies to
achieve this goal. Strategic management may assist tourist firms in doing
this by offering a framework for designing and implementing strategies
that fulfill the aims and objectives of the business.
Tourism management aims to ensure that every appearance of the tourism
experience operates with optimal efficiency and great customer
satisfaction. Tourist managers must possess a thorough grasp of the tourist

De Castro
industry to succeed. It may assist tourist firms in improving their
performance, achieving their objectives, and contributing to the industry's
overall economic and social growth. These abilities and knowledge can
assist you to be more competitive in the job market and develop in your
The process of creating and carrying out a strategy to accomplish an
organization's objectives is known as strategic management. It is crucial for
students studying tourism to acquire this ability since it will enable for a
better comprehension of how tourist enterprises run, make more informed

decisions, and increase their chances of finding employment and earning
potential. Since the tourism sector is extremely competitive, business
organizations must be able to quickly adjust to shifting market conditions, it
is imperative that students pursuing tourism understand strategic
management. By providing a framework for improved decision-making and

De Jesus
more efficient resource allocation, strategic management can assist tourism
businesses in achieving this. Students studying tourism with a focus on
strategic management will be highly sought after, regardless of the specific
field of the industry we choose to work in, tourism students can improve
their employment prospects, earning potential, and job satisfaction by
strengthening these abilities.
Nhickole Jane
Strategic management is the process of
establishing an organization's long-term goals and
objectives, it is to develop plans to reach its goals
and putting plans into actions. It is a continuous
process that aids businesses in achieving their
goals to remain being competitive and it is an
essential process for all organizations that want to
be successful in the long term. Strategic
management plays an important and significant
role in tourism industry.

Tourism is constantly evolving, with new

technologies, travel trends, and economic and
political factors emerging all the time. Strategic
Del Rosaio
Strategic management is an essential skill for any student who
management can help tourism businesses to wants to be successful. It can help students to develop a deep
anticipate and respond to these changes understanding of the tourism industry, to identify and exploit
market opportunities, to differentiate their businesses from
effectively, and to maintain their competitive
competitors, and to manage their resources effectively in an
advantage. By developing and implementing a
early stage. Strategic management can be applied to any
clear and effective strategy, tourism businesses can
situation where you want to achieve a specific goal. As I think
improve their profitability, increase their market deeper it can also be used when we want to achieve something,
share, improve customer satisfaction, increase to make plans, to understand every situation, the eagerness to
employee engagement, and enhance their survive and be competitive we are using strategies to take this
sustainability. This can lead to significant benefits life more meaningful and to make the best for the long term
for both the business and for the wider tourism results there are strategies that we are trying to hold on just like
industry. It is also important for every student not businesses we should always find a way to become successful..
just tourism student for their future endeavors.

Strategic management is the process of developing and implementing

strategies to achieve organizational goals. It is an important process for

Diana Mae
all organizations, including those in the tourism industry. And strategic
management in the tourism industry is important for a number of
reasons. First, it helps organizations to identify and respond to the
ever-changing needs of the tourism market. Second, it helps
organizations to capitalize on their strengths and opportunities, and to
mitigate their weaknesses and threats. Third, it helps organizations to
develop a competitive advantage in the marketplace. As a tourism
management students, strategic management is an essential skill to
learn. By understanding the principles of strategic management, as a
students will be better equipped to develop and implement successful
strategies for tourism organizations. And in addition, strategic
management is an important skill for any future endeavor. Whether
you are starting your own business, working for a large corporation, or
non-profit organization, strategic management will help you to

achieve your goals. Also strategic management is an essential tool for
tourism organizations of all sizes. It can help organizations to achieve
their goals, to capitalize on their strengths and opportunities, and to
develop a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Strategic management is the art of planning, 20
implementing, and evaluating actions that allow an
organization to attain its long-term goals. Strategic
management is the compass that steers tourism
destinations, hospitality enterprises, and other
stakeholders toward long-term growth. The tourism
industry is constantly evolving, with new trends,
technologies, and competitors emerging regularly.

Strategic management helps tourism businesses adapt to

these changes and maintain a competitive edge.
Customer satisfaction is critical to the success of any

tourism business. Strategic management enables firms to
recognize and meet the requirements and expectations
of their customers, resulting in increased customer
satisfaction and loyalty. As a tourism management
student, I have embarked on a journey to understand
the diverse world of tourism and its intricate relationship The next one is to create and implement strategic plans
with strategic management. This reflection paper delves that can be used to generate successful strategies for
into the importance and significance of strategic achieving organizational goals and objectives. The third
management in the tourism industry and how it can
shape my future endeavors as a professional in this field. advantage of studying strategic management is effectively
Understanding the principles and techniques of strategic managing resources. We will be able to allocate resources
management is critical for my future success as a tourist efficiently in order to maximize production and
management student. It will provide me with the skills profitability. Lastly, we will be able to effectively engage
and information required to first study the tourism
sector and its competitive landscape in order to identify
with diverse stakeholders, including employees, customers,
trends, opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, and threats partners, and government agencies, if we communicate
facing tourism businesses. and collaborate with them.

Tourism is one of the most significant Strategic management is developing and implementing
contributors to the global economy. It is a strategies that help an organization achieve its goals. It involves
dynamic industry with numerous stakeholders identifying the organization's strengths and weaknesses,
and operates in a complex environment. For analyzing the external environment, and creating a plan to
tourism organizations to succeed, they need to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats. Strategic
have a clear and well-defined strategy, which management is essential for tourism organizations of all sizes, as
is where strategic management comes in. it helps them define their mission and vision, identify target
markets, develop competitive products and services, allocate

resources effectively, and manage change and uncertainty.

As a tourism student, understanding strategic management is

crucial for future success in the industry. A strong
understanding of strategic management will enable students to
understand the dynamics of the tourism industry, analyze the
competitive landscape, develop and implement effective
strategies, and make sound business decisions. Additionally,
strategic management skills are highly valued by employers in
the tourism industry, which can lead to securing a competitive

job and advancing in their careers. Strategic management plays
a crucial role in sustainable tourism development. Sustainable
tourism is a growing trend, and tourism organizations
increasingly recognize the importance of operating sustainably.
Strategic management can help tourism organizations develop
and implement sustainable tourism strategies.
Strategic management is formulating and implementing that 22
involves setting goals, developing strategies to achieve those goals,
and implementing and evaluating those strategies. Strategic
management is a key element in creating a chain reaction toward
long-term, sustainably run businesses. Organizations that use
strategic management gain a competitive edge and are able to
accomplish their goals. Strategic management is significant and
important in tourism, it is an essential tool for success in the tourism
industry because it helps tourism organizations to achieve their goals
and objectives. Understanding the principles and techniques of
strategic management is a critical skill for tourism students, as it will
help them to understand and navigate the complex and dynamic
tourism industry. In the context of tourism, Strategic management

can help students to identify their strengths, weaknesses, set goals
and lastly how to develop a plan to achieve goals.

As a tourism student, I gained a lot from learning about strategic management. It gave me a deeper
understanding of how tourism industry achieve success. And also, it help me to develop the skills and
knowledge that I need to develop and how to implement strategic plans. Gaining knowledge in strategic
management help us create better strategies, prevent business problems, and become more aware of risks.
As a tourism student, I believe that the tourism industry requires a strategic management approach. The
importance of planning ahead of time for the industry's performance is the foundation of strategic
planning. Strategic management is essentially to achieve unity, direction, and a feeling of identity in the
pursuit of corporate objectives. The industry will be able to more effectively and efficiently accomplish its
organizational goals with the aid of strategic management. This is due to the fact that there are goals and
objectives that must be fulfilled in the short and long terms. In the end, no matter what area of the tourism
industry you choose to pursue, strategic management skills will be valuable assets.

Christine Every organization should prioritize strategic management as it aids

in the formulation of its vision, mission, and long-term goals.

Moreover, strategic management contributes in identifying issues,
formulation of solutions, and recommendation of various
approaches. All workers and stakeholders have a clear direction as a
result, and it makes sure that everyone is aiming for the same
objectives. Organization success can be aided by having a well-
defined strategy. Setting goals and working toward achieving them
both depend on strategic management. It also covers the decision-
making process for an organization's future. It is useful in
determining the course for a team's operation. Strategic
management can help students to identify their strengths and
weaknesses, set goals for their future, and develop a plan to achieve
those goals. This course gives me, as a student, an insight of how
businesses operate and the tactics that successful businesses might
employ. In the business world as well as in our daily lives, strategic
management enables me to think critically, make wise decisions,

and create objectives.

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