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I. Would you please introduce yourself?

My name is Emma DAUSQUE and I’m applying for the position of site manager advertised on Monster
on November, 17th. So, I start to introduce my-self. I passed my French baccalaureate major physics – chemistry
and mathematics in June 2022.
I’m graduated from La Rochelle University, with bachelor in Civil Engineering – Sustainable Construction.
I acquired knowledge of land surveying, fluid mechanics, also material properties and structural frameworks as
you can see on my CV. Thank to my training, I practice perfectly software like Word, Excel, PowerPoint or AutoCAD
and Revit for the drafts.
During my school years, I passed certifications like:
- PSC1 in 2018, it’s the level one of civic prevention and relief;
- Or PIX in 2022, for the digital skills assessment.
To continue, I’m French native speaker but I can speak several languages. I have an intermediate level in
English and basic level in Spanish.
Since I’m little, I’ve an interest in creation. I like sport like basket-ball, I played for 8 years and I’ve already
coached at young level for develop my sense of responsibility. Furthermore, I love music, I practiced piano for
more than 10 years.
I wanted to talk to you about my different professional experiences. To begin, I was a waitress in restaurant
called « Auberge du Chaland » between June and august 2022.
Du to my formation in Civil Engineering, I did a public works internship as a worker in DLE Ouest for 1 month. My
missions involved digging trenches, the installation of mains, managing inventory and much more. It was a
difficult job but that taught me a lot.
I’ve also done the position of housekeeper in Générale des Services between July and august 2023. This time, my
missions involved clearing, ironing, child care and assistance for elderly.

II. What are your strengths and your weaknesses?

My strong point are pugnacious and good team worker; even if the work is hard, I finish it no matter the
conditions. Almost, the fact to work as a team reinforces my efficiency.
However, my weakness is my fair of failure, but now thanks to my studies I learned a lot and it allowed me to be
adaptable. As well, I can turn my hand at any job.

III. Why do you want to work for us?

Firstly, I would like to increase my experience on the site with workers to consolidate my formation.
Secondly your company have an excellent reputation and there is also a good training opportunity with you which
would enable me to improve my know-how.

IV. Why should we hire you?

I enjoy the challenge of this post. I’ve often been under pressure so I work methodically when we entrust
me a duty. Thank- to my experiences, I can prepare work timetable, coordinate subcontractor activities and
respond to meet dead-line. I think that why you should hire me.

V. Do you have any questions?

Yes, I’ve some question.
- Do you know if I will be accompanying by another site manager for my first mission?
- On your advertised, the salary was not mentioned. Could-you tell me please, the wage of this assignment?
- I’ve one more last question, do you know what site I will be working on?

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