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1. What’s brought you along today?

2. What seems to be the problem?

3. How long have they been bothering you?

4. Which part of your head is affected?

5. Is there anything that make them better?

6. Does anything make them worse?

7. What effect does food have?

8. Does lying down help the pain?

9. Have you had any trouble with your stomach or bowels?

10. What’s your appetite like?

11. Any pain in the chest, any palpitation, swelling of the ankles?

12. Have you noticed any weakness or tingling in your limbs?

13. What sort of mood have you been in recently?

14. How long, how long have you had this temperature?

15. Is the temperature there all time or does it come on at any particular time?

16. I wake up at night and I’m drenched in sweat, drenched, and sometimes my
whole body shakes.

17. Have you noticed any, any pain in your muscles?

18. Have you lost any weight?

19. Have you noticed any blood in it?

20. Have you had any pains in your chest?

21. My wrist is throbbing since I fell in the street.

22. Can you tell me what seems to be bothering you?

23. I’ve been getting a kind of boring pain right here, which goes through to my

24. Can you tell me what seems to be bothering you?

25. I’ve got this gnawing kind of pain right about here in my stomach.

26. I’ve got this sharp pain up and down my leg.

27. I feel as if there’s a tight band squeezing all the way round my head.

28. I’ve got crushing pain right here in my chest.

29. I’ve been having some problems with my breathing.

30. I keep getting breathlessness and wheezing in my chest.

31. It all started about three weeks ago, and I’ve been coughing a lot with it,
some white phlegm.

32. I started finding it more and more difficult to catch my breath.

33. I’ve had the wheezing and breathlessness for roughly three weeks.

34. Do you get these bouts of wheezing and shortness of breath every day?

35. Have you noticed any change in the severity of the attacks, especially in the

36. Have you had any infections recently like flu or sore throat or chest

37. Are you taking any kinds off medicine recently?

38. Does the wheezing et cetera continue over the weekends?

39. What about eczema, anyone in your family with that?

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