Trial Tech-1-9-2024

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Trial Tech-1/1/2024

Test of Irrelevance no connection in the facts it is immaterial or irrelevant it should not in the judicial

1. Irrelevant and immaterial
2. Collateral matters - matter is collateral when in parallel or divergent line ( parallel connotes direct
connection in matters) - ex. Try to connect that he is a good person that he/she will not do that crime
(try to prove motive and reputation no direct connection to the crime) = evidence of bad reputation
does not evidence admissible to prove his guilt. Section 4 Rule 128
3. Vague - ambiguous that cannot understand Ex. Direct messages two or more questions
4. Already answered - it is question previously answered by the witness
5. Calling for two extremes - A question must be so framed to unable to identify the question ex.
When the loan did you signed and filed a complaint?
6. No basis - the question asked certain facts has been established (Asked question with foundation
to climax or step by step question before)
7. Witness is incompetent - witness being asked questions outside of his knowledge ex. Presenting
witness to damages not witness to prove the crime it should be the doctor if the wounds is deep or
not. Or geodetic eng. Not
8. Previledge matter - privilege communication (like atty client privilege communication) Ex witness
to the ones who knows the story and counsel before subject for previledge communication or doctor
and patient privilege communication
9. Leading - generally answered by yes or no ex. Not leading her answer you answered answer (let
them tell the story)
10. Calls for opinion - generally can testify with his own knowledge if his/her opinion it is objection
expert witness can give opinion like doctors, psychologies , and etc. (Expert witness and normal
witness = Expert witness should qualify like a doctor asked step by step to prove he/she is
11. hypothetical question - assumes certain given set of facts and its basis of the facts questioning
what would happen or result such facts.
12. Best evidence rule - When the subject inquiry is the content of the document the original copies
of the facts ex. Contracts, falsified documents, birth certificate, and etc.
13. Parole evidence rule or outside evidence or evidence alyonde- when the terms of an agreement
reduce in writing contains all agreement therein and no oral evidence can amend it.
14. Hearsey evidence - Testify to his personal knowledge and cannot testify because he/she heard to
other (RIANO) per se is a fact according to your personal knowledge only. (execute any document in
court and it should be identify it is yours)
15. Incriminating evidence - witness should asked question subjecting him/her to punishment Ex.
Protect your clients.
16. Expert witness
17. Improper question - established evidence to destroy or prove(redirect examination to heal the
destroyed evidence) asked all question to direct examination don’t ask in redirect examinations.

Practical one question bukas exam 7:30pm

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