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Activity #2: Achieving Unity and Coherence

Directions: Read the paragraphs below. Underline the topic sentence and encircle the unrelated sentence. Write your answer
on your notebook.

1. The design of an art object is an important element of Muslim Filipino art. Color and motif are aspects of this element. Color
is found in wood carvings heightening engraved designs and motifs which are highly floral. Color is found most artistically
used in mats and cloths which commonly have geometric design. The sarimanok is also a popular design. Muslim Filipino
artists have a preference for bold primary colors –red, yellow, and blue. Yellow is considered the royal color because it
resembles gold which is highly valuable.

2. Copper, which is mostly used as electrical conductor, is produced from its ores by electrolytic process. It is reddish. It is
highly malleable and ductile and made into ornaments, weapons, jewels, coins and figurines. Generators, motors, radios
and heaters use copper extensively because it is a good electric/heat conductor. It is resistant to atmospheric corrosion.
When alloyed with tin it becomes bronze; with zinc, brass. It can alloy other metals. Toledo City in Cebu is Asia’s biggest
copper mine.

3. I did rough work on my first night in the plant. Is wept the floor and picked up waste and dirt with my bare hands. I carried
heavy machine parts in my arms or on my shoulders. I screwed big pipes together. A kind worker showed me how to hold a
file and with it I smoothened off the edges of five push-button plates. He was a big, handsome, hardworking fellow who had
been at the same job for fifteen years and knew many interesting stories about the plant. Within fifteen minutes, my hands
were blistered, my arms are impregnated with black metal dust and machine oil, and my mouth full of grease. When I was
through at midnight, the muscles of my feet, legs, fingers, hands, arms and back ached terribly. I dragged myself home and
slept like a dead man.

4. Glaciers are great masses of ice formed by snow. Snow collects on mountains for years then melts and freezes. Each new
snowfall supplies ice for the glacier as it packs, melts and freezes again. Glaciers change the earth by pushing and moving
rocks, soil and even huge boulders. Mount Everest, which is the highest mountain in the world, has plenty of huge boulders.
The rocks and boulders that are pushed along by a glacier cut into the soil and wear away stone. The erosion of the earth
can broaden valleys and make mountains smooth.

5. The Philippines has many folk festivals. The Ati-Atihan festival in Aklan, which commemorates the historic sale of Panay and
recalls the peace pact between the Negritos and the Malays who settled in Aklan, in one of them. This event also
commemorates the feast day of the Sto. Niño. The Sto. Niño is well-loved in Aklan. Townspeople and their guests paint their
faces and wear colorful costumes as they dance the streets of Kalibo. A Sunday evening procession in honor of the Sto. Ni ño
brings a solemn end to a week of gaiety.

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