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Date: 1-12-2023

Name: Solangel Preciado

Master: Lcda. Rosy Mendoza Cobeña, Mg.
Writing Production

I have been in several places with in Ecuador, but the experience that I liked the most was
when we went on a trip with my family to Ambato in 2022, we traveled from Baños to Puyo
which would be the easterm part of Ecuador, it turned out to be very nice, because with my
cousin and my sister in Baños we could climb a suspension bridge almost without boards and
you could see everything up to the ravine, and to get from one station to another we had to
cross the bridge with too much safety equipment and a guide, it was little scary but when you
are in the middle you get rid of the fear, and the other experience was when we arrived at
Puyo and we were able to visit and aviary there were all kinds of exotic birds and quite a lot
of flora of any kind in the park.

The experiences I have not done but would like to live would be to see an aurora boreails in
person, because most people know what it is movies, leyends, documentaries, stories....
However, few people have been lucky enough to contemplate one live. Another activit; I
would do is to spleep under the stars. It is a very simple plan that anyone can do, but it is very
difficult to find stars in the city, because here they are not visible to the naked eye, and as a
last experience would be to travel abroad, since I have never left the country and it would be
very nice to know new cultures, people and landscapes.

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