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Lecture “Neurobiology”

SK.Bio-NF.7001: Neurobiology

Prof. Dr. André Fiala

Molecular Neurobiology of Behavior, University of Göttingen

Part Two A: Cellular Properties of Neurons

Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

Not all students of this lecture study Biology or a related topic of Life Science.
Some study Physics or Neuroinformatics. It will be difficult for them to follow the
lecture if basic knowledge about Cell Biology is lacking.

The next slides will provide a crash-course for those non-Biologists. All students
who have heard that already multiple times are encouraged to see whether they
would have known everything already.

For Students of Physics or Informatics and for self-studying it is

recommended to consults the respective chapters of a general textbook of
Biology, e.g.:
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Neurons are cells that contain the same organelles as all cells
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
The Soma (Perikaryon)


rough and smooth endoplasmatic reticulum

Ribosomes und Polyribosomes



Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Gene transcription in the nucleus
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Protein synthesis in the cytosol; can be precisely localized, e.g. at synapses!
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Mitochondria produce ATP:

Present in axones, dendrites, synaptic structures. Cellular respiration, Krebs-Martin cycle;

Electron microscopic section: presynaptic terminal in the cerebellum. Please note the cell
membranes and the synaptic vesicles!
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
The Golgi apparatus: many functions!
- production of vesicles
- synthesis and modification of plasma membrane elements
- production of primary lysosomes
- post-translations modifications of proteins, e.g, cleavage;
- delivery of proteins and membranes to specific destinations („trafficking“)
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
The cytoskeleton: 3 „bones“

Cytoskeleton proteins are not static! They determime the plastic shape of the neuron!

3 main types:

a) microtubules
b) neurofilaments
c) microfilaments
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

Blue arrow: longitudinal Red arrow: transverse section

section across dendrite. across dendrite.

- Microtubules consist of two different monomers

- They form a polar strand (+ and – end)
- 13 monomers per „ring“
- polymerisation requires energyx: GTP-hydrolysis
Electron microscopic section: microtubules in dendrites. - In the mammlian brain > 20 isoformes!
- The stability is maintaines by microtubules-
associated proteins (MAPs). In Aaxons different MAPs
than in dendrites!
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

A large number of regulatory proteins are associated with microtubules.

- Microtubules consist of two different monomers

- They form a polar strand (+ and – end)
- 13 monomers per „ring“
- polymerisation requires energyx: GTP-hydrolysis
- In the mammlian brain > 20 isoformes!
- The stability is maintaines by microtubules-
associated proteins (MAPs). In axons different MAPs
than in dendrites!
Excursion: a MAP (microtubule-associated protein) called Tau plays a role in
Alzheimer‘s disease.

Tau becomes excessively phosphorlyted by an enzyme called Glykogen-Synthase-Kinase GSK3. This enzyme gets
activated by b-Amyloid.
Excursion: a MAP (microtubule-associated protein) called Tau plays a role in
Alzheimer‘s disease.

After cells have degenerated and die, clumps of Tau can be detected.

Staining of neurofilaments Staining of Tau Co-localization in dead cells.

Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students


- 3-10 x more than microtubules

- belong to the protein family of cytokeratins
- very stable, almost completely polymerized
- determine lerngthz and thickness of axons

Neurofilaments (Arrow)
P = Perikaryon of a Purkinje-Cell of the cerebellum
N = Nucleus
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students


Intermediate filaments to which neurofilaments belong are a large family of


- 3-10 x more than microtubules

- belong to the protein family of cytokeratins
- very stable, almost completely polymerized
- determine lerngthz and thickness of axons
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

Actin filaments (microfilaments)

- polar polymers of actin monomers

- GTP or GDP-binding
- several genes for actin
- dense mesh below the membrane
- fast polymerization and degradation

Actin filaments ina dendritic spine, a plastic extrusion of the dendrites of some neurons.
A: Axon
S: Spine
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

Actin filaments (microfilaments)

A large number of regulatory proteins are associated with microfilaments or

constitute different types of microfilaments.

- polar polymers of actin monomers

- GTP or GDP-binding
- several genes for actin
- dense mesh below the membrane
- fast polymerization and degradation
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

Dendritic spines

- small protrusions on dendrites of glutamatergic

central brain neurons in mammals

- variable shape, modifiable

- provide thousands of synaptic contacts to one cell

- plastic in shape

- important for learning and memory (plasticity!)

- Deseases can affect spine morphology

- Shape determines electrical properties of

synapses (resistance!) and biochemical properties.
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

Dendritic spines

Penzes, P., Woolfrey, K., & Srivastava, D. (2011). Epac2-mediated dendritic spine remodeling: Implications for disease. Molecular

and Cellular Neuroscience, 46, 368-380 .

Development and Regulation of Dendritic Spine Synapses
Barbara Calabrese, Margaret S. Wilson, and Shelley Halpain
Physiology 2006 21:1, 38-47 Dendritic spines
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Fast anterograde axonal transport
Transports organelles, vesicles, mitohondria, elements of sER, …
- Kinesin and Microtubuli!
- ATP-dependent
- independent from soma

1 Cyclus = 16 nm, 2 ATP!

Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Fast anterograde axonal transport
Transports organelles, vesicles, mitohondria, elements of sER, …

There are many different forms of kinesins!

Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Fast retrograde axonal transport
Transports organelles, vesicles, mitohondria, endosomes, etc. towards the soma.

- MAP-1C (Microtubule-associated ATPase)

und Microtubuli!

- MAP-1C simlar to Dynein of Ciliates!

Dynein-Dynactin complex acts as motor!

- ATP-dependent

- independent of soma
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Comparison between fast anterograde and retrograde transport
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Slow axonal transport, only anterograde:
delivery of cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic elements to periphery.

- Delivery of cytoskeletal and cytoplasmic constituents to the

- Studies suggest that cytoplasmic dynein may move
microtubules with their plus ends leading.
- Neurofilaments may move on their own or may hitchhike
on microtubules.
- Once cytoplasmic structures reach their destinations,
they are degraded by local proteases at a rate that allows
either growth (in the case of growth cones) or
maintenance of steady-state levels.
- The different composition and organization of cytoplasmic
elements in dendrites suggest that different pathways
may be involved in delivery of cytoskeletal and
cytoplasmic materials to dendrites. In addition, some
mRNAs are transported into dendrites, but not into axons
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
The cell membranes of all cells including neurons consist of phospholipid bilayers.

Important for neurons: these bilayers are insulators (charged ions cannot pass easily).

Biological bilayers are usually composed of amphiphilic phospholipids that have a hydrophilic phosphate head and a
hydrophobic tail consisting of two fatty acid chains.
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
The “fluid membrane mosaic model” states that membrane proteins are embedded in
the phosopholipid bilayer.

These membrane proteins are important to regulate transport across the membrane.

Carbohydrates are covalently linked to proteins (glycoproteins) or lipids (glycolipids) and also an important part of cell
membranes. Membrane carbohydrates perform two main functions: participate in cell recognition and adhesion, either cell-
cell signaling or cell-pathogen interactions, and they have a structural role as a physical barrier.
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Also cell organelles are often composed of phospholipid membranes

Polar „head“
with phosphate
Unpolar „tail“
of carbohydrate

intracellular pidss
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

General structure of an amino acid

Sequences of hydrophobic amino acids can form

transmembrane domains

Sequences of hydrophilic amino acids can form

intracellular and extracellular domains
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
Transport across membranes: passive (no energy consumption, driving force = concentration gradient; approaches equilibrium) and
active (energy required, usually ATP, results in non-equilibrium).

There are several principal types of transport across membranes:

- simple diffusion, e.g. gases (O2, CO2, NO, CO, etc.), small non-charged molecules, also H2O.
- channel-mediated (facilitated diffusion), e.g., ions, H2O through aquaporin channels, small molecules;
- carrier-mediated (facilitated diffusion), e.g., ions, glucose, small molecules;
- active transport, e.g., ions, small molecules; against concentration gradient;
Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students

Transport across membranes

Crash-Course in Basic Cell Biology for Non-Biology Students
amino acid residue
peptide bond

amino acids

Tertiary structure

Quartary structure


Primary structure: amino acid sequence

Secondary structure

Ion channels are transmembrane proteins

Ion channels consist of subunits

a) central, water-filled pore ,

Heterooligomer Homooligomer Homomer
b) transmembrane-domains of
c) 2 oder more subunits that can
be the same or different amino
acid sequences.

Associated proteins can be attached for regulation of channel

Ion channels consist of subunits
Ion channels

1. Ion channels conduct ions

2. Recognize and select
specific ions
3. Open and close upon
electrical, chemical or
mechanical signals.

- Ion selectivity (1:10 – 1:100)

- Mechanisms for regulation
Ion channels

Patch-Clamp-technique: ACh-Receptor-Kanal, 25 pS
Properties of ion channels: opening and closing

a) Voltage-dependent
b) Ligand-dependent
c) Mechanically gated
d) „resting channels“
e) Second-messenger-
regulated channels
Properties of ion channels: ligands, antagonists, agonists

Exogeneous factors can influece

opening and closing (z.B. toxins,

Reversibel (Curare) or irreversibel

(e.g., a-Bungarotoxin).

A ligand-gated ion channel is an ionotropic receptor

Ion channels: there are different, structural families

Example: 5 subunits


One polypetide
Ion channels: the opening propabilty can be modulated

Ion channels can desensitize, i.e.,

opening decresaes their opening

Modulation of channels:

a) Temporally restricted inactivation

(refractory period!)

b) The conducted ion itself

modulates the opening state.

c) Phosphorylation (covalent
bonds) or dephosphorylation
modulates the opening
Models, how the S4 domain could transduce voltage into
conformational changes
Different splice variants of a channel protein .

Example: a potassium channel; differential expression of splice variants in the brain

Ion channels: there are different, structural families
Satiation of  Binding of individual ions onto channel pore.

Ionic current is passiv (no ATP


Anions and cations along the

elctrochemical gradient.
Example for modulation of opening poperties through phosphorylation: Na -channel

Phosphorylation sites in
the amino acid sequence mediated
by protein kinases.

PK-A: protein kinase A

PK-C: protein kinase C

TTX: site of action of tetrodotoxin

(blocks channel).
How selective are ion channels?
Mesaurements of permeability (P)

potassium-channel: sodium-channel

< 0,02 Lithium 0,93

< 0,01 Sodium 1,00
1,00 Potassium 0,09
2,3 Thallium 0,33
0,91 Rubidium
0,13 Ammonium 0,16
< 0,03 Hydroxylamin 0,94
< 0,03 Hydrazin 0,59
< 0,02 Guanidin 0,13

Selectivity filter: electrostatic interaction with carbonyl groups in the channel pore.
Pharmacological drugs that can affect ion channels

• Local anesthetics: lidocain, benzocain, procain (sodium channels)

• Peptide toxins (scorpion toxins, conotoxins, sea anemone toxins)
(block inactivation of sodium channels)
• Alkaloid-biotoxins (Veratridin, Batrachotoxin, Aconitin)
(open sodium channels, change ion selectivity)
• Tetrodotoxin (TTX), saxitoxin (block of sodium channels)
1 mg lethal, TTX in several unrelated species
(buffer fish, californian newt)  „convergent evolution“

• Ligand binding 1:1  Counting of sodium channels:

thin axon: ~ 3/µm2, giant axon: ~ 500/µm2,
node of ranvier: 3.000 – 10.000/µm2
• Measuring opening time (patch clamp): ~ 20 ms, ~100 ions pass.
Ion channels: ions flow not only along a concentration gradient but also along
an electrical potential
Direction of ion flux
Ion channels: ionic flow can be skewed in one direction.

Ohmic channel and rectifying channel: ions are more readily conducted in one direction
Voltage-gated ion channels: super-families
Some types of ligand-gated ion channels

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