Capture D'écran . 2023-12-22 À 10.28.01

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Travail en binôme + dictionnaire

Say No to Mindless Waste…

Just imagine how much waste 7 billion people can generate. An average person throws away
4 pounds of trash every day and makes about 1.5 tons of solid waste a year. Multiply that by
7 billion and you know why we have environmental problems.
What’s ironic about it, is that 75% of our trash can be recycled. Recycling is when used
waste and materials are converted into new products, so that it can be used again. This
practice ensures that we don’t waste perfectly reusable materials. It lowers the demand for
new materials to be produced and thereby lowers our energy consumption. Recycling also
keeps our non-usable trash from reaching the landJlls where they can add to pollution.

Many types of materials can be recycled such as :

a. Paper
b. Plastic
c. Glass
d. Metal
e. Textiles
f. Batteries
g. Electronic Equipment
h. Food

Recycling 1 ton of paper can save 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 2 barrels of oil, and 4,000
kilowatts of electricity. The energy that you save can power 1 home for 5 months. The
average family uses 6 trees worth of paper each year.

If every American recycles 10% of the newspapers he buys, we can save 25 million trees
every year!
Recycling 1 aluminum can, saves enough energy to light a 100 watt light bulb for 20 hours
and a TV for 2 hours. That’s just from 1 can.

Let’s keep our trash away from the landJlls and recycle what we can.

Lire le texte en entier, au moins deux fois.

Noter le vocabulaire que vous avez cherché dans le dictionnaire et vos réponses dans votre

(Répondre en anglais pour les questions en anglais et répondre en français pour les questions en

1. Combien pèse, en grammes, un “pound” ? A combien pourrait-on arrondir ce chihre ?

2. A quoi correspond le « s » des verbes soulignés ? (expliquer la règle de conjugaison)
3. How many people live on earth?
4. How much waste does one person produce per day?
5. Combien de déchets peuvent être recyclés ?
6. Quels ehets cela a t il ?
7. Citer les matières qui se recyclent.
8. What is a landJll ? (expliquer en anglais, sans traduire le mot. Donner une déJnition)
9. Résumer le texte, en français, en quelques mots/lignes.

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