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December 8, 2023

At Pinterest we work hard to take action against harmful content. As a result, we've limited the
distribution of the Pin you saved.

Pin ID: 650207264978732519
Saved to: "Men"

Status: Limited distribution

What does this mean

This means the Pin is not proactively recommended to users in places like search, home feed, or

How was this violation identified

We identified this violation through our own investigation.

We made this decision using a hybrid method. This means a human determined that content on
Pinterest violated policy, and automated systems helped expand that decision to enforce against
machine-identified matching Pins like yours.

What policy was violated

This Pin violates our Community Guidelines on adult content, because it contains sexualization of
clothed individuals.

What you can do

If you think we've mistakenly taken action, you can submit an appeal through your reports and
violations center within 6 months of the date of this notice. For more information on how to submit
an appeal, please visit our help center:

If you're in the European Union, you can also pursue the dispute before an out-of-court dispute
settlement body that has been certified under the Digital Services Act, or seek judicial redress in
accordance with our Terms. Additional information is available in our help center:

You can review your profile and boards and remove any other content that may go against our
Community Guidelines or local law. If we discover more content that violates our terms and
conditions or the law, we may take additional action on your account, such as deactivating it.

For more information, visit our Community Guidelines: or our help center:

Pinterest. Inc, 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107

Enforcement ID: 94b10174-8a05-4291-9db6-7966afb08325

Pinterest. Inc, 651 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107

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