Addiction and Reproduction Fizza Malik 16

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DATE : 30/MAY/2021
Drug misuse can directly negatively impact fertility, especially in
women. In fact, drug and alcohol use is a major cause of infertility in
both men and women, drug misuse can directly.affect fertility by acting
on the body systems that are responsible for reproduction. It also has
an indirect effect, due to how drug use and addiction can affect health
and lifestyle. Besides affecting fertility, drug use can have negative
effects once pregnancy does occur.

Drugs, including nicotine, can have serious adverse effects on the

pregnancy and on the baby. These negative effects are most likely to
happen during the first three months of the pregnancy when the
woman might not even realize that she is pregnant. This is a serious
problem, given that the unintended pregnancy rate for women with
opioid addiction is as high as 86%.


Substance abuse can lead to organ damage, infections, and diseases.
Research on humans and animals has found that women are generally
more vulnerable to the long-term physical effects of drugs and
alcohol compared to men . Differences in physiology, weight, and
hormone levels can affect the breakdown of drugs and alcohol in the
body. In particular, drug use can harm the reproductive system and
impact women in one or more of the following ways:
 Changes in the menstrual cycle — Drug and alcohol use may alter a
woman’s menstrual cycle and may result in lighter or heavier
menstrual periods and increased
cramping . Heroin and methadone use may also lead to
amenorrhea (absence of a period) in some women.
 Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other infections —
Intravenous drug use puts women at risk of contracting infections
and diseases transmitted through the blood, including HIV/AIDS,
which may harm a woman’s fertility . Heavy alcohol use is also
linked to higher rates of contracting STDs that may damage the
reproductive system and/or hinder the ability to get pregnant 3.
Women under the influence of drugs and alcohol may be more
likely to put themselves in harmful situations that increase their
risk of contracting STDs.
 Cancer — Women who abuse alcohol and other drugs may put
themselves in risky situations where they are more likely to
contract an STD, which, depending on the infection, may
contribute to cancer. For example, the human papilloma virus
(HPV) is linked to increased cervical cancer risk.
 Sexual dysfunction — Substance use may impact sexual arousal,
pleasure, and desire in women . Specifically, heavy alcohol use can
decrease vaginal lubrication and the ability to achieve an orgasm 7.
STDs resulting from risky behaviors associated with substance use
may also impact sexual desire.

 Fertility — Drugs and alcohol are also related to infertility in

women. One study found that females who are heavy alcohol users
are more likely to experience fertility problems compared to low
and moderate alcohol users 5. Women who use tobacco products
may also be at risk for fertility issues and delayed conception 2.

Drugs Affect ON Women’s Fertility

Female fertility is especially susceptible to disruption and many drugs
can disrupt the proper function of the processes involved in
conception. With men, it comes down to whether or not they produce
viable sperm. With women, however, many factors and systems that
must be working properly, such as:

 Hormone production – multiple hormones from multiple glands

(thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenals, and ovaries)
 Menstrual cycles
 Ovulation
 The reproductive tract, including the cervix, uterus and fallopian

Even legal drugs can affect fertility in women. In one study, alcohol use
was found to decrease women’s fertility by more than 50% and this
effect was magnified if they also used caffeine. Even in women who
didn’t drink alcohol, consuming the caffeine equivalent of more than
one cup of coffee per day was found to reduce the ability to conceive.

In addition, tobacco thickens cervical mucus and blocks sperm from

reaching the egg. Tobacco use in women has been shown to delay
pregnancy by more than a year on average and cuts the chances of
conceiving by more than half.

Data from the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that
55% of women of childbearing age drink alcohol, 23% smoke cigarettes
and 10% use illicit drugs. Further, 10% of pregnant women drink
alcohol, 15% smoke cigarettes and 5% use illicit substances.

Illicit Drugs and Women’s Fertility:

Illicit drugs affect women’s fertility in a variety of different ways. For
women who use more than one of these drugs (such as someone who
smokes, drinks alcohol and uses marijuana), the effects can add up:
 Cannabis disrupts the menstrual cycle and decreases ovulation
 Stimulants, such as cocaine and crystal meth, cause adverse effects
at most levels of the reproductive system and cause a high rate of
 Opioids disrupt pituitary and hypothalamus hormone production,
causing menstrual irregularities and halting ovulation

 Drug misuse is also associated with risky sexual behavior, which can
cause unwanted pregnancies. Risky sexual behavior may also lead to
sexually transmitted infections that can result in infertility, including
pelvic inflammatory disease.
 Drug use can also lead to weight loss, poor nutrition, sleep
disruption and general physical deconditioning. Each of these side
effects can interrupt menstrual cycles and ovulation.

Prescription Drugs and Women’s Fertility:

 A large number of prescription medications can affect female
fertility. These include thyroid medications and medications
for mental health disorders. Women who are planning to get
pregnant should discuss their medications with their physician.
 Many prescription drugs are also misused substances, and they can
have serious consequences on the ability to get pregnant, the
pregnancy itself and the health of the baby. Commonly misused
prescription drugs include opioids (pain medication), stimulants
(medication for conditions such as attention deficit disorder) and
other psychotropics (medication that affects the brain’s chemistry).
Prescribed medications are frequently the “gateway” to addiction
and illicit drug use.


Men may experience one or more of the following reproductive
problems as a result of drug and alcohol use:

 STDs and other infections — Drug and alcohol abuse may put men
at higher risk of contracting STDs. This may be due to lowered
inhibitions associated with substance use. Alcohol can also suppress
the immune system, making it easier to contract an STD . Men who
use intravenous drugs and share needles put themselves at a higher
risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and other bloodborne
diseases. HIV and antiretroviral treatment drugs may negatively
affect a male’s fertility.

 Fertility — Substance use can lead to fertility problems in men 8.

Men who use marijuana and cocaine may experience changes in
hormone levels that can affect sperm movement and lead to
infertility. Anabolic steroids also pose a danger to male fertility.
Performance-enhancing drugs increase testosterone levels in the
bloodstream, which leads the reproductive organs to produce lower
amounts of the hormone. This can cause the testicles to shrink and
produce less sperm. In some cases, infertility may be irreversible
after a period of heavy steroid use. However, in most cases the
body will return to normal within months after stopping the drugs.
Medications may also be prescribed to increase sperm production
after quitting steroids.

 Sexual dysfunction — Men who use drugs and alcohol may

experience problems with sexual arousal 6. In small to moderate
amounts, alcohol lowers inhibitions, which may appear to
increase the desire for sexual activity and reduce apprehensions.
However, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant,
meaning that it slows the body and brain and may lead to erectile
dysfunction, or inability to attain or maintain an erection, and
problems with ejaculation 7. Similarly, men who use
methamphetamine may initially experience sexual benefits, such
as heightened arousal. However, over time the use of
methamphetamine and cocaine can lead to erectile dysfunction
and delayed orgasm.

Drugs Affect ON Men’s Fertility:

Infertility in men is much less complicated than it is in women, and it’s
often related to sperm production. Drugs can affect the natural
production of the male sex hormone testosterone, which negatively
affects sperm production. Male fertility may also be affected by erectile
dysfunction and the loss of sex drive caused by drug use, as well as the
unhealthy lifestyle that often accompanies drug use.

Legal drugs are especially harmful to male fertility. Sperm function

is 22% poorer in tobacco smokers compared to non-smokers. In
addition, drinking more than 14 ounces of alcohol per week can cut
natural testosterone production and increase female hormone
(estrogen) levels in males. This reduces sperm production, erectile
function, and sex drive.

Illicit Drugs and Men’s Fertility:

A number of drugs can have a negative effect on a man’s ability to
father a child. Substance use lowers production of testosterone, which
negatively affects sex drive, healthy sperm production, and erectile
function. About one-quarter of men under age 35 use illicit drugs,

 Anabolic steroids: Steroids are used for enhancing muscle building

and have many adverse health effects, including blocking healthy
sperm production
 Stimulants: Stimulants are associated with reduced sperm
production and can also cause lifestyle behaviors that reduce
 Cannabis: Cannabis decreases sperm production
 Opioids: More than half of opioid users have deficient ability to
produce viable sperm

Prescription Drugs and Men’s Fertility:

A number of prescription medications can interfere with male fertility,
many of which are themselves potential drugs of misuse. These include
prescription opioid pain medications, stimulants and psychotropic
medications for mental health disorders.

From the above studies it is cocluded that:

Substance abuse can negatively impact the reproductive health of both

sexes in a number of ways and may contribute to serious problems
like sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), infertility, and cancer.
Women who use drugs and alcohol while pregnant put their unborn
children at risk of pregnancy-related complications and future problems
that can impact their health and ability to function in the world

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