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Unit 3 Standard Test B

3 Complete the words. (10 marks)
1 Listen to the conversation. Write T (true) or F 1 This T-shirt is the wrong colour. I want to
(false). (10 marks)
e__________ it for a different one.
1 The girl wants to return the trousers. ___ 2 A lot of companies use online marketing to reach
2 She bought the trousers on the shop’s c__________.
website. ___ 3 If you need help, ask the shop a__________.
3 The colour of the trousers is too bright. ___ 4 These jeans don’t f__________. They’re too
4 The trousers are too big for her. ___ small for me.
5 She wanted to buy the trousers to wear to 5 I don’t like buying clothes online. I prefer to
work. ___ t__________ them on in the store before I pay.
6 She has brought the receipt to the shop. ___ 6 The l__________ on this shirt says ‘Made in
7 The shop assistant agrees to give the girl a China’.
refund. ___ 7 There are lots of special o__________ at this
8 The girl decides to exchange the trousers. ___ shop. They’re selling some clothes at half price!
9 She is interested in the special offers at the 8 If you’re not sure of the price, ask someone at
shop. ___ the checkout to s__________ the bar code.
10 In the end, she decides to buy a jumper. ___ 9 This laptop is more expensive if you buy it in the
shop. If you buy it online, you’ll s_________ £20.
Vocabulary 10 If you want to return an item to the store, you
must have the r__________.
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. There are two words that you do not need.
(5 marks) Language focus
brand value spend afford 4 Complete the sentences with the or – if there is
checkout bargain deliver
no word missing. (5 marks)
1 This jacket didn’t cost much. It was a ________. 1 _____ Paris is my favourite city.
2 Do you ________ much money on clothes? 2 What’s the biggest city in _____ USA?
3 If you order this product online, the retailer will 3 You speak _____ Spanish very well.
________ it to your house. 4 Life was very different when my grandparents
4 These two items are the same, but one is more were at _____ school.
expensive because it’s a famous ________. 5 A new boy has joined our class. I don’t know
5 I love these shoes, but I won’t buy them. I can’t _____ boy’s name.
________ them.
Unit 3 Standard Test B
5 Choose the correct words. (10 marks) Reading
1 Are you hungry? I’ll make / I’ll be making / A simpler life – by Mark Watson
I make a sandwich for you. Last year, I remember feeling unhappy on Black Friday. That’s
2 This time tomorrow, he’ll relax / relaxes / be the day in November when retailers try to make us spend as
much money as possible. Months before Black Friday, I began
relaxing at home.
receiving loads of emails and brochures with advertisements
3 I / I’ll / I’m visiting my cousins next Saturday. for products and services. When I didn't buy them, retailers
Dad’s agreed to drive me to their house. started sending me special offers. Worried that I would miss
such great bargains, I bought the products even if I didn't
4 I don’t know if I’ll win the match tomorrow, but want or need them. As the money I had saved got lower and
I’m doing / I’m going to do / I do my best. my email box more full, I realized I was miserable and in
danger of having no money left.
5 The bus will leaving / leaves / leave at eight
That was when I decided to make a change and to only buy
every evening, apart from Sunday.
things that I actually needed. I quickly realized that I only
6 Angela won’t arrive / isn’t arriving / doesn’t needed to spend money on food and transport – the basics! I
arrive on time tomorrow. She’s never on time! began to see that I didn't really use a lot of what I already had.
My wardrobe was full of clothes and shoes from famous
7 Don’t phone me too early in the morning brands, still with the labels on. I returned all the items that I
tomorrow. I’ll sleeping / be sleeping / sleep! had receipts for and gave away what I didn't really need.

8 Ask your teacher. She’ll help / She’s helping / With all the money I have saved, I can afford to go on holiday.
That's much more fun! I can even save for driving lessons and
She’ll be helping you.
I dream of having my own car one day.
9 Will you be / Do you / Are you going to learn a
new language next year? 7 Read Mark’s blog post. Write short answers to
the questions. (10 marks)
10 Where will / are / do you meeting Joe tonight?
1 Before Black Friday, what did Mark begin to
6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
receive from retailers?
box and the correct form of will or the future
continuous. (10 marks) _____________________________________
2 What did the retailers send him when he didn’t
do enjoy stay play talk buy anything from them?
1 This time next month, I ____________________ _____________________________________
in a hotel in London. 3 How did he feel when he had spent lots of
2 I need some advice. I think I ________________ money?
to my mum. _____________________________________
3 What ____________ you ____________ this 4 What did he do with the items that he had
time next year? receipts for?
4 I can’t meet you at six this evening, because I _____________________________________
____________________ tennis with my friends. 5 What does he hope to buy in the future?
5 Do you think your brother __________________ _____________________________________
the party tomorrow?
Unit 3 Standard Test B

8 Complete the presentation with the words in the
box. There are two words that you do not need.
(5 marks)

think another finally mentioning like see let

“Today, I’d 1__________ to tell you about the

SkateMax skateboard. 2__________ me start by
showing you the wheels. They’re very tough.
__________ advantage of this skateboard is its
design. It’s beautiful! And it’s worth 4__________
that this skateboard isn’t very expensive. I
__________ you’ll agree that the SkateMax is a
great product!”

9 Write a product review for a new diary. Use
some of the phrases in the box and the plan to
help you. Write 80–100 words. (10 marks)

If you’re a …, you’ll love this.

It’s / They’re available in …
It’s not recommended for … though.
... too. … as well as … both … and …

Paragraph 1: Introduce the product

What is it? What does it do? Who might like it?
Paragraph 2: Describe it in more detail
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Paragraph 3: Predict how popular it will be
Will it be a hit? Why / Why not?

Total marks:
Listening _______ / 10 Vocabulary _______ / 15
Language focus _______ / 25 Reading _______ / 10
Communication _______ / 5 Writing _______ / 10
TOTAL _______ / 75

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