2023 English For Computer Science

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Rosa Maria Simamora

Catholic University of Saint Thomas


Lesson 1
The Computer Revolution

We live in the age of technology. Every day, new technology appears, ranging from mini-
CDs that contain entire encyclopedias to giant space telescopes that can send photographs of
distant stars back to Earth. Of all the new technological wonders, personal computers have
probably had the greatest influence on the daily life of average people. Through computers, we
can now talk to people in any country, research any topic, works, shop, bank, and entertain our
selves. Personal computers have a special revolutionized communication and business practices
in the past twenty years.
Perhaps the most important effect of personal computers have been to expand our ability to
communicate with the outside world. A lonely invalid in Medan can talk with a similarly house-
bound person in Jakarta. Schoolchildren in Jakarta can talk via computer to schoolchildren in
Tokyo. A high school student can obtain statistics for history paper from a library in London. A
single computer user can send an e-mail message to millions of people all over the world with
one keystroke. Computer users can get together in an on-line “chat room” to discuss their
interests and problems with others who have similar interests and problems. For example, a
person whose hobby is collecting antic guns can share information with other guns collectors via
computer. A person who is planning a vacation and wants to know the names of the best beaches
in Hawaii can ask others who have already been there for suggestions. People even start on-line
romances in chat rooms! The possibilities of computerized communication are indeed unlimited.
Besides improving communication, personal computers have made it possible to do
business from home. You can take care of personal business. For example, you can buy airline
tickets, send flowers to a friend, pay your bills, buy and sell stocks, and even pay our taxes from
your home computer at any time of the day or night. There is a great convenient for people who
are busy during the day and for physically disabled people who find it hard to leave their homes.
Moreover, telecommuting – working at home instead of going to the office – has become a
choice for thousands of business people. Suzanne Carreiro, a financial manager for a large
company in downtown Manhattan, has telecommuted from her home in New Jersey for the past
two years. She goes to her office only once a week. Four days a week, she works at home and

communicates with her staff by computer. She says, “I am much more productive when I work at
home because there are no interruptions. I also don’t have to spend three hours travelling to and
from the office every day. I save myself time, and I save my company money by
In brief, the computer age has arrived, and it is changing our lives. Computers have made
communicating and doing business faster and more convenient, and they have greatly increased
our access to information. Just as the invention of automobiles had an unplanned consequence –
the growth of suburbs – so will the invention of personal computers. We will have to wait and
see what these unintentional consequences will be.

Be: am, are, is

I am John.
You are Charles.
John and Charles are students.
You and I are friends.
They are brothers and sisters.
We are friends.
There are some children in the yards.
These are pens.
Mary is a student.
Charles is an athlete.
The flower is red.
Samosir is far from here.
The book is thick.
Here is twenty dollars.
Here is the change.
It is nice to be close to you.
There is a girl in the room.
This is a pen.
The key is small.
The window is open.
The table is heavy.
John is busy.
What I want to say is I love you.

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with is, am, are
1. They …………..…... programmers.
2. He …………..…... a lecturer.
3. The books …………..…... in the library.
4. The teacher …………..…... from England.
5. The computer …………..…... new.
6. I …………..…... smart.
7. John and Mary …………..…... happy.
8. Mr. Miller …………..…... in his room.
9. Bob …………..…... form United States.
10. There …………..…... some new students in the hall.
11. It …………..…... a new hand phone.
12. The exercise …………..…... easy.
13. This room …………..…... hot.
14. You …………..…... an analyst.
15. They …………..…... my parents.
16. This software …………..…... expensive.
17. The price …………..…... cheap.
18. Here …………..…... the new subject.
19. There …………..…... many people in the mall.
20. She …………..…... beautiful.
21. John …………..…... handsome.
22. I …………..…... 19 years old.
23. The students …………..…... on time.
24. The cars…………..…... new.
25. My brother …………..…... an engineer.
26. The laboratory …………..…... upstairs.
27. Today …………..…... Tuesday.
28. You and I …………..…... here.
29. The Dean …………..…... in his office.
30. The seminar …………..…... today.

Exercise 2
Identify the use of be (am, are, is) in the text above.

Affirmative, Contraction, Negative statements, Questions and Answers

I am busy.
I’m busy.
I’m not busy.
Are you busy?
I’m not.

John is twenty years old.

John’s twenty years old.
John isn’t twenty years old.
Is he twenty years old?
He isn’t.

She is a lawyer.
She’s a lawyer.
She isn’t a lawyer.
Is she a lawyer?
She isn’t.

The lecturer is from England.

The lecturer’s from England.
The lecturer isn’t from England.
Is he from England?
He isn’t.

The table is green.

The table’s green.
The table isn’t green.
Is it green?
It isn’t.
The computer is new.
The computer’s new.
The computer isn’t new.
Is it new?
It isn’t.

You are a doctor.

You’re a doctor.
You aren’t a doctor.
Are you a doctor?
I’m not.

They are the hackers.

They’re the hackers.
They aren’t the hackers.
Are they the hackers?
They aren’t.

We are new students.

We’re new students
We aren’t new students.
Are we new students?
We aren’t.

The laptop is expensive.

The laptop’s expensive.
The laptop isn’t expensive.
It is expensive?
It isn’t.

My father is handsome.
My father’s handsome.
My father isn’t handsome.
Is he handsome?
He isn’t.

He is in the laboratory.
He’s in the laboratory.
He isn’t in the laboratory.
Is he in the laboratory?

We are happy
We’re happy.
We aren’t happy.
Are we happy?
We aren’t.
Exercise 3
Practice:Affirmative, Contraction, Negative statements, Questions and Answers
1. The software is expensive.
2. I am smart.
3. You are diligent.
4. He is an analyst.

5. The programs are interesting.

6. John and Mary are in the class.
7. The Dean is in his office.
8. He is my lecturer.
9. Mr. Big is a singer.
10. Tom Cruise is an American actor.
11. They are from Japan.
12. She is in the room.
13. The room is fresh.
14. His style is cool.
15. The night is dark.
16. The boxes are empty.
17. Mary is my soul-mate.
18. They are hungry.
19. You are intelligence.
20. She is beautiful.

Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is the verb used to state fact and describe repeated activities. It is often
with adverbs of frequency. Adverbs of frequency are words such as always, usually, sometimes,
and seldom. These words tell how often something happens.
Statements --- Questions ---Short Answers
1. You are a programmer.
Are you a programmer?
Yes, I am.
2. The exercise is easy.
Is the exercise easy?
Yes, it is.
3. He is from Mexico
Is he from Mexico?
Yes, he is.
4. They are in the laboratory.
Are they in the laboratory?
Yes, they are.
5. John is smart.
Is John smart?
Yes, he is.
6. The laptop is new.
Is the laptop new?
Yes, it is.
7. I am a businessman.
Am I a businessman?
Yes, you are.
8. They are brother and sister.
Are they brother and sister?
Yes, they are.
9. Shine is in the next room.
Is Shine in the next room?
Yes, she is.
10. The sky is blue.
Is the sky blue?
Yes, it is.
11. John and Mary are my friends.
Are John and Mary your friends?
Yes, they are.
12. The shop is open.
Is the shop open?
Yes, it is.
13. Mr. Miller is in Jakarta.
Is Mr. Miller in Jakarta?
Yes, he is.
14. She is beautiful.
Is she beautiful?
Yes, she is.
15. Adi M.S is a musician.
Is Ady M.S a musician?
Yes, he is.
16. There is a book on the table.
Is there a book on the table?
Yes, there is.
17. There is a new building in that street.
Is there a new building in the street?
Yes, there is.
18. Parapat is far from here.
Is Parapat far from here?
Yes, it is.
19. This is the change.
Is this the change?
Yes, it is.
20. The music is beautiful.
Is the music beautiful?
Yes, it is.

Adverbs of Frequency
1. I go to church every Sunday.
2. Mary always takes a bus to the campus.
3. Weddings are always joyous occasions.
4. John always studies at night.
5. A programmer is usually busy.
6. The door is sometimes open.
7. The windows are often closed.
8. You sometimes read at night.
9. We usually understand the subject.
10. They seldom come late to class.
11. She never studies at night.
12. He never eats vegetables.
13. We often study in the library.
14. I sometimes have orange juice for breakfast.
15. He usually likes drawing sketch.
16. We seldom have coffee at 10 A.M.
17. The lecturer is usually in his room.
18. I usually come home at noon.

19. They always join the expo.
20. She sometimes designs the skyscrapers.

Exercise 4
Write 10 simple present sentences and use adverbs of frequency.
1. ……………………………….……………………
2. …………………………………………………….
3. …………………………………………………….
4. …………………………………………………….
5. …………………………………………………….
6. …………………………………………………….
7. …………………………………………………….
8. …………………………………………………….
9. …………………………………………………….
10. …………………………………………………….

Simple Present Tense

Affirmative, Questions and Answers, Negative statements
1. Students often study in the library.
Do students often study in the library?
Yes, they do.
No, they don’t.
2. Sally sometimes designs the skyscrapers.
Does Sally sometimes design the skyscrapers?
Yes she does.
No she doesn’t.
3. We live in the age of technology.
Do we live in the age of technology?
Yes, we do.
4. The field of computer science spans several core areas.
Does the field of computer science span several core areas?
Yes, it does.
5. Tiur understands the disciplines of computer science.
Does Tiur understand the disciplines of computer science?
Yes, she does.

6. Computer makes possible the users to get together in an on-line “chat room” to discuss their
interests and problems.
Do computer users can get together in an on-line “chat room” to discuss their interests and
Yes, they do.
7. Suzanne Carreiro works at home and communicates with her staff by computer.
Does Suzanne Carreiro work at home and communicates with her staff by computer?
Yes, she does.
8. Computer engineering requires adequate knowledge of electronics.
Does computer engineering require adequate knowledge of electronics?
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn’t.
9. Computer engineers develop improvements in human-computer interaction.
Do computer engineers develop improvements in human-computer interaction?
Yes, they do.
No, they don’t.
10. Computer engineers focus on developing visual sensing technology.
Do computer engineers develop improvements in human-computer interaction?
Yes, they do.
No, they don’t.

Lesson 2
The Computer Revolution

Technologybringsproblems as well as benefits to humankind. Since Henry Ford began

mass-producing automobiles in 1908, they have provided us with a cheap and convenient means
of transportations. However, they have also brought us traffic jams and air pollution. A
technological development that is changing our lives as much as the automobile is the personal
computer. Since the 1980s, personal computers have become common in homes, schools, and
businesses and just as automobiles have brought unexpected problems, so have personal
To begin with, communication by computer has caused some problems. Although we can
easily send a message to hundreds of people in an instant, we can also receive hundreds of
messages, both wanted and unwanted, in just a few minutes. A newspaper reporter for the
Chicago Herald-Tribune recently received more than twelve hundred email messages in one day!
It looks her several hours to read them. Only a few were important; most of them were “junk
mail”. She complained, “This isn’t the first time this has happened”. It’s a terrible waste of my
time and energy, yet I have to read through all of them because I don’t want to miss anything
important for a story I’m working on”. The lack of censorship in cyberspace is another problem
that no one has solved yet. Our expanded ability to communicate means that anyone with
computer can communicate anything to anyone on any subject at any time. Therefore, a
computer-literate child can receive pornographic photos and listen to chat-room conversations
about sex. These examples show that the computer revolution has created problems as well as
benefits in the era of communication.
In addition to problems communication, computer has also caused problems in business.
They have created excellent opportunities for computerized crime. Computer hackers use their
skills to obtain secret business information and to steal money. For example, Kevin Mitnick, a
computer hacker from California, obtained twenty thousand usable credit card numbers by
breaking in to the computer files of a credit card company. He also erased the accounting records
of another big company before he was caught and arrested. In addition, banks worry that hackers
will learn how to transfer money out of customers’ accounts into their own. “So far, we have

been able to stay one step ahead of the hackers in this particular game”, said Charles Buckley, a
bank spokesperson, “but security is never one hundred percent in any business,”
Moreover, the use of computers has depersonalized business. People are no longer
customers; they are account numbers. Companies do not seem to care what your name is; the
only want to know your number. Face-to-face business transactions are no longer necessary; you
can buy almost anything you need by computer, phone, or fax. Also, as telecommuting becomes
more common, workers in the same company interact each other less and less. Someday it may
be possible to have a company of people who have never met face-to-face! Is this desirable?
Insurance company employee Meredith Bruce doesn’t think so. “I feel out of touch with what is
really happening in my company, and I miss the social interaction with my co-workers,” she
says. Social isolations may be an unexpected cost of the computer revolution.
It is clear that personal computers have made our lives easier, but they have done so at a
cost. As with every new invention, there have been unforeseen consequences. It is up to us to
find the solutions to the problems as well as to enjoy the conveniences of this new tool.

This is These are

1. This is a new cellular- phone.
These are new cellular-phones.
2. This is a library card.
These are library cards.
3. This is a cheap computer program.
These are cheap computer programs.
4. This is a list of customers.
These are lists of customers.
5. This is an accurate datum.
These are accurate data.
6. This is a good application.
These are good applications.
7. This is the new camera.
These are the new cameras.

That is Those are

1. That is an interesting computer program.
Those are interesting computer programs.
2. That is a scientific writing.
Those are scientific writings.
3. That is your computer disc.
Those are your computer discs.
4. That is a difficult question to answer.
Those are difficult questions to answer.
5. That is an easy game to play.
Those are easy games to play.

Demonstratives: this, that, these, those

1. This book is mine.
2. This flower is beautiful.
3. That girl is my niece.
4. That boy is my nephew.
5. These lessons are easy.
6. These dictionaries are very thick.
7. These chairs are comfortable.
8. Those exercises are interesting.
9. Those pictures are amazing.
10. Those men are programmers.

There is There are

1. There is a Central Processing Unit.
There are Central Processing Units.
2. There is an internet site in that area.
There are internet sites in this area.
3. There is an old document.
There are old documents.
4. There is a sophisticated technology.
There are sophisticated technologies.
5. There is a complete list of data.
There are complete lists of data.

Exercise 1
Complete the answers with it is, there is, there are
1. Would you like to go sailing today? Yes, I would. …………..….warm and sunny, and
…………..…. a light breeze blowing over the water.
2. Do you have a lot of brothers and sisters? Yes, …………..…. twelve children in my family.
3. Where can I buy a guidebook to this city? …………..…. a bookstore just around the corner
in the next block.
4. Who is on the phone? …………..…. my friend Stephanie.
5. Where is your office? …………..…. about a half hour’s drive from my house.
6. May I have another cup of coffee, please? I am sorry. …………..…. any coffee left. We
drank it all.
7. Why is the dog barking? …………..…. someone at the door.
8. Would you like to have another drink? No, thank you. …………..…. past midnight, and I
am a little tired. I’d like to go home.
9. Why do you look so uneasy? …………..…. so hot here.
10. I am very hungry. …………..…. some food courts opposite the bank.

Exercise 2
Complete the sentences below.
1. That ……………………………………………………………..……………
2. These ………………………………………………………………………..
3. That ………………………………………………………………….………
4. This …………………………………………………………………….……
5. These …………………………………………………………….……….…
6. Those ………………………………………………………………….……
7. These ……………………………………………………………………….
8. This………………………………………………………………………….
9. Those ………………………………………………………………………
10. These ………………………………………………………………………

Complete the sentences below.
1. There is ………………………………………………………………………
2. There are ……………………………………………………………………..
3. There are ……………………………………………………………………..
4. There is ………………………………………………………………………
5. There is ………………………………………………………………………
6. There is ………………………………………………………………………
7. There are ……………………………………………………………………..
8. There are ……………………………………………………………………..
9. There is ………………………………………………………………………
10. There are ……………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 3
Circle the word which does not belong in each list.
1. watch, camera, museum, binoculars, transistor radio
2. ferry, garden, boat, airplane, taxi
3. province, service, bill, tip, amount
4. suit, clothing, blouse, shirt, typewriter

Exercise 4
Use these words to complete the sentences.
available, expected, included, between, service
1. It’s quite cool …………………… November and March.
2. The cost of service is …………………… in your bill at a restaurant.
3. These shoes are …………………… in six colours.
4. We …………………… it to be hot when we arrived in Bangkok but we did not think it
would be as hot as it was.
5. I thought the …………………… in the restaurant was very poor so I didn’t leave a tip.

Exercise 5
Match each word with its definition.
1. atmosphere a. the individual thing used to prepare a meal
2. specialty b. a place or position
3. preparation c. made or put together in a special way
4. location d. the feelings which a building or place produces
5. selection e. a wide variety of different things
6. service f. the finest or best product
7. ingredients g. the attention given by the staff to the customers

Exercise 6
Put the verb into the correct form
1. Water ………………………..………………..….... (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
2. George ………………………………………………(not/go) to the movies very often.
3. How many language …………………………………………...….……. (you speak)?
4. The swimming pool ………………………………………………. (open) at 9:00 and
…………………………………………………….………….(close) at 6:30 every day.
5. What time …………………………………..……….………. (the banks / close) here?
6. I have a car, but I …………………………….…..……………. (not/use) it very often.
7. How many cigarettes ………………………..………….………… (you/smoke) a day?
8. “What ………………………………………………………. (you/do)?” “I’m an analyst.”
9. “Where ……………………………………………….…….. (your father / come) from?”
“He …………………………………………………………. ( come) from Medan.”
10. It …………………………………………………... (take) me an hour to get to campus.
How long ……………………………………………………………….… (it/ take) you?
11. I ………………………………………………………………….. (play) the piano, but I
…………………………………………………………………….… (not/play) very well.
12. I don’t understand the word “deceive”. What……………………….(“deceive” / mean)?

Exercise 7
Read these sentences and correct them. Write two correct sentences each time.
Example: The sun goes around the earth.
The sun doesn’t go around the earth.
The earth goes around the sun.

1. The sun rises in the west.

2. Mice catch cats.
3. Carpenters make things from metal.
4. The Amazon River flows into the Pacific Ocean.

Lesson 3
Computers Then and Now

The world’s first electronic computer was built at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946,
although computer-like machines were built in the nineteenth century. Computers were sold
commercially for the first time in the 1950s, and a lot of progress were made since then.
Computers are now much smaller and much more powerful, and they can be bought much more
Computers are used in many fields – in business, science, medicine and education, for
example. They can be used to forecast the weather or to control robots which make cars. The
computer’s memory is the place where information is kept and calculations are done.
A computer cannot think for itself – it must be told exactly what to do. A lot of difficult
calculations can be done very quickly on a computer. Also computers do not make mistakes.
Stories are heard sometimes about computers paying people too much money or sending them
bills for things they did not buy. These mistakes are made by the programmers – the people who
give the computer its instructions. Some years ago, a computer – controlled rocket belonging to
the USA went out of control and had to be destroyed. The accident was caused by a small
mistake in one line of the program. This mistake cost the USA $18 million.
Criminals have found out that ‘computer crimes’ are a lot easier than robbing banks.
Hundreds of millions of dollars were stolen from American businesses every year by people
changing the information in computers.
Large numbers of home computers were sold recently, especially in the USA and Britain.
People know more about computers than they used to, and computers are playing a bigger part in
people’s lives. Progress is made all the time. Many people believe they can look forward to the
day when even their household jobs like cleaning is done by computer-controlled robots.

Auxiliaries: can, may, will, shall, must, have to
Affirmative, questions, answers
1. I can help you
Can you help me?
Yes, I can.

2. She can do the test

Can she do the test?
Yes she can.

3. He can make a new program.

Can he make a new program?
Yes, he can.

4. You may enter the organization.

May I enter the organization?
Yes, you may.

5. Bob may receive a packet today.

May he receive a packet today?
Yes, he may.

6. The students may borrow books from the library.

May the students borrow the books from the library?
Yes, they may.

7. I will help you.

Will you help me?
Yes, I will.

8. Glen will go to US tomorrow.

Will he go to US tomorrow?
Yes, he will.

9. They will print the data next week.

Will they print the data next week?
Yes, they will.

10. We will buy a new car next year.

Will we buy a new car next year?
Yes, we will.

11. She shall sell the new products.
Shall she sell the new products?
Yes, she shall.

12. We shall win the robotic competition.

Shall we win the robotic competition?
Yes, we shall.

13. Betty shall study hard.

Shall Betty study hard?
Yes, she shall.

14. You must do the assignment.

Must you do the assignment?
Yes, I must.

15. He must know Phil.

Must he know Phil?
Yes, he must.

16. She must enter the whole data.

Must she enter the whole data?
Yes, she must.

17. Dony must find a job.

Must Dony find a job?
Yes, he must.

18. I have to practice English a lot.

Have you to practice English a lot?
Yes, I have.

19. They have to visit the computer display.

Have they to visit the computer display?
Yes, they have to.

20. Harry has to change his way of study.

Has Harry to change his way of study?
Yes, he has to.

21. I have to have at least one year’s experience in Management Information systems.
Have you to have at least one year’s experience in Management Information systems?

Yes, I have to.

Exercise 1
1. I can ……………………………………….…… well.
2. He will …………………………………………. to Parapat next week.
3. He can ………………………………………. …. the exercises in ten minutes.
4. You have to ………………………………………your study on time.
5. My sister shall …………………………………… me next week.
6. I must ……………………………………………… at the airport son soon as possible.
7. He may………………………………………………the sites from the internet.
8. They will ……………………………………………. the new invention next year.
9. We may …………………………………………….. the data every day.
10. She will……………………………………………… us some money tomorrow.
11. My friends have to……………………………………the assignment.
12. John may ……………………………………….. television programs late at night.
13. I have to …………………………………… …….a new passport soon.
14. Ben must………………………………………….. the doctor.
15. They can……………………………………………English fluently.
16. You can …………………………………………… your driving license here.
17. Carol has to………………………………………… for the next examination.
18. I can…………………………………………………the questions correctly.
19. She shall …………………………………………...all the information as soon as possible.
20. We must ……………………………………………the taxes obediently.

Wh-questions: what, where, who, when, which

1. We study computer science.
What do you study?

2. Salomo learns web development.

What does Salomo learn?

3. He presses the SHIFTand CTRL

What does he press?

4. I live in Medan.
Where do you live?

5. Jojor lives in Berastagi.

Where does Jojor live?

6. Siti works for the Danamon Bank.

Where does she work?

7. I copy the accounts program disk.

What do you copy?

8. Henry works in planning and installation.

Who works in planning and installation?

9. She selects the MaCWriteprogram.

Who selects the MaCWriteprogram?

10.They will finish the job tomorrow.

When will they finish the job?

11. He joined the International Robotic Competition last year.

When did he join the International Robotic Competition?

12. He went to the cinema yesterday.

When did he go to the cinema?

13. I like small house with large yard

Which house do you like?

14. The software that the company produces is expensive.

Which software is expensive?

15. Merry looks for the boy in the yard.

Where does Merry look for the boy?

Exercise 2

Write questions to complete these sentence

1. John sells car in Jakarta.

Who ………………………………………………….………..?

2. I live in Medan.
Where …………………………………………………………...?
3. They visited the Expo yesterday.
When ……………………………………………………………?
4. Ten students like the subject.
What ……………………………………………………………..?
5. He bought the red car last year.
Which …………………………………………………………….?
6. I printed the data in the office.
Where …………………………………………………………….?
7. He always has big breakfast every morning.
What ………………………………………………………………?
8. They are my best lecturers.
Who ………………………………………………………………?
9. Maya works in a large company
Where …………………………………………………………….?
10. She always copies the most important books.
Which ……………………………………………………………..?
11. The CPU coordinates all activities of various components of the computer.
What …………………………………………………………………………?
12. The arithmetic-logical unit performs some kinds of logical operations.
What ………………………………………………………………….?
13. We sometimes sell this hardware in international market.
Where …………………………………………………………………?
14. She operates this computer every day from 8 AM to 6 PM.
When ………………………………………………………………….?
15. All computers have several characteristics in common.
What …………………………………………………………………..?
16. The supervisor distributes the work among the operators.
Who ……………………………………………………………………?
17. The head of the company often visits the main office in New York.
Where ………………………………………………………………….?
18. They can run office services.
What ……………………………………………………………………?
19. She encloses her CV to the personal manager in London.
Where …………………………………………………………………..?
20. You do on-line business at home.
Where …………………………………………………………………..?

Past Tense
We use the simple past to talk about actions or situation in the past.
Ann: Did you go out last night, Tom?
Tom: Yes, I went to the movies. But I didn’t enjoy it
When did Mrs. Johnson die?
What did you do over the weekend?
We didn’t invite her to the party, so he didn’t come.
Why didn’t you call me on Tuesday?
Did you have time to write a letter?
I didn’t have enough money to buy anything to eat.
Why were you so angry?
Was Mark at work yesterday?
They weren’t able to come because they were very busy.

1. We were busy yesterday.

Were they busy yesterday?

2. They were here yesterday.

Were they here yesterday?

3. John was in the laboratory last Monday.

Was John in the laboratory last Monday?

4. She was my friend ten years ago.
Was she your friend ten years ago?

5. Mr. Sinaga was my teacher last year.

Was Mr. Sinaga your teacher last year?

6. You were late to class yesterday.

Were you late to class yesterday?

7. She was beautiful when she was young.

Was she beautiful when she was young?

8. The examination was easier three years ago.

Was the examination was easier three years ago?

9. There was an old building in the corner of the street.

Was there an old building in the corner of the street?

10. There were some new laptops in the Expo last month.
Were there some new laptops in the Expo last month?

11. He worked in a bank two years ago.

Did he work in a bank two years ago?

12. The lecturer presented the subject yesterday.

Did the lecturer present the lecture yesterday?

13. The students repeated the new words this morning.

Did the students repeat the new words this morning?

14. Mr. Allen practiced the conversation yesterday.

Did Mr. Allen practice the conversation yesterday?

15. We got diner in the fancy restaurant last night.

Did they get dinner in the fancy restaurant last night?

16. I went to Jakarta last month.

Did you go to Jakarta last month?

17. She watched television program yesterday.

Did she watch television program yesterday?

18. They collected the data last month.
Did they collect the data last month?

19. They built this bridge in 1960.

Did they build this bridge in 1960?

20. Ben attended the class yesterday.

Did Ben attend the class yesterday?

21. John gave me the present two days ago.

Did John gave me the present two days ago?

22. My sister traveled to Bangkok last month.

Did my sister travel to Bangkok last month?

23. It was rained heavily yesterday.

Was it rained heavily yesterday?

24. Computer-like machines were built in the nineteenth century.

Were computer-like machines built in the nineteenth century?

25. Computers were sold commercially for the first time in the 1950s.
Were computers sold commercially for the first time in the 1950s?

Exercise 1
Example: Carol usually gets up at 6.30. Yesterday she got up at 8 O’clock
1. Carol usually wakes up early.

Yesterday morning…………………………………………………………………………

2. Carol usually walks to work.


3. Carol is usually late to work.


4. Carol usually has sandwich for lunch.


5. Carol usually goes out in the evening.

Yesterday evening…………………………………………………………………………

6. Carol usually sleeps very well.

Last night…………………………..………………………………………………………

Exercise 2
Put one of these verbs in each sentence:
hurt teach spend sell throw fall catch buy cost
1. Tom’s father ……..……………. him how to drive when he was 17.

2. Don ……………..…… down the stairs this morning and ………………..…his leg.

3. We needed some money, so we …………….…. our car.

4. Ann …………… a lot of money yesterday. She ………... dress that ….……… $80.

5. Jim …………….….the ball to sue, who …………... it.

Exercise 3
Write questions: A friend has just come back from vacation and you are asking about
it.Examples: where / go? Where did you go?
Food / good? Was the food good?
1. How long / stay there?


2. Stay in a hotel?


3. Go alone?


4. How / travel?


5. The weather / nice?


6. What / do in the evening?


7. Meet any interesting people?


Exercise 4
Put the verb into the correct form. Use the simple past
Example: Ididn’t go (not/go) to work yesterday because I wasn’t (not/be) well.
1. Tom …………. (not/shave) this morning because he ………….….. (not/have) time.


2. We …………….… (not/eat) anything because we ………….….. (not/be) hungry.


3. I ………………... (not/rush) because I ……………... (not/be) in a hurry.


4. She ………... (not/be) interested in the book because she ……….…. (not/understand) it.


Exercise 5
Write the question forms
1. Molly bought a new printer last week

2. We listed all the customers’ addresses two weeks ago.
3. They kept all the documents last year.
4. He sent the packets to his house two days ago
5. I sold my car last year
6. He told me the good news yesterday
7. They made the program six months
8. We applied this system a year ago.
9. The students assembled these computers last year.
10. He left the documents open.

Exercise 6
Circle the word which does not belong in each list.
1. steak, tomatoes, pork, beef, chicken
2. crabs, eggs, fish, lobsters, shrimp
3. Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai
4. lunch, dinner, coffee shop, restaurant, laundry

Exercise 7
Use these sentences to make questions. Begin with your questions with the words in parentheses
1. Tom plays tennis. (How often?)
2. I jog in the morning. (What time / usually?)
3. Ann watches television. (How often?)
4. I write to my parents. (How often?)
5. I have dinner in the evening. (What time / usually?)
6. Tom works. (Where?)
7. I go to the movies. (How/ often ?)
8. People do stupid things (Why?)
9. The car breaks down. (How often?)

Lesson 4
Computer Science

Computer science is the third most popular major amongst international students coming to
the United States. There are many reasons that computer science is so popular, including
exceptional job security, uncommonly high starting salaries, and diverse job opportunities across
industries. However, an international student contemplating studying computer science needs to
ask themselves, “what is computer science?”
So, what is computer science? Generally speaking, computer science is the study of
computer technology, both hardware in software. However, computer science is a diverse field;
the required skills are both applicable and in–demand across practically every industry in today’s
technology-dependent world. As such, the field of computer science is divided amongst a range
of sub-disciplines, most of which are full-fledged specialized disciplines in and of themselves.
The field of computer science spans several core areas: computer theory, hardware systems, and
scientific computing. Students will choose credits from amongst these sub-disciplines with
varying levels of specialization depending on the desired application of the computer science
degree. Though most strict specialization occurs at the graduate level, knowing exactly what
computer science is (and where a student’s interests fall within this vast field) is of paramount
importance to knowing how to study computer science.

Computer Science Disciplines

The disciplines encompassed by a computer science degree are incredibly vast, and an
international student must know how to study computer science or, in other words, how to
effectively navigate amongst this sea of sub-disciplines and specializations. Here are a few
possible areas of specialization available to students pursuing computer science degrees:
 Applied Mathematics
 Digital Image/sound
 Artificial Intelligence
 Microprogramming
 Bioinformatics

 Networks And Administration
 Computer Architecture Networks
 Cryptography
 Computer Engineering
 Operating System
 Computer Game Development
 Robotics
 Computer Graphics
 Simulation And Modeling
 Computer Programming
 Software Development
 Software System
 Data Management
 Web Development
 Design Databases
 Parallel Programming
 iOS Development
 Memory Systems
 Computational Physics
With so many available options, having a specific focus in mind while studying computer
science in the United States is the best plan of action for any international students hoping to
seriously prepare for their future on the job market. Knowing how to study computer science and
effectively planning which type of degree to receive will depend on how well the student
understands the disciplines of computer science, and deciding which degree is right for a student
is a move that will determine what sorts of computer science careers the student is eligible for
upon graduating. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to plan a specific computer science
degree that will enable you to pursue the career you want.

Despite the seemingly endless variety of applications and sub-disciplines, an international
student studying computer science in the United States will have to navigate, asking important
questions like, “What is computer science?’’ is a great way to begin a successful education and,
ultimately, career. Moreover, there are plenty of free resources available for studying computer
science. For instance, a great resource for international students trying to study computer science
in the United States can be the websites of specific institutions. These websites will not only
convey what sorts of computer science degrees are available at their institution (as well as any
specialties), they will also often have pages specifically to assist interested international student.

Present Continuous Tense

We use the present continuous when we talk about something that is happening at the time of
1. Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying. (not I study)
2. “Where is Peggy?” “She’s taking a bath.” (not she takes)
3. Let’s go now. It isn’t raining anymore.
4. ( at a party) Hello. Ann. Are you enjoying the party? (not do you enjoy)
5. I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.
6. Maria is studying English at a language school.
7. Have you heard about Brian? He is building his own house.
8. You’re working hard today.
9. Tom isn’t playing football this season. He wants to concentrate in his studies.
10. The population of the world is rising very fast.

Exercise 1
Put the verb into the correct form.
1. Please don’t make so much noise. ……………………………………………… (study).
2. Let’s go out now. It………………………………………………...(not/rain) anymore.
3. Listen to those people. What language ……………………………….…. (they/speak).
4. Please be quite. I………………………………………………..… (try) to concentrate.
5. Look! It …………………………………………………………………….… (snow).
6. Why …………………………………………. (you/look) at me like that?

Did I say something wrong?
7. You………………………………. (make) a lot of noise. Can you be a little quieter?
8. Excuse me, I ……………………. (look) for a phone booth. Is there one near here?
9. It’s a good movie, isn’t it? …………………………………………… (you/enjoy ) it?
10. Listen! Can you hear those people next door? They ……………………….(yell) at each
other again.
11. Why …………………………..………… (you/wear)your coat today? It’s very warm.
12. I ……………………………………………….(not /work) this week. I’m on vacation.
13. I want to lose weight. I …………………………………….. (not/eat) anything today.
14. Hello, Steve. I haven’t seen you for ages. What ………………………… (you/do) these
15. I ………………………………………………………(work) in a department store.

Exercise 2
Complete these sentences using one of these verbs:
get, become, change, rise, improve, fall, increase
You don’t have to use all the verbs and you can use some of them more than once.
1. The population of the world ……………………………………………….……. very fast.
2. The number of the people without jobs …………………………………. at the moment.
3. These days food ……………………………………………… more and more expensive.
4. The world ………………………………………………..….. Things never stay the same.
5. The cost of living …………………………...…….. Every year things are more expensive.
6. George has gone to work in Spain. At first, his Spanish wasn’t very good, but now
7. The economic situation is already very bad, and it ………………………………… worse.

Exercise 3

Decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong. Correct the ones that are wrong.

1. I don’t know your telephone number. ............................................

2. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? ………………………………

3. Are you believing in God? ………………………………

4. Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. ………………………………

5. Look! Somebody is climbing that tree over there. ………………………………

6. The moon goes around the earth. ………………………………

7. What are you thinking about my idea? ………………………………

8. The government is worried because the number of ………………………………

people without job is increasing

9. I’m usually going to work by car. ………………………………

10. Please don’t make so much noise. I study. ………………………………

Exercise 4

Put the verb into correct form, present continuous or simple present.
1. I …………………………………….(not/belong) to a political party.
2. Hurry! The bus ………………… (come) I ………………………. (not/want) to miss it
3. The Nile River …………………………..… (flow) into the Mediterranean.
4. ……………………………. (it/ever/snow) in India?
5. We usually ……………. (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year we ………….
…………(not/grow) any.
6. A: Can you drive?
B: No, but I ……………………………… (learn).
7. You can borrow my lap-top. I ………………………………….(not/need) it right now.
8. I ………………(get) hungry. Let’s go get something to eat.
9. George is a vegetarian. He ……………….…(not/eat) meat.
10. George says he’s 80 years old, but I ……………………… (not/believe) him.
11. Ron is in San Francisco now. He …………….(stay) at the Hilton Hotel. He usually
…………..(stay) there when he’s in San Francisco.

12. My parents ……………………….(live) in Medan. They were born here and have never
lived anywhere else. Where ……………….. (your parents/live)?
13. She ………….(stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere to live.
14. A: What ………………………..(your father/ do)?
B: He’s a teacher, but she ……………………….………. (not/teaching) right now.

Exercise 5
Put the verb into correct form, present continuous, simple present or past tense
1. He always ………….……………….. (study) late at night.
2. The lecturer ………………..………. (not/present) the lecture yesterday.
3. They ………….……………….……..(like) the weather in Medan.
4. North Sumatera …………………….. (have) lots of tourist destinations.
5. The kind of films I ……………………… (prefer): comedies and dramas.
6. We ………………………….(buy) the fast food from that restaurant yesterday.
7. I ………………………….(search) for new cheap personal computer at the moment.
8. He often ……………..(visit) us once a month. But he ……………….(not/visit) us last
month because of busyness
9. Mr. Sinaga ……………………….(not/send) his son money once a month.
10. She ……………………………..(listen) to the music. Don’t disturb her!
11. We …………………… (meet) the professor in the station last week.
12. ………………………. (you/join) the party last night?
13. I ……………… (not/understand). What ……………..………… (you/talk) about?
14. Whose house is this? It ………………..(belong) to Mr. Ben.
15. ………………(you/have) a new car?
16. She…............... (think) about how to overcome the problem without problem.
17. He usually …….. (say) hello to me, but he…………….(not/say) anything yesterday.
18. Watch out! Some children……………………..(cross) the street.
19. We ………………………(buy) this printer last year.
20. Where are the other students? They …………................... (do) exercises in the library.

Subjects forms of the personal pronouns
singular plural
I we
you you
he, she, it they
Objects forms of the personal pronouns
singular plural
me us
you you
him, her, it them
1. He studies with me.
2. She is standing beside you.
3. They are coming near us.
4. They asked her.
5. We visit him in the hospital.
6. We followed them.
7. The boys attend it.
8. We told her about the news.
9. He takes the book with him.
10. She knows you.

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun

He sees me.
She sees you.
It followed him.
He explained it

Possessive pronouns
My our
Your your
His, her, its their
My books are in my room.
My new printer is on her table.
Your programs are excellent.
John washes his face and hands
The children draw their pictures.

Possessive determiners with the possessive pronouns

Possessive determiners Possessives pronouns
This is my books. This is mine.
These are my books. These are mine.
This is your camera. This is yours.
These are your cameras. These are yours.
This is his VCD. This is his.
These are his VCDs These are his.
This is her program. This is hers.
These are her programs. These are hers.
This is our home. This is ours.
These are our cars These are ours.
This is their project. This is theirs.
These are their projects. These are theirs.
This is its battery This is its.
These are its batteries These are its.
Self Pronouns
I see myself in the mirror.
You see yourself in the mirror.
John introduces himself to the students.
He introduces himself to the students.
She introduces herself to the students.
They bought a television for themselves.
We build the house for ourselves.
Exercise 6
Fill in the blank with a correct pronoun.
1. They study word order. They study ………..
2. Mary answers John. Mary answers………..
3. I am going to see Mary tonight. I am going to see……….. tonight.
4. I received my books yesterday. I received……….. yesterday.
5. I followed their car. I followed ………..
6. They asked John. They asked ………..
7. Bulmer is calling Susan. Bulmer is calling ………..
8. My family is large. ……….. is composed of six members.
9. My family is loving and supporting. ……….. are always ready to help me.
10. The crowd at the football game was huge. ……….. exceeded 100,000 people.
11. The children played very well. They taught ……….. by playing school.
12. I can’t help you John. You’ll have to solve your problem by ………..
13. It is important for all of us to be honest with ………..
14. It is important for all of ……….. to be honest with yourselves.
15. You ……….. have to make that decision Ann. No one can make it for you.
16. George bought a tie for ………..
17. George ……….. bought a tie.
18. Mary told the story ………..
19. I live by ………..
20. A person should always try to be friendly to ……….. or ……….. neighbors.
21. It is important for ……….. to listen to our conscience.
22. The children are singing ………..
23. Mary sewed a dress for ………..
24. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are going to build a house for ………..
25. We cooked for ………..

Conjunctions: and, but, or, yet, for, because, so

George studied in the library, and Paul watched a movie.
He wants to lie down and sleep.
He sat in a chair,and drank a glass of coffee.
He came in the room,and sat down.

He took the money, and went away.
I like cooking and gardening.

Mary went to the picnic, but Alice stayed home.

We were happy but tired.
They want to study, but they can’t.
I saw Bob but not Mary.
She wants team, but I’ll have coffee.
I like my coffee with cream but without sugar.
Susan can read Spanish,but she can’t speak it.
I like TV,but I prefer the movies.
She laughed,but she felt sad.
The stick was thin,but it was strong.
He was sick, but he went to work.
She is poor but honest.
It was a sunny day,but the wind was cold.
We can go to the movies, or we can watch television.
George wants to study at Harvard or Princeton.
Do you prefer to eat in a restaurant or at home?
John will arrive next week on Wednesday or Thursday.
We can go to the cinema or to the café.
You can work hard, or you can fail.

He goes to the football club because he likes to play football.

He’s seventy two, yet he sill swim and runs regularly.
She must be very hungry, for she ate everything immediately.
I studied late at night, so I felt sleepy.
He is free now, so he will come to my house.
She is beautiful, so she becomes a model.
He drank too much coffee, so he got a headache.
He’s overweight, for he eats too many cakes and biscuits.
Exercise 1
Complete with the most appropriate conjunctions.
1. She is as kind woman, so she has many kind friends.
2. The lecturer did not come, so we studied in the library.
3. This hand phone is so expensive, so I cannot buy it.
4. Tomorrow we will buy PC ………… printer.
5. I do not like to eat broccoli …………. carrot.
6. You can eat this food with a spoon ………… fork.
7. My friend enjoys writing book ………... hates travelling.
8. Bill refuses to eat meat ………...rice.
9. Would you like to have back coffee ……….. with sugar?
10. His two favorite sports are football ………. basket ball.
11. I wanted to go to mall, ……….. he refused.
12. I am allergic to dogs, ……..…I have three of them.
13. I’m a vegetarian, ……...... I don’t eat any meat.
14. Thomas will be late to work, ..………. he has a dental appointment.
15. I want to buy a new laptop……….. I don’t have enough money.
16. He has a good job, ………… he never seems to have any money.
17. She dislikes meeting new people, ……….. she still shows up at the party.
18. Despite my complaints, ……….. I still miss her.
19. Betty ……….. James are close friends.
20. Do you want to go to beach ………… to mountain?
21. Which one do you choose? This picture ..……that one in the album?
22. Her sister likes watching Television late at night, ………... Mary hates it so much.
23. I study so hard for the test,………they cancel it without a notice.
24. Her mother does not allow her to smoke, ……….. she still does it.
25. I do not like to be her friend, ……… she always blames me for everything.
26. She cannot eat crab ……..…..she has allergic.
27. Lin cannot attend the party ………...her father is sick.
28. The mother does not have diabetes chronology, ……….. her daughter suffers it.
29. So many students involved in the discussion, ………..only a few give their opinions.
30. She is a good person, ……….. no one wants to become her friend.
31. She is so rude ………… no one wants to become her friend.
32. Shela cheats on Ben ………….he decides to break.
33. Anna does not like Belle …….…..she does not talk to her.
34. She thought her high school friends had forgotten her, ……….. they had not.
35. I want to study abroad someday, …….….I learn English diligently.
36. He has studied very hard, …………. he still doesn’t know how to solve the questions.
37. We just stay home……………….. it is raining.
38. We are late ……………... the traffic was heavy.
39. I did it ……….…they asked me to.
40. Paul went to bed early ……………. he was so tired.
41. Ali failed the test ………….. he didn’t study.
42. They postpone their trip …………….. the weather was bad.
43. I couldn’t buy a new laptop ………….. it was expensive.
44. I drank some water, …………… I was thirsty.
45. I put on a jacket ………. it was cold outside.

Lesson 5
Computer Engineering

Computer engineering is the branch of engineering that integrates electronic engineering

with computer sciences. Computer engineers design and develop computer systems and other
technological devices.
Computer pioneers
Some of the most prominent pioneers in computer hardware include:
 Blaise Pascal, inventor of the mechanical calculator;
 Charles Babbage, inventor of the Analytical Engine;
 J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, builders of ENIAC. and later UNIVAC. the
first computer to be sold commercially;
 Nicholas Metropolis, designer of the MANIAC I computer;
 William Shockley and his team at Bell Labs, inventors of the transistor;
 Seymour Cray, the “Father of Supercomputing”
 Steve Wozniak, designer of the Apple I and II personal computers and co-founder
of Apple Computer along with Steve Jobs;
 Adam Osborne, developer of the first portainble computer, the Osborne 1; and
 Douglas Engelbart and Bill English, co-inventors of the computer mouse and
developers of hypertext, computer network and the graphical user interface (GUI).

Since those early days of computing, however, most significant advancements in computer
hardware have been made by teams working at medium to large corporations.
The early innovators in computer software include:
 George Boole, who formalized binary(Boolean) algebra;
 Alan Turing, who made enormous contributions to computer science, including inventing
the Enigma code-breaking machine that broke the German ciphers in World War II and
doing pioneering work in artificial intelligence and neural networks;
 John Backus, leader of the team that invented the first high-level programming language,
Fortran (FORmulaTRANslation);

 Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, developers of the UNIX operating system and the C
programming language;
 Gary Kildall, founder of Digital Research Inc. and inventor of the CP/M (Control
Program for Microcomputers) operating system;
 Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Corp.; and
 Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, inventors of Transfer Control Protocol and Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP), and sometimes referred to as the “ Fathers of the Internet.”

As with computer hardware, most significant advancements in computer software these days
are made by companies rather than individuals. Computer hardware includes:
 Microprocessors;
 Memory chips: random-access memory (RAM), read-only memory( ROM) and
nonvolatile rewritable flash memory;
 Data storage devices: hard disks, solid-state drives and optical drives;
 Input devices: keyboards, mice, joysticks and gaming controllers, cameras, microphones,
scanners, touch screens and remote sensors;
 Output devices: printers, monitors, audio devices and remote controls; and
 Networking components: adapters, modems, switches and routers.

Another important aspect of computer engineering is software development. Computer software

 Operating systems;
 Applications: word processing, spreadsheets, accounting, database management,
graphics, computer-assisted design (CAD), computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM),
audio, video, media and games;
 Networking and communications: World Wide Web (WWW), voice over Internet
Protocol (VOIP), instant messaging and email;
 Utilities: file handling, disk management, device drivers, archiving and backup systems;
 Programming languages: editing, compiling and debugging; and
 Security: antivirus, firewalls, encryption and user authentication.

Computer engineering salary
Most computer engineering jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree in computer
engineering. Many employers also require state certification as a professional engineer (PE). A
master’s degree is often required for promotion as a promotion to management, and ongoing
education and training are needed to keep up with advances in technology. Many computer
engineers belong to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer
According to Salary.com, as of July 2014, the salary range for a newly graduated computer
hardware engineer with a bachelor’s degree was $44,997 to $74,138 to $107,644, and the range
for a senior engineers with a master’s degree or doctorate and more than 15 years of experience
was $101,574 to $154,500.
Salaries for newly graduated computer software engineers are similar to those of computer
hardware engineers. According to Salary.com, as of July 2014, the salary range for a newly
graduated computer software engineer with a bachelor’s degree was $48,688. The range for a
midlevel engineer with a master’s degree and five to 10 years of experience was $73,631, and the
range for a senior engineer with a master’s degree or doctorate and more than 15 years of
experience was $98,626 to $145,287. Many experienced engineers with advanced degrees are
promoted to management position or start their own businesses, where they can earn even more.

What is the future of computer engineering?

The BLS predict employment of computer hardware engineers to grow 7 percent from 2012 to
2022, which is slower than the average for all occupations. “A limited number of engineers will
be needed to meet the demand for new computer hardware because more of the technology
innovation takes place with software than with hardware,” the BLS sates. Employment of
software developers is projected to grow 22 percent from 2012 to 2022, which is much faster
than the average for all occupations. “The main reason for the rapid growth is a large increase in
the demand for computer software,” according to the BLS. Having good grades from a highly
rated institution should give a job seeker an advantage over the competition.

Additional resources
 A comprehensive list of necessary skills and abilities for computer engineers can be
found at MyMajors.com.
 Look for top-rated computer engineering programs at TopUniversities.com
 Read a report on the future of technology, written by DejanMilojicic, president of the
IEEE Computer Society and a team of nine technologist.
 Computer engineering is a branch of engineering that integrates several fields of
computer science and electronic engineering required to develop computer hardware and
software. Computer engineers usually have training in electronic engineering (or
electrical engineering), software design, and hardware-software integration instead on
only software engineering or electronic engineering. Computer engineers are involved in
many hardware and software aspects of computing, from the design of individual
microcontrollers, microprocessors, personal computers, and supercomputers, to circuit
design. This field of engineering not only focuses on how computer systems themselves
work but also how they integrate into the larger picture.
 Usual tasks involving computer engineers include writing software and firmware for
embedded microcontrollers, designing VLSI chips, designing analog sensors, designing
mixed signal circuit boards, and designing operating system. Computer engineers are also
suited for robotics research, which relies heavily on using digital system to control and
monitor electrical system like motors, communications, and sensors.
 In many institutions of higher learning, computer engineering student are allowed to
choose areas of in-depth study in their junior and senior year because the full breadth of
knowledge used in the design and application of computer is beyond the scope of an
undergraduate degree.

Future tense

Will (1)
When we talk about future, we often say what someone has arranged to do or intended to do.
1. I will study the book tomorrow
Will you study the book tomorrow?

I will not study the book tomorrow.
2. He will explain the program to us later.
Will he explain the program to us later?
He will not explain the program to us later.
3. Paul will buy a new printer next week.
Will Paul buy a new printer next week?
Paul will not buy a new printer next week.
4. We will discuss the subject tomorrow.
Will we discuss the subject tomorrow?
We will not discuss the subject tomorrow.
5. They will have examination next month.
Will they have examination next month?
They will not have examination next month.
6. You will pass the exam.
Will you pass the exam?
You will not pass the exam.
7. She will collect the documents as soon as possible.
Will she collect the documents as soon as possible?
She will not collect the documents as soon as possible.
8. You will notice a lot of changes.
Will you notice a lot of changes?
You will not notice a lot of changes.
9. I will be in Japan next year.
Will you be in Japan next year?
I will not in Japan next year.
10. We will find the exam results soon.
Will they find the exam result soon?
We will not find the exam results soon.

Exercise 1
Decide which form of verb is correct. Cross out the one that is wrong.
1. Tom isn’t free on Saturday. He will work / is working.
2. I will go / am going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too?
3. According to the weather forecast, it will rain / is raining tomorrow.
4. I’m sure Tom will get / is getting the job. He has a lot of experience.
5. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine will come / is coming to see me.
6. A: Have decided where to go for your vacation yet?
B: Yes, we will go / are going to Italy.
7. Don’t worry about the dog. I won’t hurt / isn’t hurting you.

Exercise 2
Write questions using do you think….will….. Use a verb from the box each time.
arrive come cost finish get married rain pass
1. Bill is taking his final exam soon.
2. I’ve invited her to the party.
3. Jack and Ann are coming over this evening.
What time ………….…….……………?
4. The weather doesn’t look very good.
5. My car needs to be prepared.
How much ……………………………………………..?
6. They are in love.
7. The meeting is still going on.
When ……………..…………………………………...?

Exercise 3

Answer the questions using the words in parentheses.

Example: Who do you think will win the prize? (bet/sue) I bet Sue will win.

1. What do you think she’ll say? (probably / nothing)

She ………………………………………………………………………
2. Where do you think she’ll go? (bet / south America)
3. When do you think she’ll leave? (think / tomorrow)
I ………………………………..……………………………………
4. How do you think she’ll go there? (suppose / by plane)
I ……………………………………………………………………….
5. When do you think she’ll be back? (think / quite soon)
I ……………………………………………………………………….
6. Do you think you’ll miss her? ( I’m sure / very much )

We usewillwhen we decide to do something at the time of speaking:

Offering to do something:
1. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
2. “I need some money.” “Don’t worry. I’ll lend you some”.

Agreeing or refusing to do something

3. A: You know that book I lent you? Can I have it back?
B: Of course. I’ll bring it back this afternoon.
4. I’ve asked John to help me, but he won’t.
5. The car won’t start.

Promising to do something:

6. Thank for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back on Friday.
7. I won’t tell tom what you said. I promise.
8. I promise I’ll call you as soon as I arrive.

Asking someone to do something (will you…..?)

9. Will you shut the door, please?
10. Will you please be quite? I’m trying to concentrate.

Exercise 4
Complete the sentences with I’ll + an appropriate verb
Example: I’m too tired to walk home. I think I’ll take a taxi.
1. I’m a little hungry. I think …………………………….... something to eat.
2. It’s too late to call Tom now. …………………………… him in the morning.
3. “It’s a bit cold in this room,” “Is it? ………………........... on the heat then.”
4. “We don’t have any milk,” “Oh, we don’t? ……………………..…… and get some.
5. “Did you write that letter to Jack?” “Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me.
……………………….it tonight .”
6. “would you look tea or coffee?” “ ……………………………coffee, please.”

Exercise 5
Use I think I’ll ….. orI don’t think I’ll…..Read the situation and then write your sentences.
1. It’s cold. You decide to close the window. …………………………………………
2. It’s raining. You decide not to go out. …………………………………..………….
3. You feel tired. You decide to go to bed. I …………………………………………..
4. A friend of yours offers you a ride home, but you decide to walk. Thank you, but …
5. You arranged to play football. Now you decide that you don’t want to play.
6. You were going to go swimming. Now you decide that don’t want to go.

Exercise 6
Offer to do things. Tom has a lot of things to do and you offer to do them for him.
1. Tom: Oh, I have to clean up. You: No, that’s all right. I………………………….
2. Tom: Oh, I have to get dinner ready. You: …………..…………….
3. Tom: Oh I have to do shopping. You: …………………I…………
4. Tom: Oh I have to water the plants. You: …………………………

Exercise 7
Agree and promise to do things
Example: A: Can you clean the window? B: Sure. I’ll clean them this afternoon.
A: Do you promise? B: Yes, I promise I’ll clean them this afternoon.

1. A: Can you call me later? B: Sure ………...………………………….. tonight.

A: Do you promise? B: Yes ………………………………………………
2. A: Can you list the data? B: Okay ……………………...………… tomorrow.
A: Do…………………….. B: ………………………………………………….
3. A: Please don’t tell anyone. B: All right. ………….……………………………
A: ………………………….. B: ………………………………………………….
4. Please don’t hurt me. B: Don’t worry. …………………………………..
A: ………………………….. B: …………………………………………………

Word Formation
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
1. calculate calculation
calculator calculating
2. compute computation computable
3. characterize characteristic characteristic characteristically

4. memorize memory memorable
5. operate operation operational operationally
6. store storage stored
7. current current currently
8. predict prediction predictive
9. return return -
10. experiment experiment experimental
11. illustrate illustrated illustrated
12. anticipate anticipation anticipated
13. apply application applicable

Exercise 1
1. calculate
A computer is any …….…………….device. Several characteristics in computers make them
different from mechanical …………………that you use when you want to...…..……..….the
sum of a series of figures. You can ten make accurate……………………
2. compute
With a ………………….you can ………………data that are otherwise not ……..……. in a
short time. Your …………………..will be accurate and reliable.
3. character
It is ……………….of a digital computer to do many job without the help of human being.
Many ………………are mentioned about this computer. They all ……………….its
4. memorize
A computer has a…………………..that help you to ................................../
.............................................events in your work and in your life.
5. operate
You need an ……………..to make that compute ……………………. He can
……………..it, and once it is in …………………….you can benefit from it.
6. store
You must …………… the data in the internal ………………….unit.
……………….programs are found in this unit.
7. current
The computer has a …………….., or an electric stream. There is ……………use of it,
especially because you can purchase it with any ……………. Currently there is a wide
variety of this modern device.

Exercise 2
1. calculate
You can make ……………………when you use a ………………. It is a modern
………………….device to …………………..how muchyou have spent.
2. compute
A …………………….differs from a mechanical device in that it can………………….and
make ………………………without human intervention. Almost everything is
………………….……with it.
3. character
Many ………………………….of …………………..the work ofthis device. It is
……………………..of this man that he always tries to know the ………….…….of
something or someone that new to him.
4. memorize
The day this device was invented was a ………………….day. It has an internal
………………………unit that can hold data and instructions, so that you do not have to
5. operate
To make this device ……………………you need an ……………...to ………………it.
Once it is in ………………………many people will benefit from it.
6. store
The ………………program includes all possible paths that computation might take within
the scope of the problem. You have to ………………… the data in the
7. current
The …………….. rate of the dollar is high, but you can use any……………to purchase that
device. It is ………used in offices with a high…………….

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences below with words from the word chart.
1. predict
It is not easy to ……………..what the outcome will be. ……..…….are based on causal
2. return (s)
A ……………is a set of instructions at the end of a subroutine. Itpermits control to
………………….to the proper print in the mainprogram. A computer can make complex
computations of past elections………………………….
3. experiment
This is still an …………………..It is in an ……………………stage.You can
……………….with many technological devices.
4. illustrate
The pictures in the book ……..………….the operations of a computer.It is …………….and
has many …………….that help students tounderstand how a computer works.
5. anticipate
When a computer malfunctions you can …………………..manyproblems. The
……………..problems will have to be prevented ………………………of a breakdown
should be minimized.
6. apply
You can …………..your knowledge of computer science. Such an………………will show
what you have already understood. You will also realize that not everything is

Lesson 6
Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering

What Is Computer Engineering?

Computer Engineering is the marriage of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. It
focuses on computing in all forms, from microprocessors to embedded computing devices to
laptop and desktop systems to supercomputers. As such, it concerns the electrical engineering
considerations of how microprocessors function, are designed, and are optimized; how data is
communicated among electronic components; how integrated systems of electronic components
are designed and how they operate to process instructions expressed in software; and how
software is written, compiled, and optimized for specific hardware platforms. Therefore,
computer engineers are electrical engineers who specialize in software design, hardware design,
or systems design that integrates both.

What is Computer Science?

Computer Science is the study of how data and instructions are processed, stored, communicated
by computing devices. A modern descendant of Applied Mathematics and Electrical
Engineering, Computer Science deals with algorithms for processing data, the symbolic
representation of data and instructions, the design of instruction language for processing data,
techniques for writing software that process data on a variety of computing platforms, protocols
for communicating data reliably and securely across networks, the organization of data in
databases of various types and scales, the emulation of human intelligence and learning through
computer algorithms, statistical modeling of data in large databases to support inference of
trends, and techniques for protecting the content and authenticity of data. Therefore, computer
scientists are scientists and mathematicians who develop ways to process, interpret, store,
communicate, and secure data.

Overlap Between the Areas

Because both Computer Engineers and Computer Scientists ultimately work with data and
attempt ultimately to harness meaning from it, there is significant overlap in coursework that
students in the two fields take, as well as in the careers they pursue. This does not minimize the
distinctive nature of the two disciplines. It simply acknowledges the fact that these types of
computer professionals find context and purpose in similar kinds of projects or in different
aspects of the same kinds of projects.

A Potentially Oversimplifying but Useful Distinction

Both Computer Engineers and Computer Scientists advance computing technology and solve
problems using computing technology. If we consider computing technology in terms of scale,
Computer Engineers operate often at the microscopic and macroscopic ends of the spectrum,
whereas Computer Scientists work in the middle parts of the spectrum. More specifically,
Computer Engineers deal with the physic of semiconductor electronics so that they may design
hardware from the integrated circuit level (small), as well as with the integration of hardware and
software optimized to run on it to realize complete, special purpose computing Systems (large).
Computer Scientists write the software, design databases, devise the algorithms, format the
communications, and secure the data that are processed by the hardware to make the integrated
system function.

A Concrete Example: An iPhone

Consider an iPhone. Apple employs both Computer Scientists and Computer Engineers to design
each new version of the iPhone. Computer Engineers (and Electrical Engineers) designed the
chips that house the integrated circuits that make the iPhone’s various components (cell radio,
screen, controls, memory, microprocessor) function, and they figured out how to get the various
components to work with each other. That involves looking at the wrote the operating system
that manages the memory and concurrently running applications, the apps in the app store that
run on top of that operating system, the packing and unpacking if data in to packets for network
communication and the encrypting of data so that prying eyes cannott see it. The computer
scientists provide the glue pieces that bring turn the computer engineers’ beginning product – the
component designs – into the computer engineers’ end product – the device on which people
text, browse the web, and play Angry Bird.From this example, it is easy to imagine, with so
much dependence on each other’s functions for realizing a finished product, why there is
significant overlap in the coursework Computer Engineers and Computer Scientists take, and in
the career opportunities they pursue.
Active and Passive Sentences
Active Sentences
I usually go to campus by bus.
The CPU coordinates all activities of various components of the computer.
Susan visited her sister in Jakarta last holiday.
Bob Kahn Vint Cerf invented Internet Protocol (IP).
Alan Turning broke the German ciphers in World War II.
Petra has been studying English for five years.

Passive Sentences
Customersare requestedto refrain from smoking.
Computer Engineering concerns of how microprocessors are designedand are optimized.
The hospital was built in 1995.
Programs can be recorded on compact discs.
These machines are controlled by computers.
Internet Protocol (IP) was invented by Bob Kahn Vint Cerf .
The German ciphers in World War IIwere broken by Alan Turning .
My walled has been stolen.

In a passive sentence, a form of be appears before the main verb.

Present: am, is, are; Past: was, were
Active Passive
Simple Present: They write letters every day. Letters are writteneveryday.
Simple Past: They wrote letters yesterday. Letters were written yesterday.
Infinitive : They are going to write letters Lettersare going to be written
tomorrow. tomorrow.
Will: They will write letters tomorrow. Letters will be written tomorrow.
Should: They should write letters. Letters should be written.
Have to: They have to write letters. Letters have to be written.

Continuous: They are writing letters. Letters are being written.
Perfect: They have written letters. Letters have been written.
Exercise 1
Change the following active sentences into their corresponding passive sentences.
1. Someone explains the lesson every day.


2. Someone lists the data every day.


3. We need action now.


4. The government spends billions of dollars every year.


5. People lose many things every day.


6. They completed the building before I left.


7. The lecturer explained the subject yesterday.


8. They finished the building recently.


9. Edison invented the electric light before I was born.


10. Napoleon wrote that letter many years ago.


11. Kevin Systrom and Mike Kriger found Instagram in 2010.


12. Gutenberg invented printer in 1468.


13. Michelangelo painted that picture many years ago.


14. The Egyptians constructed the pyramids many years ago.


15. We must buy a camera now.


16. We should finish the exercise tomorrow.


17. You should answer the questions immediately.


18. They collect the documents tomorrow.


19. They are going to send the money next month.


20. The programmer is going to perform some pictures.


21. They are going to visit Bali next week.


22. They are discussing the subject.


23. They are completing the programs.


24. He is drawing a picture now.


25. They finished the programs.


26. They have analyzed the problems.


27. He has cleaned the virus.


28. She has done the assignment.


29. We have made the telephone call.


30. I have bought a new car.


Exercise 2
Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs (in the correct form):
arrest wake knock check translatefinddrive make spendcarry
1. A decision will not ……………………until the next meeting.

2. That building is dangerous. It ought to ........………………down before it falls down.

3. When you go through customs, your luggage may ……………….by a custom officer.

4. I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to …………………………up at 6: 30.

5. Her new book will probably …………………..…into a number of foreign languages.

6. If you kicked a police officer, you’d ………………………….

7. Do you think that less money should ……………………...on the military?

8. The police are looking for the missing boy. He can’t …………………...anywhere.

9. The injured woman couldn’t walk and had to ……………………………………..

10. I don’t mind driving, but I prefer to …………………………by other people.

Exercise 3
Read the sentence and write another sentence with the same meaning.
1. We can solve the problem.
2. People should send their complaints to the main office.
3. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.
4. Somebody might have stolen your car if you had left the keys in it.
5. A short circuit could have caused the fire.
6. They are going to hold next year’s convention is Bandung.

Exercise 4
Read the sentence and then write a new sentence with the same meaning.
Example: They didn’t offer Ann the job. Ann was not offered the job.
1. They don’t pay Jim very much.

Jim ………………………………………………………………

2. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview.

You ……………………………………………………………

3. Nobody told me that Liz was sick.

I ………………………………………………………………..

4. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.

He ………………………………………………………………

5. We will send you your exam results as soon as they are ready.


6. They didn’t ask me my name.

I ………………………………………………………………..

7. I think they should have offered Tom the job.

I think Tom …………………………………………………..

Exercise 5
Complete the sentences. Each time use being with of these verbs.
keep pay attack give use ask
1. Mr. Miller doesn’t like …………………………………..waiting.

2. He came to the party without …………………………………….

3. He won’t go out alone after dark. She is afraid of ………………………………..

4. I don’t like …………………………………stupid questions.

5. Few people are prepared to work without ………………………………….

6. Mrs. Kelly doesn’t like her phone …………………………… by other people.

7. Most people like ………………………………. presents.

Present Perfect
When we use the present perfect, there is a connection of the past with the present.

I have lost my key.

Have you lost your key?
I have not lost my key.

Jim has gone to London.

Has Jim gone to London?
Jim has not gone to London.

I have just arrived in Jakarta.

Have you just arrived in Jakarta?
I have not just arrived in Jakarta.

He has already started the test.

Has he already started the test?
He has not already started the test.

He has already sent the message to his family.

Has he already sent the message to his family?
She has not sent the message to his family.

He has been to Italy.

Has he been to Italy?
He has not been to Italy.

We have bought a new house.

Have we bought a new house?
We have not bought a new house.

Mary has sold her old car.

Has Mary sold her old car?
Mary has not sold her old car.

The doctor has just come.

Has the doctor just come?
The doctor has not just come.

The operator has already left.

Has the operator already left?
The operator has not already left.

I have seen him since last year.

Have you seen him since last year?
I have not seen him since last year.

The committee has opened the registration.

Has the committee opened the registration?
The committee has not opened the registration.

They have won the game.

Have they won the game?
They have not won the game.

She has not found the way out.

Has she found the way out?
She has not found the way out.

The class has started yet.

Has the class started yet?
The class has not started yet.

The conference has closed.

Has the conference closed yet?
The conference has not closed yet.

I have already finished lunch.

Have you finished lunch already?
I have not finished lunch.

He has just fixed the program.

Has he fixed the program?
He has not fixed the program.

They have found the answer.

Have they found the answer?
They have not found the answer yet.

She has just written the messages.

Has she written the messages?
She has not just written the messages.

I have taken the money.

Have you taken the money yet?
I have not taken the money.

Exercise 1
Use the words given to make sentences and put the verb into correct form.

1. Phil / finda new job. …………………………………………………….

2. Fred / go / Hawaii. ………………………………………….…………

3. Liz /give up / smoking. ……………………………………….....................

4. George /pass / his examination. ……………………………………….........

5. I /list/ the customers’ names. ……………………………………….........

6. He / copy/ the whole documents. ……………………………………….........

7. They /buy/ a new apartment. ……………………………………….........

8. He / know/ the answer. ……………………………………….........

9. She / see / the film. ……………………………………….........

10. I /read / the book. …………………………………………….

Exercise 2
Answer the questions using the words in parentheses.

Example: When did you last smoke? (for two years) I havenot smoked for two years.

1. When did they last visit you? (since June)

2. When did it last rain? (for ages)
3. When did you last play football? (for a long time)
4. When did you last eat caviar? (never)
5. When did you last drive? (for six months)
6. When did you last go to Bali? (never)
7. When did you last meet them? (since last week)

8. When did you last think of him? (never)

9. When did you last do the test? (since May)
10. When did you last hear about Tom? (never)

Exercise 2
Practice since and for with the present perfect expression.

Example: Bill owns this house. He bought it in January.

Bill has owned this house since January.

1. Jane belongs to the club. She joined it three weeks ago.


2. We know this song. We learned it three weeks ago.


3. We know Mr. Smith. We met him two months ago.


4. The Sinagas live in Australia. They moved there in January.


5. Ben holds the position of analyst. She obtained the position in August.


6. Betty owes me one 50.000 rupiahs. She borrowed it yesterday.


7. Alice is in the hospital. She went there tree weeks ago.


8. Charles belongs to the Socialist Party. He joined it in March.


9. Dr. Hill owns this machine. He bought it last month.


10. Jogy has a cold. He caught it two days ago.


Exercise 3
Put the verb into the correct form: present perfect or simple past

1. I ……..…………(not/play) the guitar when I was on vacation last year.

2. Mr. Clark ……………………..……….… (work) in a bank for 15 years.

3. George lives in Paris. He …………………….…. (live) there all his life.

4. Bob and Alice are married. They …………………. (be) married for 20 years.

5. When we were on vacation, the weather …………….. (be) terrible.

6. My grandfather died 30 years ago. I ………………………..(never/meet) him.

7. I don’t know the new manager. I …………….. (never/meet) him.

8. You didn’t answer my telephone. ………………. (you/go) to the cinema last night?

9. The Chinese …………………. (invent) printing.

10. What time …………… (they/arrive) here yesterday?

11. He ………………………….. (be/late) three times this week.

12. Einstein was the physicist who……………… (develop) the theory of relativity.

13. Abraham Lincoln ……………….. (be) President of the U.S. from 1861 to 1863.

14. My motorcycle isn’t here. Somebody ………………….. (take) it.

15. …………………….. (you /visit) go to many beaches when you were in Bali?

Lesson 7
Computer Hardware Engineering and Computer Software Engineering

There are two major specialties in computer engineering: hardware and software. Today,
computer hardware is somehow equal to electronic and computer engineering (ECE) has been
divided in to many subcategories; the most significant is embedded system design.According to
U.S Bureau of Labor statistic (BLS), “computer application software engineers and computer
system software engineers are projected to be among the faster than average growing
There are many specialty areas in the field of computer engineering: coding, ryptography,
and information protection. Computer engineers work in coding, cryptography, and information
protection to develop new methods for protecting various information, such as digital images and
music, fragmentation, copyright infringement and other forms of tampering. Examples include
work on wireless communications, multi-antenna systems, optical transmission, and digital

Communication and wireless networks

Those focusing on communication and wireless networks, work advancements in
telecommunications systems and networks (especially wireless networks), modulation and error-
control coding, and information theory. High-speed network design, interference suppression and
modulation, design, and analysis of fault-tolerant system, and storage and transmission schemes
are all a part of this specialty.

Compilers and operating systems

This specialty focuses on compilers and operating systems design and development. Engineers in
this field develop new operating system architecture, program analysis techniques, and new
techniques to assure quality. Examples of work in this field include post-link-time code
transformation algorithm development and new operating system development.

Computational science and engineering

Computational Science and Engineering is a relatively new discipline. According to Sloan
Career Cornerstone Centre, individuals working in this area, “computational methods are applied
to formulate and solve complex mathematical problems in engineering and the physical and the
social sciences. Examples include aircraft design, the plasma processing of nanometer features
on semiconductor wafers, VLSI circuit design, radar detection systems, ion transport trough
biological channels, and much more.”

Computer networks, mobile computing, and distributed systems

In this specialty, engineers build integrated environments for computing, communications and
information access. Examples include shared-channel wireless networks, adaptive resource
management in various systems, and improving the quality of service in mobile and ATM
environments. Some other examples include work on wireless network systems and fast Ethernet
cluster wired systems.

Computer systems: architecture, parallel processing, and dependability

Engineers working in computer systems work on research projects develop for reliable, secure,
and high-performance computer systems. Projects such as designing processors for multi-
threading and parallel processing are included in this field. Other examples of work in this field
included development of new theories, algorithms, and other tools that add performance to
computer systems.

some and any

We use somein positive sentences and any in negative sentences

Ann has bought some new flash discs.

Has Ann bought any new flash discs?
Ann has not bought any new flash discs.

He needs some new data to complete his research.

He doesn’t need any data to complete his research.
Does he need any money to complete his research?

I took some money from the bank yesterday.

Did you take any money from the bank yesterday?
I didn’t take any money from the bank yesterday.

They got some good news about being promoted.

Did they get any good news about being promoted?
They did not get any good news about being promoted.

My son asked me some money to buy books..

Did your son ask you any money to buy any books?

My son did not ask me any money to buy books

We have some crucial things to do soon.
Do we have any crucial things to do soon?

We do not have any crucial things to do soon.

He shows us some of his picture.

Does he show us any of his pictures?
He does not show any of his pictures.

There are some beautiful tourist spots in Samosir Island.

Are there any beautiful tourist spots in Samosir Island?
There are not any beautiful spots in Samosir Island.

I’ve got something in my eyes.

Have you got anything in your eyes?
I have not got anything in my eyes.

They have some tools to sell

Do they have any tools to sell?
They do not have any tools to sell.

He usually sends me some emails.

Does he usually send you any emails?
He does not usually send me any emails.

She often has some assignments in the afternoon.
Does she often have assignments in the afternoon?
She does not often have assignments in the afternoon.

We use any because the meaning is negative:

He left home without any money.

She refused to say anything.

any/anyone/anything after if.

If any packets arrive for me, can you send them to this address?

If anyone has any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them.

If you need anything, just ask.

Buy some pears if you see any.

*Anyone who wants to take the exam must give me their names before Friday.

Somein question to offer or ask for things

Would you like some tea?

Can I have some of those apples?

You can catch any of these buses to go downtown.

Come and see me any time you want.

You can have anything you want for your birthday present.

We left the door unlocked. Anybody could have come.

I’d rather go anywhere than stay at home during my vacation.

Somebody/anyone/anybody are singular
Somebody wants to see you.

Is anybody there?

Exercise 1
Complete these sentences with

1. Ann bought …………………………….new books.

2. Does ………………………………..mind if I smoke?

3. Do you live ……………………………….near Jim?

4. The boy refused to tell us …………………………..

5. Would you like ………………………………………to eat?

6. The prisoners refused to eat ………………………………..

7. There’s ……………………………at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

8. The pauper sleeps in the park because he doesn’t have …………………..to stay.

9. He doesn’t know …………….where he can stay with, and doesn’t have ……………..

money for a hotel.

10. Can I have ……………………..milk in my coffee, please?

11. Sue is very secretive. She never tells ………………… to ...………………………….

12. Why are looking under the bed? Have you lost ……………………………….?

13. You can cash these travelers checks at ………………………bank.

14. I haven’t read ……………of these books, but Tom has read ………………of them.

15. He left the house without saying ………………………….to …………………………

16. Would you like ……………………………..more coffee?

17. The film is really great. You can ask ………………………..who has seen it.

18. This is no Parking Area. ……………………who parks here will have to pay a fine.

19. Can you give me ……………………..information about places to see in the town.

20. With this special tourist bus ticket you can go………………..…………you like on

…………………..bus you like.

Exercise 2
Example: Perhaps someone will need help. If so, they can ask me.

Ifanyone needs help, they can ask me.

1. Perhaps someone will ring the doorbell. If so, don’t let them in.

If …………………………………………………………………………..

2. Perhaps someone will ask you some questions. If so, don’t tell them anything.

If ……………………………………………………………………………..

3. Perhaps someone saw the accident. If so, they should contact the police.

If ………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 3
Use any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere

Example: I don’t care what you tell him. You can tell him anything you like.

1. I don’t care what you wear to the party.

You can wear ………………………………………………………….

2. I don’t care where you sit.

You ……………………………………………………………………..

3. It doesn’t matter which day you come.

You ………………………………………………………………………

4. I don’t care what who you talk.

You ………………………………………………………………………

5. It doesn’t matter which flight you travel on.

You ………………………………………………………………………

6. I don’t care who you visit.

You ……………………………………………………………………….

7. It doesn’t matter what time you call.

You ……………………………………………………………………………..

No/any + one/-body/ - thing/ -where
no none no one nobody nothing nowhere

We use these negative words especially at the beginning of a sentence or alone:

No one (nobody) came to visit me when I was in the hospital.

No system of government is perfect.

“Where are going?” “Nowhere. I’m staying here.”
None of these books are mine.
“What did you do?” “Nothing.”
I saw nothing.
I didn’t see anything. (= I saw nothing.)

We don’t have any money. ( = We have no money.)
That station isn’t anywhere near here. ( =…is nowhere near here.)
She didn’t tell anyone about her plans. ( = she told no none)
No and none
We use no with a noun No = not a or any
We had to walk because there was no bus . ( = there wasn’t a bus)
I can’t talk to you now. I have no time. ( = I don’t have any time)
There were no stores open. ( =There weren’t any stores open)
“How much money do you have?” “None.”

Any/no with comparative (any better/any bigger)

Do you feel any better today?

I not waiting any longer.

It’s no bigger than my house.

Exercise 1
Answer these questions with none (of) no one/ nobody/nothing/nowhere.
1. What did you do ? ……………………………………………..

2. Where are you going? ………………………………………….

3. How many children does he have? ……………………………..

4. What did you tell them? …………………………………………

5. Who are you talking about ……………………………………….

6. How much of this money is yours? ……………………………….

Now write answers to these questions with any/anyone/nothing/nowhere

7. Where are you going?

I ………………………………………….

8. What did you do?

I …………………………………………..

9. How many children do they have?


10. Who did you dance with?


11. What did they give you?


Exercise 2
Complete the sentences with no/none/no one/ nobody/
1. There were ……….stores open. I don’t want …………………………..to eat.

2. The bus was completely empty. There wasn’t ……………………………on it.

3. “Where did you go for your vacation?” “…………………….I stayed home.”

4. I couldn’t make an omelette because I had …………………eggs.

5. I didn’t say ………………. Not a word.

6. The accident looked serious, but fortunately ……………………was injured.

7. The town was still the same when I returned years later. ………………..had changed.

8. We took a few photographs, but ……………of them were very good.

9. I can’t find my watch …………………………..I’ve looked for all over the house.

10. “What did you have for breakfast?” “ ………………… I don’t usually have ….……………

for breakfast.

11. We cancelled the party because ……………………of the people we invited could come.

12. ………….…….intelligent person could do such a stupid thing.

13. There was complete silence in the room. ………………said ………………………..

14. “How many movie theaters are there in this town ?” …………………. The last one closed

six months ago.”

15. The four of us wanted to go to a restaurant, but we couldn’t because ………………..of us

had ………………………..money.

COMPARISON: Comparative forms

Paul is tall Paul is careful.
John is very tall. John is very careful.
John is taller than Paul. John is more careful than Paul.

a. We use -er for the comparative of short adjectives and adverbs:

cheap/cheaper hard/harder large/larger
tall/taller clear/clearer fast/faster
lazy/lazier pretty/prettier early/earlier
soon/sooner quick/quicker busy/busier
easy/easier thin/thinner happy/happier
nice/nicer heavy/heavier

Notice irregular forms

good/better well/better bad/worse
badly/worse far/farther (further)

b. We use –er with two-syllable adjectives ending with –y:

Lucky/luckier funny/funnier easy/easier,
narrow/narrower simple/simpler.

c. We use more for other two-syllable and longer adjectives:

modern/more modern serious/more serious expensive/more expensive

comfortable/ more comfortable careful/more careful beautiful/more beautiful
expensive/more expensive interesting/more interesting often/more often
important/more important necessary/more necessary

and also for adverbs that end in –ly:

slowly/more slowly seriously/more seriously quietly/ more quietly
carefully/ more carefully clearly/more clearly easily/more easily
quickly/more quickly rapidly/more rapidly

d. We can use: a little bit, a little, much, a lot, far (= a lot)

Let’s go by car. It’s much (a lot ) cheaper.
Don’t go by train. It’s much (a lot) more expensive.
Ann works a lot (much) harder than her friends.
Could you speak a (little) bit (or little) more slowly?
Her illness was far more serious than we first thought.

Exercise 1
Is John tall? Yes, he is taller than I am.
Did he write carefully? Yes, he wrote more carefully than I did.
Did George come early? Yes, he came earlier than I did.
1. Is George careful? ……………………………………….................

2. Did he work hard? ………………………………………………….

3. Did Mary answer quickly? ………………………………………………….

4. Is she busy? ………………………………………………….

5. Is Ben fast? ………………………………………………….

6. Did Harry run fast? ………………………………………………….

7. Did Shelly speak clearly? ………………………………………………….

8. Is his brother young? ………………………………………………….

9. Did John jump high?

10. Did he read fast?

Exercise 2
This pencil isn’t long enough. Let me get you a longer one.
This picture isn’t beautiful enough. Let me get you a more beautiful one.
1. This car isn’t fast enough. …………………………………………………..

2. This glass isn’t big enough. ……………………………………………………

3. This book isn’t interesting enough. …………………………………………………….

4. This table isn’t strong enough. …………………………………………………….

5. This watch isn’t old enough. ……………………………………………………..

6. This suit isn’t nice enough. ……………………………………….……………..

7. This software isn’t cheap enough. ……………………………………………………...

8. This program isn’t good enough.………………………………………………………

9. This camera isn’t new enough. ………………………………………………………

10. This news isn’t interesting enough. ………………………………………..…………….

11. This room isn’t clean enough. ……………………………………………………..

12. This knife isn’t sharp enough. ………………………………………………………

13. This fish isn’t fresh enough. ………………………………………………………

Exercise 3
Complete these sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the following adjectives
or adverbs:
crowded early easily expensive interest large near often quiet thin
1. This jacket is too small. I need a ………………………………. Size.

2. You ……………………. Have you lost weight?

3. He’s not so enthusiastic about his studies. He’s ………………… in having a good time.

4. You’ll find your way around the town …………………if you have a map.

5. You’re making too much noise. Can you be a little bit ……………………….?

6. There were a lot of people in the café. It was …………………….. than usual.

7. You’d late. I expected you to be here ………………………………..

8. You hardly ever write to me. Why don’t you write a little ………………………?

9. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much ……………………….

10. It’s a shame you live so far away. I wish you lived ……………………………..

Exercise 4
Complete these sentences. Use the comparative of the words in parentheses + than
1. Her illness was ……………………………… we first thought. (serious).

2. Sorry I’m late. It took me ………………to get here …………… I expected. (long)

3. She looks about 20, but in fact she’s much ………………… she looks. (old)

4. The problem is not so complicated. It’s ……………………………….you think. (simple)

5. Your English has improved. You speak a lot …………………………………..you did when

we last met. (fluently)

6. Health and happiness are ……………………….money. (important)

7. We always go camping when we go on vacation. It’s much ……………. staying in a hotel.


8. My toothache is ………………………it was yesterday. (painful)

9. I like the country. It’s ………………………………….. and …………………………….

living in the city. (healthy/ peaceful)

Exercise 5
This exercise is similar, but this time you also need to use a bit/ a little/ much / a lot / far.
1. Her illness was ……………………………….... we first thought. (much / serious)

2. It’s ………………………today ……………….….. it was yesterday. ( a little / warm)

3. You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ……………………..………..? (a bit /slowly).

4. A: Did you enjoy your visit to the museum ?

B: Yes, I found it ………………………… I expected. (far / interesting)

5. I prefer this armchair. It’s ……………………………the other one. (much / comfortable)

6. You looked depressed this morning, but you look ………………………...now. ( a little /


7. This apartment is too small. I need something ……………………. (much / big)

8. It’s ………………………………to learn a foreign language in the country where it is

spoken. (a lot / easy).

Superlative Forms
John is taller than Paul. John is more careful than Paul.
but Ben is the tallest. but Ben is the most careful.
–est andmost is used to form superlative.
tall taller the taller
clear clearer the clearest
fast faster the fastest
hard harder the hardest
nice nicer the nicest
quick quicker the quickest
busy busier the busiest
easy easier the easiest

happy happier the happiest
heavy heavier the heaviest
lazy lazier the laziest
pretty prettier the prettiest
early earlier the earliest
good better the best
well better the best
bad worse the worst
badly worse the worst
far farther the farthest
careful more careful the most careful
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
expensive more expensive the most expensive
interesting more interesting the most interesting
important more important the most important
necessary more necessary the most necessary
carefully more carefully the most carefully
clearly more clearly the most clearly
easily more easily the most clearly
quickly more quickly the most quickly
rapidly more rapidly the most rapidly

Exercise 6
Practice -est and most
John is taller than Peter. But Sam is the tallest.
John is more careful than Peter. But Sam is the most careful.
1. John is younger than peter. ……………………………………………

2. John is busier than Peter. …………………………………………….

3. John is quicker than Peter. …………………………………………….

4. John is nicer than Peter. ……………………………………………..

5. John is happier than Peter. ………………………………………………

6. John is faster than Peter. ………………………………………………

7. John swims faster than peter. ……………………………………………….

8. John works harder than Peter. ……………………………………………….

9. John reads faster than Peter. ………………………………………………..

10. John is more intelligent than Peter. ………………………………………….

11. John is smarter than Peter. …………………………………………..

12. John is friendlier than Peter. …………………………………………..

Exercise 7
Complete the sentences with a superlative and preposition.
1. It’s a very nice room. It’s the nicest room in the hotel.

2. It’s very cheap restaurant. It’s …………………………………………...… town.

3. It was a very happy day. It was ………………………………………….. my life.

4. She is very intelligent student. She ……………………………………. the school.

5. It’s very valuable painting. It …………………………………………. the gallery.

Use one o the + superlative

6. He’s a very rich man. He’s one ………………………………….. the world.

7. It’s a very old castle. It’s …………………….…………………… in France.

8. She’s a very good student. She ………………………………….. in the class.

9. It was a very bad experience. It was …………………………………. my life.

10. He’s very dangerous criminal. He ……………………………. in the country.

Exercise 7
Read these sentences and then write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use a superlative
each time and begin each sentence as shown.
1. I’ve never seen such a boring movie.
It’s the most boring movie I’ve ever seen.
2. He’s never made such a bad mistake.


3. I’ve never taste such good coffee in a long time.

That’s ………………………………………………………………time.

4. I’ve never slept in such an uncomfortable bed.

This is ……………………………………………………………………..

5. I’ve never has such a big meal.

It’s …………………….……………………………………………

6. I’ve never met such a generous person as Ann.

Ann is ………………………………………………………………..

7. I’ve never had such as a good friend as you.

You …………………………………………………………………..

8. I haven’t had to make such a difficult decision in years.

This ………………………………………………………………year.

Exercise 8
Here are some questions to answer. But first write the questions using the words in parentheses.
Then answer them.
1. (what/large/city/your country?)

What ………………………………………………….

2. (who/famous singer/your country?)

Who ………………………………………………….

3. (what popular sport/your country?)

What ………………………………………………….

4. (what/expensive thing/you/ever/bought?)

What ………………………………………………………..

5. (what happy/day/your life?)

What was ……………………………………………..

6. (what/stupid thing/you/ever done?)


7. (who/intelligent person/you know?)


8. (who/beautiful person/you know?)


Lesson 8
Reasons to Study Computer Science

Here are six compelling reasons to study for Computer Science.

1. The digital age needs computer scientist
Like it or not, you are living in it – this is the Digital Age. Computer programmers have all but
infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Computer scientist theorize, design, develop and apply the
software and hardware for the programmers we use day in day out – sounds pretty important to

2. Computer science students have excellent graduate prospects

Check out our Computer Science subject table, look down the Graduate Prospect column and
you’ll notice Computer Science students stand a pretty chance of being professionally employed,
or in further study, within six months of leaving university. And that chance is strengthened if
you go to one of the UK’s best universities for the subject.

3. Computer science earn big bucks

Computer scientists are in demand and their salary reflects this. Recent graduates in professional
roles earn quite a lot on average –just take a look what graduates earn.

4. Computer scientist are needed in every type of industry

Every industry uses computer so naturally computer scientist can work in any. Problem in
science, engineering, health care, and so many other areas van be solved by computers. It’s up to
the computer scientist to figure out how, and design the software to apply the solution.

5. Internationally diverse cohort

Computer science department at typically benefit from having one of the more culturally diverse
cohorts at their respective universities. According to HESA data almost 20,000 computer science
students come from overseas.A diverse cohort means you’ll be exposed to different cultures and
potentially finish university with an international network of contacts to utilize later in life.

6. Year abroad opportunities

Computers have gone global, and it would be silly for Computer Science education providers to
not reflect this fact. Check the opportunities for overseas study on the courses that interest you. A
year aboard will provide you with a deeper understanding of how computer are used around the
world, allowing you to experience other cultures, and gain some language skills in the process.

Both, Neither, Either

We use both, neither, and either when we are talking about two things.
Both printers are very good.
Neither printer is expensive.
We can afford to buy either camera.
I didn’t like either restaurant.

We can use both/neither/ either with of….

Both of these laptops are very good.
Neither of the projectors we want to buy is expensive.
He can buy either of those cameras.
Both of us were very tired.
Neither of the students wants to go home.
Neither of us is hungry

We can say both……and ……, neither ….nor…… ,either…….or ………

Both Tom and Ann were late
They were both tired and hungry.
Neither he nor I came to the club.
He said he would contact me, but he neither wrote nor called.
I’m not sure where he is from. He’s either Spanish or Italian.

Exercise 1
Complete these sentences with both/neither/either. Sometimes you need of

There are two windows in my room. It was very warm so I had both of them open.

“Do you want tea or coffee?” “Either It doesn’t matter.”

1. After the accident ……………… cars stopped. …………….…drivers got outand started

shouting at each other. ………………….. them were very angry.

2. It wasn’t a very good soccer game. ……………………….. team played well.

3. A: Which of the two printers you prefer? The Epson or the Canon?

B: Actually, I didn’t like …………………………… them.

4. There are two ways to arrive at Siantar faster. You can take the ordinary road, or you can

take the highway. You can go ……………………. way.

5. …………….. these sweaters are very nice. I don’t know which one to buy.

6. “ Do you care which sandwich I take?” “No, take ………...……………………………

7. “ Is today the 18th or the 19th?” “……………………..It’s the 20th.

8. Tom and I hadn’t eaten for a long time, so ……………. us were very hungry.

9. When the boat started to sink, we were really frightened because …………... us could swim.

10. A: Did you go to Hawaii or to Paris for your vacation?

B: We went to ………………: a week in Hawaii and a week in Paris.

Exercise 2
Make sentences with both ……and ……, neither ….nor …., either ….or …..

Example: Tom was late. So was Ann. Both Tom and Ann were late.
He didn’t write. He didn’t telephone. He neither wrote nor telephoned.
1. The scanner wasn’t cheap. And it wasn’t the best.

The scanner was …………………………………………………………..

2. It was a very boring program. It was very long too.

The program ………….…………………………………………………..

3. Is that man’s name Richard? Or is it Robert? It’s one of the two.

That man’s name …………………………………………………………

4. I don’t have time to buy the webcam. I don’t have the money.

I have ……………………………………………………………………..

5. We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow – whichever you prefer.

We ………………………………………………………………………..

6. He gave up his job because he needed a change. Also the pay was low.

He gave up his job both …………………………………………………

7. My brother doesn’t smoke. And he doesn’t eat meat.


8. The Monitor needs fixing. The UPS needs fixing too.


9. The house is expensive. The house is luxury.


10. My brother doesn’t use smart phone. Michael doesn’t use smart phone.

Neither ……………………………………………………………………

11. Bob will pick you up. Dany will pick you up.


12. Thomas didn’t remember my birthday. July didn’t remember my birthday.


13. You can take a cab. You can wait till I get back.

You can …………………………………………………………...............

14. The musicians are not ready for the performance. The conductor isn’t ready for the


Neither the musicians………………………………………………………..

15. She bought a motherboard. I bought a motherboard.

Both …………………………………………………………………………

16. They didn’t change the monitor into BenQ XL2740. We didn’t change the monitor into

BenQ XL 2740.

Neither ………………………………………………………………………..

17. She needs a Toshiba Wireless Mouse soon. He also needs a Toshiba wireless Mouse soon.

Both …………………………………………………………………………..

18. My mother did not go to university. My father did not go to university.

Neither ………………………………………………………………………..

19. Nancy did not write the report. Bony didn’t write the report.

Neither ………………………………………………………………………...

20. The lecturer was in class this morning. The students were in class this morning.

Either …………………………………………………………………………..

21. They went to visit the Robotics Expo. I went to visit the Robotic Expo.

Either ………………………………………………………………………......

22. We can eat now. We can eat after the show – It’s up to you.

We can ………………………………………………………………………..

23. Sam didn’t mention that they were moving house. His friend didn’t mention that they were

moving house.

Neither ………………………………………………………………….......

24. The manager is here today. The assistant is here today.

Both …………………………………………………………………………

25. My brother was leaving for holiday. I parents were leaving for holiday.

Either ………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 3: Supply is or arein the following

1. Both the lecturer and the student ……………………. here.

2. Neither the analyst nor the programmer ………………here.

3. Either the employers or the employee ……………….. here.

4. Either the technician or the operators ……………….. here.

Exercise 4: Answer the questions. Use both …… and

1. You have met the manager. Have you met the owner?

Yes, ………………………………………………………………………………….

2. The driver was injured in the accident. Was the passenger injured in the accident?

Yes, ………………………………………………………………………………….

3. He buys used laptops. Does he sell used laptops?

Yes, ………………………………………………………………………………….

4. The city suffers from air pollution. Does it suffer from water pollution?

Yes, ………………………………………………………………………………….

5. You study with your friends. Do you discuss with them?

Yes, ………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Software is expensive. Is hardware expensive ?

Yes, ………………………………………………………………………………….

Exercise 4: Use either …. or
1. John has your printer, or Mary has your printer. Is that right?

Yes, either John or Mary has my printer.

2. You’re going to give a camera for her birthday, or you’re going to give her a hand phone?



3. Your sister will meet you at the airport, or your brother will meet you there? Right?


4. They can go travelling, or they can have a picnic. Right?


5. You will go to Parapat for your vacation, or you’ll go to Bali. Right?


Use neither …. nor

1. He didn’t buy a flash disk. Did he buy an USB?

No, …………………………………………………………………………….

2. He doesn’t speak English. Do they speak English?

No, …………………………………………………………………………….

3. We don’t have hotspot in our dormitory. Do they have hotspot in their dormitory?

No, …………………………………………………………………………….

4. She doesn’t enjoy reading. Does she enjoy playing games?

No, …………………………………………………………………………….

5. The students are in the laboratory. Is the professor in the laboratory?

No, …………………………………………………………………………….

Lesson 9
Mark Zuckerberg, Creator of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is a former Harvard computer science student who
along with a few friends launched Facebook, the world’s most popular social network, in
February 2004. Zuckerberg also has the distinction of being the world’s youngest billionaire,
which he achieved in 2008 at the age of 24. He was named “Man of the Year” by Time magazine
in 2010. He currently is the chief executive officer and president of Facebook.

Early Life
Zuckerberg began using and programming computers in the middle school, with the active
support of his father. Edward taught the 11-year-old Mark Atari BASIC, and then hired a
software developer David Newman to give his son private lessons. In 1997 when Mark was 13,
he created a computer network for his family he called Zucknet, which allowed the computers in
his home and his father’s dental office to communicate via Ping, a primitive version of AOL’s
Instant Messenger that came out in 1998. He also developed computer games, such a computer
version of Monopoly and a version of risk set in the Roman Empire.

Early Computing
For two years, Zuckerberg attended public high school Ardsley and then transferred to the
Phillips Exeter academy, where he excelled in classical studies and science. He won prizes for
the math, astronomy, and physics. By his highschool graduation, Zuckerberg could read and
write French, Hebrew, Latin, and ancient Greek.
For his senior project at Exeter, he wrote a music player called the synapse Media Player
that used artificial intelligence to learn the user’s listening habits and recommended other music.
He posted on AOL and it received thousands of positive reviews. Both Microsoft and AOL
offered to buy synapse for $1 million and hire Mark as a developer, but he turned them both
down and instead enrolled at Harvard University in September 2002.

Harvard University

Mark Zuckerberg attended Harvard University, where he studied psychology and computer
science. In his sophomore year, he wrote a program he called Course Match, which allowed
users to make class selection decisions based on the choices of other students and also to help
them form study groups.

Learn Something New Every Day

He also invented Facemash, a program with the stated purpose of finding out who was the
most attracted person on campus. Users would look at two pictures of peopleof the same sex and
pick which was the “hottest”, and the software compiled and ranked the results. It was an
astounding success, but it bogged down the network at Harvard, people’s pictures were being
used without theirpermission, and it was offensive to people, particularly to women’s groups, on
campus. Zuckerberg ended the project and apologized to the women’s groups, sayinghe thought
of it as a computer experiment. Harvard put him on probation.

Inventing Facebook
Juckerberg’s roommates at Harvard included Chris Hughes, a literature and history major,
Billy Olson, a theater major, and Dustin Moskovitz who was studying economics. There is no
doubt that conversational stew that occurred among them spurred and enhanced many of the
ideas and projects that Zuckerberg was working on.
While at Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg founded TheFacebook, an application intended to be
reliable directory at Harvard. That software eventually led to the February 2004 launch of
Facebook. In his second year of college at Harvard, he met medical student Priscilla Chan and on
May 2012, they were married. Today, Chan is a pediatrician and philanthropist.The couple has
two children Maxima Chan Zuckerberg (2015) and August Chan Zuckerberg(2017).
As of 2019, Mark Zuckerberg’s personal wealth was estimated to be more than $60 billion.
Together he and his wife founded the philanthropic Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to leverage
technology to support the aims of science, education, justice. He is currently president and chief
executive officer of Facebook and works at the company’s office in Menlo Park, California.
Zuckerberg quotes
“By giving people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent.”

“The Web is at a really important turning point right now. Up until recently, the default on the
web has been that most things aren’t social and most things don’t use your real identity. We’re
building toward a web where the default is social”.

Relative clauses with who/ that/which/where

We use who in a relative clause when we are talking about people.
The man who lives next door is very friendly.
We know a lot of people who live in Medan.
The girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital.
An architect is someone who designs buildings.
The woman who always visits us is my aunt.
The lecturer who teaches us English is Mary.
We use that and whichwhen we talk about things
The window that was broken has been repaired.
The motherboard that I want to buy is expensive.
Jerry works for a company that makes flash discs.
I don’t like stories that have unhappy endings.
Where is the camera which was in the cupboard?
I read the book that describes some computer programs.
We prefer house which has large backyard.
She likes the songs which you are singing.
We can use where in a relative clause to talk about places.
The place where she comes from is beautiful.
The town where I was born was a quiet village.
I like to travel to places where I can find freedoHam.
She stays close to the park where you pass every day.
I like restaurant where I can get various vegetables.
This is the store where he bought the camera.
This is the university where she is studying.

Exercise 1
Explain what these words mean. Choose the right meaning from the list and then write a
sentence with who.
He/she steals from a store he/she breaks into a house and steals things
He/she doesn’t eat meat he/she fills prescription for medicine
He/she designs buildings he/she buys something from a store
1. An architect An architect is someone who designs buildings.
2. A burglar …………………………………………………………
3. A vegetarian …………………………………………………………
4. A customer …………………………………………………………
5. A shoplifter …………………………………………………………
6. A pharmacist …………………………………………………………

Exercise 2
Read the two sentences and then write one sentence with the same meaning. Use a relative clause
in your sentences.
1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in the hospital.
The girl ……………………………………………………………………..
2. A man answered the phone. He told me you were out.
The man …………………………………………………………………….
3. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
The waitress ………………………………………………………………….
4. Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.
The boys …………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 3
Choose the most appropriate ending from the list and make it into a relative clause.
he invented the telephone it makes typewriters
she runs away from home it gives you the meaning of words
they are never on time it won the race

they stole my car it can support life
they used to hang on that wall it was found last week
1. John works for a company …………………………………………………………
2. The book is about the girl ……………………………………………………………..
3. What was the name of the horse ………………………………………………….
4. The police have caught the men …………………………………………………
5. Alexander Bell was the man ………………………………………………………
6. Where are the pictures ……………………………………………………………..
7. The police are still trying to identify the body ……………………………………
8. A dictionary is a book …………………………………………………………….
9. I don’t like people ………………………………………………………………….
10. It seems that Earth is the only planet ………………………………………………

Exercise 4
Complete the sentences with where… Use the sentences in the box to make relative clauses.
I can buy postcards I was born there
she had bought it there we spend our vacation there
people are buried there we can have a really good meat there
1. I recently went back to the town ………………………………………………………
2. The dress didn’t fit her, so she took it back to the store …………………………….
3. Do you know a restaurant ……………………………………………………………
4. Is there a store near here ……………………………………………………………….
5. The place ………………………………………………………….was really beautiful.
6. A cemetery is a place …………………………………………………………………..

A phrase is a group of words that stand together a single unit and does not contain subject and
verb, and consequently, cannot convey a complete thought.
Noun phrase is a phrase that has a noun as its head or performs the same grammatical function as
a noun.


The shoestore on JalanSetia Budi is very good.
The computer in the laboratory is old.
The student at the door is new.
The air conditioners in this room are broken.
The student with Ben is smart.

Exercise 1
Combine statements to form one.
1. The girl is studying. She is tall.


2. The girl is studying here. She is from San Francisco.


3. The store is very good. It’slarge.


4. The shoestore is very good. It’s on JalanSetia Budi.


5. The man is intelligent. He’s from Brazil.


6. The program is applicable. It is in my laptop.


7. That man is analyst. He’s beside my brother.


8. The computer laboratory is good. It’s large.


9. The software is expensive. It’s in his computer.

10. The monitor is broken. It’s on the table.


11. The infocus is new. It’s expensive.


12. The student knows the answer. He is thin.


13. The book is interesting. It’s about computer application programs.


14. The restaurant is good. It’s near the bank.


15. The thin student knows the answer. He is in my class.


16. The man gave me a camera. He is in my office.


17. The subject is difficult. It is about algorithm.


18. The man is nice. He is from Mexico.

19. The film is interesting. It’s about starwar.
20. The new car is fancy. It’s a Lamborghini Veneno.

Exercise 2
The preposition with can be used to express the idea of possession.

1. The man is a businessman. He has his own castle.
2. That boy is John. He has a newspaper.
3. The man is a lawyer. He has a briefcase.
4. The man is an architect. He has sketches.
5. The girls are young doctors. They bring stethoscopes
6. He is a web developer. He owns a large business.
7. He is a hardware engineer. He owns a Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond.
8. My neighbor is an IT Project Manager. He has a lot of IT projects.
9. John is a computer Security specialist. He has experiences on computer viruses
10. Mr. Harry and Shine are system analysts. They have some staffs.

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

accept acceptance acceptable
achieve achievement achievable
activate activity, activation active
alarm alarm alarmed alarmingly
analyze analysis, analyst analytic (cal) analytically
apply application, applicable
applicant, applicator
behave behavior, behaviorism behavioral behaviorally
celebrate celebrity, celebration celebrated

choose choice choosy
classify classification classified
collect collection collective collectively
communicate communication communicable communicatively
compete competition competitive competitively
complete completeness complete
conserve conservation conservative conservatively
consider consideration considerable considerably
construct construction constructive constructively
correct correction correct (ive) correctively
correspond correspondence corresponding correspondingly
create creation, creativity creative creatively
endanger danger dangerous dangerously
decide decision decisive decisively
demonstrate demonstration demonstrative
describe description descriptive descriptively
destroy destruction destructive destructively
deepen depth, deepness deep deeply
determine determination determine
discover discovery discoverable
economize economy, economics economic (al)
educate education educative, educational
elect election elective, electoral
electrify electricity electric (al)
employ employment, employee employable
energize energy energetic
enjoy enjoyment enjoyable
exact exactness exact
imagine imagination imaginative imaginatively
impress impression impressive impressively
inspire inspiration inspirational inspirationally
insure, ensure insurance insured
introduce introduction introductory
intrude introduce intrusive intrusively
investigate investigation investigatory
invite invitation invited
isolate isolation isolated
excite excitement excited, exciting,
exhaust exhaustion, exhaust exhaustive
exist existence existing, existent
expect expectation expected
expend expense, expenditure expendable
explain explanation explainable
finance finance financial financially
frequent frequency frequently
generalize generalization general generally
globalize globalization global globally
govern government governmental governmentally
guide guidance guided, guiding guidingly

Lesson 10

An automatic teller machine (ATM) is an electronic communications device that enables

customers of financial institutions to perform financial transactions, such as cash withdrawals,
deposits, fund transfers, or account information inquiries, at any time and without the need for
direct interaction with bank staff. ATMs are known by a variety of names, including automatic
teller machine (ATM) in the United States. In Canada, the term automated banking machine
(ABM) is used. In British English, the term cashpoint, cash machine and hole in the wall are
mostly widely used. Other terms include any time money, cashline, nibank, tyme machine, cash
dispenser, cash corner, bankomat, orbancomat. Many ATMs have a sign above them including
the name of the bank or organization that owns the ATM, and possibly including the networks to
which it can connect.
Using an ATM, customers can access their bank deposit or credit accounts in order to
make a variety of financial transactions, most notably cash withdrawals and balance checking, as
well as transferring credit to and from mobile phones. ATMs can also be used to withdraw cash
in foreign country. If the currency being withdrawn from the ATM is different from that in
which the bank account is denominated, the money will be converted at the financial institution’s
exchange rate. Customers are typically identified by inserting a plastic ATM card into the ATM,
with authentication being by the customer entering a personal identification number (PIN),
which must match the PIN stored in the chip on the card, or in the issuing financial institution’s
The ATM was pioneered in the U. S. by Donald Wetzel, who was a department head at a
company called Docutel.Docutel was a subsidiary of Recoqnition Equipment Inc of Dallas,
Texas, which was producing optical scanning equipment and had instructed Docutel to explore
automated baggage handling and automated gasoline pumps. On September 2, 1969, Chemical
Bank installed the first ATM in the U. S. at its branch in Rockville Center, New York. The first
ATMs were designed to dispense a fixed amount of cash when a user inserted a specially coded
card. A Chemical Bank advertisement boasted “On September 2 our bank will open at 9.00 and
never closeagain”. Chemical’s ATM, initially known as a docuteller was designed by Donald
Wetzel and his company Docutel Chemical executives were initially hesitant about the electronic
banking transition given the high cost of the early machines. Additionally, executives were
concerned that customers would resist having machines handling their money. In 1995, the
Smithsonian National Museum of American History recognized Docutel and Wetzel as the
inventors of the network ATM.
ATMs typically connect directly to their host or ATM Controller on either ADSL or dial-
up modem over a telephone line or directly on a leased line. Leased lines are preferable to plain
old telephone service (POTS) lines because they require less time to establish a connection.
Less-trafficked machines will usually reply on a dial-up modem on a POTS line rather than using
a leased line, since a leased line may be comparatively more expensive to operate compared to a
POTS line. That dilemma may be solved as high-speed Internet VPN connections become more
ubiquitous. Common lower-level layer communication protocols used by ATMs to communicate
back to the bank include SNA over SDLC, TC 500 over Async. X.25, and TCP/IP over Ethernet.
ATMs have reduced human bank tellers by letting a bank operate with fewer tellers,
making it cheaper for banks to open more branches. Automation and online banking have
become a contributing factor of hiring less human bank tellers.
Early ATM security focused on making the terminals invulnerable to physical attack; they
were effectively safes with dispenser mechanisms. A number of attacks resulted, with thieves
attempting to steal entire machine by ram-raiding. Since the late 1990s, criminal groups
operating in Japan improved ram-raiding by stealing and using a truck loaded with heavy
construction machinery to effectively demolish or uproot an entire ATM and any housing to steal
its cash. Another attack method, plofkraak, is to seal all openings of the ATM with silicone and
fill the vault with a combustible gas or to place an explosive inside, attached, or near the
machine. This gas or explosive is ignited and the vault is opened or distorted by the force of
resulting explosion and the criminals can break in. This type of theft has occurred in the
Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, and Australia.

1. Describe a possible situation of present or future time
If he knows the answer, he will tell her.
If you invite me, I will come.
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
If he finds the money, he will keep it.

2. Describe a hypothetical situation, contrary to the real facts of the present, or unlikely to
occur in the future.
If he knew the answer, he would tell her.
If I waited, he would come.
If you sent the message, I would see it.

3. Describes a hypothetical situation of past, one which did not occur.

Had + past participle and would have + past participle
If he had known the answer, he would have told her.
If I had waited, he would have come.
If shehad gone to France, she would have met him.

Exercise 1
Imagine you are talking to a person who hopes to go to Europe next year. You want to go also,
but you don’t have enough money. Respond to his statement as in the examples.
I will go by plane if I go to Europe. I would go by plane if I went to Europe.
I will get there fast if I fly. I would get there fast if I flew.
1. I will go to London first if I go to England.
2. I will visit Buckingham Palace if I am in England.
3. I will take the train if I decide to go to France.
4. I will spend at least a week in Paris if I go to France.
5. I will see the Eiffel Tower if I go to Paris.
6. I will visit Amsterdam next if my friends invite me.
7. I will rent a car if I decide to go to Sweden.
8. I will see the Stockholm if I visit Sweden.
9. I will stop in Germany if I travel to Italy.
10. I will learn a little German if I stay in Germany.
11. I will fly to Berlin if I have time.
12. I will cross the Alps if I go to Italy.
13. I will see many famous museums if I stop in Florence.
14. I will send many photos if I don’t write messages.
15. I will spend a lot of money if I stay in Europe long.

Exercise 2
Give complete answer to the following questions.
What would you do if you were sick? If I were sick, I would go to a doctor.
What would you do if you were rich? If I were rich, I would travel around the world.
1. What would you do if you were a millionaire?
2. What would you do if someone stole your car?
3. What would you do if you were a president?
4. What would you do if you discovered a gold mine?
5. What would you do if were a king?
6. What would you do if you had an exam today?
7. What would you do if you were in Bali?
8. What would you do if you didn’t have class today?
9. What would you do if Zuckerberg called you?
10. What would you do if you worked in a big company?

Exercise 3
Change the following sentences to past time statements describing events which did not occur.
I would go around Samosir Island if I had a Rubicon car.
I would have gone around Samosirisland if I had had a Rubicon car.
1. I would visit my old friend if she were at home.
2. I would watch television if I didn’t have so much work.
3. Mary would go to the party if sent her the invitation.
4. Bob would bring his friends if you asked him to.
5. My son would take an aspirin if he had a headache.
6. She would buy new camera if she had enough money.
7. I would bring an umbrella if it rained.
8. We would clean the house if it was dirty.
9. I would ask the lecturer if I didn’t understand the exercise.
10. I would be very happy if my dreams came true.

Exercise 4
Put the verb into the correct form.
Examples: If I found a $100 bill on the street, I would keep (keep) it.
They would be very angry if you didn’t visit (not/visit) them.
1. If the company offered me the job, I think I ……………………………….. (take) it.

2. I’m sure she will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if she …………………


3. Many people would be out of work if that factory …………………... (close) down.

4. If she sold her car, she ………………….………….… (not/get) much money for it.

5. They’re expecting us. They would be disappointed if we ………………. (not/come).

6. Would Jerry be angry if I ……………………..… (take) his bicycle without asking?

7. Ann gave me this hand phone. She ………………….… (be) terribly upset if I lost it.

8. If someone …………………... (walk) in here with a gun, I would be very frightened.

9. What would happen if you ………………… (not/go) to work tomorrow?

10. I’m sure she …………….………… (understand) if you explained the situation to her.

Exercise 5
Make questions.
Example: Perhaps one day somebody will give you a lot of money.
What would you do if someone gave you a lot of money?
1. Perhaps one day a millionaire will ask you to marry him/her.
What …….……………………………………………………….?
2. Perhaps one day you will lose your passport in a foreign country.
What ……..………………………………………………………?
3. Perhaps one day somebody will ask you to travel around the world.
What ……………………………………………………………... ?
4. Perhaps one day your laptop is stolen.
What ……………………………………………………………...?

5. Perhaps one day somebody will invite you to meet the President.
What …………………………………………………………….?

Exercise 6
Answer these questions in the way shown.
Example: Are you going to take the 10:30 train? (we/arrive too early).
No. If we took the 10:30 train, we would arrive too early.
1. Is she going to take the exam? (he/fail it)
2. Are you going to invite Bill to the party? (I/have to invite Linda too)
3. Are you going to bed now? (I/not/sleep)
4. Is she going to apply for the job? (she /not/get it)

Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns.
A. As subject
1. Playing game is his hobby.
2. Creating a word processing program is difficult.
3. Practicing everyday is necessary.
4. Travelling is fun.
5. Editing programs is her job.
6. Downloading is cheap way to get data.
7. Uploading needs concentration.
8. Searching information from the internet is exiting.
9. Watching Discovery Channel is important.
10. Studying late at night is not good for our health.

B. As Object
1. He loves watching Star Wars.
2. They finish uploading the Vlog to You Tube.
3. We start editing the articles.
4. George enjoys listening music from You Tube.
5. I enjoy shopping new games from the sites.
6. We stop working at four o’clock.
7. Shinta keeps listening the music by headphone.
8. Mr. Sinaga delays going to America.
9. I hate waiting.
10. He denied cheating her programs.

C. As Subjective Complement
1. Her chief delight is shopping online.
2. One of his worst habit is coming late.
3. One thing which makes me confused is blended learning.
4. His main goal is finishing his study on time.
5. Donald’s biggest fear is loosing his chance in the competition.
6. The Japan’s government biggest goal is launching the cool programs.
7. My favorite thing in leisure time is chatting on WA.
8. The trip to Samosir Island is mesmerizing the tourists.
9. The most important thing you have to do now is studying and practicing.
10. What he like is writing short Vlog.

Exercise 1:
1. He blamed me for …………………………..….the CD player. (damage).

2. The money will be devoted to ……………………….the environment (protecting)

3. I’m tired of ………………………………………….…hoax on Face book. (read)

4. He is veryexited about ………………………………….…tomorrow’s game. (attend)

5. The main disadvantage of …………………………..is that planes are often delayed. (fly).

6. Her reputation for ………………………….... difficult games is well-known. (win)

7. They have a lot of experience in …………….… with producing flash discs. (deal)

8. The teenagers are addicted to ………………….. on line games. (play)

9. He is used to …………………sketches in his free time. (draw)

10. I also started ……………………digitally on computer. (sketch)

Exercise 2
Change the statements from Pattern A to Pattern B
A: It is necessary to practice every day. B: Practicing everyday is necessary.
1. It makes Jim tired to run.
2. It is important to be on time.
3. It makes me happy to win the Robotic Competition.
4. It is pleasant to hang out with family.
5. It is easy to understand the new application.
6. It isn’t safe to post sensitive issues on the social med.
7. It is nice to meet well known good public figure.
8. It is tiring to retype all the omitted data.
9. It is possible to invent the new computer language.
10. It is boring to use the out of date applications.

Common verbs followed by Gerunds:

admit advise anticipate acknowledge appreciate
avoid bear begin complete consider
defer delay deny dislike enjoy
finish forget hate intend involve
keep like love mention mind
postpone prefer quit recommend regret
resent resist risk start stop

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with the verbs
try steal meet look write make be run
wash play eat splashgo drive take
1. Do you miss ………………………… ……….football every afternoon?

2. Could you please stop ……………………….. so much noise.

3. I don’t enjoy …………………………………… letters.

4. Does your job involve ………………………… a lot of people?

5. I considered …………………………the job, but at the end I decided against it.

6. If you use the shower, try and avoid ……………………. water on the floor.

7. Jack gave up ……………………….. to be an actor, and decided to become a teacher.

8. Have you finish …………………………….you hair yet?

9. The phone rang while Ben was having dinner. She didn’t answer; she just went on


10.She admitted ……………….. car, but denied ………………………… it dangerously.

11. Why do you keep on …………………………….at me like that?

12. They had to postpone …………………………... away because their son was sick.

13. If you cross the street without looking, you risk …………………..over by a car.

Exercise 4
Read each sentence and write a second sentence with the same meaning.
He is sorry now that he didn’t study harder when he was in college.
He now regrets not studying harder when he was in a college.
1. May be I will go out this evening.

I wouldn’t mind ……………………………………….

2. Are you sorry you didn’t take the job?

Do you regret ……………………………………..

3. Why don’t you go tomorrow instead of today?

Why don’t you put off ……………………………………………………………………

4. It is not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.

It’s better to avoid ……………………………………………………………………….

5. Could you turn on the radio down, please.

Would you mind ……………………………?

6. The driver of the car said it was true that he didn’t have a license.

The driver of the car of admitted …………………………………………………………..

7. Bob said, “Let’s have fish for dinner.”

Sue suggested …………………………………..

Exercise 5
Make your own sentences
1. On weekends I enjoy ……………………………………………………………………

2. I dislike …………………………………………………………………………………..

3. I often regret …………………………………………………………………………….

4. Learning English involves ………………………………………………………………

5. I think people should stop ……………………………………………………………..

Lesson 11
The Millennial Generation

A generation is a group which can be identified by year of birth, age, location and
significant events that create their personality. Generation X (also called Gen X, or Xers) were
born between 1961 and 1979. Generation X marks the period of birth decline after the baby
boom and is significantly smaller than previous and succeeding generations. Generation X was
the first generation to return home from school without a parent to greet them because their
parents were out working. This generation grew up around divorce, a poor economy, and high
The most recent generation to enter the workforce are the Millennials, who are individuals
born between 1980 and 2000. They are called Millennials because of their closeness to the new
millennium and being raised in a more digital age. This generation was influenced by computers
and a greater acceptance of non-traditional families and values.
There are many positive and negative qualities shared by the Millennial generation. More
than anything, Millennials are confident, as much of the research support. This confidence comes
from their trust and optimism. Confidence is what allows Millennials to be considered for
leadership positions within the workplace. Research shows that Millennials rank higher in self-
esteem and assertiveness when compared to previous generations at that same age.
Millenials are known to be achievement focused. They have a need not only to do well, but
to excel and surpass all goals and aspirations. This leads them to seek out new learning
opportunities. Hauw and Vos (2010) found that Millennials are more willing to go without social
time, such as coffee breaks, and work extra hours in order to help an organization. Education
systems have instilled a sense of accountability and have caused the Millennial generation to
focus on achieving goals.
Millennials enjoy in teams and are more tolerant than prior generations. They have been
raised on sports teams, standardized testing, and group learning, so it is not surprising that this
would transfer into the workplace. The value of team work has also created tolerance to subjects
of which older generations would not approve. An example of this is demonstrated in a study
conducted by Deal at al. (2010), where they found that , on average, Millennials object less to
tattoos than the older generation, especially tattoos on women. This growth in tolerance can be
connected to growing up in a more diverse world and working in teams to gain new perspectives
in getting a project complete.
Millennials are family-focused and thus need to have a better work/life balance. This
generation grew up wiyh an emphasis on family, which has created a shift in the workplace. Due
to seeing their parents go through economic layoffs and divorces Schweitzer (2010) found that
Millennials prefer focusing on their private lives as opposed to their careers. He stated that
events like the September 11th terrorists attacks have helped cause this new shift toward a more
work/life balance.
Millennials enjoy using technology. The Millennial generation became dependent on
technology at an earlier age than other generations. Much like learning a new language, people
who ytilize technology at an earlier age become more proficient than people who learn later in
their life. It is thought that as more Millennials begin taking over the workplace, the more
integrated technology will be in work processes.
Common complaints from Baby Boomers are that Millennials can be difficult to interact
with, are entitled, and overly service-focused. This comes from Millennials expressing opinions
and making greater demands than their more elder and “experienced” counterparts. Millennials
are also known as the “Look at Me” generation because they are thought to be confident and
concerned with their interests. These younger generations were perceived to be impatient,
lacking in work ethic, self-important, and disloyal. Millennials may attempt to gain important
positions in large projects soon after being hired. Coworkers can be taken aback by this,
believing it to be arrogance driving the new generation and not their need to overachieve.
Millennials’ expectancy to work/life balance has, at times, created conflict with Baby
Boomer coworkers. This conflict could be the background mentality that Millennials are selfish
and lazy. Myers and Sadaghiani (2010) wrote that the need for work/life balance makes older
generations doubt Millennials concerning organizational commitment and dedication. They also
found that as Millennials place more focus on their outside lives. Baby Boomers may begin to
question the sacrifices they made for their career. Older employees may begin taking a greater
interest in their own private lives, or additional conflicts may arise from these differing personal

If, unless, because, although, whether, whenever, because of, inspite of, regardless of

Notice the use of the subordinators if and unless

John will stay home if the weather isn’t nice.

John will stay home unless the weather is nice. (unless means ‘if not’)

Exercise 1
Change the statements with if to corresponding statements with unless. Change those with
unless to statements with if.

Example: John will buy a new PC unless he can fix his old one today.

John will buy a new PC if he can’t fix his old one today.

1. John usually goes to the movies on Friday if he doesn’t have to.


2. John might go to New York unless it costs too much.


3. Paul will never know where you live if you don’t tell him.


4. I am going to Bandung unless I get a good job here.


5. I can’t buy any new shoes if you don’t give me any money.


6. Joe will take the bus unless he has a date.


Instead of changing the second clause, change the first clause in the following sentences.
Example: John will go swimming ifthe sun comes out.
John won’t go swimming unless the sun comes out.

7. John will call Mary if he has time.


8. He won’t study unless he has to.


9. I like to go swimming if the water is warm enough.


10. I can’t work this algorithm unless you help me.


11. I’ll watch the film if I finish my assignment.


Notice the use of the subordinate because and although

Mary wore a raincoat because it was raining.
Bob wanted to go out although it was raining.
Although the traffic held us up, we got to the airport on time.
(Even though the traffic held us up, we got to the airport on time.)
I forgot my appointment although she reminded me of it.
(Even though she reminded me of it, I forgot the appointment).
Exercise 2
Make new sentences using because or although
1. John went to bed early last night. He was tired.


2. Mary came to class today. She wasn’t feeling well.


3. Simon went swimming yesterday. The weather was nice.


4. He stayed at home yesterday. She had a headache.


5. We completed the course. It was difficult.


6. Everyone likes Mr. Smith. He is very friendly.


7. Juan can’t go home for two years. He is very homesick.


8. Juan is studying English here. His father wants him to.


9. Juan wrote to university. It was difficult for him.


10. Mr. Sinaga drove from Medan to Jakarta. His car was very old.


11. He bought the best handycam. It is very expensive.


12. Alice is going to Bali. She wants to visit her sister.


Notice the use of whether or not

I wear a raincoat whether or not it isn’t raining. (weather is similar in meaning toif.

I wear a rain coat weather it is raining or not.

Exercise 3
Answer the questions, using whether or not
Examples: Do you study if you are tired? I study whether or not I am tired.
Are you going to goto London if your sister goes to?
I am going to go to London whether or not my sister goes.
1. Can you understand American when speak fast?


2. Can you finish your assignment before the movies if I help you?


3. Do you like to study before dinner if you are tired?


4. Can you study when your friend are talking?


5. Do you like your friends to visit you when you are studying?


6. Do you continue to study if there is a good television program?


Notice the use of because of, in spite of, regardless of

1. Mary bought a new laptop because she wanted to make Video-Blogging.
Mary bought a new laptop because of the video-blogging.
2. John didn’t buy a new camera although she wanted to make video-blogging.
John didn’t buy a new camera in spite of the video-blogging.
3. I bought a new camera whether or not I have to make Vlog.
I bought a new camera regardless of the Vlog.

Exercise 4
Make sentences with because of
1. I stayed at home because it was raining.


2. I came here because I wanted to take the English course.


3. Susi went to the Expo yesterday because she liked robot exhibition.


4. Mr. Sinaga is going to Japan because he had to visit Fujitsu company.


5. Glen got home late because the traffic was busy.


6. Monica stayed home because she had a headache.


7. Anton is going to Bandung because he wants to visit his brother.


8. John can’t go to the concert because he has an exam tomorrow.


9. Mr. Tom moved to Arizona because the state has a dry climate.


10. I went to that electronic store because I wanted to buy an ASUS ROG GX700.


Exercise 5
Make sentences with in spite of
Example: Jack went with us although he had a lot of work to do.
Jack went with us in spite of his work.
1. Ruth went too although she had a cold.


2. He didn’t wear coat although the weather was cold.


3. We decide to the town although the distance was great.


4. He decided to buy the ROG laptop although the price was high.


5. They continued studying although the projector was broken.


6. We sat on the ground although the grass was wet.


7. She stayed all afternoon although it began to rain.


8. Bob resent the same emails although he has sent two previous emails.


9. He downloaded more applications although his computer RAM is limited.


10. I keep the photos in the Google drive although its storage is limited.


Mr. Smith is so busy that he can’t leave his office.
Mr. Smith is such a busy man that he can’t leave his office.
So…..that is used with adjectives (e.g. busy).
Such……..that is used with noun phrases (e.g. a busy man)
Exercise 1
Write statement with the same meaning using so……that
Example: John is very busy. He can’t go to Bali.
John is so busy that he can’t go to Bali.
1. Bob is very sick. He can’t come to class.


2. My chair is very hard. I can’t sit comfortably.


3. I am very tired. I won’t stay up late tonight.


4. The movie was very interesting. We saw it twice.


5. John’s car is very old. He can’t sell, it.


6. Mrs. Taylor is very pleasant. Everyone likes her.


7. Some of the students are very sleepy. They fell asleep during the lecture.


8. The Range Rover car is very expensive. We can’t buy it.


9. The program is very difficult. The student can’t finish it.


10. He is very lazy. He won’t work.


11. George talks very fast. I can’t understand him.


12. July drove her car very fast. She received a ticket for speeding.


13. She worked very hard. She made herself sick.


14. I was very excited about going away. I couldn’t sleep.


15. She speaks English very well. You would think it was her native language.


Make statements with a similar meaning using such…that or such a…. that
Example: A ROG laptop is very expansive. I can’t buy one.
A ROG laptop is such an expensive laptop that I can’t buy one.
1. The Sinagas are very friendly people. Everyone feels welcome at their home.


2. John has a very severe headache. He’s going to go to the doctor.


3. Ted is a very busy student. He sleeps only six hours a night.


4. The football team has very good players. It has never lost a game.


5. Kate is a very good student. She is going to pass all of her exams.


6. Lombok is a very interesting city to visit. I want to go there as soon as possible.


7. It was a very cold day. Susan stayed home.


8. A Ferrari is a very expensive car. Ben can’t buy it.


9. The museum is a very interesting place. The students want to visit again.


10. John told a very funny story. Mary wanted to hear it again.


Exercise 3
Look at the statements with too…to. Produce similar statement with
So…..that and such ….that
Example: Paul is too short to reach the ceiling.
Paul is so short that he can’t reach the ceiling.
Paul is such a short boy that he can’t reach the ceiling.
1. This laptop is too expensive for me to buy.


2. This book is too difficult for the new students to read.


3. The professor is too busy to leave his office.


4. This flash disc is too expensive for us to buy.


5. She is too young to go to school.


6. This assignment is too difficult for me to do.


7. It is too danger for us to go outside.


8. The data are too much for her to list.


9. I am too tired to print all the addresses


10. Peter is too young to be an analyst.


11. These shoes are too small for me to wear.


12. He is too sick to stand up.


13. My suitcase is too heavy to carry.


14. It is too stormy for planes to fly.


15. This hill is too steep for us to climb.



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