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Cells are the basic unit of life and are fundamental to the structure and function of organisms. Cells join
together to form tissues, organs, and organ systems, contributing to the overall structure and function
of an individual. The modern tenet of the cell theory emphasizes that all organisms are made of one or
more cells and that cells are the sites where life processes such as metabolism and heredity occur.

There are three parts to the cell theory:

• All organisms are composed of one or more cells.

• Cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms.

• All cells come from pre-existing cells

Zacharias Janssen ¬- The journey towards understanding cells began in the early 1600s with the
invention of the compound microscope by Zacharias Janssen.

Anton van Leeuwenhoek - A contemporary of Janssen, made his own microscope and observed
microorganisms in various samples, including bacteria in dental scrapings.

Robert Hooke - Coined the term "cell" when observing cork cells under a microscope. Robert Hooke's
sophisticated microscope allowed for detailed observations of cells in cork.

Matthias Schleiden – Concluded that all plants are made of cells.

Theodor Schwann - Concluded that all animals are made of cells.

Rudolf Virchow - Asserted that cells come from pre-existing cells.

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